The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 9 Not a Misunderstanding


spn (this chapter is free)

After eating and drinking, Chen Yang immediately got up and left.If he really stayed to listen to the play, it would be too tortured, especially after he read nearly a hundred diaries now.

Think about it differently, if it was you, would you be able to bear a woman who has a deep affection for you dangling in front of you all day long?

Indeed, normal men can't bear it.Not to mention that this woman is an out-and-out female fairy, with a five-star disaster rating or above.

As soon as he got down to the corner of the third floor, Chen Yang saw a familiar figure coming out of the toilet at the corner, and he quickly greeted him: "Deputy Director Wang!" [

The person in front turned his head when he heard the sound, and it turned out to be Wang Lian, the deputy director of the Cultural Bureau.Seeing that it was Chen Yang who was calling him, a smile appeared on his face, "Hehe, it's Xiao Chen."

Chen Yang smelled a lot of alcohol on Wang Lian's body, so he asked, "Ju Wang, are you here for dinner tonight?"

"Well, I asked a friend to have dinner together." Wang Lian looked at Chen Yang while talking, and when he found that Chen Yang was smiling at him, he hesitated and added, "It's the owner of a game hall. About the sponsorship, why don't you come in with me, Xiao Chen?"

Although Wang Lian didn't name them, there were only those few owners who opened the game hall in the county, and Chen Yang could probably guess who they were.Having said that, the game hall is somewhat related to the Cultural Bureau. Without the approval of the Cultural Bureau, the industry and commerce will not issue a license. Wang Lian has always been grasping this piece of fat, and it is normal to know the bosses well.

Chen Yang smiled straightforwardly and shook his head: "I won't go there, you can just talk to Wang Ju yourself. Anyway, the sponsorship standard is there, and whoever can afford it will let him go."

"The price is not a big problem, but," Wang Lian stopped at this point, looked up at Chen Yang, and then continued, "Well, I originally wanted to settle the deal before going back to the game with you I said it, but since I met here, I can just say it straight. This time I am looking for Boss Li from the South Gate. He has a girlfriend who is very interested in our event and wants to participate in the competition. .”

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said, "It's a good thing to want to participate, is there any question?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he knew he had asked something stupid.Obviously, the opponent not only wanted to participate in the competition, but also seemed to be eyeing the top ten names.Maybe Wang Lian also revealed to Boss Li that the top three may have cadre indicators in advance, otherwise it would not be so easy for him to negotiate.The talent show is not very prosperous these days, and the sponsor is the Lord.Unlike those fast boys and super girls in the previous life, the advertisers rushed to name them.

Sure enough, Wang Lian just smiled wryly and didn't speak any more.The boss Li he brought here this time has a nickname called "Brother Chess". He is a well-known wealthy man in Longmen County. Not to mention the underworld, but it can be regarded as domineering, and loves to play tricks, so it is very popular in Longmen County.Wang Lian brought him in this time, with the direct intention of making some profit in private, and the indirect intention of borrowing his influence in Longmen County to prevent hooligans from causing trouble to the event. will contribute.

Chen Yang thought to himself that as long as the event is done well, it is not a big deal if the other party is willing to spend money on an indicator.As the saying goes, if you don't want your children to be entangled with wolves, the messy waters of culture and entertainment will never be cleared up in any era. The most urgent thing now is to get the first fund for activities.Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "Hehe, Ju Wang, I probably know what you mean. If Boss Li's girlfriend wants to participate, it should be no problem to pass the preliminary round and the rematch, but it depends on how many places you get in the end." That girl is her own business."

Although Chen Yang made a verbal guarantee, he still had some reservations.But what Wang Lian said is that it is enough to enter the semi-finals. If you have money, you are afraid that you may not be able to handle a few judges.

Wang Lian had a score in his mind, so he smiled and said: "Okay, then it's settled, and I will report back to the bureau after I have a letter of approval."

"Well, that's fine." Chen Yang nodded, but then stopped Wang Lian who was turning around to leave, and asked, "By the way, Wang Ju, when I came up earlier, I heard the waiter say that it seems Has any Taiwanese businessman come to the county?"

Wang Lian pouted to the left: "Here, I'm still eating there."

Chen Yang looked at Wang Lian's eyes, and at the end of his eyes was the highest-grade "Huangming Pavilion" box in Xiyuan Hotel.

Wang Lian glanced enviously at the box in the distance again, then turned around and said, "Xiao Chen, I'll go there first if I don't have anything else to do."

"Oh, you can do your work first." Chen Yang smiled and waved to Wang Lian.

As soon as Wang Lian was sent away, Chen Yang's pager suddenly vibrated again. Before he could take it out, the door of the "Huangming Pavilion" box in front was opened, and then he saw Xiang Jin He walked out of the box, holding a mobile phone in his hand.

As soon as Chen Yang saw that the other party was Xiang Jin, he immediately turned around. Just as he was about to leave, Xiang Jin's shout came from behind him, and he had to stop. [

Xiang Jin rushed over in two or three steps, and spat: "Chen Yang, what's the matter with you, you leave when you see me coming out?"

"No, my pager rang just now, and I didn't pay attention for a while." Chen Yang said something casually.

"Forget you." Xiang Jin snorted lightly, and then said, "Let's go, I'm fine now, go back upstairs with me." As she said that, she wanted to reach out to grab Chen Yang's arm.

"The Taiwanese businessman left?" Chen Yang looked at the "Huangming Pavilion" box suspiciously, and cleverly avoided Xiang Jin.I thought to myself: Secretary Tan of the county party committee is inviting Taiwanese businessmen to dinner today, no matter how big Xiang Jin is, he has to save face and finish the meal before leaving?

"I haven't left yet, but I'm tired of staying inside, so I'll come out first. Besides, I have to rehearse later." Xiang Jin said with a curled lip.

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he glanced at Xiang Jin again, seeing that her face was a little flushed, obviously she had drunk some wine, so he changed the topic: "Xiang Jin, you drank today, I think you should go back early Take a break, and find time to schedule the show another day."

"I just drank a little wine, it's okay, I should open my voice." Xiang Jin didn't hear the prevarication in Chen Yang's words at all, and immediately grabbed Chen Yang involuntarily, looking at him with winking eyes like silk Looking at him, "Chen Yang, did you turn on the computer upstairs to check?"

"No, I squinted for a while after eating." Chen Yang quickly denied it, fearing that Xiang Jin would not believe it, he then added, "Comrade Xiang Jin, I've done the math, and I'm probably only 5000 yuan short of you." Money, you don’t need to keep talking about it.”

"Nonsense, what five thousand, it's more than 7000 yuan." Xiang Jin corrected.

Chen Cheng chuckled and said, "Okay, seven thousand is seven thousand, and I will pay you back double in a few days."

When Xiang Jin heard the words, she turned her head to the side with some displeasure, and muttered in a low voice: "I haven't calculated the interest with you yet, so don't expect to pay it off."

Chen Yang pretended not to hear, and gently moved Xiang Jin's hand away, "Okay, I have to go back to the dormitory, and you should go to bed earlier, let's talk tomorrow if there is anything else."

"Okay, let's go," Xiang Jin stomped his feet resentfully, turned around and muttered again, "You stinky men are bothering you to death, either you are cowards, or you are all big hands and feet perverts."

"What did you say? Speak clearly!" Chen Yang's face changed suddenly when he heard this, he grabbed Xiang Jin's arm and pulled her back.

Chen Yang turned his face suddenly, and Xiang Jin was also taken aback. She panicked, and quickly squeezed Chen Yang with her backhand, explaining repeatedly: "Chen Yang, don't get me wrong, I just said it casually." , no no, I was wrong just now, you are not a coward, sorry, sorry"

"Not this one!" Chen Cheng snorted coldly.

Xiang Jin was stunned for a moment, but couldn't say a word after hesitating for a long time.

"Who is messing with you?" Chen Yang stared at Xiang Jin with cold eyes.

"No, no..." Xiang Jin looked at Chen Yang anxiously, feeling a little aggrieved in his heart, since he wasn't talking about him, wouldn't he be able to hear it?

"Say it!"

Chen Yang interrupted Xiang Jin with a steady voice, a little low but not loud, and he didn't look angry, just a little impatient.

Xiang Jin was flustered in her eyes, and as soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, her eyes immediately turned red. [

However, before her tears could fall, a somewhat obscene voice suddenly came from the side:

"Aha, Miss Xiang, I found you. Why didn't you tell us when you came out? We are still waiting for you to go back and sing karaoke. Don't be foolish."

Chen Yang and Xiang Jin looked back at the same time, it turned out that they hadn't noticed just now, but a fat man walked by him.

This person looked about 40 years old, not tall, and his figure was completely out of shape.

Although Chen Yang heard the fat man speak Mandarin just now, he always felt a little awkward and his accent was a little weird. It seemed that it must be the Taiwanese businessman.

After sizing up the fat man, he turned to Xiang Jin who was at the side, and asked earnestly, "Comrade Xiang Jin, is that the pervert you mentioned just now?"

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