reborn family

Chapter 1126 Provincial Economic Work Conference

Longxi Provincial Party Committee, large meeting room.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I just went to work, but at this moment, the entire provincial party committee meeting room, with a total of [-] seats, was full.The whole province, ten prefectures and cities, all the departments, bureaus, commissions, provincial state-owned enterprises and other units in the province were all present.

At [-]:[-], the meeting officially started. After the meeting was presided over by Liu Xiaomin, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Nie Zhenbang began to speak.

Looking around, Nie Zhenbang's face looked relatively flat, he nodded slightly, and said: "Two days ago, I made a special trip to Jin'an City, and the day before, I went to the Ancient Capital Economic Development Zone I inspected it. In the past two days, I have a detailed understanding of the economy of Longxi Province. Overall, I am not very satisfied with the economic development of the province."

At the beginning, Nie Zhenbang's words were directed at the core, and his words were fierce, which made the whole venue suddenly extremely quiet.Many comrades are taking notes with pens.

"On the whole, the economic development of Longxi is in the process of seeking progress while maintaining stability. However, there are still serious deficiencies. In the process of enterprise development, how to strengthen the construction of supporting industrial chains and strengthen the upstream and downstream enterprises construction, which is a current problem."

This economic work conference was also an impromptu idea. Nie Zhenbang came up with this idea after returning from his inspection of the Gudu City Economic and Technological Development Zone.There are still many shortcomings in the development of Longxi.Holding this meeting, on the one hand, is to deploy the development of Longxi, and on the other hand, it is also a flash of his sword to the outside world.

"For example, Da'an Automobile Group. As far as I know, the production rate of Daan Automobile Group in our province is less than 17.00%. This is not acceptable. We must strengthen the development of the automobile industry in our province. In terms of projects, we must pay close attention to implementation. We must support and cultivate a group of enterprises to form a one-stop service from auto parts production, auto assembly to sales, and strive to complete the localization production ratio of enterprises within three years, reaching 40.00 % more than the target."

"It is necessary to carry out the activities of 'changing the style of work, solving problems, grasping the key points, and seeing actual results'. The whole province plays a game of chess, and the whole province is united to promote the industrial and economic development of our province in an all-round way."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang's complexion suddenly became serious, and at the same time, his voice raised a lot, his eyes were piercing, he looked around everyone, and said in a deep voice: "The development environment must also be improved. Now, some departments , Some people regard the enterprise as "Tang Monk Meat" to eat cards, even extortion. What is this? This is robbery. Some departments, some departments, used to take advantage of the benefits, but now, Take advantage, do nothing. After drinking, eating, soaking feet, patting buttocks, walking in, doing nothing, doing nothing. This is dereliction of duty, this is a crime, this It is a kind of damage to the investment environment of the province. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Optimization Office must strictly implement it, expose a number of typical cases in a concentrated manner, and severely punish the black sheep. All localities and departments must seriously investigate and deal with a number of typical cases. Be a warning to others!"

In the words, there was a murderous look and a purge of purge.In the venue, there was no sound.Liu Zhentao was at the side, but he also heard it for a while.

Liu Zhentao also had to admire Nie Zhenbang's acumen and insight. Nie Zhenbang's ability is really strong. It has only been a long time since he took office. In such a short period of time, he has grasped the problems and difficulties in the economic development of Longxi Province.This vision is not comparable to ordinary people.

Not only Liu Zhentao, but other comrades also felt a kind of murderous intent from Nie Zhenbang's words.The Standing Committee members of the Provincial Party Committee have all noticed that this time, I am afraid that they are going to make a real move.

However, when everyone was still immersed in this matter.Nie Zhenbang changed the subject, but continued: "I have finished talking about the work style change of the zheng fu functional department. Next, I want to talk about the enterprise."

"Currently, there are a lot of problems in some enterprises in the province. In some places, some enterprises rely on their leading position to run amok. Forced demolition. Malicious injury. Even some enterprises have become rampant. The point of lawlessness. It is a disaster. For this kind of enterprise, it is not protection. It must be seriously investigated and dealt with. You can’t do anything, just be a good gentleman, and turn big things into small things.”

Next, Liu Zhentao also started his speech.Basically, Liu Zhentao's speeches are all based on the content of Nie Zhenbang's speeches.

In particular, Liu Zhentao spoke fiercely and extremely seriously on the last issue about the company.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang looked very calm, and there was no change in his mentality on his serious face.

Liu Zhentao will choose the right time.In fact, everything has been under the control of Nie Zhenbang until now.Taking office in Longxi by myself is of course the intention of the above, and there is also the consideration of balancing the development of the whole country.Judging from the attitudes of Mr. Qiao and Mr. Mu, this is feasible. The whole country is in their eyes, and it is a game of chess.The development of the country cannot simply rely on a few provinces, or rely on the eastern coastal area.

Only when the people are rich can the country be strong.In the level and angle of central yang, the east and the west are consistent, and the whole country is consistent. This is the real take-off and rise.

Mr. Qiao advocates positive energy. Undoubtedly, Nie Zhenbang's ability and performance can be regarded as a representative of positive energy.

When it comes to specific issues, the higher authorities arranged for him to take up the post in Longxi, of course, there is a deep meaning to consider the development of the western region.However, it seems that the letter still has a certain effect.

Zhao's arrogance and madness are rare since the founding of the People's Republic of China.It is absolutely not allowed for a private enterprise to override the government.Undoubtedly, one thousand leaders of Longxi Province were timid and looked forward and backward, which made the chiefs very dissatisfied.

Liu Zhentao didn't know that this kind of behavior not only didn't give him any bonus points, but was actually deducted.if not.Longxi's preferred leader should be him instead of Nie Zhenbang.

After Nie Zhenbang took office, the first thing he did was naturally target the Zhao Group.The previous inspection was a signal release, so now, take the opportunity of the economic work conference.clearly expressed their wishes.This is more of a firm attitude.

Things have developed to this point, I believe, next, someone will definitely take action.

Sure enough, after Liu Zhentao finished his speech.Here, Guan Jianguo, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, raised his hand and said, "Secretary Nie. When it comes to economic development, I am an amateur. However, there is something that I would like to report to Secretary Nie and discuss with the comrades here. "

As he said that, Guan Jianguo looked around at the crowd, and said slowly: "Before, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Calls received many reports about the Zhao Group in Jin'an City. The group is the local tyrant of Jin'an City. In Jin'an City, they are doing all kinds of crimes. They are involved in many crimes, such as rape, kidnapping, intimidation, malicious injury, etc. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has also done some work Deployment, also sent some unannounced visit teams to conduct some detailed investigations on the Zhao Group. What is certain is that in the development of the Zhao Group, the company has indeed adopted some shady means. Winning and corrupting some Leading the Thousand Division. On the issue of competition with competitors in the same industry, it is even more suspected of being involved in crimes committed by evil forces. I suggest that a task force be set up immediately to investigate and deal with the Zhao Group."

Guan Jianguo's words were loud and clear, and his words were even more decisive.As soon as he finished speaking, the audience immediately fell silent.Inside the venue.All the leaders who participated in the meeting felt a kind of posture that the mountain rain and the wind are coming.Judging from this situation, the Provincial Party Committee is about to get serious.It is conceivable that the end of the Zhao Group is coming.

Next to him, Ma Zhongxiong and Chen Zhaotong from Jin'an City had ugly faces.After all, Jin'an City was involved, and this kind of problem occurred in Jin'an City. To put it bluntly, these two people have to bear a lot of responsibility.

Nie Zhenbang was rather calm at the moment.Guan Jianguo didn't bring it up at the Standing Committee meeting, nor did he bring it up when he reported to himself in private. Instead, he raised it on this occasion.It did not exceed Nie Zhenbang's expectations.

Guan Jianguo's entry is not easy.At the meeting, say so.Invisibly, the problems of the Zhao Group were made public.In this way, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was dragged in.In this case, as long as the Standing Committee reaches a consensus.Things are absolutely irreversible.This is an entry.Judge the situation.The timing was perfect.Moreover, he can also brush up his prestige and power for himself.

The voice fell, but Liu Yueguang said: "Regarding the Zhao Group, the Provincial Public Security Bureau has also conducted some investigations and evidence collection work before. According to the evidence currently available, the Zhao Group has been involved in many cases in the past two years. A criminal case of malicious injury. I agree with Secretary Guan. I suggest that the Provincial Party Committee investigate the Zhao Group immediately and take action to control the main management personnel of the Zhao Group."

The two people's words undoubtedly confirmed Nie Zhenbang's guess. The provincial party committee team had already launched some investigations into the Zhao Group, and now, they were inspired by him.After the whole matter became superficial, after the balance in the middle was broken, the strength of the Zhao Group, which was based on illusion, immediately collapsed.Now, the Zhao Group has become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.

Next, other members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee also expressed their views.Although the content of the speeches varies.However, the opinions were surprisingly unanimous.All people have the same thought, immediately investigate the Zhao Group.

Things have developed to this point, almost in accordance with Nie Zhenbang's train of thought.As for the occasion, it is not important.Even if it is discussed at the Standing Committee.I believe that after the meeting is over, everyone will know that there have never been any secrets in the system.

Besides, the matter of the Zhao Group may be a big deal to the people below, but in Nie Zhenbang's view, the Zhao Group is nothing more than a clown.

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