reborn family

Chapter 1127 Propaganda is the focus

Chapter 1127 Propaganda is the focus

july sixteenth

The wind is sunny and beautiful, the rare good weather, and the sky is even more cloudless.

The summer in Longxi is also scorching hot, and it takes nearly half a month to take office.Except for the strong appearance in the first few days, Nie Zhenbang has calmed down in the past few days.

There is a degree of relaxation, which is a style and attitude of Nie Zhenbang. The previous appearance and layout are basically enough.The speech at the provincial economic work conference has already shown a strong attitude.

After that, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Provincial Public Security Department and other relevant departments jointly established a working group to station in Jin'an City.Moreover, on the issue of the Zhao Group, the Provincial Party Committee ordered Ma Zhongxiong and Chen Zhaotong of Jin'an City to make a written inspection. This series of actions can already explain a lot of problems.

It is not necessarily a good way to maintain a strong movement all the time.The current trend is actually the best.Settling down gives people a space to think.

[-] bicycles, just like in Hongjiang, cycling to work has become a scenic spot of the Longxi Provincial Party Committee.Whether it's for a show or whatever, Nie Zhenbang did it.But it is undoubtedly a disguised warning to others.

The provincial party committee guest house is only a wall away from the provincial party committee compound.Coming from the back door behind Xiaozhao is the provincial party committee compound. It is said that there is no need to ride a bicycle at all.However, Secretary Nie did just that. Isn't this a reminder to others not to use the bus for private use?

In this way, the other members of the provincial party committee were also embarrassed. The first to change was Liu Zhentao. On the second day that Nie Zhenbang rode to work, Liu Zhentao also prepared a Phoenix bicycle.

"Secretary Nie, good morning."

"Hello secretary."

"Secretary Nie, hello."

Walking into the Provincial Party Committee Building, facing each other, many working staff stopped and greeted Nie Zhenbang cordially.

With a smile on his face, he nodded his head to all the staff, leaders and cadres, whether they knew or didn't know.

The elevator went directly to the tenth floor. At this moment, the door of the office was open, and inside, the secretary Xia Gang had arrived.The sanitation of the office has been cleaned.

As soon as he entered the door, Xia Gang had already stood up: "Secretary, good morning."

For Xia Gang, Nie Zhenbang is quite satisfied.After more than ten days, comrade Xia Gang's working ability and personality have more or less understood.Grass roots.A farmer's child deep in the mountains of Shi'an City, he studied at Shi'an Teachers College.In the first two years, he was admitted to the provincial party committee in the form of being a civil servant.This is not easy for a 28-year-old young man.

After following him as the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Xia Gang's identity has undergone tremendous changes.It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe it as reaching the sky in one step.I believe that during this period of time, there are definitely not a few leading cadres who seek out Xia Gang to socialize.

However, Xia Gang has maintained a consistent style from beginning to end, and he did not act like he was going crazy without success. Nie Zhenbang is very satisfied with this.Hold your breath.This is the only way to keep your heart.

Wei Wei nodded and said: "Xiao Xia, have you communicated with the secretary-general about today's schedule?"

"Communication is complete. In the morning, you will meet with Minister Li Hongying of the Propaganda Department and Director Wang Zhaohai of the Provincial Department of Finance to listen to reports on propaganda and financial work. At two o'clock in the afternoon, go to the provincial military region for inspection and condolences. The specific itinerary has been Put it on your table." Xia Gang said very respectfully.

After more than ten days of adaptation period, Xia Gang's current performance is much better than before.At this moment, Xia Gang is fully familiar with the responsibilities and qualities that a secretary should possess.

Nodding his head, Nie Zhenbang walked into the office. On the desk were documents and newspapers.They are classified into categories and placed in an orderly manner. The newspapers are arranged according to the level and size. At the top, there are "Mass Daily" and "Hope Daily", and after that is "Longxi Daily". Important, urgent ones are at the top.Ordinary, and not urgent, naturally put it at the bottom.

For Nie Zhenbang, the beginning of his tenure in Longxi was considered perfect.With the help of the Zhao Group in Jin'an City, in the provincial party committee, a group of provincial party committee members including Liu Zhentao were forced to make a statement, which allowed Nie Zhenbang to gain a foothold in the provincial party committee.But this is not enough.

People in the system are not simple, and one or two things cannot be settled. Next, what needs to be done is to demonstrate one's own ability in economic development, to let other members of the provincial party committee see hope, to Let them feel that following Secretary Nie can make great political achievements.This is fundamental.To put it bluntly, why should others follow you.It is fundamental to be able to bring benefits to everyone.

Therefore, next, economic development is my biggest challenge. How to do a good job in the economic development of Longxi is the most important thing.

While thinking, a voice came from outside the door, and Li Hongying had already arrived.

Nie Zhenbang also stood up immediately, and then there was a knock on the door, Xia Gang pushed the door and walked in: "Secretary, Minister Li is here."

Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Director Li Hongying also stood at the door. Today, Li Hongying looked very professional in her attire, black high-heeled leather shoes, black women's trousers, and a white short-sleeved shirt with pleats on her upper body. Lace round neck, hair tied into a bun, tied behind the head, the whole person looks very fresh and capable, simple, and looks no different from an urban white-collar worker.

For this, Nie Zhenbang can accept it. This era is originally an era that advocates individuality.Female cadres in the system are also women.You can't ask them to dress like women in the 80s.This kind of professional attire is quite normal.At the grassroots, township and county level below.It is not uncommon for young girls to wear suspenders.

Li Hongying's dress looks very capable, coupled with Li Hongying's heroic appearance.There is a feeling of complementing each other.

The figure stands out even more against the backdrop of professional attire.Under the white shirt, the black underwear is also looming.Doesn't this woman know how to wear a flesh-colored underwear?

Nie Zhenbang was slandering in his heart, but there was a smile on his face, he bowed his head and said, "Minister Hongying is here, hurry up, please come inside."

She sat down in front of the desk according to the posture of the report. Li Hongying's fair skin was a little rosy, and her demeanor was very calm. She neither lost her intimacy nor looked cold.

"Secretary Nie, in terms of propaganda work in our province, we have conscientiously implemented several key points of central Yang on propaganda work. We have strengthened party building propaganda, promoted the relationship between cadres and the masses, and strived to serve as a bridge of communication. In terms of expanding the image of our province, etc. , and made the following measures..." Li Hongying sat opposite Nie Zhenbang and began to report.

There is no need to elaborate on the importance of propaganda work.For these, Nie Zhenbang is naturally very clear.No matter what time it is, the higher authorities attach great importance to propaganda work.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said slowly after listening to Li Hongying's report: "Minister Hongying, strengthening publicity work is an old-fashioned topic. The importance of publicity and public opinion occupies a pivotal position." In the promotion of policies and in the guidance of public opinion, these are all crucial tasks. Whether you can grasp the public opinion propaganda in your hands is related to the support of the people, the rise and fall of the cause, and the status of the party. Under no circumstances should it be lost."

"Currently, under the new situation, the propaganda work has very complicated characteristics, and the prominence of new media is also an important difficulty facing the propaganda work. We must grasp the public opinion orientation of the paper media and the development of the radio and television industry. Expand new types The publicity of online media is very important. The whole province, all regions, and all departments must strengthen the construction of government websites, increase networking, openness, and transparency. This is the current key issue."

Nie Zhenbang's words seemed very calm, and after the gentle tone, it showed Nie Zhenbang's ability, which also shocked Li Hongying a little.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, all the thoughts in Li Hongying's heart were hidden, some sighed, some sighed.Sure enough, there are no worthless people under the fame.At Nie Zhenbang's age, he has reached his current position, which is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.This is the embodiment of real ability.

As the secretary, Nie Zhenbang is in charge of the overall situation. In the country and within the system, Nie Zhenbang is famous for his economic construction.However, in terms of propaganda work, so many suggestions can be put forward, and all of them are well-founded and highly feasible suggestions, which makes Li Hongying somewhat admired.

Holding a pen, Li Hongying recorded in the notebook. This is also Li Hongying's attitude. Regardless of other things, at least this sincere attitude is worthy of recognition.

After Nie Zhenbang finished speaking, Li Hongying also put down the pen in her hand, raised her head, looked at Nie Zhenbang, smiled and said, "Secretary, speaking of it, I really have something to trouble you."

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang laughed too, waved his hands and said, "Minister Hongying, what's the matter, feel free to speak up. Don't bother if there is any trouble."

Li Hongying nodded, and then said: "Secretary, the matter is like this. Recently, the central government has put forward a job request. Under the current economic situation and propaganda situation, the central government hopes that the main leading cadres of all localities, provinces and cities will You can open Weibo. Do you see it?"

"Weibo?" Nie Zhenbang was a little surprised. For this, Nie Zhenbang still understands this, which is a unique product of the current Internet age.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang also looked up at Li Hongying and said, "Minister Hongying, does the Propaganda Department have any plans for this?" (To be continued.

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