reborn family

Chapter 1165

With the improvement of the negotiation specifications, lt company, after receiving the official letter from Longxi Province and Huaxia Group, correspondingly increased the specifications, and Chairman Fran even personally participated in the negotiations.

"Mr. Fran, in terms of the project location of the joint venture, what we in Longxi Province mean is that we first decide on the overall framework, and on the specific site selection, at that time, the three parties will form a joint venture before formally forming a joint venture. A joint inspection team. Conduct in-depth and detailed inspections of various prefectures and cities in Longxi Province, and finally decide on the location of the project.”

In the Provincial Party Committee Hotel, in the conference room, Liu Zhentao, as the chief representative of Longxi Province, expressed the meaning of Longxi Province.

For this, Liu Zhentao is naturally aware of Nie Zhenbang's arrangement. There is really no clear plan for the city where the Motor City will eventually be settled, but the negotiation has begun, so this is the only way to go.

The words were transmitted to Fran through translation. Upon hearing this, Fran shook his head and said, "No, no, how could this be? This is a sign of irresponsibility. I firmly disagree with such an approach."

Although Fran was very excited, but after Liu Zhentao's explanation, Fran also understood this approach.As Liu Zhentao said, it is very easy for the local government to find a place.However, this is undoubtedly sloppy.The three parties jointly formed an inspection team to select the factory site with a more rigorous and scientific attitude, which is of great benefit to all three parties.

Next, consensus was reached on some issues that had been divided before.

Finally, the most important issue of equity allocation, which is also the most closely related issue, has been put on the table again.

This time, it was Zhang Xu who took the lead.This is also very normal. Huaxia Group's insistence on equity far exceeds that of Longxi Province. Naturally, Zhang Xu must stand up for this kind of matter.

"Mr. Fran, after our careful discussion and research, our side and the Longxi Provincial Party Committee still insist on our point of view on the issue of equity distribution. The distribution ratio of the three parties is carried out according to the model of four to four to two. Distribution. I don't know, what do you think?" Zhang Xu raised the question again, and reiterated his point of view.

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, Fran jumped up, with an extremely exaggerated expression on his face.He repeatedly waved his hands and said: "No, this is impossible, 40.00% nine, this is our bottom line. Otherwise, the negotiation will not be able to continue."

After the words fell, Liu Zhentao smiled and said, "Mr. Fran, please don't get excited. Let me say a few words."

At this time, the advantages of the three-party negotiation are manifested. When there is a stalemate, one party will stand up and say a few words, which will undoubtedly ease the conflict.

As he spoke, Liu Zhentao smiled and said: "Mr. Fran, the background of Huaxia Group is a large-scale comprehensive industrial group that has the qualification to export military products and integrates equipment design, production and sales. With such an identity background, It is doomed that Huaxia Group also has their last resort, and your average equity, this is the biggest concession that can be made. Otherwise, we will not be able to pass the approval of our country. I hope you can understand. "

"Of course, in order to show our sincerity, we can also appropriately compensate you in other respects. I wonder what Mr. Fran thinks?"

With this relief, Fran's face finally looked a lot better, he calmed down, nodded and said: "Your Excellency Governor, I want to know what compensation you can give, so that we can have an intuitive understanding We can understand your difficulties, but I am a businessman, and what a businessman pays attention to is an interest, and I need to be responsible to the shareholders of the board of directors. I can't compromise without a bottom line. "

For the next half day, plus the whole day of the second day, the representatives of the tripartite negotiations and the participants were all in the meeting room. Apart from eating, they were negotiating, and from time to time there were heated arguments in the meeting room. , all of this is enough to prove.Negotiations were intense.

Finally, on the second day, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the negotiations were finally over.All three parties have reached a consensus.First of all, in the distribution of equity, the three parties distribute the shares according to the ratio of four to four to two.The joint venture company is named Huaxia Automobile Group Hanao Automobile Co., Ltd.The registered assets of the company are RMB 50 billion.

As compensation, Huaxia Group gave lt company a [-]% profit for each Hummer military vehicle and civilian vehicle sold overseas.It can be regarded as compensating for the loss of [-]% of the shares of lt company.

In addition, Longxi Province gave Hanao Automobile Group a one-year tax exemption.The policy of halving the collection in the second year.

According to the agreement, Huaxia Automobile Group has the right to use all the patents of Hanao Automobile Group.And there is no need to pay patent royalties.On this basis, Huaqi Group will start the research and production of its own automobile brand Huaxia brand automobile.

Finally, the three parties signed the memorandum of understanding.Moreover, a grand signing ceremony will be held tomorrow.After the ceremony, the three parties will carry out preliminary preparatory work and form an inspection team to finally determine the location of the Automobile Group.

"Secretary, just now there was news from the Provincial Party Committee Hotel that an agreement has been reached." Xia Gang walked in from the outside of Nie Zhenbang's office in the provincial government office building, with a joyful look on his face. .

Hearing the news, Nie Zhenbang was not too excited. He already knew the result, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Nodding his head, Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said: "Signed? Very good, Xiao Xia, you go and inform the secretary-general. After the official signing tomorrow, we will hold a grand dinner. We will entertain the representatives of Huaxia Group and lt company."

As Xia Gang walked out of the office, Nie Zhenbang's cell phone on the desk rang. The number was very familiar, Zhao Xinglong's number.

As soon as the connection was made, Zhao Xinglong smiled and said, "Third brother, congratulations o. Another solid step has been taken in the Motor City project."

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang smiled indifferently, and scolded: "You boy, it's a pity not to be in politics, such a keen political insight, such well-informed news. If you mix the system, I really may not be able to overcome it." You o."

Although he didn't speak much, he could hear the meaning. Zhao Xinglong's words actually expressed Nie Zhenbang's inner thoughts.The Motor City project has been pending due to great resistance.Being suppressed by Mr. Mu is a good thing for Longxi Province.

Moreover, Nie Zhenbang is also very clear that this is an expression of Mr. Qiao and Mr. Mu supporting him.The purpose of suppressing it is to hope that I can find a way out.

Now, signing with lt company is a solid step forward.Didn't the outside say that Longxi Province can't do this or that, the automobile industry is backward, there is no technical reserve, and there is no advantage?Now, with the introduction of lt company, Hummer, the famous and luxurious military off-road vehicle brand, will surely have a broad market in the ranks of suv and off-road vehicles.The domestically produced Hummer will have a huge impact on the domestic auto market.

The reason why the Hummer brand is not particularly well sold in China.The main reason.Single model.This is one of them.Second.After-sales service outlets are weak.Now, in this way, these two short boards disappear.Those other pseudo-off-roaders will be helpless.

Plus Oldsmobile, a mid-range car brand.In the ranks of family passenger cars, Huaqi Group will become an upstart.Moreover, it is not easy for other provinces to talk about this anymore.

"Hehe, third brother, are you praising me or cursing me? I can't play politics. I still like my life. I sleep until I wake up naturally, and count money until my hands cramp. Hug left and right. Blessing to join together, this is my pursuit of life." Zhao Xinglong said jokingly.

After a pause, he said seriously: "Third brother, let's talk about business. I think many players are going to blow their hair after you make this move. Next, you have to be careful."

After chatting with Zhao Xinglong for a while, Nie Zhenbang hung up the phone. Nie Zhenbang was very aware of Zhao Xinglong's worries. Many investors were fighting for the Motor City project. Now, he is taking the lead.Such a move will definitely touch the sensitive nerves of these people.Next, the pressure on the top will definitely intensify.

However, for this, Nie Zhenbang had expected it.It is mediocrity not to be envied.It is not the first time in my life that I have been envied and hated.When have you ever been afraid, soldiers will come to cover you up, competition is not scary.Nie Zhenbang is not afraid of competition.

At around 10:[-] p.m., only [-] minutes before leaving get off work, at this time, the red phone on the desktop suddenly rang.

Upon seeing this, Nie Zhenbang didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately picked up the phone. As soon as he connected, Liang Yuan's voice came from the phone: "Zhenbang o. Congratulations, congratulations o."

As he said that, Liang Yuan said seriously: "Comrade Zhenbang, I am entrusted by the chief to officially inform you that tomorrow morning, the chief will go to Longxi Province in person to participate in the project cooperation signing ceremony between you, Huaxia Group and American lt company .Please also do a good job of reception work and preparations on your side.”

No wonder Liang Yuan wants to say congratulations.This news is indeed worthy of congratulations, Nie Zhenbang can't describe it in words at this moment.The common saying now is-too awesome.

Mr. Qiao personally came to Longxi Province to witness the signing of the project. This is a great honor and affirmation. At the same time, it is also a disguised expression of an attitude.The Automobile City project in Longxi Province is fully supported by the above.In this way, after tomorrow, many aspiring people will stop and think about it.After all, this is a project supported by Mr. Qiao

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