reborn family

Chapter 1184

Although Jiang Yonghua's words did not express a trace clearly.but.The attitude behind the scenes has already been expressed.

The name of the company was named, and the meaning was very clear. It was nothing more than wanting Nie Zhenbang to take care of him during the bidding process of the ancient city.

At this moment, it made Nie Zhenbang embarrassed. Nie Zhenbang has always been disgusted with this kind of thing.In Nie Zhenbang's concept.If you have a capable and strong company, it doesn't matter whether you leave or not, and you can rely on your ability to eat.You have an advantage over others, either reflected in price, or reflected in technology.In short, don't worry about not having any projects to take.

In Nie Zhenbang's view, most of those who go through the back door of this kind of entrusted relationship are some leather bag companies, relying on their own network, get the first-hand project, and then, like carrying a basket, do a subcontract.Squeeze and exploit a layer of profits, and then transfer them to others.In this way, the quality of the project can be imagined.

However, Jiang Yonghua's face must be given no matter what.After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said: "Old Jiang, you are embarrassing me. With your power, under the Ministry of Communications. There are so many engineering projects every year, just open your fingers casually, That’s not all that leaked out.”

"Haha. Good job, Nie Zhenbang. You're running on me." Jiang Yonghua laughed.Then he said seriously: "You are really right. If you want to talk about the quantity of projects, look at the whole country. There are not many that can compare with the Ministry of Communications. However. My character, the projects under the Ministry of Communications, no matter who it is, I He won't be allowed to intervene."

At this point, Jiang Yonghua paused: "Brother Zhenbang, in fact, Dingsheng's construction qualifications and other aspects are still very good. In addition, the most important thing is that I hope to give Dingsheng a fair environment."

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang breathed a sigh of relief.If Jiang Yonghua really meant that, Nie Zhenbang would be a little embarrassed, but since it's just such a question, Nie Zhenbang doesn't have too much burden.Then he said: "It's natural for a fair environment. Even if you don't say it, Longxi Province will do the same. This time, the bidding for the ancient city's project will be based on the principle of fairness and justice, and it will be absolutely open and transparent."

... With the official launch of the ancient city 1ri city renovation project.Nie Zhenbang's side also became lively. Jiang Yonghua's phone call was just the beginning. After Jiang Yonghua, many leaders in the ministries and committees called again.There are those at the ministerial level, and there are also those at the deputy ministerial level.Say a few pleasantries.The oblique words all have the same meaning, and they all point to the 1ri city renovation project.Some came for projects, and some came for investment. In a word, I hope Secretary Zhenbang can take care of them.

In addition to the leaders of ministries and commissions, many people from other provinces and cities also called.Most commercial companies are still inextricably linked with local leaders.The development and growth of the company has promoted the local economic development and brought political achievements to the local leaders.At the same time, local leaders give policy preference.Support the growth of enterprises.This is a complementary phenomenon.

Today, Nie Zhenbang is no longer itchy when there are too many lice, and no worries about too many debts.One sheep is released, and five sheep are also released. Facing the menacing lobbyists, Nie Zhenbang always gave the same answer. Under the same conditions, he would definitely take care of them.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.Immediately afterwards, Xia Gang walked in: "Secretary, Secretary Luo Qiuliang is here."

Hearing Xia Gang's report, Nie Zhenbang also stood up: "Please."

Immediately afterwards, Luo Qiuliang walked in from the outside.After not seeing him for a few days, Luo Qiuliang's spirit seemed a little haggard.A little sluggish.

Sitting on the chair, Luo Qiuliang smiled wryly and said, "Secretary Nie. I really can't stand it anymore. The 1st city renovation project of the ancient city started, it's like a shark smelling blood. All kinds of messy people They’ve all come here. In the past two days, I’ve received several intercession calls in one day. The origins are getting bigger and bigger, and now I don’t even dare to answer the phone.”

Looking at Luo Qiuliang's appearance, Nie Zhenbang could understand Luo Qiuliang's mood at the moment, let alone Luo Qiuliang.Even myself, a member of the Politburo.Anyway, that can be regarded as a deputy national leader.However, when faced with intercession, he also looked a little timid. Luo Qiuliang was only a deputy minister of Qianbu, so the pressure was even greater.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said slowly: "Benefits, it's still a matter of interests. The renovation of the ancient city 1 day, such a big project, is like a big cake. Everyone is staring at it. This kind of thing, is it It is unavoidable. What we can do is fairness and justice. All comers are welcome. However, all tenders and tenders are conducted in an open and transparent way. This is my bottom line. Beyond this bottom line, it will not work for anyone who comes. It’s the same when you come, if you are not convinced, just let him come to me.”

Nie Zhenbang's words were decisive.With an unchangeable momentum.After Jiang Yonghua's phone call, Nie Zhenbang had already made preparations and plans.Simply refuse.Obviously not appropriate.This will inevitably give you a bad feeling.

After so many years of political career, Nie Zhenbang is no longer the stunned young man he used to be.How to be tactful and direct, Nie Zhenbang naturally has his own standards.

Just like what is happening now, in fact, in Nie Zhenbang's plan, the investment promotion and bidding work for the renovation of the ancient city 1ri.There is still no change, and I will not deliberately change anything because of someone.However, speaking.Equal conditions and priority, which is completely different from direct rejection.

You directly rejected Biejin, and Biejin didn't say anything, there must be complaints in your heart, because you, Nie Zhenbang, didn't give Biejin any face.In the future, when you need to find another person for something, the other person will naturally be embarrassed.Even stuck.However, this is the case now.The other party's face is passable.At that time, there was no winning bid.That just goes to show.The entry on your side has not yet met the requirements.Basically, don't say anything.There is really that kind of unreasonable entry.If you offend, you will be offended.In the system, no one has many enemies.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Luo Qiuliang smiled all over his face as if he had received a shot in the arm.If he were to handle it, Luo Qiuliang would inevitably be timid.But now, since the matter was taken over by Secretary Nie, Luo Qiuliang had nothing to be afraid of, and there was a tall head to support him when he collapsed.

"Secretary, there's nothing else to do, so I'll go back first." Luo Qiuliang stood up.

Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said: "Well, focus on the 1st city renovation project, and do your best to do a good job in this area. The improvement of the urban image and grade of the ancient city is related to the overall situation of Longxi Province, so we can't be careless Yes. If there is anything, you can report to me at any time. The provincial party committee still supports your work."

Just as Nie Zhenbang sent Luo Qiuliang away.At the gate of the Longxi Provincial Party Committee compound, a silver Rolls-Royce Phantom sedan slowly drove over.The license plate number is also extremely awesome.A license plate starting with the word Beijing.Behind, five 7.This alone is enough to prove that the energy of this person is definitely not at 01:30.

The car was stopped at the entrance of the provincial party committee compound by military police soldiers standing guard.Inside the car, on the back seat, was a young man about 25 or [-] years old, dressed in handmade custom clothes from Milan, Italy.On her finger, she wore a jadeite ring of glassy imperial green.The whole entrance reveals a kind of wealth and luxury at a glance.

frowned.The man said in a deep voice: "Wu Zi, what's the matter? It's really a trick to take out our special pass. You can travel freely in various ministries and commissions in the capital. When you arrive here, you are stopped by the police. Is it the little one?" Place o. I haven’t seen anything big in the world.”

The driver, Wu Zi, was a burly man with a height of more than 1.8 meters.Even as a driver, he also acts as a bodyguard.Handed out a red pass under the front gear.Shen Sheng said: "Look. This is a special pass for the capital. Now, we can enter."

Here at the Wujing sentry post, the little soldier standing guard carefully looked at the pass, and after a long while, he returned the pass to the driver.He nodded and said, "Okay, please come in."

The car drove directly into the provincial party committee compound without looking for any parking space. It was very domineering and parked directly downstairs of the provincial government office building.

The car door opened, and the young man stepped down. His shiny leather shoes stepped on the ground. It felt as if the ground should be covered with a red carpet.

To the driver next to him, he said, "Wuzi, open the trunk. Unload the things for me. Come up with me."

Walking directly to the provincial party committee, the man's demeanor and movements on the top floor were obviously very familiar with the setting of Zheng Fu's office building, and he walked directly to the door of Nie Zhenbang's office without any pause.Knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and said, "Little comrade, is my Uncle Nie here?"

This sentence immediately made Xia Gang frown.Since serving as Secretary Nie's secretary.Someone called Director Xia rudely.To be simpler, Xia Dami, or, Xia Mi still wants it.However, it is better now.In front of this person who looks younger than himself, he still calls himself little comrade.

However, considering Nie Zhenbang's identity.Just now, this young man called Uncle Nie so affectionately.This made Xia Gang endure it.He stood up and said, "Are you looking for Secretary Nie? Do you have an appointment?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm looking for my Uncle Nie. If you need an appointment, pass it on to me and say that Yuan Yi is here." The man said very grandly.

The door of the inner office opened, and Nie Zhenbang was already standing at the door. When he saw the man at the door, Nie Zhenbang was also taken aback for a moment.Why is Mr. Yuan's grandson also here?

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