reborn family

Chapter 1185

Yuan Hao, this is also one of the famous sons in the capital.Yuan Kang'an's grandson.Why is he here?Could it be that it was also because of this matter.

For other people, Nie Zhenbang would have no scruples.However, Nie Zhenbang, Yuan Kang'an's grandson, had to think carefully.

Although Mr. Yuan retired, he is now in his 80s.However, after all, he was the chief minister of the year.The friendship with the Nie family still exists.In addition, as the former old leader and head.More or less, I still have some face within the system.Under his staff, there are still some promoted Qianbu who are still in their posts.

These people are all the huge energy of the Yuan family, which is something that Nie Zhenbang has to consider.

Although there is a saying that the tea is cold and the lights are off when you are dead, that is only for ordinary leaders. This kind of thing is not suitable for Yuan Kang'an.Not to mention ordinary people, even the former Mr. Shen and the current Mr. Qiao, more or less, would seek Yuan Kang'an's opinions on the formulation and consideration of national policies.

"Xiao Xia, you go back to work. You really came to see me." Nie Zhenbang opened the door and began to speak.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Xia Gang was surprised.After working with Secretary Nie for such a long time, I have never seen Secretary Nie in this state.What is the background of this entry in front of me, even Secretary Nie is so moved.

At this moment, Yuan Hao grinned.Some cheeky.He greeted him very familiarly: "Uncle Nie. I'm here to beg you to help me."

Let Yuan Hao into the office, as for Yuan Hao's followers and bodyguards.Then there is no such treatment.Entertain Yuan Hao.That's for Yuan Lao's face.I still remember the feeling of incense.As for others.Nie Zhenbang is not yet qualified to be so polite.

After entering the office and closing the door, Nie Zhenbang personally poured Yuan Hao a cup of tea, and then sat beside Yuan Hao.Said: "Why did you come here, boy? What, the old man let you out now?"

Speaking of this, Yuan Hao also showed embarrassment and surprise on his face.The Yuan family's tutoring is extremely strict.When Mr. Yuan is in office, he has very strict requirements on his children and family members.I never rely on my own power to seek benefits for my children and family members.At that time, Yuan Hao was extremely afraid of this grandfather.

"Uncle Nie, what kind of pot do you want to carry? How can the old man be happy with our bastards? I wish I could commit suicide by jumping into the river as soon as possible." Yuan Hao was born and raised in the capital. .Open and shut, with a Beijing accent.That taste is extremely pure.

After a pause, Yuan Hao said: "Uncle Nie, this time, I asked for your help. In the past two years, I also set up some kind of business information company. No, I am going around to some engineering companies , real estate development companies or something, solicit some business and earn a little hard work. This time, Uncle Nie, you have to say hello to me no matter what. In the ancient city 1ri city renovation project, so much engineering investment, just follow the instructions Just leak a little bit out of the cracks and give it to me. My nephew will definitely keep Uncle Nie's affection in mind."

Listening to Yuan Hao's words, Nie Zhenbang's face was as usual, but there were some ups and downs in his heart. Did this child feel stupid because he was beaten by Yuan Lao since he was a child? This self-feeling is too good.

Obviously, from Yuan Hao's tone, the so-called business consulting company is nothing more than an empty shell.Now, there are quite a few companies like Yuan Hao.Most of them have deep foundations and connections within the system.Relying on power, and then contracting some projects in various places and handing them over to other companies to do them.As for whether other companies will continue to subcontract, they don't care.They don't care about the quality of the project.

In addition, to some companies, get some loans, find some preferential policies, or find some related local leaders.If you take out the cheap land and transfer it out, the price difference will come out directly.

Calling this kind of company a company is being polite.Taking Nie Zhenbang as an example, he can only be called a moth.Shameless moths who rely on the big tree of the party and government.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang was also thinking about how to reply to Yuan Hao's words.Looking at Yuan Hao, Nie Zhenbang also slowly said: "Yuan Hao, you come to Longxi to invest and start a business in the ancient city. I agree with all my hands. I also sincerely welcome you to come. Bidding work. The ancient city is directly responsible for it. At this time, it is not good for me to intervene. In this way, you first get the investment and bidding plan from the ancient city bidding center, and then you make another bid Vote for it. When the time comes, what is the specific situation? We will discuss it separately."

After hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Yuan Hao's face turned ugly.However, he still understands some basic respect and status.Although I am a little dissatisfied with Nie Zhenbang's words.But Yuan Hao also knew.Nie Zhenbang is not an ordinary person, so he can make decisions casually.

After a moment of silence, he said with a smile, "Okay, Uncle Nie's work, I'm sure about it. Then I'll take my leave first. I'm waiting for good news from Uncle Nie."

Although Yuan Hao is supercilious.However, Ru is relatively smart.It's a pity that this cleverness was not used on the right path.He also used words to run on himself.If he was so casual, he would be run over by a young man.Is that still Nie Zhenbang?

After sending Yuan Hao away.Nie Zhenbang also pondered.It is impossible not to be wary of Yuan Hao's affairs.If it really has formal qualifications and a company with excellent technology, then that's all.Such a bag company must never get involved.It is true that Mr. Yuan is strict with this grandson.However, if something goes wrong, can the old chief just watch his grandson go to jail?In that case, wouldn't it be clear that Yuan Lao Yao was harmed?

Immediately, he raised his voice and said, "Xiao Xia, come here."

Soon, Xia Gang walked in.Nie Zhenbang ordered: "Xiao Xia, call Secretary Luo Qiuliang and ask him to come over now. This Yuan Hao is a troublesome matter."

Next to him, Xiao Xia was also a little curious, and said with a smile, "Secretary, I have never seen your attitude today. It seems that this Yuan Hao has a lot of background."

Followed for almost half a year.Xia Gang became more active in front of Nie Zhenbang.After being familiar with and understanding, Xia Gang is not so restrained anymore.

Xia Gang would never have asked these words before.He smiled and said, "Xiao Xia, you have a better eye. This Yuan Hao has a lot of background. His grandfather is Comrade Yuan Kang'an."

When Xia Gang called Luo Qiuliang, Luo Qiuliang was in the office listening to the work report of the ancient city 1ri city renovation project headquarters and the city's investment promotion bureau.

With the official launch of the project, at present, the preliminary renovation projects, municipal works, roads and various water, electricity, gas and other facilities have been carried out in an orderly manner. Next, the focus of the renovation is the bidding of various projects and the work of attracting investment It is also gradually developed.

For such a large project, relying solely on the financial support of the ancient city cannot be done well.Attract investment.This is an important aspect to ensure the success of the entire shantytown renovation.

However, merchants and enterprises will definitely have concerns about such a large project. Now, the project is officially launched and the preliminary work is underway.This is also in a disguised form to encourage enterprises and business owners.

"Secretary. At present, in terms of renovation projects, a total of 62 key projects have been identified in the city. It involves the widening and construction of three main roads and 62 auxiliary roads. At present, there are 49 projects from all over the country. companies participated in the bidding. Among the [-] companies, there are [-] companies with second-level construction engineering qualifications. The other [-] companies are all from various provinces across the country and first-level engineering companies within the province..."

After the report on the bidding progress of the project, the China Merchants Bureau also began to report: "Secretary, the work of attracting investment has initially contacted many large real estate companies. According to our investigation, most of these companies are well-known domestically. Private enterprises or large state-owned central enterprises. I believe that there is absolutely no problem with the investment in transformation funds.”

Having said that, Luo Qiuliang also showed a satisfied expression on his face, and merchants flocked to him.This also indirectly proves that the investment environment of ancient cities is good or bad.The fact that so many companies have come here at least proves that the bosses are still very optimistic about the development of Longxi.

After pondering for a moment, he was about to speak when the phone on the desk rang. Luo Qiuliang waved his hand: "I'm sorry, wait a minute, I'll answer the phone first."

The caller ID on the phone is the landline number of Nie Zhenbang's office.Regarding this, Luo Qiuliang would never dare to be contemptuous or neglectful.

Picking up the phone, Xia Gang's voice came from over there: "Hello, Secretary Luo? I'm Xia Gang, Secretary Nie's secretary. Secretary Luo is free now. Nie Zhenbang would like to invite you over."

Nie Zhenbang summoned him, which made Luo Qiuliang temporarily suspend his work report.Without any hesitation, he rushed to the provincial party committee as quickly as possible.Upon entering the door, Nie Zhenbang also stood up.He smiled and said, "Comrade Qiuliang. During this period of time, my pressure has become much heavier."

As he said that, Nie Zhenbang brought up Yuan Hao's matter, and Luo Qiuliang's face became serious. This is the grandson of the old chief, not something ordinary.Could it be that.Could Nie Zhenbang not be able to stand it anymore?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible.Immediately, Luo Qiuliang also said slowly: "Secretary, you can do whatever you say. I will resolutely obey the arrangement and coordination of the organization."

Nie Zhenbang can naturally understand the meaning of the words.After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "Comrade Qiuliang, the reason for calling you here is to let you know in advance. Let me tell you about this issue about Yuan Hao. Don't bother with it. Other things. I Come and deal with it. I have only one request for you, during this bidding process, there must be no problems."

this?Secretary Nie is asking his relatives to deny him.

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