reborn family

Chapter 428 The Great War Begins

Shorting the Hang Seng Index? !

Upon hearing this news, the banquet hall, which was still lively at first, suddenly became quiet. "New text reading experience" Immediately afterwards, these heroes couldn't help it.

Groups of three or four started discussing in low voices: "Short selling the Hang Seng Index? Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?"

"Mr. Cheng is right. Originally, the purpose of these international hot money was to short the Hang Seng Index, and then let the Hong Kong government come forward to protect the market. With the ability of the Hong Kong government, it is naturally impossible to fight against these international capital predators. This It is also the reason why the mainland government sent personnel here. I did not expect that the host of the mainland government would be such a fool. Before starting to protect the market, he ruined his future. Wouldn’t it be worse to sell the Hang Seng Index first? , the Hang Seng Index will definitely not be able to hold on, and it will collapse completely. I am afraid that many people will jump off the building again."

These discussions did not come down to a single word, and all of them were heard in Li Chaoren's ears, and next to him, several famous queens in Hong Kong.Mr. Bao, Li Real Estate and others, as well as Mr. Shao, who is in charge of Donggang's media industry, all came up one after another.

Mr. Bao was born as a seaman, but he has the heroic spirit of a seaman. Now, although he is already rich.But his temperament didn't change much, he couldn't hold back for the first time, and finally he was still scruples about some influence, and whispered: "Brother Li, does this young man know how to engage in finance? Even a layman like me knows that shorting the Hang Seng Index, isn't it? Do you want to increase firepower for foreigners?"

Seeing that everyone else was puzzled, Li Chaoren was also very embarrassed. He stepped forward and whispered to Nie Zhenbang: "Nephew, what is going on? Selling the Hang Seng Index? This is not self-destructive." Is it the Great Wall?"

Nie Zhenbang looked around at the Donggang bigwigs attending the conference.Everyone here is a wealthy party.However, the only one who is engaged in the financial industry is the chairman of Donggang Securities.Moreover, this person is not from a major.Come on, it was a bit abrupt to announce the news by myself.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said: "Uncle Shi, I think today's banquet can't go on. It's still early, otherwise, let's go to the conference room for a meeting, and I will introduce you in detail."

The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. It is already very bold to announce the short sale of the Hang Seng Index in public.Who knows that there are no people with ulterior motives here.If it is leaked out, it will be miserable. Naturally, this deep-seated secret cannot be revealed under such circumstances once it is known by the opponent.Then you don't have any advantage.

Seeing this situation, Nie Zhenbang also had to temporarily change his mind. At this time, without explaining clearly, after these people go back, they may not be able to sleep at night. In case, some of them do something terrible out of fear , The loss caused is not just one or two points.That's measured in billions.

Li Chaoren naturally did not have any objections at the moment.Immediately after discussing with the few people next to him, he nodded in agreement.

Here, the management team of the Bank of China, especially Han Qi, the designated contact person, is even more outstanding. In less than 10 minutes, a small conference room was sorted out.

Said it was my wife, but in fact, it was compared to the kind of meeting room that can accommodate hundreds of people.In fact, the meeting room is not small.

It can accommodate more than sixty people.The oval layout is extended layer by layer.

A group of people walked into the conference room, and after sitting down, Nie Zhenbang took out a note and connected to the multimedia slide presentation.On the picture, a trend chart of the Hang Seng Index appeared.

Nie Zhenbang then said: "Seniors, you are the pillars of Donggang's economic stability and social prosperity. I won't say any compliments. This time, international hot money is hitting Donggang. Basically, it can be confirmed."

After a pause, he continued: "What is certain is that the Hong Kong dollar in Donggang itself is a very complete currency system, not as fragile as the Thai currency or the Indonesian rupiah. Therefore, I estimate that international hot money has a great influence on Donggang's currency. Attack. It will definitely not start with foreign exchange as before. I think that Donggang, as the world's three major financial centers, is famous for its highly free economy. It is comprehensively inferred that the most likely way for international hot money to attack is to sell heavily. Empty the Hang Seng Index, using this to force Donggang’s securities to suspend trading or collapse. Finance is a matter of joint nature. The Hong Kong dollar in their hands. Suppress the Hong Kong dollar. So that it will be pressed step by step until the economy of Donggang collapses."

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, everyone gasped.Originally, everyone thought that they would start with the Hong Kong dollar, but they did not expect that they would start with securities.

One of them raised his hand and questioned: "Mr. Nie, I would like to ask, how can you be sure that these people will start with the Hang Seng Index. Also, is this related to your wanton shorting of the Hang Seng Index?"

Nie Zhenbang was very happy. This person's unconscious cooperation saves him from speaking up on his own initiative. This way of asking and answering is more convincing.

Immediately, he nodded and said: "Good question, first of all, from the perspective of the Hang Seng Index, I have conducted detailed research on the economic data of the Hang Seng Index in the past ten years. The one-week increase exceeded 8%, and Donggang was full of cheers, but I felt that this was the harbinger of the coming storm. If, I guess it is right, hot money has already begun to secretly deploy and gradually short-sell the Hang Seng Index. "

These things are all things that actually happened in the memory of the previous life.Starting from the closing index on July 7th today, and then until around August 12th, in less than a month, the Hang Seng Index plummeted from the cutting edge to the lowest point of 6544. A period of the darkest last days.

Starting from the stock index, after that, international hot money hit the futures market and moved to the foreign exchange market.Sell ​​Hong Kong dollars wantonly.This triggered the famous Donggang Defense War.

And the reason why I short-sell the Hang Seng Index is to catch the other party by surprise in the next week and make them mistakenly believe that the counterattack has already begun.During this period, we will divert part of the funds to protect the local blue chip stocks and some major index stocks in Donggang. After withdrawing, we turned the bow.The huge increase in the Hang Seng Index, the use of the government's credibility and influence, and the huge amount of money earned from it, dealt the heaviest blow to these hot money.

When Nie Zhenbang's words fell, all the bosses opened their mouths in astonishment. Up to this moment, these bosses really believed in Nie Zhenbang.

On weekends, Nie Zhenbang's requirements are not strict. The staff of the working group can also take this opportunity to go shopping in Donggang, visit the amusement park in Ocean Park, go shopping, and go to the Jockey Club in Happy Valley. Influenced by Donggang Horse Racing.

On Monday morning, before the market opened, everyone had already gathered in the working hall. Nie Zhenbang stood at the back, watching the big screen. There was no time-sharing chart of the Hang Seng Index.

After pondering for a while, he issued the first order: "After the market opens, the trader team will continue to increase short selling orders. Again, don't startle the snake. I'm afraid that Soros and others are also shorting the Hang Seng Index. Our joining , It will definitely speed up the decline of the Hang Seng Index. Han Qi, on your side, contact the local bigwigs like Li Chaoren and tell them to cooperate with the funds we allocated to them. Absorb shares and maintain a slow downward trend not too fast. "

This is also Nie Zhenbang's strategy.In the financial market, the information is very well-informed. Who is short selling and who is accumulating money? You can find out when you check it. Since you are short selling here, you must not absorb any more money. Let the opponent be careless, and put on the illusion that the company itself is protecting the market.

And the short-selling order here can only make Soros and the others think that this is also a company that is ready to take a piece of the pie.After five consecutive days of short selling, now, Nie Zhenbang has accumulated a huge amount of empty orders in his hands, although there is support from state funds.Li Chaoren and others not only used state funds, but even used their own funds to protect the market.However, after a week, it also fell by a good percentage point. By the end of the weekend, the Hang Seng Index had reached 852?the pass.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang is also pondering. If the historical trend is followed, it will fall to around Tiansi in the next week. After that, it will plummet by 1 percentage point in the next week.The stock index will fall to around x[-].At that time, it was the most intense moment of confrontation, and it was also the time when these hot money closed their nets.

At this moment, when Nie Zhenbang was thinking about his opponent, in a building in Donggang, here is a temporary office area. Inside, there is also an empty and simple hall, but dozens of computers are placed. Here, is The headquarters of a group of international financial speculators headed by Soros.

At this moment, a white man handed Soros a piece of information: "Sir, according to the investigation, this time, the mysterious company that was short-sold was using an account called Dagang Securities. This Dagang Securities , but it is a securities company that cannot be smaller. In addition, recently, I heard that the Huaxia government has made a move, and Li Chaoren and others have a lot of funds that Huaxia is supporting."

Hearing this news, Soros was much less worried. The Huaxia government is overthinking their own capabilities. The power of international hot money is beyond what they can imagine. Soros is very clear that international hot money and the funds that can be mobilized, combined, At least more than seven trillion dollars.It's irresistible.

After pondering for a while, Soros said in a deep voice: "Call those greedy guys. Next week is the last week to place an order. After that, we will start to enjoy the joys and sorrows of the harvest."! .

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