reborn family

Chapter 429 Thrilling

"The Huaxia government? Che, overestimate their own capabilities... Do you think that you can compete with international hot money by virtue of the size of the country? Although the funds in my hand, Soros, are less than 600 billion, even the funds of several alliances The funds are all manipulated under his own name, and the calculation is full, only more than 4000 billion. [No pop-up novel reading!] However, it is already a force that cannot be ignored in hot money. In addition, the operations in Southeast Asia and Japan have achieved great success , I have accumulated a huge network and prestige in the field of hot money, and there are countless followers. After that, the follow-up has exceeded at least three trillion U.S. dollars. The impact of this stock of funds is not comparable to that of a Chinese government If you want to fight, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble. This time, I will show Huaxia the power of capital. It is a pity that the Huaxia government's economic strategy is very complete, with huge state-owned assets as the main body. It's unlikely." Soros thought, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, since the Huaxia government is going to come forward, why hasn't there been any movement?" Soros immediately stood up, and said to his assistant, Clake, "Clark, you should go and check right away, I feel that something is not quite right. The Chinese government is so silent. It's a bit weird."

Soros is very careful. This kind of thing is not a trivial matter. In the financial field, a small negligence is enough to kill people.Soros, on the surface, looks arrogant and arrogant.However, in fact, this is shown to other hot money.

The purpose is to give these people a feeling that the artistic conception is sure to win. Only in this way can more hot money participate. Only in this way can the Huaxia government behind Donggang be firmly suppressed.However, under the si, Soros is very cautious.This is the way Soros succeeds.

As a world-renowned hedge fund, Soros naturally has his own news channels.Soon, Clark came over again, holding a document in his hand.He whispered: "Bos, I found out. The Huaxia government has sent a working group composed of financial and international economic experts. A few days ago, they have entered the Bank of China Building in Donggang. Before that, they have already prepared a reception. In addition, according to reliable sources, A large part of the funds of Donggang Li Chaoren and others this week came from the Huaxia government. In my opinion, this is a trick of the Huaxia people. The purpose is to not let us know that they are here. They must want to At the critical moment, launch a fatal attack on us."

Hearing this, Soros nodded and said contemptuously: "Stupid Chinese people, this is the performance of a frog in a well. After a week, they will find that the power of hot money is not something they can resist." In the meeting room of Bank of China Building, Nie Zhenbang looked around After looking at Li Chaoren and others, he said immediately: "Seniors and colleagues, it's time. I am going to sell shares with all my strength starting from the opening of the market on Monday and suppress the index forcibly. My goal of selling for one week in a row is to Within, change the Hang Seng Index from the current 8250

Nearby, it will be directly suppressed to around 6800. However, the 6500 level is a very important indicator of Donggang Hang Seng Index.It is absolutely not allowed to break through, otherwise, retail investors will be driven to follow suit, and we will be finished.It really became a partnership with Soros. "

Suppressing the index and selling short positions are just some auxiliary means. The main thing is to have goods in hand.That is to say, you must have stocks in your hands, and selling stocks is the best way to suppress the stock index. Especially at this moment, most of these people are the bosses of blue chip companies in the Hang Seng Index. If these companies move, the index will drop significantly.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Nie Zhenbang also knew that Donggang is an international city with a market economy and economic 〖free〗.Unlike in China, many things have political tasks.Even if it is a loss, they have to do it. Here, these people will not do anything that has no benefit.

Although it is said that they all share the same hatred, there must be substantial interests to promote it.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "During this time, the Hang Seng Index that I have short-sold will be distributed according to the number of shares sold by everyone here. To put it bluntly, except for everyone to maintain the most basic shareholding. Others, You can sell them all, and the more you sell, I will make up for all the losses.”

This sentence has become the reassurance of the Donggang bigwigs. As the sell-off begins, the price of the stock will only get lower and lower.This is inevitable, and the one who enters and exits, bears a huge loss.Now, someone has made up for it, so naturally there is no problem.Moreover, when the counterattack comes, the stocks will be at a low level. At that time, they can be gathered back again. Even after this operation, the stocks held by everyone here will reach a new height.

Naturally, no one would refuse such a good thing.

The two-day market break is over.On Monday morning, as soon as the market opened, the eyes of all Donggang people were attracted to the stock market, and more than two dozen blue-chip stocks in the Hang Seng Index had huge selling orders.All of a sudden, after 10 minutes of bargaining, the stock price went through.As soon as the market opened, there were sharp gaps and low openings. The Hang Seng Index directly dropped from around 8257 to 8011 to open.

This huge gap is as much as [-]%.This also created the biggest gap since Donggang's stock trading.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of these blue-chip stocks, various stock commentators published pessimistic remarks one after another, and many people even analyzed with reason and evidence that hot money came.Donggang will once again stage a replica of the Southeast Asian financial crisis.All of a sudden.Less than an hour after the market opened, the Hang Seng Index dropped to around 7800.

At the same time, Donggang Stock Exchange.Immediately issue an announcement and temporarily suspend trading for two hours.

In other words, there is no play in the morning, and the fight will not be played until the afternoon.

At this moment, cheers erupted in the trading hall on the 30th floor of the Bank of China. Normally, these calm economists and traders are still young scholars after all, and their average age is only [-] years old.

This huge victory made everyone cheer.

"Team leader, most of our short selling orders are concentrated around 8700. Up to now 7800, we have earned at least 6000 billion US dollars, but these are superficial data. Our orders still need someone to take orders. It will become a real profit." Huo Gang, the deputy team leader beside him, also excitedly said.

The profit margin of 900 points is enough, continue to suppress, and as the Hang Seng Index goes down, at that time, if there is no takeover, then these orders will become a pile of waste paper, and the money invested will be gone .

Considering this problem, Nie Zhenbang pondered for a while, and then made a decision: "In this way, starting tomorrow, we will gradually release our empty orders. Don't act too hastily. Spread all these empty orders. Don't let the opponent defend in advance.

At this moment, while Nie Zhenbang is discussing how to close the position to make a profit, Soros's side is also busy. According to Soros' plan, this week, it should still decline steadily.

Then, in the next week, all the hot money will be combined to sell a huge amount of various stocks in their hands, suppressing the Hang Seng Index, followed by selling Hong Kong dollars, interfering with the foreign exchange market, and thus.The Hong Kong government is overwhelmed.Thus completely collapsed.

However, now, the sudden sharp drop disrupted this rhythm.All of a sudden, a lot of hot money couldn't figure out what to do and made a lot of phone calls, and they had already reached Soros.

"George, what's going on? Didn't you say there is still a week left? Why is the Donggang Index dropping so fast?" Soros' full name is George Soros.Generally, friends call him George.

"Mr. Soros, have you already made a move? By doing so, you have violated our agreement." This is what ordinary partners ask.

For these, Soros is also at a loss. Could it be that some unknown hedge funds are acting without authorization?On the surface, Soros couldn't show any panic, and calmly explained to others: "Of course, everything is under control. This is what a mysterious partner of mine did. The purpose is to test the Chinese government's intentions." The bottom line is. Now it seems that Chinese people dare not move at all. Gentlemen, enjoy this feast to the fullest."

After hanging up the phone, Soros' face darkened, and he said to his assistant, "Clark, investigate immediately who is selling shares to suppress the Hang Seng Index. Also, notify our people and be ready to close positions at any time."

As soon as the market opened in the afternoon, Nie Zhenbang put up empty orders to close positions one after another. These orders were immediately wiped out as soon as they appeared in the futures market, and the hot money went crazy.In this downward trend, the orders swept in are money.There is no reason not to eat.

In the end, under this double-layer suppression, the Hang Seng Index had been suppressed at 7795 points by the end of the day.From the closing price of 8257 last weekend, it was more than 400 points, close to [-] points.

In the next three days, these blue-chip companies headed by Li Chaoren continued to sell stocks in a small and stealthy manner.The stock index was further suppressed.

It's just that the daily drop is not as crazy as the first day.On Tuesday, at the close, the stock index was at 7582, down 210 points.On Wednesday, the stock index was 7415, down more than 160 points.On Thursday, the stock index closed at 7210, down 205 points.In just four days, the Donggang stock index fell from the highest of 8700 to the current 7200, a full 1500 points, and more than trillions of funds were evaporated in this round of decline.On Nie Zhenbang's side, a large number of short selling orders were liquidated, and millions of shares were liquidated.According to the leverage ratio of the futures market.The book funds involved reached trillions of dollars.The profit earned also greatly exceeded Nie Zhenbang's estimate, not 6000 billion US dollars, but reached more than 9000 billion US dollars.Exclude compensation to each company for losses.

Nie Zhenbang earned at least 6000 billion U.S. dollars.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang was running out of short selling orders.As soon as the market opened on Friday, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "There is no need to pretend anymore. One hundred thousand lots, one order, release all the short sell orders in our hands."

Following Nie Zhenbang's order, everyone knew that the counterattack was about to begin.At this moment, he no longer hesitated, once a huge number of empty orders were placed, the entire futures market was shaken.

However, without too much hesitation, all of these empty orders were swept away by hot money.At this moment, Soros was also shocked by the movement on the futures index. After a moment of silence, Soros' expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "No, we were deceived, these damn Chinese people, It's really cunning. Pass my order, all our empty orders, sell them with all our strength. In addition, notify other people to release the stocks in their hands, further suppress the stock index, and release the Hong Kong dollars in their hands.

Suppressing the foreign exchange market caused the Donggang government to completely mess up.Today, we must suppress the stock index below 6500, otherwise, we will be in danger. "

On Nie Zhenbang's side, after closing all the short selling orders, there was a loud cheer in the operation hall, but Huo Gang said loudly at this moment: "No, the stock index has started to dive."

On the computer monitor, on the big screen, it can be seen that the stock index was only slowly falling.But it suddenly changed form and began to plummet.

The Donggang Hang Seng Index dropped rapidly from 7000 points at the moment, and fell below the 7000-point mark. Then, in less than half an hour, it fell below the 6800-point mark.

Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang also knew that history may have changed at this moment. Under his influence, the Donggang Financial Defense War will not go away like in his previous life.Today should be the beginning of the battle.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "In two hours, a long order was placed in the futures market.

It's time to fight back. "

Then, he turned his head and said to Han Qi: "Director Han, immediately contact Li Chaoren and others, and try our best to withdraw the stocks, and buy as much as you can. In addition, coordinate with the Hong Kong government and ask the Hong Kong government to take a firm stand and resolutely maintain Donggang's financial stability. And notify the Donggang Stock Exchange, because the stock price has fluctuated sharply for a week, the trading will be suspended in the afternoon and resume on Monday. In addition, contact the [Central] Hong Kong Office to ask them to cooperate and express the firm confidence of the [Central] Central to support Donggang. "

This is the benefit of the government. No matter how powerful the hot money is, it is just hot money and cannot affect the government. At most, it is to buy some media and make some empty talk, that's all.

However, it is completely different when the government comes forward. The credibility of the government is not comparable to that of the general media. Besides, the power of the media is much more than the government can use.Moreover, suspension is the best way, and this is Nie Zhenbang's trump card.Temporarily suspend your smashing.This is the government's rogue-style approach, although it does not follow the routine.But there is no way for hot money.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Han Qi nodded, and immediately set about making arrangements. At this moment, Donggang's stockholders are going through a thrilling battle.Such a monster drop in the stock index.Let the market be pessimistic.

Immediately afterwards, the market closed at noon, but the stock exchange issued a notice. In view of the sharp fluctuations for a week, trading was suspended in the afternoon and resumed on Monday.

See the stock exchange circular.Soros was stunned.

Sitting on a chair, his face was heavy. As a top fund manager in the world, Soros's keen insight was not ordinary. At this moment, Soros already had a bad premonition in his heart. I'm afraid, this time in Donggang To suffer.

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