reborn family

Chapter 430 London Hong Kong Stocks

At noon, the Donggang Stock Exchange posted a trading suspension announcement, which shocked Donggang shareholders. In the afternoon, the first chief executive of the Donggang Special Economic Zone held a press conference at the chief executive's official residence.

Inside the chief executive's official residence, the news hall that accommodated hundreds of people was packed.Today, the eyes of the whole world have focused on this place. The Donggang financial crisis, international hot money, Soros, and the Huaxia government are all news topics that are enough to attract the attention and focus of the world. Now, they have been integrated together.It doesn't matter if you don't want to attract people.

Lianhe Zaobao, The Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, etc., a series of media and news agencies from all over the world gathered together.Sitting in the press hall.

The camera positions of various TV media have seized various positions in the news hall.In the middle, the best seats are naturally occupied by Phoenix TV in Hong Kong and national TV stations from mainland China.

Under the guidance of the SAR government officials, Chief Executive Tong walked into the press hall. For a moment, there were bursts of flashing lights, shining brightly.

"Friends from the news, ladies and gentlemen, Donggang Special Economic Zone, the current economy has been attacked by some organizations with ulterior motives. Regarding this matter, please Mr. Tong speak on behalf of the Special Administrative Region government." .The work efficiency of the SAR government is indeed super high.

After the words fell, Chief Executive Tong stepped forward and said in strong Hong Kong-style Mandarin: "This week, the Hong Kong stock index fell by nearly 20.00%, creating the largest weekly drop in the past 20 years. The foreign exchange market and the futures market suffered even more. After a heavy blow, with the support of the central government, I believe that the Hong Kong government has the ability, determination and confidence to lead Donggang to a brilliant tomorrow and maintain the prosperity, stability and healthy development of Donggang's economy. The goal and direction of the Donggang SAR government are also the hope of the [Central] government. After the discussion of all colleagues in the SAR government and the approval of the SAR, the Secretary of Government Affairs and the Secretary of Finance, this time, the SAR government will take out the SAR’s reserve funds and foreign exchange reserves, intervene in foreign exchange and stock markets, and make every effort to maintain financial stability.”

Immediately afterwards, after the speech by the chief executive of the SAR government, dozens of CEOs and representatives of blue-chip companies and red-chip companies in Donggang issued strong condemnation of international hot money, and issued statements to repurchase the stocks of their companies in order to stabilize the broad market. Husband retail investors' confidence in holding shares.

As soon as this report came out, Soros was even more uneasy at the moment. He walked back and forth in his office, and kept muttering in his mouth: "There is a conspiracy, there must be a big conspiracy. These yellow people are really too Damn it.

Suddenly, Soros stopped, opened his mouth in surprise, and whispered: "Hong Kong stocks, London Hong Kong stocks!"

Clark also walked in at this moment, looking at the boss as if he had lost his mind, Clark was also stunned. In his impression, the boss has always been synonymous with calmness, and nothing will make the boss like this Crazy today, what's going on?Everything is going according to the expected plan, why are you so nervous all of a sudden.Big drop, isn't this what we want to see?

"Bdc, what London stock market?" Clark asked in a low voice.

As Soros's professional assistant, Clark himself is also a top student majoring in finance. Just now, he just didn't expect it. Now, he understands it and said in surprise: "Bdc, what do you mean, those damn yellow people will Through the market maker trading of London Hong Kong stocks, will they wantonly absorb the chips of London Hong Kong stocks, so as to affect the Donggang Index?"

"Yes, the characteristics of London Hong Kong stocks require market makers to conduct transactions. Unfortunately, we cannot participate in it, which gives Donggang and Huaxia an opportunity. Through London Hong Kong stocks, they can boost the confidence of Donggang shareholders. At the opening of the market, they wantonly buy stocks with support, and there will definitely be follow suits. If we can’t break through the psychological barrier of 6 aids, then we will be in danger.” Soros: “Boss, you worry too much, it’s just a London Hong Kong stock market. , even if there is an impact, it is only at the level of the stock market. It has little impact on our grand plan. The main thing we still do is hedging in the foreign exchange market, which is our trump card." Clark said carelessly, In his tone, he was very disdainful.

The ravages of Southeast Asian countries made this young assistant full of confidence in himself, in the fund, and in Soros.Even Dongying is being manipulated in the hands of the stockholders, let alone the Donggang Special Zone.

Soros sighed and said to his assistant: "Clark, don't take it lightly. Being a hedge fund is a war in any country. This is a war in the economic field. Any negligence will lead to the collapse of the whole line. Don't underestimate the power of retail investors. There is an old saying in China, which seems to be like this. If you don't accumulate small rivers, there will be no big rivers and seas. If you don't accumulate small clods, there will be no mountains. The meaning is to warn us. Anytime Don’t be careless. Although the Hong Kong stock market in London is an external market and dealer trading, it can affect the retail investors in Donggang. If these people don’t panic and stick to their words, we can only fail. Do you understand?”

The time difference between the Hong Kong stock market in London and the Hong Kong stock market in Donggang is the opening time of the Hong Kong stock market in London after the closing of the Donggang stock market. This day is destined to be the day when the Hong Kong stock market in London will become famous all over the world.

The 28 blue-chip stocks listed in London also reached a transaction agreement with the market maker on this day.The total cost reached billions of dollars.When the news reached Donggang, the whole of Hong Kong was boiling. This is a weather vane.this means.These companies defended the market, and they also spent such a huge amount of money, fully demonstrating their strength.

At the same time, the Huaxia government and the official media have continuously broadcast news commentary and a live interview with the [Prime Minister] Yunbo of the [Central] Central Government in the past two days.Premier Yun's words are powerful and resounding, and his unwavering confidence and determination to maintain the prosperity and stability of Donggang are extremely inspiring to the people of Donggang.

After two days of deliberation, the confidence of Donggang shareholders has been boosted.As soon as the market opened, basically, there was no market for selling.Almost all are in Masukura.

On Nie Zhenbang's side, he also used multiple orders to promote the further development of this momentum.Stocks, from around 6800 when trading was suspended last Friday, have risen in a straight line all the way, and have reached around 6900, and they are about to break through the 7000 mark.

"Leader, it's not good. There are a lot of selling orders in the market, most of which are red chips, small and medium-sized enterprises and some technology companies. The index has been suppressed again. According to inference, there is a further downward trend." Huo Gang shouted while operating.

Unexpectedly, there are so many companies' stocks in the hands of these hot money.Moreover, these people have given up their strategy and stopped suppressing blue chip stocks.Instead, attack these small and medium-sized enterprises and red chips.At this time, the blue-chip companies are powerless and can protect their own stocks, so don't help them yourself.This is already a very remarkable thing.

6800 followed, less than half an hour, 6750, and within 10 minutes, retail investors panicked again. The confidence accumulated with great difficulty in the past two days, at this moment, without seeing the government intervene, retail investors All panicked.

Around 10:30, the stock index plummeted, approaching the 6600 mark.At this time, Nie Zhenbang looked at the trend and transactions, but said in a deep voice: "It should be, they don't have many chips in their hands. Take orders, take as much as you want, and before the market closes, you must raise the index to above 6800."

Following the issuance of this series of orders.The funds in Nie Zhenbang's hands and Pang Shi's various accounts began to absorb shares wantonly.

Donggang Securities, in the trading hall, where thousands of people gather, shows its popularity. However, looking at the green scene on the screen, it can be said to be bleak and deserted.

Suddenly, a voice from a car yelled: "Look, look, the transaction volume has increased, and the volume has increased. The government has taken action."

When this sound sounded, everyone in the hall immediately cheered. After the silence, deafening cheers erupted.

Immediately afterwards, a young man yelled: "Call the position, if you don't cover the position at this time, you will be a fool, the opportunity is not lost, and the time will never come. With the government's action, this is a matter of sure profit and no loss."

This voice drove the originally bleak market. On the live trading seats of Donggang Stock Exchange, the yellow vests of various securities companies began to get busy.

The transactions of retail investors are also under the monitoring of various securities companies. At the close of noon, the index rose again and returned to small.nearby.At this time, cheers of victory broke out again in the operation hall on the [-]th floor, and Zhang Yunfan, the deputy team leader, also had a happy face: "Team leader, I am afraid that this time the blockade will cause a heavy loss of these idle funds. In my opinion, our work , It’s almost time to finish. As long as they use up all these chips. At that time, they will have no choice but to retreat.”

With a sullen face, Nie Zhenbang looked at the data submitted by various securities companies. This morning, from 10:30 to the close at noon, retail investors and medium investors accounted for the majority of their positions.This is what Nie Zhenbang is satisfied with.By mobilizing these forces, there is hope of victory in this defense battle.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "Yunfan, you can't talk about victory lightly.

Looking at it now, these international hot money have actually mastered so many stocks.I'm afraid it has been planned for a long time.In the afternoon there are still fierce battles to be fought.Now, let everyone eat and rest.Recharge your batteries and do a good job in the weekdays. "

At this moment, on Soros' side, Soros, who had always been sullen, finally smiled a little: "Finally, I made a move. With such a large amount, it is estimated that the current funds are a bit stretched, and we have to prepare funds to resist The impact of the foreign exchange market. I want to see how you can resist this afternoon."! .

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