reborn family

Chapter 434 Concerned about 3 Farmers

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang is staring at the head in front of him. Behind him, there are many titles and halos, such as member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, secretary of the [Central] Central [Book] Office, the principal of the [Central] Central Party School, National vice [chairman], etc., according to memory, at the end of this year and early next year at the two sessions, he will also take over the vice [chairman] of the [Central] Central Military Commission and the vice [chairman] of the State Military Commission. :Update text chapter fastest:

This is the final preparation for the handover of General Secretary Yuan at the turn of the century.At that time, Secretary Yuan [Secretary] will also step down from the position of [Secretary] Secretary, and retain the position of [Chairman] of the [Central] Central Military Commission. After a one-year transition period, Secretary Yuan [Secretary] will retire. At that time, it was Shen Xiuchao's stage.

This is the leadership core of Huaxia's fourth-generation leadership group.Even though Nie Zhenbang is a child from a wealthy family like the Nie family, there is still a kind of inexplicable excitement and anticipation.

When he stepped forward, Nie Zhenbang was very respectful and said sincerely, "Hello, Chief."

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Shen Xiuchao also laughed, and said to Mu Dingjian: "Comrade Dingjian, is this still in our impression, that Nie Zhenbang who is not afraid of heaven and earth?"

In Xinli City, he contradicted the [Secretary] of the Municipal Party Committee, killed the Director of the District State Taxation Bureau, and even pulled down the [Chairman] of the Autonomous Region.In the Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was even more generous. In Liangxi City, even American-funded enterprises were blocked, and the American government even apologized.This continuous feat is somewhat inconsistent with the current performance.

Shen Xiuchao's words made Nie Zhenbang feel a little embarrassed.Walking into Shen Xiuchao's office, in the Huayun Pavilion, there are antique Ming and Qing furniture, each of which can be called a royal boutique.

The carved and hollowed-out rosewood sofa is even more rare.You know, there is a folk saying that ten sandalwoods are empty, which shows how precious red sandalwood is.

After sitting down, the first secretary, Huang Yunshan, also came in at this moment, holding a tea tray in his hand, and after handing two cups of tea to Mu Dingjian and Nie Zhenbang, he immediately backed out.Having been by the chief's side for so many years, Huang Yunshan naturally wouldn't make any mistakes in such small details.

At this time, Shen Xiuchao took the initiative to say: "Zhenbang, this time, I am also concerned about your affairs in Donggang. The decisive killing and the slanting of the sword have caused a big loss to hot money. More importantly Yes, in terms of maintaining Donggang's stability and economic prosperity, the political significance is far greater than the economic significance."

At this moment, Mu Dingjian loved Nie Zhenbang from the bottom of his heart, but he said with a smile: "Chief...don't praise him anymore, this kid, if you don't praise him, maybe he will do it again after returning to Liangxi. What's going on?"

This sentence made Shen Xiuchao laugh out loud.Basically, whenever Nie Zhenbang has to do something big, it's either before or after.It's sure to come up with something.

However, Nie Zhenbang also knew very well that it was enough for the chief and secretary Mu [Shu] to look at him differently, and it would not be possible to improve the relationship in a short while.Friendship, friendship, these things, but it takes time to accumulate.

At this time, you asked Chief Xi Shimu Dingjian to open his heart to himself to discuss the current high-level political situation and the changes in the behavior of each family. Obviously, this is impossible.Nie Zhenbang's level is not high enough, nor has it reached the level that the chief can trust completely.

However, at this time, if he wanted to leave a deep impression on the chief, he had to come up with something.

These things are not fame and fortune, nor gold and silver wealth.These, to Shen Xiuchao, are just floating clouds.With their current status, they have special cars and planes to go in and out.In terms of physical health, there are also specialized health doctors.It can be said that Shen Xiuchao is now a serious national leader.These extraneous things, things that you don't bring with you when you are born, and things you don't take with you when you die, even a provincial official, don't have many in his hands, let alone him.

Then, if you want Shen Xiuchao to value yourself, you have to work hard on governing the country. Coincidentally, Nie Zhenbang thought of something.

Looking at the satisfied expression of Mu Dingjian next to him, Nie Zhenbang knew that Secretary Mu [Book] was very satisfied with his performance today.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang contemplated his own words, and said in a low voice: "Chief, Secretary Mu [Shu]. After nearly eight years in politics, especially after a few years of training in the Northwest Autonomous Region, after two years in the Commission for Discipline Inspection, I also have feelings in my heart. Some immature ideas, I want to report to the chiefs."

The so-called immature idea is just a polite word. If the idea is really immature, would Nie Zhenbang dare to say it?

It must have been carefully considered in my mind and repeatedly weighed the pros and cons before I dared to say something. Thinking of the magic of Nie Zhenbang, the 80s, those few articles, the successful prediction of the Soviet Union, and his personal manipulation made the country gain Huge benefits. Afterwards, the sustainable development strategy was also proposed by this person and handed over to the country for improvement. As a pilot, the achievements of Xinli City have been extremely eye-catching. In recent years, the sustainable development strategy has also shown its powerful strength in the country. strength.

Now, there is something to report to him, Shen Xiuchao's eyes have such a meaningful taste.Nie Zhenbang is not simple. He is young, in his thirties, but he is comparable to those old politicians.This is to make a relationship with himself. The purpose, it is not difficult to guess, is to keep the Nie family and himself in the first group after he comes to power.Counting from Elder Nan, and even counting from the Taizu to the old man of the Nie family, the Nie family can be said to be the third generation of the red pole, and now, it is the fourth generation of this family. This kind of family should be regarded as the first in the country.

If it wasn't for the Nie family's inability to accept.Shen Xiuchao was a little worried about whether he would grab his power, but fortunately, this situation did not exist.

For Nie Zhenbang's kindness, Shen Xiuchao accepted it all, smiled and nodded, turned his head and joked with Mu Dingjian next to him: "Comrade Dingjian, this little Nie is too modest."

Nie Zhenbang also had a feeling of being exposed, and said with a blushing smile, "Chief, you are too much. This time, what I want to report to the chief is about issues related to agriculture, rural areas and rural areas."

The Sannong issue, in fact, was created by Shen Xiuchao's government. Now, Shen Xiuchao is a little suspicious.

However, Nie Zhenbang explained with a smile: "Chief, this is my abbreviation. Specifically, the three rural issues refer to the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. With a rural population of nearly [-] million in our country, it can be said that farmers are related to For the stability and development of our country, if the three rural issues are solved, it is equivalent to fixing half of the country."

"Oh, Sannong Work? This term is very classic and sharp. Can you describe it in detail?" Shen Xiuchao appreciated it very much and continued to ask.

These things were originally summed up later. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang brought them out at his fingertips. This guy has no awareness of whether to pirate or not. Instead of waiting until later and naturally appearing, it is better to bring it up now. At least, it can make the country take it seriously. , If it can benefit the common people in advance, it can be regarded as a contribution.

Immediately, he sorted out his thoughts, and said slowly: "Chief, when I was working in the Commission for Discipline Inspection, I have been to many rural areas and also worked in remote areas in the west. My total experience is that the countryside is really poor, Farmers are suffering, and farming is dangerous."

This sentence really came out two years later when Fengbu, a township in a certain city in northern Chu Province, wrote a letter to the State Council.

At this moment, being brought up by Nie Zhenbang, Shen Xiuchao was also shocked and a little suspicious.However, Shen Xiuchao has worked in remote and impoverished areas for a long time, and Che knows this sentence deeply.

After a long silence, he nodded seriously and said, "Zhenbang, your words have revealed the true meaning of the peasants' problem."

Nie Zhenbang nodded and continued: "Chief, the Sannong issue is actually, in essence, three aspects of the problem. First, the rural issue is actually the issue of the reform of the rural household registration system. The imbalance between urban and rural development has made urban and rural areas more difficult. This is the root of the contradiction. The surplus labor force in rural areas has been outflowing. This is the essence. Second, the agricultural problem is actually the problem of agricultural industrialization. The price of agricultural products is too low, which seriously discourages farmers from planting. Xing, food and agriculture are the foundation of the country and cannot be shaken. Thirdly, the issue of farmers, this, I think, can be divided into two parts, one is the issue of reducing the burden on farmers, and the other is the issue of the quality of the people.”

After a pause, he continued: "Up to now, the national coverage rate of universal nine-year education is about 90.00%. Among the people not covered, more than [-]% are rural population, and the family planning policy is also resisted in rural areas. These are all issues that cannot be ignored. Getting poorer and poorer is also related to the quality of farmers. How to improve the quality of farmers is a problem that the country should study. A strong people makes the country rich. The quality of farmers who account for two-thirds of the country's population base, That's the point."

"Burden reduction. At present, in addition to the normal agricultural tax of the country, each province and each city also has different policies and regulations. In each township, there are still many agricultural withdrawals. These things have various names.

Complicated, grassroots organizations, the collection of these withdrawals and reservations, often has a lot to do with their own administrative expenditures, and peasants' resistance to taxes has also occurred in many places.I think this is the biggest problem.If you can, I suggest that the agricultural tax be abolished.Really reduce the burden on farmers and improve their enthusiasm for planting. "

These words of Nie Zhenbang shocked Shen Xiuchao, and there was only one thought in his heart, this is a talented person.

However, Shen Xiuchao didn't have any other ideas. A cadre like Nie Zhenbang could play his role to a greater extent only if he was placed in a local area.At this moment, Shen Xiuchao really cared about talents, thought about it, and said in a deep voice: "Zhenbang, these things, you sort out a written material and submit it to me as soon as possible."! .

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