reborn family

Chapter 435

Hearing Shen Xiuchao's words, Xia Zhenbang became excited~ the written information... I already had it, and these things were created before. "A new experience in text reading." Immediately, Nie Zhenbang was very humble, nodded and said: "Chief, I have written materials ready-made. Wait, I can send them to you."

Shen Xiuchao is also a man in love, and immediately nodded and said: "Is it kept at home in the capital? It's just right, you can call back and ask that kid from Jiamin to bring it for you."

When Nie Jiamin received the call, he was filled with emotion again. His younger brother has become more and more unexpected. Now, he has already established a good relationship with the prince.

After a cursory look at Nie Zhenbang's written materials, they are more detailed and detailed than oral ones.On the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, he has a very deep insight. Inside, many ideas and plans are very suitable for him. Immediately, Shen Xiuchao also closed the material, looked up at Nie Zhenbang and said: "Zhenbang, this idea of ​​yours Very good. Very insightful, very in-depth in looking at problems, we ** just need cadres like you who can plan ahead."

This sentence made Mu Dingjian a little surprised. As Shen Xiuchao's direct descendant, Mu Dingjian knew very well the character of Deputy Chief Shen, and never praised the cadres below easily. It is already very good to be able to give Nie Zhenbang such an evaluation. Take it seriously.

At this moment, Shen Xiuchao changed his words, and said with a smile: "I heard that the Eastern Development Forum... will be opened in less than two months. This is the key point of the country. The eastern provinces with developed economies can pioneer and innovate and create such regional development exhibitions. Go and have a look."

With that said, Shen Xiuchao said to the door: "Yunshan, please record it, wait until October. Go to Liangxi City to attend the opening ceremony of the Eastern Development Forum.

Let the First Secretary Spread Wings Watermark] record is not simply a memo. At Shen Xiuchao's current level, it is no longer just domestic political affairs, and there are many foreign affairs activities that need to be attended.To record it, on the one hand, the memo is more important, and it is still necessary to coordinate the work and foreign affairs activities at that time.

Nie Zhenbang was overjoyed, but stood up, nodded and said: "Chief, you can participate. This is the greatest affirmation for our Jiangbei Province and the five eastern provinces. We will definitely sweep the couch and wait for the visit of the Chief."

After all, Shen Xiuchao is already a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo. Being able to spare a few hours to meet Nie Zhenbang is already based on the Sannong issue. At this moment, Huang Yunshan walked in and said in a low voice: "Chief, it's time to leave. In Yunguang Your Excellency, several heads of state will see you off, this time to attend the Asia-Pacific Summit, the special plane is already on standby."

In this way, both Nie Zhenbang and Mu Dingjian stood up, stood up, said goodbye, and left. After following Mu Dingjian's special car, after driving out of Huayun Pavilion, Mu Dingjian explained some things to Nie Zhenbang. Now, Mu Dingjian He has already treated Nie Zhenbang as his confidant.

In the end, Mu Dingjian asked Nie Zhenbang to ask him for help if he needed help. This was Mu Dingjian's...recognition and promise to Nie Zhenbang.

After separating from Mu Dingjian, Nie Zhenbang got together with a few other people in the capital. Gao Wei is already preparing for his transfer. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection can release people at any time, just wait. Look at Haibu's transfer order.

After staying in the capital for two nights, Nie Zhenbang took a flight back to Jiangzhou, and the plane landed slowly at Jiangzhou Airport. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang was also full of emotion.

A month ago, Mr. Yun spread his wings and watermark] Li called out and went to Donggang by himself. At that time, the future was bleak, and once the blocking failed, it would be the end of his official career. With the trust of Shuzhan Wing Watermark] and the support of these two, I don't have to worry about going smoothly along the way.

Walking out of the airport, Nie Zhenbang also felt refreshed.The impact of Lao Tzu Nie's death has been reduced to the weakest level at this moment. The current General Secretary Yuan spread his wings, followed by Shen Xiuchao, and after that, Mu Dingjian. It can be said that all the way down, there are heads of state convoy.Not to mention walking sideways, at least, if other families want to suppress themselves, they have to consider whether they can bear the anger of these big bosses.

Soon, Nie Zhenbang found Huang Xuyang and Yang Qingshan among the crowd, and he had already called them to inform them of his flight time.

At this moment, as soon as they met, they both came up to greet them. Huang Xuyang took the briefcase from Nie Zhenbang and handed him a teacup.And Yang Qingshan also took the suitcase from Nie Zhenbang's hand.

Looking at the two, Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said to Huang Xuyang: "Xuyang, how is the situation in the city during the month I left?"

"The situation hasn't changed much. Vice Mayor Li's side has been very popular in the city this month. In addition, Vice Mayor Shi and Vice Mayor Li have also gotten closer. Others, The work of renovating the old city is going on step by step, but I heard that there are many villas on the Zhou side that cut corners."

"Cutting corners?"

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang seemed to be talking about the shopkeeper. Didn’t the shopkeeper lose his precious life because of this? The majestic republican leader, with a record far surpassing the average superhero, did it because of Some flaws in the local government have ruined the young life.

Now, hearing this word again, Nie Zhenbang's face will naturally not be very good-looking.

"Is there any evidence? Xu Yang." After getting into the car, Nie Zhenbang asked.

Huang Xuyang also said respectfully at this moment: "There is no evidence, but I heard from a few friends of the municipal engineering supervisor that the quality of steel used in Zhou's house is not very good, and many of them are re-drawn."

"Pull again?" Nie Zhenbang couldn't understand.

This is also normal. Nie Zhenbang is not a superman. If he can achieve something in the political system and in the economic field, he is already much better than ordinary people.It is normal to not understand these architectural aspects.

Immediately, Huang Xuyang also explained: "Well, it is to increase the length of the steel bar by mechanical cold drawing of the 8mm or 12mm steel bar. Generally, take a ton of 12mm steel bar as an example. This method can be used as a ton and a half. According to their purchase documents, this is a 12mm steel bar. In fact, it may become 8mm or even thinner. Moreover, after stretching, the strength and ductility of the steel bar They all suffered some damage.”

Hearing Huang Xuyang's words, Nie Zhenbang's face was also very ugly, but at this time, there were still things to do, but he could only clean up Zhou Chen after he went back.

In front, Yang Qingshan also interjected: "Mayor, are you going back to the city?"

"Don't go back for the time being, go to the provincial party committee first. Xuyang took out the provincial party committee address book. Call Yan Shuoshu's office." Nie Zhenbang ordered.

Huang Xuyang quickly took out the phone, dialed the number and handed it to Nie Zhenbang. At this moment, a male voice came from the phone: "Hello, hello."

"Secretary Long? I'm Nie Zhenbang, Secretary Long. This time, the secondment mission is over. I just returned to Jiangzhou and I have an important job to report to Shen Shu. I don't know. Is Shen Shu Spreading Wings Watermark] free now?" Nie Zhenbang suppressed his anger, but said with a smile.

On the opposite side, Secretary Long smiled and said, "Mayor Nie, um, are you here now? Book Spreading Wings Watermark] Note that there is exactly half an hour free at three o'clock in the afternoon, so come over."

At this moment, it is almost one o'clock.When the car arrived at the Provincial Party Committee, it was already two o'clock. After eating something casually, Nie Zhenbang arrived at the door of Shen Yanshuo's office at exactly 02:30. He waited for half an hour on the sofa outside, listening to Going to the inner office, the sound of the door opening and closing, probably.The person reporting inside has already left.

Secretary Long stood up and walked into the inner office. After a while, he came out and whispered to Nie Zhenbang: "Mayor Nie, Shuzhan Wing Watermark] let you in."

As soon as he walked into Shen Yanshuo's office, Nie Zhenbang could tell that Shen Yanshuo was in a good mood at the moment.Smiling, he motioned for Nie Zhenbang to sit on the sofa, and then smiled and said: "Comrade Zhenbang is back, that's good. This time, the general manager gave you a high evaluation. Donggang also gave the provincial government A thank-you call was sent. It has greatly increased the prestige of our Jiangbei cadres. This time, come here, is Mayor Zhenbang doing anything?"

Shen Yanshuo was also very satisfied with Nie Zhenbang's performance, he was very polite when he spoke, and being able to get the praise of the general manager was not something that ordinary people could get casually.

At this moment, Shen Yanshuo was also pondering whether to give Nie Zhenbang this year's progress.

Now, at this time, Nie Zhenbang is not too polite, Shen Xiuchao is coming to attend the meeting, and the Donggang Special Zone delegation is coming to participate in the exhibition. , but made it bigger.With the participation of Shen Xiuchao, this specification has been raised to the national level.

"Shen Shu Spreading Wings Watermark] Note, I am here this time mainly because I want to report to you about the Eastern Development Forum." Nie Zhenbang pondered for a while, and directly stated the purpose of his visit this time.

This sentence made Shen Yanshuo a little curious, and he smiled and said, "Oh? Mayor Zhenbang is still in Donggang, and he is still worrying about the Eastern Development Forum? This and his serious and responsible spirit are worthy of the provincial cadres. Learn."

There is something in the words, it seems that there is something commendable and praiseful, but it also has a derogatory meaning, you are not in your position, you don't plan for politics, you, Nie Zhenbang, are all out of town, so why worry about it.It doesn't matter whether Shen Yan Shuoheng is praising or sarcastic.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang smiled wryly, looked at Shen Yanshuo and said, "Shen Shu spreads his wings and watermarks] Note, this time, the Eastern Development Forum, I'm afraid it's playing too big."

Before Shen Yanshuo could speak, Nie Zhenbang said again: "After the work was completed during this trip to Donggang, I took the opportunity to talk about this development forum with Chief Executive Tong of Donggang Special Zone, some business elites in Donggang, Li Chaoren and others. Interested, Donggang has now returned. There are many business opportunities in the mainland, but it is a great opportunity for Donggang businessmen to expand their industries. Therefore, they all expressed great interest and wanted to come to participate in the Eastern Development Forum."

Want to participate in the Donggang Special Administrative Region Government Spreading Wings Watermark] Government?This is a good thing. It expands the influence of the Eastern Development Forum and introduces Hong Kong capital. This is also a rare opportunity to showcase.What a big deal this is.Shen Yanshuo cursed in his heart.Just as he was about to speak and criticize Nie Zhenbang, Nie Zhenbang continued: "Afterwards, I went back to the capital and visited the wooden book Zhang Wing Watermark] in the center of the regiment. Went to meet with Chief Xiuchao. This time, Chief Xiuchao was very interested after listening to our eastern development forum, and immediately asked his secretary, Comrade Huang Yunshan, to record it. He said that in October, he would come to Liangxi to participate The opening ceremony of the Eastern Development Forum. It involves Chief Xiuchao, but I dare not decide on this matter."

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Shen Yanshuo took a deep breath. The head of Xiuchao, who can be called the head and has this name, is the only leader of his own family, the prince Shen Xiuchao.Unexpectedly, at Nie Zhenbang's level, he would have such a wide range of acquaintances.

This relationship, Shen Yanshuo can be sure, is definitely not related to Nie Zhenbang's Nie family, it is Nie Zhenbang's own ability.The little guy is not simple, in time, I am afraid that he will become the head of Xiuchao again.

However, at this moment, Shen Yanshuo did not dare to neglect. If Shen Xiuchao could be recruited, it would be of great benefit to Jiangbei.It is really like what Nie Zhenbang said, this matter is really playing too big.

After pondering for a while, Shen Yanshuo made a decision in his heart: "The matter of Chief Xiuchao's coming to the meeting must be taken seriously. After you return to Liangxi, you must hurry up and make preparations. This time, the province will also send out preparations." The team stationed in Liangxi City must show the spiritual outlook and development achievements of our Jiangbei and Liangxi."

After a pause, Shen Yanshuo was still not at ease, and said again: "You should attach great importance to the preparations for this work, and treat it as a political task. In terms of cooperation, I will communicate with Comrade Chang Sheng and fully cooperate with your work. In the province, a standing committee will also be held to discuss and arrange reception issues. Comrade Zhenbang, this time, not only the province is watching you, but Comrade Xiuchao is also watching you. We must complete the task satisfactorily and have confidence No?"

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang did not have too many surprises. This and the matter did not have much benefit. If it was done well, it would be the credit of the collective team.Although, as a host, the benefits are limited.However, once it was not done well.That's different. As the main person in charge, you have more responsibilities.

This kind of thing can be described as a thankless job, but since it was given to him, Nie Zhenbang could only bite the bullet and said: "Please don't worry about spreading your wings and watermarking. You must make preparations for the Eastern Development Forum."

Shen Yanshuo was very satisfied with Nie Zhenbang's statement, and nodded in agreement. This was also considered. Comrade Shen Xiuchao was invited by Nie Zhenbang. Shen Yanshuo did not dare to say anything about the relationship.If someone else is in charge of this matter, what if Shen Xiuchao doesn't like it?what to do?Jiangbei Province, up and down, there will be no face. Instead of doing this, it is better to be a favor to Nie Zhenbang.In this way, he can also gain some goodwill from Shen Xiuchao. ! .

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