After Pei Pei fed the grilled fish to Guo Nuan, his empty stomach was finally full. He burped and fell asleep on the grass.

Guo Nuan said that eating meat was a bit boring, and he said that he wanted to eat some fruit to help digestion after the meal. There was nothing he could do about it. The angry Pei Pei just ate half a fish to see how pitiful he was covered in wounds, and he even used a pair of shining eyes to explain why. Zuo innocently stared at her desperately, as if saying: Pei Pei, fruit, fruit, I want...

Going into the woods, after half an hour, Pei Pei picked a sapodilla, Guo Nuanzheng was talking about the tasteless, natural grilled fish without salt, so he had to make do with it.After putting this lovely fruit in your mouth for a while, it is sour and sweet. This tropical fruit is rich in gelatin and sticky to the teeth.

"Hmm...Pei'er, what kind of fruit is this? It's sweet and sour, and it's too sweet. It's not—good—to eat."

After gnawing on half of a fruit, Guo Nuan seemed dissatisfied with the fruit Pei Pei had picked. He commented on the taste and put the fruit on the grass, smacked his mouth and lazily He yawned, and then he was about to close his eyes and rest.

"Huhu, too sweet?"

Pei Pei innocently blinked her big bright eyes, her eyelashes fluttered, and her face was covered with speechlessness. She felt like she wanted to cry, "It took me half an hour to pick it with great difficulty." .”

After this Si finally came back to life, he was still pampered while he was recovering from his injuries.Guo Nuan has always acted like a child and begged her for this and that, but it broke her.

Well, Pei Pei went back to the woods and continued to grope for a while.

Pei Pei carefully held an oval durian the size of a basketball. It has a golden hard shell with thorns, and some parts of the skin are slightly green. Durian is also called civet fruit. It has a unique aroma, but many people are not used to it.

Pei Pei picked up a stone by the stream and smashed open the durian, revealing the light yellow flesh inside.

"No, weird durian."

Pei Pei squatted down and held the bandaged mummy Guo Nuan in his arms, and patiently broke pieces of fruit and fed it to Uncle Guo.

"Tsk tsk, that's right, Pei Pei. Although this durian smells stinky, the more you eat it, the more delicious it becomes. It tastes really good." Guo Nuan lay comfortably in the woman's arms, rubbing her head irregularly, the beauty was soft There are fruits in Fangxiang's arms to serve and feed, and he can't help sighing in his heart: The treatment of the wounded is good....

Just when Guo Nuan was receiving good treatment in a certain corner of the mountain, seven days had passed since Guo Nuan and Fatty separated. Thing, at this moment they are scurrying around in embarrassment, there are no less than 300 pirates behind them, all carrying bright steel knives and murderously chasing them, the fat man almost fucked up, his heart has been restless all day and night He raised it in his throat.

"Woo hoo, Da Biao, look, this is a big mess. I told you not to sneak into the building boat at night to steal wine and drink, but you still refused to listen to our advice, and dragged us onto the thief boat..."

Abbas was covered with vine leaves used for camouflage, and it was too late to take them off. As for Abbas, he was holding a branch crutch in his hand, and the other arm was being supported by a sweaty fat man. Limping and galloping.It is covered with spruce and birch tall arbor forests, and everyone shuttles through the lush and vast forest.

Fatty was accompanied by six sailors, Abbas looked regretful and did not forget to criticize Fatty for his mistakes while fleeing for his life.

"Didn't I just want to take advantage of the night to touch the pirate ship moored in the coastal port? The wine bugs are so bad, to see if there is any good wine in it, and I also poured out a bucket for everyone to satisfy their hunger. I didn't expect these thieves At night, I was snoring loudly... I searched in the dark for a while in the cabin, but I didn’t realize that there was a damn wine pot under my feet, so I tripped over and made a noise.”

The fat man held Abbas, who was tripped by a tree root lying underground while sprinting, with quick eyes and hands. The fat man turned his head to look at the rapidly retreating forest scenery. Aggrieved:

"The yellow hair sleeping on the floor suddenly got up from the mat, and I stared at him in the dark for a moment, and that girl's loud voice immediately yelled 'enemy attack'! The whole article All of a sudden the lights in the cabin of the big boat were all lit up neatly..."

"This is great, everyone who accompanied you on the boat jumped off the boat and fled towards the jungle in embarrassment. These pirates didn't give up, and chased us madly from behind for two whole days... Oh my god! Big Biao , How many miles of mountain roads have we run now? Huhu..."

"I didn't eat or drink for a day and a night. I went around half of the island and climbed over a dozen mountains. It's estimated to be more than 300 miles." The fat man rolled his eyes and murmured with his face flushed while running. I can't sleep well, and I have been doing aerobic exercise for a long time. The fat man has lost a lot of weight, and the fat on his body has become firmer.

"...I really admire myself." Abbas stuck out his tongue, his mouth was terribly dry.

A group of people in tattered sailor suits desperately fled in the wild, crossing a large piece of fern. During the run, everyone picked up a few wild strawberries from the branches, or picked up one or two intact peaches from the dead leaves and ate them whole. , and occasionally used big leaves to quench thirst in the cracks of the rocks. During this time of fleeing for their lives, everyone died of embarrassment.

In the early morning, the fat man saw that the pirates behind him were not chasing him closely, and he estimated that there was still a distance from the top of the hill. As soon as the fat man took a break in the grass, a cold arrow shot out of the air with a whizzing sound, and flew past the fat man's scalp. The next strand of hair floated on the ground, and the fat man immediately burst into cold sweat on his forehead. He was holding the dick in his hand and peed halfway to make an emergency brake, but he had no desire to urinate in this shock, and secretly cursed, "Damn... "Three times, five times, two times, put on the belt of the trousers, and called everyone to start running and fleeing all the way again.

After wading through the turbulent river and flooding the river in a thrilling way, everyone saw that the chasing soldiers behind them disappeared, and then they all fell to the ground as if they had lost their souls, all of them gasping for breath.

Lying on the sand of the river beach, everyone was so tired that they couldn't move. They took the gang of persistent pirates around in the jungle and finally got rid of them. At this time, they couldn't understand the fat man Northwest.

Pu He, who was lying next to the fat man and kicked roughly, was full of vicissitudes of life, full of wild and masculine masculinity.These days, he has been living a life like a savage on the island with everyone. The uncle who came to the Persian Gulf in front of him has a messy beard.

"By the way, when I was strolling on the string deck that night, I happened to meet a boy about ten years old. The boy was wearing heavy shackles and squatting on the deck to wipe the floor. Da Biao, it seems that when he went to sea with Mr. Guo Leizhou The missing servant described is somewhat similar..."

"What! Are you sure it's Ah Fu!"

The fat man, who was exhausted with only half his life left, lay on the sand with his feet up in the air. When he heard Pu He's words, he turned sideways and asked excitedly.

"Probably, it was because I had some doubts. The child was shackled. It seemed that pirates had taken slaves to do handyman's work. I was about to go up to ask him, taking advantage of the fact that there were no pirates patrolling the ship's deck. The oil lamps in the cabin of the boat were all on, so there was no time to delay, so I turned over and jumped into the water and swam ashore..." Pu He sighed.

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