The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 131: The Locust

Lie down on the sand for a while, since Fatty and his group have been oppressed by the Wuxiang Wudoumi pirate group these days, they were chased away in the woods when they encountered pirates, the weak sailors He didn't dare to stay on the sandy beach of the river, and got into the woods after eating in a hurry.

There is a thick layer of humus soil with dead leaves under the woods, covered with blood-sucking leeches and carnivorous ants. They ran for their lives in the woods last night. There were many leeches on everyone. These gray-green sticky little meat insects looked disgusting. Well, after the bugs got off the people, these vampires looked plump and fat, and when they slapped their palms, their palms were full of scarlet plasma.

As soon as these bugs got on their bodies, they would desperately crawl around. Everyone tied up the cuffs of their trousers with rattan, but despite the tight defense, these thieves' locusts still slipped through the net.

Regarding the leeches, Abbas told the fat man that he once led a group of camel merchants when he was doing business in Tianzhu. At that time, he went to the mountains to do business with the local indigenous tribes. When he was crossing a rainforest, one of his partners was not tight because the trousers were not tight. , a leech got into his genitals.

Fatty listened to Abbas vividly recounting the tragic experience of his companion back then, and couldn't help shivering all over. Then he asked curiously: "...What happened to that poor guy?"

"The leech went in and sucked blood desperately. It turned out that a strong young man had just passed the age of 20 and hadn't married a wife. He was really unlucky. The blood-sucking worm got into his crotch and made him roll all over the floor. There was nothing he could do at that time. Everyone forced him. Hold him down and then use half a jar of spirits to knock him unconscious..."

Abbas sighed a little, took out a pipe from his arms, and slowly stuffed the tobacco. At this moment, everyone climbed to the branches of a few beech trees to rest. Everyone held their breaths and listened to the captain's narration. s story.

Now with a heavy heart, he subconsciously took out a pipe from his bosom and put it in his mouth. It is said that Abbas had already finished smoking the tobacco pouch he brought from the boat. These days, he was addicted to cigarettes. He was worried about not having any tobacco. Yesterday, Ah Bas Bass accidentally found a tobacco plant under a twig tree while fleeing for his life, so he picked three large pieces of withered and yellowed tobacco leaves and stuffed them into his pocket in a hurry. Now he has relieved his addiction.

Staring at the void with vicissitudes in his eyes, he seemed to be recalling the distant past that was dusty in his mind. After recalling the memory, he seemed a little melancholy. Youyou spit a smoke ring into the air from his mouth and then continued:

"What can I do? The worms have already got in. At that time, I was in the wild mountains, and there was no pharmacist around me. There was a shortage of doctors and medicines, and there was no way to get them out. As the team leader... I had to pick up a hunting knife. , At that time, I had no choice but to take advantage of that guy's fainting... I cut off the roots of his descendants with a single knife."

Abbas's voice trembled a little, and his speech was a little intermittent.But this incident was indeed miserable, and it hurt his heart again after recalling it.

The tree branch next to him lowered his head and was sewing patches on his clothes with bone needles. Puhe raised his head and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. He could see that Abbas, the most respected and close friend in front of him, was still very calm about that incident. Guilty.

Ever since Abbas was a sailor in his teens, Puhe has been his good partner and good friend at work. Over the years, he has traveled all over the world with Abbas, whether it is sea transportation, sailing in a boat, sailing through the seaports of the Western European continent, the Red Sea, love Qinhai, or the Persian Gulf, the two of them risked their lives to cross the Silk Road in the desert of the Western Regions by land, accompanied by a caravan of camels and caravans to travel deep into the endless middle-earth desolation and the north, and even to the cold and snowy world of Siberia. The journey took more than a year Traveling thousands of miles and going through untold hardships just to do business with the tribe of Xianbei descendants in Northeast Asia. After working together for more than 20 years, Puhe has always been a witness of Abbas's life experience.

Raising his head blankly through the branches and leaves, Pu He looked at a white cloud floating in the blue sky, his eyes were a little erratic, his expression seemed to be in a daze, maybe after a long time, it seemed that Pu He himself yearned to become a leisurely white cloud.

There were endless stories of vicissitudes on his resolute face, and the sympathy that flickered in Pu He's eyes disappeared immediately. He paused and then replied indifferently.

"If he hadn't cut it decisively at that time, he would have died a long time ago. If he loses his fertility and can recover his life, it's still worth it. Captain, you didn't do anything wrong..."

Pujol, the only sailor in the audience who shared that experience with Abbas, was there at the time. The hardships of fate have tempered a tough and fearless sailor. The life and death of too many companions, these tragic experiences made him have a strong and tenacious heart at this moment.

After listening, everyone nodded silently. They definitely made sense to Pu He's words.

After listening to Abbas, the fat man felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy. He carefully checked his trousers and mouth, and then tightened his belt desperately. Da Biao felt a lot more at ease in his heart. It was unlucky that the leech got the second child, and Da Biao immediately started to gag and tell some jokes, or talk about interesting stories about hunting in his hometown in the Central Plains Guanzhong, and the atmosphere of everyone became lively again after a while.

Abbas smiled faintly in harmony with the enthusiastic atmosphere of everyone, and looked at the simple and honest and cute fat man in front of him who was riding on the branch of the tree, dancing and talking, and almost fell off the branch several times.

The box of thoughts in his mind couldn't stop once he opened it, and Abbas was still a little worried. At this moment, everyone had spent seven or eight days deep in the tropical jungle. Not to mention being hunted down, they still lacked survival tools. He who has rich experience in the jungle knows that there are not only these dangerous leeches in this wilderness...

When Abbas himself was a sailor, during a sea voyage, the ship moored at an island in the South China Sea to supply fresh water. The captain took everyone to the island to hunt, and chased a big reindeer into the jungle for more than 100 miles. Thirsty, just as I was looking for a place to spend the night after a tiring day, I found a cave hidden by ferns under the cliff.

At that time, night was about to fall, and it happened to be raining heavily. The wet people held up torches and couldn't care less. There was a cave in front of them, Wuwu, which was a good place to live.

After a while, everyone rushed into the dark cave to hide from the rain.Although Abbas was very tired, he had an extra mind. He felt that it was not good to sleep directly in the low-lying part of the cave. He groped and climbed to the top of the stalactites in the cave, where there was a recess to rest, and then three companions They also felt that the sandstone on the ground was uncomfortable and strong, so the three of them followed Abbas and climbed up to the high-lying boulder.

Everyone who was extremely tired fell asleep. When the next day dawned, the sun illuminated the cave through the entrance. The companions above the stone got up and saw the creeps. The seven blood-stained human skeletons were dressed in tatters. His clothes were lying straight on the ground, and the skeleton was covered with black masses of throbbing ants, each of which was about the size of a bee.Moreover, the skeleton still kept the sleeping position, and the seven companions clearly hadn't struggled before, and they were all asleep while being gnawed by ants. It was too miserable.Abbas still has lingering fears when he thinks about it now. In comparison, he feels that carnivorous ants are much more terrifying than leeches.

"Look! There's a man on the opposite ridge!"

While Abbas was distracted, the sailor hanging on a high branch pointed at the distant mountains. He was surprised and continued to shout to everyone: "It seems that a woman is carrying... er, there is a man on her body."

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