The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 162: School Field Drill

After returning home, Guo Nuan has been worrying about the issue of handling Wang Yan’s gifts. It is said that he also went to Wensiyuan, the royal workshop that made gold, silver and jade wares in the palace. Unfortunately, he did not have the share of gold and silver wares made by the royal family to supply the batch. Suffering from the fact that the chief craftsman is a student official under Yuan Zai's school, Guo Nuan stood firmly on the same side with Liu Yan and Yan Zhenqing when he was discussing politics at the court. Recently, he and Yuan Zai had a very tense dispute.

Speaking of being a student of Yuan Zai, the official Wen Siyuan certainly didn't give Guo Nuan a good look. No, not to build.Guo Nuan was also puzzled.

Where did the batch of jewelry sent by Wang Yan come from?It seems to be folk, because the jewelry does not have the unique logo of the palace workshop.

Guo Nuan was really mistaken. I asked the experienced craftsmen in folk gold and silverware workshops in Chang'an jewelry trading market. They said that observing the styles and techniques of these crafts, most of them came from royal workshops. It is estimated that the logo is very likely to be a private product created by the Royal Wensi Academy, and it has flowed from the royal family to the bureaucrats.

There is no way, too late to regret.The plan to go to the royal workshop to make the jewelry that Shengping gave away fell through at this moment.Guo Nuan had no choice but to warn herself not to set an example, and this matter came to an end.

Since the Gambling Incident of Yamen Officials of the Armed Forces Supervision Office, Guo Nuan dismissed Wang Yan’s nephew. He behaved righteously and awe-inspiringly, with a smile on his face, but why didn't Guo Nuan smell out the perfunctory way of Fatty Wang? Maybe it's very important for this guy to resent him in his heart.

In view of the busyness of things, Guo Nuan really didn't have time to continue to clean up the military supervision. It was not a day's cold to freeze three feet. The worry really persecuted these subordinates. Maybe there is no guarantee that there will be a collective strike. The Ministry of Officials, who assessed official performance, finally alarmed the emperor, and it was inevitable that many ministers in the court would throw stones into the flames and fan the flames. Maybe they didn't clean up their own yamen, but they provoked a whole lot of mobs and dismissed them from office.

Therefore, Guo Nuan held his breath. According to his idea, he would come to Japan to slowly repair the overstaffed personnel situation in the government office after he had established a solid foundation and pulled up a new team. Wang Yan, the sixth-rank supervisor of the military In the future, Cheng will definitely bring him down.

Guo Nuan had time to inspect the bow and crossbow shop and the blade armor shop under the Military Weapons Supervision. Seeing all kinds of sophisticated weapons and equipment mass-produced by the royal family, Guo Nuan immediately came up with a plan to test weapons.

I heard that Li Meng brought the soldiers from Shuofang Zhechong Duwei's mansion to guard the Chang'an Palace. Li Meng is now on duty at the Nan Ya Guards, Zuo Qianniu Guard of the [-]th Guards is the captain of the guards.

Guo Nuan wanted to test the weapons and equipment produced by the Military Weapons Supervision, and at this time, he went to Nanya and borrowed 350 imperial guards from Li Meng to prepare for a simulated drill.

Near the end of the month, Guo Nuan has been serving as a military supervisor for half a month. On the 26th day of the lunar calendar, the palace guards were replaced by You Niu Qianwei, so Li Meng happened to be free, and he readily led more than 300 soldiers to the army The Dajiaochang of the Department of Instrument Supervision and Administration helps.

"Haha, Brother Guo, Brother Li is here, look at this group of soldiers, all of them are warriors who have just returned from the battlefield, and they are definitely qualified for this kind of small-scale drill."

Li Meng led three teams of guards and marched into the marble-paved large field. Looking around, it was as empty as a wilderness. The large field covering an area of ​​more than ten acres was very suitable for small-scale military drills.

Guo Nuan gave Li Meng a bear hug when they met. Guo Nuan looked at the black and dignified military formations in front of him, standing straight and motionless row by row.Guo Nuan was overjoyed immediately, and praised:

"Look, look, those under Brother Li are just soldiers. They stand in a military posture, straight and powerful, and a murderous blood rushes straight to their faces. How can they be the children of officials and noble families who have been pampered in the palace all year round? The military can be compared."

Guo Nuan and Li Meng exchanged brief greetings for a while, so Guo Nuan signaled to the officials of the Military Weapons Supervision to start the preparations for the drill.

On the school field, dozens of industrious handymen quickly brought the props for the drill to the stage.Guo Nuan, Li Meng, Wang Yan and a group of high-ranking bureaucrats climbed onto the stage overlooking the whole school to watch.

The beating drums sounded, and as the commanding soldiers on the high platform of the arrow pavilion at the four corners of the school field waved small flags of various colors to give orders, Li Meng's soldiers changed into various equipment.

This time more than [-] heavy cavalry formed a square formation to hold the rear of the palace. Although there were not many, the tall and strong Mongolian Sanhe horses lined up in a straight line, with their long necks raised, looked at the shining brilliance of their armor under the sun. Under the skillful control of the reins of the heavy armored cavalry, sometimes they form a circular formation, and sometimes they turn into a triangular cone, square, or wild goose. .Or surrounded by infantry guards, integrated into a combined formation of outer circles and inner squares.


The leading lieutenant drew out the tip of his waist knife and pointed it straight at the void in front of him, and a sonorous and forceful charge sounded.

"Tang, clang, clang!" All the cavalry sharpened their knives and rushed at the pigs and sheep, and the heavy cavalry immediately set up dense and neat rows of long spears, as if they were sharp and sinister bloodthirsty fangs.

Iron hoofs suddenly sounded, hitting the hard marble floor tiles, even Guo Nuan and the others who were watching from Dianjiangtai felt the ground tremors.

Guo Nuan secretly sighed, it was really powerful, the men and horses were equipped with more than 50 catties, a heavy cavalry led the horse galloped and charged, and charged in the open field, half a ton of killing humanoid harness machines formed a [-]-man assault group. . . .Terrible indeed.

The distance of more than 1000 yards quickly narrowed, and the cavalry regiment rushed away like lightning and thunder, and the live pigs tied to dozens of large wooden stakes in front of them really suffered.

The white knife goes in, the red knife goes out. "Puff puff puff" the heavy cavalry relied on the powerful inertial impact force and the excellent long lance made by the ordnance inspector. The pigs on the stump screamed and then stopped abruptly. Piercing kill.

"Haha, if a pig is alive, it will be dead, it will be over in the blink of an eye, happy!"

Guo Nuan clapped his hands and laughed. When he said this, he glanced at Wang Yan's bloated body intentionally or unintentionally. This action made Fatty Wang a little embarrassed.

Although the heavy cavalry regiment charged and killed dozens of pigs, although the imaginary enemy was gone, they still practiced siege, strangulation, and counter-charge, and finally they were neatly included in the infantry.

After the cavalry was replaced with infantry equipment, two hundred spear infantry were staged next. The spears were raised high into the sky, piercing the sky, and then poured down like mountains and seas to form a forward posture, densely forming a hedgehog-like Great Wall of steel spear points.

The spearmen lined up step by step with neat footwork, and the soldiers burst out with deafening shouts and charges every time they took a step.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The sound was repeated one after another, and finally the spearmen approached the wooden target in an orderly manner, and slowly and powerfully overwhelmed them in a solid and rock-like forcing charge. Down.

"Okay, okay!" On the stage, the high-pitched and passionate shouts of the spearmen made the audience's blood boil. Undoubtedly, it can greatly improve morale.So much so that Guo Nuan and Li Meng couldn't help but applaud loudly, and some low-level officials had never seen such a shocking posture, and their palms were swollen with excitement.

There was one sound of the drum, and the second sound, and the shield soldiers formed an airtight protective wall and placed in the forefront to cover the crossbowmen.More than 100 steps away from the target, the archers and shield soldiers cooperated with each other and cooperated with each other tacitly. The crossbowmen with a long range shot as soon as they walked. When the target was close, the archers also began to exert their power.

The rain of arrows was overwhelming like locusts, and after a while more than 100 targets on the school field were filled with arrows.This crisp and neat rehearsal set off a climax among the audience, and everyone felt a little unsatisfied.

The Modao team came to the field, seeing people slashing people, seeing horses slashing horses, this dance and dance performance of big swords can be described as vigorous and powerful, and Guo Nuan really realized the feeling of overwhelming power today.

Look, a group of Mo Dao soldiers swarmed up, and the heavy weapons and big knives slashed away. Even a tiger couldn't stand the siege of these wolves. Earth, it was a mess.

Of course, the guards still performed the horizontal knife drill, which was slightly different from the former's fierceness. It was like a beautiful dance rehearsal.


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