The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 187: Those things in the barracks

"Very good, it seems that you have withstood the test of the field march, and the leader decided to reward each of you with a chicken leg and a pot of rice wine,"

When Guo Nuan and the others finally returned to the barracks, they added a chicken leg to their first lunch. This was undoubtedly a great reward for Guo Nuan and the others who walked around the foot of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in three directions. , Kacha, Kacha, in a small restaurant in Lingzhou City, Captain Hai smiled and looked at the six hungry wolves around a table who were frantically devouring rice.

It is said that six heads were cut off in Qinghai Lake in exchange for six taels of silver. Except that the sea team gave each of the six members of the team a new set of infantry training uniforms in the military supply depot, the rest of the rewards were reluctantly rewarded in restaurants. Let's go guys.

"Oh, it's obvious that this expedition was a loss. Only six heads were cut off, and the military uniforms were all torn, and they had to spend money to get a new one." The shop owner of the Hui ethnic group was stunned by the sight of the high rice dish.

Guo Nuan didn't have much to eat on the way, so he didn't have the young master's etiquette of eating and drinking. He let go of his hands and feet and ate desperately. As for the chicken legs, he didn't eat much. He just wants to eat dry food now.

"Eat more, take a good rest after returning to the barracks, and work hard again after a while,"

Captain Hai smiled at Mimi, his eyes narrowed like a fox at the moment, he didn't know what he was planning, this happened to Liu Sheng who looked up from his job after fighting, and he couldn't help but shivered.

The next day, the sea team was temporarily busy with the affairs of the military registration office. He heard that Ah Fu was doing a good job and might be promoted. He was busy on a business trip to Fengzhou and brought a pot of wine and raisins to Guo Nuan and the others when he returned. Said it was desolate and there was nothing to eat there.

After the march, Guo Nuan and the others temporarily stopped for military training courses. Like other infantry teams, their team was pulled by the logistics officer to serve as engineers.

First of all, wild boars, cheetahs, mice and other animals always crawled in through the holes in the fences of the wooden walls at night around the barracks, and the granaries and cellars for storing meat and vegetables suffered.

In order to prevent these abominable wild animals from intruding and stealing food, more than 3000 new infantrymen were assigned to build walls around the barracks. Guo Nuan and his six sons also joined them. A lot of trees were felled, and then the wood was transported to the nearby tributary of the Yellow River to the military camp.

Rows of wooden walls are long and short, and the vertical logs are sharply cut. Guo Nuan and the others call the wooden fences for tens of miles giant fangs. This is a big project. After the scorched earth, the large wooden piles more than ten meters high should be buried one-third to one-half deep. The foundation must be laid very solidly, and there must be no sloppy at all. It took more than a month to drive the piling. Guo Nuan and the others were so tired that they were half dead. They were exposed to the scorching sun every day, looking forward to the lunch and dinner of the kitchen cook.

In the hot summer of July, it was a good season for hunting. Second, more than 1000 cavalry were sent to hunt on a large scale within a radius of [-] miles of the barracks. It was considered to be saving meat to reward the soldiers, and by the way, prepare rations for military operations in winter.

The Yinchuan Plain to the north of the barracks is very rich, and it is also rich in wild animals. More than 1000 cavalry are doing hard work in the engineering depot every morning. The cavalry came back with a lot of prey on horseback.

After more than half a month of hunting in the plains and adjacent hills and rivers, the cavalry has reaped a lot, such as sand fox, gazelle, cheetah, etc. Guo Nuan, who has been digging loess in the ditch, has been buried in cursing. Just harvested more than 1 furs, including fox fur, mink fur, and cheetah skin. These are all high-end goods. Because of the high mass production and good quality of fur, even businessmen from the Western Regions who traveled to Dunhuang, Hexi, and Jiayuguan deliberately went as far as Shuofang. The military area came to buy furs. In more than a month, from summer to autumn, almost a hundred camel caravans came to the gate of the barracks.

For a while, the barracks were full of noise in summer, and Guo Nuan sometimes felt in a trance that this place was not like a barracks with strict military discipline, but a private grocery trading place.

However, the hunting furs of these cavalrymen are all collected by the Military Supplies Department, and the cavalry captors are rewarded with a subsidy ranging from 100 to 2000 taels per piece of fur. Da Biao heard from a fellow Lintong infantryman in the next-door team that a cavalryman who was good at riding and shooting had hunted more than 1 animal furs that could be used as high-end clothing in the Yinchuan hunting ground within ten days. With Huahua's money, he was now a rich man. The cavalryman immediately took out more than [-] coppers to the army to apply for demobilization after serving, and he returned home in good clothes.

However, the biggest winner is the Shuofang Military Region, which has been greatly subsidized financially. Of course, it has also hunted an estimated 60 catties of prey meat. One of these big heads was taken by cavalry and guards, plus military officers of all ranks. A total of 1 The people shared a quarter, and the remaining part was given to the infantry. The remaining 30 catties of meat were racked on the endless plain at the gate of the barracks. If you look closely, you can see that there are wooden racks for more than ten miles around. Strips of dried hunting meat are drying, these are military rations to be put into storage for winter storage.

There are two wooden walls in the military area. There are wooden boards in the middle of the two wooden walls, and there are two floors above and below, where soldiers can patrol, defend and rest. After working for more than two months, more than a thousand infantrymen watched This majestic and meandering Great Wall of wooden walls surrounds a huge military area. All the infantrymen who participated in the project are quite proud of it. Although it is autumn at this time, everyone is almost working like a coolie with mud legs .

In view of the fact that many new recruits were recruited this year, the facilities in the barracks could not keep up. After solving the problem of the fence, the superior ordered the infantry to speed up the fortifications to build public toilets, that is, latrines. The garbage ponds were placed, and the drainage ditches and ditches were dug around the camps. These made Guo Nuan greatly admire the advanced concept of community life of the ancients.

In September, a shocking event happened in the camp where Guo Nuan lived. It was said that an infantryman in the Brother Company of the Seventh Infantry Regiment accidentally let the horses eat poisonous grass while grazing the cavalry. After taking it back to the stable that night, the horse was foaming at the mouth and died the next day.

The death of the army horse is not possible for the cavalry owner of the horse. The war horse is like the cavalry's comrade-in-arms who share life and death. They have built a deep relationship in the bloody battle side by side. The horse-grazing infantry knelt in front of the dead horse's body, and whipped the infantry to death with a whip.

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