The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 188: Winter Offensive

Let's talk about cavalry horses.Not to mention that ordinary horses that are generally used for riding also cost more than ten taels of silver.In Daizong Dali three years.The price of rice is about 40 yuan a stone.This amount of money is enough to buy two thousand catties of rice.As for the military horses selected and trained from fine breeds, the value is even higher.It costs about 7 to [-] copper coins.It is equivalent to five or six times that of an ordinary horse.It is true that the treatment of horses in the barracks is more valuable than the name of an ordinary soldier.

"What. The horse is dead. Let the infantry in charge of grazing be beaten to death. Is this cavalry fucking human?" After hearing this extremely angry news at that time.All the members of the seventh team were completely angry.Especially the always taciturn old Gong, he immediately slapped the table until his eyes were red with anger.

But things were not that simple.After the cavalry beat the infantry to death, they were just reprimanded by the guard cavalry leader of the cavalry battalion.As for the infantryman who was beaten to death, several cavalrymen were forced to fight out at night and buried them hastily on an inconspicuous bumpkin on the plain.There is not even a wooden tombstone sign.In short, it was clearly handled in a low-key manner.A few infantrymen ran to the general barracks to report to Marshal Guo, the Jiedu envoy.He didn't go to the governor's office in Lingzhou City.These people were intercepted by the cavalry who came halfway.They threatened not to report it.As for the senior staff generals of the infantry, they also remained silent.Express an attitude of none of your business.It seemed that the commander of the cavalry battalion put pressure on them.

This angered thousands of infantrymen in the Seventh Infantry Recruit Battalion in the barracks.The next night, there was a loud roar in a certain infantry tent.Immediately, the lights of dozens of tents were all turned on.More than 300 infantrymen from the infantry formation to which the soldier who was smoked to death belonged broke into the cavalry barracks next door.He hacked to death several Dusi who were sleeping in the barracks with random knives.Participate in the collar.and guards.Of course, he also killed the cavalryman who beat the infantry with a whip.All of a sudden, thousands of horsemen from the cavalry battalion roared.There was chill in the air.As if on the battlefield.The flames blazed into the sky overnight.A large number of company tents were on fire.The war horse neighed endlessly.

There was an exchange of fire between the two arms infantry and cavalry.Handover of soldiers.It's getting bigger and bigger.Infantry and cavalry from other battalions on the outskirts plus bow and arrow battalions.Spear Battalion.Wait for the scouts.Together with logistics and civilian staff.Tens of thousands of staff members were shocked.For a while, I didn't know how to come forward to persuade the fight outside the fiercely fighting camp.

midnight.The evening wind rustled bitingly.When everything was supposed to be quiet, the sky turned upside down.Guo Nuan's six-member team followed the extremely solemn Hai team and was also outside the fierce battle camp.The soaring flames inside flickered and reflected on the shocked faces of every peripheral soldier.

After half an hour.Guo Dashuai brought five or six lieutenants and comfort envoys.Infantry lieutenant.Xiaoqi ginseng.A large number of senior generals including Dianyi, the fourth rank of the supervising army, arrived.Then Guo Ziyi waved his hand.After all the soldiers have a backbone.A large number of Jianrui battalion wing soldiers rushed in.

With the sound of clashing ordnance.A moment later, Zhenwei shouted and appeased, and the angry shout came out of the rushing camp.This time the battalion roar subsided.As for Guo Nuan and tens of thousands of soldiers who were watching the battle, they were all dispersed back to their barracks.It is extremely rare for the superior to seriously order the soldiers who have not been mobilized before dawn not to leave the barracks without authorization.Whoever lifts the curtain of the barracks will be killed without mercy.

Dawn the next day.Guo Nuan and the others walked out of the military building with lingering fear.They followed thousands of other soldiers to Dajiaochang for early morning drills as usual.However, the faces of the soldiers who passed by in the military region had a serious look on their faces.There seemed to be a faint smell of blood from last night in the air.

Quiet gossip permeates privately.It is said that the elite of the Yunhui regiment were also dispatched last night.But Guo Nuan and the others didn't see it.But it is true that the people in Lingzhou City saw a large number of heavy cavalry followers of the Yunhui Regiment Guo Dashuai flying towards the military area more than ten miles away that night.

Guo Nuan reckoned that the Jianrui Group was not the only one involved in this battalion storm.Moreover, the ace guard was dispatched in a low-key manner.It seems that this matter has become a big deal.Even Da Biao, who always likes to joke and laugh in public, has become a lot more honest.I am afraid that something will go wrong during this sensitive time and violate the military regulations.Because in the more than half a month since the camp tsunami.The night patrol team was five or six times denser.All night and all night near the tents are brightly lit.For a while, there was a lot of panic.All plants and trees are soldiers.It seems that the soldiers in their own barracks are on guard like enemy prisoners of war.

Camp roar the next day.Guo Nuan undoubtedly passed by that camp area far away.With sharp eyes, he saw a pile of ashes inside.There were quite a few guards with unfamiliar faces from other military regions handling the scene.But the body from the night before is gone.But there were many bloodstains left.Dead war horse.Broken Armor Weapons.

"Have you heard that? More than 1000 people died in the camp. Look at the 30 tents of the infantry and the 70 tents of the cavalry battalion in that camp area. There is no one in them. I don't know where the corpses disappeared overnight. .”

"No. Some people say that more people died. There are about 300 people. Most of them were those who stormed the cavalry battalion. The infantry hacked to death the sleeping cavalry at night. As for the two battalions, they killed them More than 300 people."

Whispers like these gossips were carried most loudly among the private gossip of soldiers in various departments and barracks.However, there are many other versions of the message.In short, it was mysterious.The organized battalion that participated in that battalion scream evaporated immediately.The number was also withdrawn.

Guo Nuan reckoned that many of these pathetic infantrymen who participated in the battalion died except when they fought with the cavalry that night.The rest were probably also suppressed and culled by the guards of the Yunhui Camp.According to the 54 military regulations.It is impossible for the soldiers who participated in the battalion to be pardoned.Can be cut anywhere.As for whether there are any surviving soldiers, it is impossible to send them to the frontier to be punished.

But fortunately, Guo Nuan's infantry squad did not participate in the battalion that night.Otherwise it's game over.

Three days after that.An order came from above.Strictly order the cavalry not to abuse the horse-grazing infantry.Violators are liable.The murderer shall be punished as the crime of homicide.

Of course, this time also increased the subsidy for the horse herding infantry.As long as those who voluntarily give to the cavalry and horse herders can receive more than 200 yuan in subsidies a month.Fearing that these measures would not completely quell the infantry's discontent.I'm afraid there will be hidden dangers.The military region specifically reported it to the imperial court for handling.

It's such a big deal this time.Even Emperor Daizong, who was far away in the Daming Palace in Chang'an, was alarmed.Six days after the expedited [-] miles, I received the news from Shuofang Yingxiao.All civil and military officials of the ruling and opposition parties were shocked.Immediately afterwards, the imperial court sent pigeons to send orders.Then send the third-rank envoy to Shuofang to express condolences.

Guo Nuan really felt the different atmosphere this time.After the comfort envoy came to the Shuofang Military Region in October.Each soldier received condolences of five bolts of silk cloth and a jug of sake.

The winter offensive intensified.The matter of Ying Xiao has been abandoned by the heavy training.The infantrymen are also fighting in high-intensity drills.Guo Nuan heard the gossip from Team Hai.In winter, prepare to cross Qinghai Lake and fight with the Tubo army for a battle of tens of thousands of people.The Shuofang Military Region, which is close to the Tubo Plateau, bears the brunt.The burden of initiating the war fell on the Lingzhou Military Region.

For the first time to participate in the war.Guo Nuan and Da Biao seemed a little excited.Where there is a big war, there is opportunity.Got it right.That is to be promoted to be a marquis.Although Guo Nuan does not need these rewards in terms of money and status.But he longed for meritorious service to prove his glory.No longer grow up under the shadow of the Guo family's well-being.

With late autumn.The atmosphere that the war is about to break out gradually became thicker.Guo Nuan could no longer remember how many units of tens of thousands of times he had pulled the bowstring.Take him chopping down wooden stakes and targets with a machete no less than a thousand times a day.In more than a month, I cut down more than ten wooden piles by myself.And the fat man became much stronger.Belly gone.He worked hard and deep into the eight-pack abs.It seems that everyone is also working hard to prepare for the war with the Tibetans.

Guo Nuan sighed.Perhaps it was the Tubo Princess of Chang'an who led the heavy cavalry to attack the Jingzhao Yamen, which led to the complete breakdown of the relationship between the two countries, which was originally full of contradictions.According to this.Guo Nuan also participated in it.He also unintentionally acted as a fuse.

Generally, the scouts who reported the military situation were not allowed to gallop into the camp on horseback.It's late autumn.On weekdays, when Guo Nuan practiced, he often saw many meteor scouts galloping into the camp from the western border of Tubo to report the military situation.It seems that the coming of the war is not far away.It is estimated that the direction of Tubo can also smell the troubles of Datang's army.For a while, the military on the border of Tubo also moved frequently.

The big battle is coming.Naturally, many recruits also died.One will succeed and all will die.It is not so easy to obtain military exploits.Guo Nuan also often watched with a cold eye when the soldiers formed gangs and tied up together.Ying Xiao's move is not daring.But there are still small fights in private.Usually training is so stressful.And soon to be on the battlefield.I don't know whether it is life or death.Naturally, the soldiers were very depressed.A year backlog down.That's scary.It was dark in the barracks.The old man bullied the new recruit.Those who are not afraid of death drink and swear at night.gamble.If you lose, you don't pay back your debts and scold your mother.Get angry on impulse and fight into a ball.Finally, according to the military regulations, the owl's head was beheaded and his head was hung high on the beam of the camp gate as a warning.Alas.This fate is over.Made the mental state more depressing.Guo Nuan and Fatty would go to Lingzhou City whenever they had free time on vacation.Temporarily escaped from the barracks under the shadow of death.Get drunk in a tavern and forget.Soothe the depressed and sick atmosphere of the barracks like an infectious disease.Death is not terrible.But the unknown and uncertain future is for most recruits who are preparing to go to the battlefield for the first time.The broken spirit that has been suppressed by strict military discipline is very tormenting.Guo Nuan was almost infected too.

"Let's go. Go back to the barracks. We have something to do." Guo Nuan lightly raised his head and drank a glass of spirits.He glanced at a large number of baggage escorted by soldiers passing by outside the wine in tent sackcloth.Flags fluttered on both sides.It appears to be destined for the General Military Region.

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