The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2: Tang Chang'an is an International Metropolis

Calculating the time, it has been half a month since I came to Datang. Being a rich young master in the Fenyang Palace, with no worries about food and clothing, and the dedicated care of the Wang family, Guo Nan has adapted so well.

But Guo Nan was still muttering about something. He hadn't forgotten how he came to Datang in the first place. If his son-in-law Guo Yan hadn't committed suicide by jumping off the tower, he wouldn't have had the chance to resurrect his body.

But knowing that Mrs. Wang is really not satisfied with this daughter-in-law, and she doesn't bother to mention her in front of Guo Nan, Guo Nan sees it clearly, she thinks it would be nice to have a son as a companion in the Wang Mansion, and it's fine if she doesn't go back to the Princess Mansion to be angry.

Guo Nan has always been curious and vigilant about Princess Shengping. These days, he has heard that Shengping is beautiful, but maybe she is a hag, the Lion Roar of the River East. Anyway, Guo Nan has already marked Shengping extremely in his heart. Hazard label.

On the other hand, Guo Nan stayed in the palace for more than ten days, and the turmoil of seeking death in the previous period also calmed down.On the surface, the father-in-law Li's house seemed to be peaceful, the emperor didn't even send a condolence eunuch to visit, even if he kept a low profile to appease the son-in-law's injured young heart.Maybe it was the woman Shengping's fault, the Emperor Daizong knew it well, and he really couldn't put down his face and apologize to him for the time being.

Having survived the first day of the first day of the junior high school, Guo Yan secretly waited for the final response. Maybe he, the titular substitute son-in-law, will return to the princess mansion in a short time.

"Master, where are we going? We've been shopping for two hours. If we don't go back, the old lady will be worried."

On both sides of Chang'an Street, there are many shops and goods. Although the towering Geng Drum Tower in the city is beating the drums, heralding the arrival of noon, the streets are still crowded with people coming and going.

At this time, there were two young people scattered in the street, one was dressed in green shirt, imposing, a little short, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with round eyes, full of aura, round face, still childish, These two people are Guo Nan and his personal servant, Ah Fu.

"Ah Fu, why are you in a hurry, the young master hasn't shopped enough yet, so don't be in a hurry."

Guo Nan looked at the bustling market in Chang'an, his eyes blurred.He waved his hands again and again.

I thought Guo Nan came to ancient Chang'an by relying on the innate advantages of traveling through more than 1000 years, and he still had the superior mentality of coming from modern civilization to ancient barbarism, but now he seems to be a country old man.Guo Nuan walked into an international metropolis, acting like an ignorant pig.

I learned about it in history class before, and the book records how open and generous the culture of the Tang Dynasty was, as well as the unprecedented prosperity of the economy.Although the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty gradually declined after the Anshi Rebellion, as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how it declines, the Tang Dynasty Empire is far from comparable to other countries.

When you are in Chang'an, the capital of the country, you will suddenly be astonished and mistakenly think that you are in a foreign country full of foreigners.There are so many foreigners here.In fact, the foreigners that Guo Nan saw in Chang'an mainly refer to these types of people.

One is ethnic minorities who are similar to the Han people, such as the Tubo people living on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, that is, the modern Tibetans, the Turkic people in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, and the Huihe people in Outer Mongolia. The ethnic minorities distributed in the northeast of Heilongjiang and the Nenjiang River Basin are called Shiwei people, and later called Xianbei.

The second type of people are real foreigners, like the Japanese who look similar to the Chinese people, but the Central Plains people like to call them Wa people, and they call themselves Japan, referring to the country where the sun first rises . . .There are also those Silla people and Koreans who love to kill each other on the Korean Peninsula, as well as the original aborigines of many island countries in the South China Sea.

During the Tang Dynasty, land commerce was very developed. The Silk Road generally refers to starting from Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, along the Hexi Corridor, passing through the Tarim Basin, and entering the Middle East and Iran from the west, and then Western Europe, or even Africa.

In the Tang Dynasty, Africa was still an uncivilized region, and it was almost impossible for black people to appear in the country of the Tang Dynasty. Only a very small number of sailing fleets in the Tang Dynasty would sail to Africa, and occasionally do some original barter business with African indigenous people. .

A foreigner in the strict sense refers to a foreigner with blond hair, blue eyes, high cheekbones, and a pointed hooked nose.These are generally Western Europeans, with a lot of brown hair, fairer skin than Central Plains people, tall eyebrows and deep-eyed Middle Easterners.

The Silk Road, a [-]-kilometer-long road, was an international transportation artery connecting East, Central and West Asia, and Western Europe in logistics and culture in ancient times.Commodities, goods and cultures from all over the world were continuously imported into Chang'an, the core of the Tang Dynasty.At the same time, the materials and culture of the Chinese nation are also continuously exported to every corner of the world with the help of Chang'an, an international metropolis, except of course, except for the barbaric continent of America waiting to be discovered by Columbus.

"Hey, this son, let Rang block our camel team."

A travel-worn Persian uncle led the team, followed by a long team of camels full of goods or sitting on Hu merchants, passing by the street where Guo Nan was, speaking fluent Tang Dynasty official dialect.

Looking at the team of no less than [-] camels filled with various spices, furs and western specialties, Guo Nan couldn't help being secretly surprised. The prosperity of foreign trade in ancient times can be seen.

Tall and luxuriant elm trees lined both sides of the road, and various brightly decorated carriages drove to and fro on the wide stone road. Guo Nan and his wife had to look left and right like passers-by when crossing the road, and pay attention to traffic safety.

Guo Nan sighed, let alone crossing the road in ancient times without long eyes, you would not be crushed to death by a car. In front of you, there are speeding horses and carriages, buffaloes, even camels full of white spittle, and groups of people from Tianzhu Kingdom. Transporting the elephant team will turn pedestrians into a straight corpse on the ground in minutes.

I went to the jewelry store on the side of Fang Road. There are some agates, pearls, emeralds, and diamonds, but the most abundant ones are the glassware placed in the containers, which are nothing more than bottles and jars.The boss is from West O'Flynn, a middle-aged fat man, tall and tall, with red hair and a big nose, and his eyes are shrewd with the unique shrewdness of a businessman.

The boss continued to introduce the goods to Guo Nan, the goods he transported from the Silk Road, especially glass and glazed vessels.

Guo Nan just glanced at these glass utensils lightly.As a modern person, he is not interested in this kind of glassware that is outdated and full of impurities, and looks grayish green. Moreover, the price of glass is more expensive than precious stones. Guo Nuan raised his eyebrows and quickly sneered. I thought, whoever buys it is a fool.

Then Guo Nan and his entourage, A Fu, passed by the barbecue stand next to the overpass, tasted the Tocharian black sesame biscuits and kebabs, watched the Turkic jugglers on the street, picked up bottles and smashed boulders in their chests, swallowed swords, or Spit fireballs.

Juggling was interesting, Guo Nan watched it with great enjoyment, even Ah Fu, who had been persuading Guo Nan to return home earlier, stopped and forgot to leave.

"Oh, my lord, I bumped into you, I'm sorry." A black and thin young man hurried past Guo Nan's back, hurriedly bowed, and then hurried away. Guo Nan was watching the performance enthusiastically, so he didn't care.

"Go over and see, what are people doing around the earth wall over there?" Then Guo Nan pointed to a group of people in the distance, and pulled Ah Fu who was watching the performance with great interest, and strode up to meet them. "

After finally breaking through the crowd, Guo Nan saw that it turned out to be a common scene in costume dramas, but this is the real live version, the story of selling one's body to bury one's father.

An upright corpse covered in burlap was lying on an old lean donkey cart, with only a pair of pale male bare feet exposed. It seemed that it had been dead for a few days.

Kneeling beside her was a woman weeping in a low voice. On the floor was a piece of yellow paper pressed by stones, on which was written a deed of selling her body to bury her father in a graceful script.

As for why it is only a woman, it is only because the woman wears a black veil that hangs on all sides and hangs down to the shoulders. This is a bearded hat that can only be seen from the inside.

But looking at the Miaoman's figure that could not be covered by the black mourning clothes, and the sobbing sound, Guo Nan guessed that the woman's looks were not bad, otherwise she wouldn't be able to attract so many male animals around.

An old man who looked like a private school gentleman bent down and read aloud to the deed of sale for most of the illiterate passers-by present.

Of course, Guo Nan can still understand traditional Chinese characters, and he has also practiced beautiful calligraphy, but it is Song style, not Tang Dynasty at this time, using regular script, and Song style has not been invented yet.

The old man looked quite kind. The old man was dressed in white and green linen. He was probably not from a rich family. Maybe he sympathized with the sad woman in front of him and tried his best to make a contract of prostitution to promote the woman.

The old gentleman looked around, paused, and read aloud:

"Four days ago, my father died suddenly of a sudden illness. He had no relatives and no reason. The youngest daughter is seventeen years old and has not yet been engaged. The weak girl is penniless and unable to raise funds for the funeral. If there is a kind person, I would like to issue 50 taels of cash in exchange for the funeral. Buy a coffin, wait for the little girl to bury her father in a mass grave outside the city, willing to go home with the buyer, and be a slave and concubine for life."

"Hey, little lady, lift the gauze cover and let everyone see what you look like. It's not bad. Why don't you come home from me and be a concubine, and I will help you bury your old man, only 50 taels of silver too expensive..."

After reading it, a big black man who was as rude as a pig butcher chatted loudly to the people around him, which immediately caused a burst of laughter from most of the people.

"What! Brother Zhuzhu, you are not afraid to marry back, you were cut alive by the tigress Xu at home!"

A short and wretched young man beside him joked to the big black man, and then the crowd burst into louder laughter.

The woman knelt on the ground, lowered her head, sobbed continuously, but did not answer

This world is too miserable, the corpses on the ground have a stench, Guo Nan couldn't help being surprised and shook his head again and again.

Although Guo Nan is not the kind of good person who is sympathetic, he still has a compassionate heart. The indifferent mentality of the people around him makes him despise.

"Master, why don't you help this poor sister."

Ah Fu's teary eyes full of sympathy and compassion flickered, he tugged on Guo Nan's sleeve, and looked at the woman eagerly.

"Well, if you are married back by such a rude black man, it would be a waste of a beauty."

Guo Nan hugged his chest with one hand, touched his chin with the other, thoughtful, his words were really inappropriate, and he spoke in a moderate voice, which happened to be heard by the old man, and then the old man looked away from the contract of sale, snorted, and turned back He rolled his eyes at Guo Nan.

"What are you talking about here!"

The big black man's ears sharpened, and he heard that Guo Nan was mocking him. He immediately rolled up his sleeves, revealing his thick black-haired arms, and was about to explode.

"Why, do you want to make trouble at the emperor's feet? How can there be any law? Treat a group of patrol officers and lock them to the squad, and you will have to face a lawsuit!"

At this time, Ah Fu was eager to protect the Lord, and bravely stood in front of Guo Nan with his small chest, speaking with confidence, but then Guo Nan gently pushed Ah Fu away, and stood up leisurely, ignoring the big black man.

"That's what I said, what's the matter! Do you want to fight?"

Although Guo Nan didn't know martial arts, but he threw out a sentence proudly, a pair of long and narrow handsome eyes flashed a cold light, staring at the black man in front of him with hairs, this big man didn't dare to move for a while.

Facing the sudden accident, all the people at the scene were unexpected and whispered to each other immediately, but it could be seen that these people were purely watching the excitement and became more interested. What's more, they even added to the chaos by shouting at the big black man road:

"Call him crazy, Brother Pork, beat this sour scholar to death!"

"What are you guys? Grandpa, I don't even bother with ordinary knowledge. I'm asking for 50 taels for this girl."

The big black man glanced up and down a few times, and the richly dressed Guo Nan and the two in front of him felt that they were not easy to provoke, and then said a harsh word.I lost my mind to do something, but I couldn't put my face down in front of the crowd, so I wanted to find a place to go down, so I took out a large money bag from my arms in anger, and swayed it arrogantly in front of Guo Nan.

"Brother Pork, where did you get the money? You've made a fortune after doing some stealthy business?"

The wretched young man stared at the big money bag, his eyes were round and round, he was very surprised.

"Your brother won at the casino at the end of the year!"

The big black man was a little dissatisfied with the young man's talkativeness.

"I give 100 taels!"

There was an uproar when everyone heard it.

Guo Nan ignored him and smiled, took out his sleeves, and with a face like a ruffian, secretly said: I want to be richer than my young master, my mother just gave 500 taels of pocket money the day before yesterday, and I still carry it with me...

"Eh?" Guo Nan lowered his head and dug out for a long time, but there was nothing there, his face changed, and a thin trace of sweat broke out on his forehead, and he whispered to Ah Fu in a low voice:

"Oops, Ah Fu, when I was watching a sideshow just now, someone bumped into me, and the purse may have been stolen by that murderer at that time."

"What! Then this elder sister is about to go into the mouth of a tiger, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Ah Fu stomped his feet in a gaffe, splashing yellow dust on the ground.

"Haha, you don't have money, why are you acting like a master, get out, I want to take a concubine today!"

The big man's scarred face was twisted into a ferocious grin, and then he shook his head in disdain and spat on the ground.

The big man was about to reach out to the woman kneeling on the ground. Seeing such a dramatic change, the old man expected that the big black man would definitely accept the woman. He shook his head again and again, his face was full of regret, and he was about to leave with a sigh.

"Wait a minute, this is a family heirloom jade, worth a thousand taels of silver, and I will give this woman to a jade shop to exchange the silver for selling her body. My young master, I want to take a concubine today!"

Guo Nanping couldn't get used to this kind of villain who had two stinky money and bullied men and women, so he decided to go all out, gritted his teeth, and burst out the word "concubine" without concealing it, so much that he forgot his identity as a concubine Well, if he really took a concubine, wouldn't his life be too long? His emperor's father-in-law would have to deal with him! .

Looking at the shining white jade jade pendant hanging in front of their eyes, everyone gasped suddenly, and the people present immediately became excited.Anyone with a little discernment can see that the value of this kind of jade is far more than 50 taels.

"Master, this is the heirloom jade pendant given to you by the old lady. You have been wearing it since you were a child. How can you..."

Ah Fu was startled by the young master's sudden move, and was about to dissuade him in a low voice, but Guo Nan remained expressionless and did not respond indifferently, looking at the man provocatively at this moment.

"Okay, okay, count yourself as ruthless!"

The big black man looked ugly, turned around and pushed away the crowd behind him, and strode away angrily.When everyone saw that the farce was over, the crowd dispersed in a panic.

"Quack, I don't want this prostitution deed, young master. From now on, you can take the jade pendant and go to the jade shop to exchange some thousand taels of silver, which will be enough for your next life. Bury your father, and then find a good husband to marry."

Guo Nan leaned over and gently put down the jade pendant in front of the woman, beckoned, and called Ah Fu to turn around and walk away.

"Thank you for this kind son."

At this time, the old gentleman smiled, and nodded approvingly to Guo Nan's leaving figure, and hurriedly said for the kneeling woman: "Girl, hurry up and thank this kind son."

"Thank you son" came the woman's thank you voice from behind, changing into a weak crying voice, the words were clear and powerful, neither sad nor happy, clear and melodious, and floated in my ears.

Guo Nan took Ah Fu without looking back, and still strode forward, waving his arms back chicly, counting it as a response to the woman's words.

With a gust of breeze, most of the women's veils were lifted, revealing a delicate and beautiful face in an instant, and a pair of piercing eyes stared at the distant figure with a thoughtful look.

At this time, the woman was holding the jade pendant in her hand, with "God bless my son—Guo Yan" engraved on the front and "Fenyang Prince's Mansion" on the back...

After a while, a group of hundreds of officials hurriedly patrolled the street, as if they were searching for some criminal, but at some point, the woman and the corpse were no longer in the same place.

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