The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 22: Poetry Rankings

"Hey, Boss, you are too stingy. You have the nerve to ask for only 3000 taels for such a big bag! These are high-end items that various vassal states donate to the Tang court. They are worth at least 6000 taels."

At this time, Guo Nuan and Ah Fu were in a pawn shop of Hu merchants in Chang'an City.The shopkeeper is a tall and thin Tianzhu man with a big beard and a mouth full of dried camel milk.

Guo Nuan bargained with him for two hours, he was a little depressed, this guy's beard bid reached 3000 taels, and he didn't give in even one tael.

"Okay, I went to a dozen stores in Chang'an City, big and small, and your store has the highest bid, and the deal has been made." Guo Nuan had no choice but to accept 3000 taels with a dejected look on his face.

Out of the pawn, Guo Nuan was unlucky and happened to step on a pile of elephant shit at the door.

"Hey, young master, you've won the lottery." Ah Fu looked at the excrement under Guo Nuan's boots, pinched his nose, and snickered.

"This damn elephant, why do Tianzhu people tie their pets by the door and let it be exposed to the wind and sun? It's too immoral." Guo Nuan looked contemptuous, and scolded, picked up a piece of straw paper on the street and wiped the soles of his feet desperately .

"Young master, you've been very angry recently." Ah Fu still giggled, untied the reins of the carriage tied to the door, and pulled the carriage into Guo Nuan.

Guo Nuan rolled her eyes, looked up at the sky, put her hands on her hips, and immediately shouted: "Come on uncle, I'm not feeling well today anyway." Nuan contemptuously.

Come on, Ah Fu looked at the young master as if he had taken the wrong medicine, and didn't bother to provoke him, the two of them were going to fight back home.

"Come and see, come and see, Dongjie Cishi Cailou has produced another excellent work, and the owner of the pavilion has already released the list."

Suddenly, a group of young literati and refined scholars flashed beside Guo Nuan, all dressed in Confucian uniforms and hats.

"Who are they? Is there anything exciting going on ahead?" Guo Nuan asked Ah Fu puzzledly as he watched the scholars swarming away.

"Ah, it turns out that the once-a-month Tang Poetry Best Works List has opened again." Ah Fu seemed very excited: "I wonder what great poet's best works are on the list this time?"

"Uh, there are rankings for poetry?" Guo Nuan was even more puzzled.

"Master, let's go and have a look."

"Uh...well, it's still early anyway, so it's okay to join in the fun."

Driving the carriage, following the group of fanatical scholars, passing through two squares, Guo Nuan and the two soon came to another street.

Downstairs of a three-story colorful building, the crowd was crowded and dense. The three inner floors and the outer three floors completely surrounded the downstairs. Guo Nuan and Ah Fu managed to squeeze into the inner circle.

"These people are really fanatical. They compete with the fans who are watching the big star concert." feet.

"Quiet, quiet, keep order." Immediately, an old man's face appeared upstairs, and he stretched out his arms on the railing of the balcony. Everyone fell silent.The originally chaotic scene of pushing and shoving has also become orderly.

"Oh, it's the landlord who came out. Which poems are on the list of poems in April?"

The crowd downstairs was excited, and a frail scholar next to Guo Nuan was a little impatient. When he saw the owner of Cailou come out, he immediately shouted at him.

"That's right, which poems are on the list. Is there any Xiaosheng? I'm Lai Gou San from the Imperial College of the Imperial Academy."

"And mine, Wang Yu, a Gong student from Hualin Academy, had a burst of inspiration last month and wrote a song "Yuqinglou". The doctors in Huayuefang are all very impressed."

"I've never seen such an outspoken mad scholar. I really don't know the heights of the sky. Wei Suzhou's poems are comparable to you." Then a rich man in gorgeous clothes sneered.

"What, you dare to underestimate me, you're so angry." The scholar named Wang Yu immediately became angry, rolled up his sleeves and wrestled with the rich man, but soon, the two of them were crowded by the crowd behind Out of the perimeter.

"Just a few poems from the Tang Dynasty made scholars go crazy. It's really an eye-opener." Guo Nuan looked relaxed at this time, shaking his folding fan, and stood there, gracefully.

"This is a feast for the literary world. If it can be included in the list of Tang poems by Prince Shao Fuqiu, within ten days, the reputation will spread all over the country. It is quite an honor in the poetry and literary circles." Ah Fuyi face intoxicated.

"Oh, so the old man upstairs is Prince Shaofu." Guo Nuan just responded lightly when he heard Ah Fu's words, as if he was not interested in these things.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's open the list now." That Qiu Shaofu quickly clapped his hands, and immediately two maids came and hung down a large roll of brocade cloth upstairs, and a scroll at one end rolled down like a waterfall, hanging on up in the air.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted into an uproar, and there were many discussions.

"Great poems! The poems selected by Mr. Qiu are indeed excellent. This poem, oh, no, this half of the poem is wonderful, and it has an extraordinary momentum." A black and thin talented man next to Guo Nuan spoke.

"Green poplar smoke is light and cold, and red apricot branches are full of spring. It's a 'noisy'. The uncanny creation brings spring to life. It's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, it's really wonderful." Guo Warnshen Another talented person next to him clapped his hands and applauded.

"Uh, Guo Nuan? Who is he?" Seeing the name on the hanging large brocade cloth, some people raised doubts.

Immediately the sharp-eared Confucian scholar heard it, and immediately said with contempt: "I'm really ignorant. You don't even know about the sixth son-in-law of Marshal Guo Ziyi of the Fenyang Palace and the son-in-law of Guo Ziyi who was given to Princess Shengping. You are really a frog in the well."

"Oh, I remembered, it turned out to be Guo Nuan who tried to kill me for the first time in a month, Mr. Guo's Concubine." A certain young man shouted loudly.

"He is a great talent, look at his poems, "The red apricot branches are full of spring", what a talented seven-character poem...

Cough, I think back then, I was lucky enough to meet him once, and even talked to him. Xiaosheng saw Guo Consort's stately appearance, and knew that in the future, Guo Concubine would definitely shock the literary world. . .He was enrolled in the Guozijian in the same year as him. "The Confucian scholar looked terrified.

Qiu Shaofu upstairs heard the Confucian scholar's words, nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, this is indeed Shengping's son-in-law, Guo Nuan's poem, I got it yesterday, although it is only half a poem, but it is set as April The leader of poetry, well deserved."

After Qiu Shaofu finished speaking, the scholars downstairs seemed to explode, and there were many opinions and whispers.

Guo Nuan's face was almost twisted into a pimple, he was very tangled, and he was speechless: "You boy, you have the nerve to brag, but my son is next to you, and you said you know me."

Speaking of which, when the brocade cloth was unveiled, Guo Nuan was immediately dumbfounded. The poems copied on the cloth in front of him were not the graffiti he had scribbled on the wall of the Xingyuan courtyard of the Princess Mansion two days ago. How could it be included by Mr. Qiu?Guo Nuan really admires the Prince Shaofu and the owner of the poetry list, and the channels for collecting poetry are well-developed in all directions.

"Young... Master, why is your name on it!" Ah Fu was shocked for a long time, and now he woke up, then turned his head and shouted in surprise.

All of a sudden, the surroundings were quiet, so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard, everyone turned their heads and stared at Guo Nuan and Ah Fu with strange eyes. . .

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