The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 223: Lightning Tactics

Niaz sighed as he slowly resumed his storytelling.

It is said that when the VIII led the army to advance all the way, he regained the land lost from his father, but he was aroused by Xiang Dalu's extremely tempting words. Equivalent to the prime minister of a country)

When recovering more than 1000 miles of land, the VIII, who had a military strategic vision, was keenly aware that the offensive from the northwest side of the bhikkhu was gradually slowing down, and he estimated that it was tricky.

It is said that the bhikkhu led almost 30 troops and the mighty Tuyuhun, who claimed to have [-] troops, fought hard against him in the border river area for three months. During this period, the bhikkhu lost most of his main force. It was wiped out by Tuyuhun's army. If Niya hadn't launched a war in the southeast later, it would have made Tuyuhun difficult for a while. Niya forced it into a tactical blind spot. The pressure on the monks was greatly reduced. When Tuyuhun's soldiers were shaken, they desperately pushed forward to occupy the enemy's territory, and the monk's war fruits could not reap any good sweetness.

Knowing that once Tuyuhun adjusts his tactics to resist the lightning advance momentum of the Southeast Niya army, relying on Tuyuhun's powerful military force to fight a protracted war, the two-line battle will be deadlocked. At the same time, once Niya took the opportunity to capture the capital of Tuyuhun and take the head of the Tuyuhun royal family, thus making the Tuyuhun army lose its command center, Niya would occupy the vast territory of Tuyuhun, and within ten years Niya would be the new leader of the Western Regions. The overlord of a generation, as for the weak monks bordering Niya, they could not escape the fate of being destroyed by Niya ten years later.

Instead of being annexed by Niya and making Tuyuhun a more powerful enemy in the future, retreat at the right time and take the initiative to reduce Tuyuhun’s military strength on the bhikkhu front and focus on repelling Niya’s army. In this way, in the end, Niya and the bhikkhu will be kept slightly weaker The triangular stalemate not only achieves the purpose of weakening the national power of Tuyuhun, but also seizes the water resources of the border rivers. At the same time, the stalemate and balance of regional forces also allows the weak monks to survive in the mid-to-long term. go down.

"It's a pity that the king also wanted to attack the capital of Tuyuhun according to the lightning beheading tactics at the beginning, but it was too late." The eighth king had just received information from the spies at that time. The strength has retreated to the river area across the board, and it seems that the alliance tactics have terminated.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there are so many gold coins in the treasury of the Tuyuhun Kingdom that even if the carriages of Naniah could be pulled for three days and three nights, I have visited King Tuyuhun before and saw the floor tiles of King Tuyuhun's palace with his own eyes. Paved with gold, the dining table for receiving foreign guests is cut into pieces of several thousand catties of Hetian jade. As for the cutlery, knives and forks, the dishes are all made of sterling silver," Xiang Dalu, who is extremely fat and shiny, led The left and right generals, captains, officials and other officials knelt down at the feet of the VIII. Everyone bewitched their king with the most seductive words.

Xiang Dalu's treacherous and greedy appearance was undisguised, and he decided to try harder to impress his monarch.

"Besides, once Tuyuhun, a powerful country in the Western Regions, is captured, the era of Niya's prosperity and prosperity will change. Doesn't Your Majesty want to be the king of the Western Regions who will unify the thousands of miles of territory in the Western Regions?"

"Needless to say, the whole army will break out of camp immediately, and must capture the capital of Tuyuhun within four days," a majestic growl, the scepter tipped and pointed in the direction of the capital of Tuyuhun.

"Obey, Your Majesty," said the greedy and ignorant ministers in the command camp, all kneeling on the ground to obey the order.

Those loyal and wise courtiers were all killed during the three years when the VIII implemented the military policy, and no courtiers dared or were able to speak harshly and admonish them bitterly. Greedy and ignorant staff, under the instigation of all the greedy ministers, the VIII made the most wrong decision in his life, he almost brought the Niya Kingdom to the brink of destruction.

The monk's unilateral withdrawal of troops put Niya in the unfavorable position of going deep into the enemy's country alone for a while, and the psychology of the eighth gambler began to trouble again. He was moved by the piles of gold and silver that his courtiers said. Bewildered by the vast and rich territory of Tuyuhun, and dazed by the dream of becoming the king of the Western Regions, he set out with all his might, aiming at the heart of the Tuyuhun Empire.

"Quick, quick, I want to march as fast as possible. All enemy troops blocking the way must be wiped out quickly. Strongholds and towns are set on fire. Don't leave any fresh troops and food supplies for them,"

The Eighth King knew that the insertion of the entire army, which cannot be turned back, must be as fast as possible, and the enemy should not be allowed to breathe. Otherwise, the time will be delayed, and the Tuyuhun army resisting the monks on the northwest line will shrink their troops and defend the empty capital. Even if the Niya army approached the city, he would lose without fighting, and then the enemy army in the capital counterattacked the Niya army under the capital with an overwhelming number of troops.

At that time, Niya's 2000 solitary troops had penetrated more than [-] miles: "After turning around and pursuing fierce counterattacks from behind a powerful enemy army, we estimated that the entire army would be wiped out before we persisted in running out of such a vast hinterland."

Of course, the VIII knew the danger of this high-altitude tightrope walk. The key to his victory in this battle was time. If he had enough time to capture the capital while the enemy rescued him, he would win.

"Report, our army wiped out a total of eleven military strongholds, wiped out 1000 enemies, killed 89 captives on the spot, burned three cities, and destroyed 28 tans of enemy food reserves... burnt to death in the burned cities The population of Tuyuhun is estimated to be no less than 8 people. The enemy army on the eastern front has wiped out more than half of the enemy. The main general has already taken the lead. More than [-] soldiers have almost been dispersed.

"Encountering enemy troops along the way, as long as they wear military uniforms, whether they are resisting or surrendering, they will be killed on the spot," said VIII, with his bloodshot eyes open tiredly. He couldn't fall asleep for four days. , the spies' report undoubtedly relieved his stressed heart a little bit, but the enemy's captives and stragglers can't be soft-hearted. He knows that once his army penetrates into the enemy's capital, the defeated enemy troops on the eastern front who will stay behind But it is a big hidden danger that cannot be ignored, and it cannot be guaranteed. Once the western army arrives in the capital, the defeated eastern army will surely regain their morale. Now, it has become a situation where the east and west are flanked. The army is all over.

A series of shocking numbers echoed in VIII's ears, his face showed no emotion at all, and all the spies' news were carried out in an orderly manner according to his combat steps.

"How about the casualties of our army," the monarch said indifferently.

"There were more than 2 casualties, but the main force at the core is largely intact," the captain in the corner of the military tent reported.

"What's the current situation of the enemy troops on the western front?" a hoarse voice sounded, and the spies rushed to report in fear:

"Because the Bhikkhu army split the enemy army on the western front into two halves when advancing eastward before the Bhikkhu army unilaterally broke away from the alliance treaty, it is estimated that it will take at least one day to unite the two wings and reach the capital within four days at the fastest. "

"There are still two days before we can reach the capital, which is empty of troops, so we need to capture it in at least one day, otherwise the situation will be reversed." After hearing these words, the Eighth King frowned deeply. It became a Sichuan character. At 45, he was originally in the most vigorous period of a man's life, but just a few days of fighting made his temples stained with white silk.

"Back off," the monarch backed off.

"Wait, order to arrest more than 1000 children in the towns and cities in the occupied area, kill them at the second watch tonight, dig out their hearts and livers to sacrifice to the military flag, and serve as a warning to the military,"

The Eighth King stopped the messenger who was about to retreat again.

"This..." The ministers in the camp trembled all over, but no one persuaded the monarch to make such a cruel and inhuman decision, and the atmosphere in the tent trembled for a moment.

"Yeah, do you have any objections?" The eighth stared fiercely, and the orderly almost limp in fright.

"Respect... Honor your life," the messenger rushed, and just like that, thousands of children's corpses were piled up overnight in a valley in Tuyuhun. Suddenly, a terrifying blood hole appeared.

Regarding the fact that the Eighth King believed in the divination of the wizard, the wizard said that the soul of the military god should be sacrificed with a childlike innocence, so that the god of victory could stand on the side of Niya's army, as if possessed by a god.

I would rather believe it or not, and the VIII, who is extremely eager to win, will let go of any method that can increase the victory of the war, even if it is an illusory witchcraft, and a dizzy person will not be able to wake up no matter how wise and smart Rational analysis is the key to the problem.

Without hesitation, he ordered the slaughter of a large number of innocent children to take their hearts and sacrifice their flags. This extremely cruel and wrong behavior aroused unquenchable anger among the soldiers and civilians in Tuyuhun. At the beginning of the order, he automatically terminated his fantasy of being the king of the Western Regions, and even ruined his own destiny.

It is said that the crazy behavior of the eighth emperor really aroused the anger of the whole country of Tuyuhun. The speed of advancing towards the capital soon slowed down and encountered setbacks. The originally defeated Eastern Front Army had gathered combat power, coupled with the full support of the people, the Niya Army's original goal of reaching the capital within two days was defeated, and they were half a day late.

It was this fatal half-day, in exchange for the consequences that the eighth world regretted even when he was about to die.

"Report, our remaining 5 troops have all arrived at the capital of Tuyuhun, and there are less than 3000 defenders in the capital," the subordinate reported.

Looking up at this famous and magnificent capital in the desert, King Niya VIII was shocked. This is a city of miracles, but he was at a loss as to whether he could capture it in half a day.

"Siege the city with all your strength, no matter what, the first person to break through the city gate will be rewarded with a reward of [-] yuan and the rank of general," the Eighth King roared.

The siege has begun,

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