The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 224: Psychological Warfare

Near noon, after two and a half days of long-distance marching, the VIII finally led his remaining 6 elite soldiers to the foot of the Tuyuhun capital mountain range.

Looking at the towering and majestic mountain city, King VIII was very excited.

"After entering the city, kill, kill all of them. Don't leave a single member of the Tuyuhun royal family, just to scare the enemy on the western front."

The Eighth King knew that war was just a game for the strong to prey on the weak, and he could not tolerate the slightest mercilessness, and he would not allow himself to give his opponent a little hope of recovery, and one day the enemy would also bring disaster to him, and even settle the score to Ni Enter Ya Royal Descendants.

Due to the dense population of the city, King Tuyuhun moved the hundreds of thousands of civilian slaves in the city to the plains under the mountains to defend the nobles of the imperial city.

Faced with these [-] households of civilians, the VIII had no time to pay attention. He ordered a fire to directly burn down the streets and houses on the plain.

King Tuyuhun looked at the people at the bottom of the mountains from the castle, a sea of ​​flames, which made him extremely sad. King Tuyuhun received a message from a flying pigeon that the 16 coalition troops on the western front had marched to the outskirts more than 700 miles away from the capital last night. It is estimated that it will take another day for the rescue to arrive, but whether the reinforcements will arrive in time, King Tuyuhun is a little uncertain. Ten days ago, in order to defend against the attack from the two countries on the eastern and western fronts, he dispatched all the 2000 guards in the capital. The imperial city rushes to help from afar, and now there are only more than [-] royal guards in the city, and the Niya army is attacking the city so fiercely, he is worried that even this solid and magnificent city wall will not be able to last for a long time.

"Kill," VIII said ruthlessly, his eyes were red with anxiety. If it weren't for the huge amount of siege equipment that had to be transported, his lightning tactics would not have taken half of the time planned. The tortoise shell castles where the enemy nobles live can be breached only by the city equipment.

Niya's more than 7 army positions stretched for more than 4000 meters from the outside of the city, almost densely surrounding the foot of the mountain city.

The Eighth King knew that there was no longer any garrison in the Tuyuhun Imperial City, and he, who has always been violent and strong, used iron and blood methods to subdue his opponents. It is a good way to disintegrate the will to resist in the city by showing the nobles in the city who are greedy for life and afraid of death by killing people.

"Kill, kill all the citizens of the enemy country at the foot of the mountain," the VIII ordered more than 1000 personal soldiers to kill all the Tuyuhun people outside the castle who had no time to escape.

Just like that, the guards rushed towards the unarmed Tuyuhun civilians like demons, the streets were lit up with flames, ruined buildings, howling ghosts and wolves, and the cries and screams of the people everywhere. Extremely appalling.

This was a completely bloody massacre. First of all, more than 3 threatening adult males were slaughtered. Since the Niya army almost surrounded the foot of the mountain for ten miles, they could not escape.

Half an hour later, more than 3 male heads were stacked high on the first step leading to the imperial city at the foot of the mountain. People in the residential area of ​​the city secretly opened the windows and looked down. They were extremely shocked and distressed. Their compatriots, some even relatives in the city.

"You Tuyuhun people, surrender quickly, open the city gate, our Niya army will never slaughter the city," Niya's persuading soldiers shouted vigorously to the castle on the top of the mountain, their voices were so loud that the palace collapsed. King Tuyuhun, who was lying on the throne, also heard it.

After the [-]-hour deadline for surrender passed, the VIII saw that the castle gate had not yet been opened, so he issued another order for the massacre.

This time, the time was shorter. The elderly, women, and children were also killed. As for the Tuyuhun officials in the city at the foot of the mountain, including the Tuyuhun royal family prince, they were also killed. Prince Tuyuhun was tied to the gallows and faced the castle on the mountain. Before execution He shouted heroically to persuade his cousin King Tuyuhun not to surrender.

But before the prince finished the second half of his sentence, the indifferent VIII signaled the execution soldiers to strangle him to death with a gallows.

The remaining hundreds of officials who refused to surrender cut off their heads and hung them on high flagpoles. Although the castle saw the scenes of compatriots being brutally killed at the foot of the mountain, they were powerless. Sorrowful cries spread throughout the sky.

The Eighth King saw that he had killed all the 100 people at the foot of the mountain, all the loyal officials had been cut down, and there were more than [-] officials who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and it was useless to persuade them to surrender. Tactics are not working.

It is impossible for the VIII to have too much patience. He gave up the tactic of feigning surrender. It is estimated that the clever Tuyuhun King has suppressed those cowardly nobles who intend to surrender, so he had to fight the siege battle head-on.


When the VIII decisively ordered the siege, the more than 100 enemy officials who had surrendered were also killed by the VIII.

"These spineless officials, the more than 40 Tuyuhun people who are compatriots in the castle should be ashamed of them. Today they can betray their compatriots for their lives, and tomorrow they can betray us Niya conquerors without hesitation for their lives. It's useless to live, kill them all,"

After receiving the order from King Niya, the execution soldiers decisively slaughtered those more than 100 enemy officials.

Soon the siege began, more than 1000 catapults slammed into the city wall frantically, and then many climbing ladders were erected on the city wall, and the two staged a fierce and tense tug-of-war for the city wall.

The VIII ordered more than 5 soldiers to be in front of the castle to attract the attention of most of the defenders in the city. He personally led [-] elite soldiers to detour behind the foot of the castle. At the foot of the [-]-foot-high cliff, they used rope pulleys and folding ladders Climbing up, using the method of pouring molten iron with rivets and iron bars placed on the cliff, a zigzag plank road was paved on the cliff with wooden planks within two hours.

Originally a small number of garrison troops were transferred to the front of the castle to resist most of Niya's army and prevent them from climbing over the city wall. How could they have expected that the wise and wise Niya VIII had already come up with a siege tactic before launching the war, and he was able to survive The nobles of Tuyuhun always believed that there was a climbing path on the dangerous cliff behind the city.

"Kill, kill, don't leave a piece of armor behind," the VIII looked extremely excited, his bloodthirsty eyes aimed at the golden dome of the palace in the center of the city, as long as half an hour, the capital of Tuyuhun would soon fall,

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