The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 225: Fall short

"Report, about [-] enemy troops have climbed up from the cliff of the castle, and our imperial city is in danger," King Tuyuhun looked extremely old and dejected in the deep palace.

"Divide a thousand soldiers to guard the castle cliff, open the arsenal, and the people of the city are ready to fight the enemy in the streets after receiving the weapons,"

King Tuyuhun was at the end of his rope. Could the city residents who had never had military training be able to resist the hungry Niya army? He was not sure if he persisted for a long time.

"Damn it, it's only half a day, it's too short," a king of Tuyuhun who was waiting for reinforcements to arrive, and a king of Niya who wanted to complete a quick and difficult combat goal in half a day, both thought of the same words.

The residents undoubtedly became a battle of trapped animals. It is said that once the enemy is pushed into a hopeless dead end, even sheep will go all out and burst out with amazing strength to fight to the death.

These Niya troops felt quite pressured. The more than 1000 defenders who had been relying on the strong frontal walls fought desperately against ten, and it was delayed for more than half an hour. However, even though they were extremely brave, they still allowed the Niya troops to break through the city gate. .

Witnessing the scene of the Niya army massacring the city a while ago, all the adult civilian men with combat effectiveness in the castle received weapons from the palace and prepared to fight the enemy in more than 100 streets and alleys in the city relying on favorable terrain.

With the determination to stick to it and the weapons in hand, although more than [-] adult men have no experience in military service, and it is the first war, but the houses on the streets hide their trembling family members Young and old, the men became brave.

"My citizens, now our lovely homeland is at the point of life and death. The hateful and bloody Niya people slaughtered our compatriots like robbers and demons. Now we have a large number of family members who need our protection. If it is a man If so, follow me to defeat these invaders."

Facing the destruction of the city, King Tuyuhun tried his best. Standing on the top of the high castle, he drew out the sword of his ancestor who founded the country and shouted impassionedly at the citizens of the city who were united.

"Down with the aggressors, down with the aggressors, protect our homeland..." Hearing the leader's call, the people in the whole city shouted excitedly. It spread to their ears, and they were just a short distance away. It is estimated that more than 2000 soldiers died in the process of resisting the country.

"Kill," King Tuyuhun led more than a dozen of his princes and more than 100 members of the royal family to take the lead and lead countless people to meet the Niya army hand-to-hand in dozens of narrow streets, and the sound of fighting was loud.

The setting sun was stained red with blood and was about to fall to the edge of the desert dunes in the west. Corpses were piled up on the streets of the castle. More than a dozen sons next to him fell down next to him one after another, but he experienced the pain of bereavement again and again in just half a day, and he didn't even allow time to shed tears.

"Ah,,, come on, Niya people," roared, and the old king stood at the end of the bloody street with the blade of the founding of the country, and the corpses of his sons, brothers and princes, and the torn battle robes fell on his feet. It was picked up by the fishy wind and rustled.

"King Tuyuhun, surrender, as long as you call on all the people in the city to surrender, and then sacrifice your own head, Gu promises that you will never slaughter the city again," Niya VIII said indifferently at the other end of the street, surrounded by a large number of elite soldiers. Looking at the other king on the opposite side, almost all the more than [-] men in the Tuyuhun royal city have been killed, and nearly [-]% of the Tuyuhun royal family has also been killed. , children are no threat to Niya's army, and the hero Niya VIII, who has always been contradictory, promised the truth this time, and victory is just around the corner.

"Impossible, come on, if you, King Niya, are a warrior, the two of us will fight one-on-one,"

King Tuyuhun, who had grown old one day, smiled miserably. He leaned on his back at the corner of the dead end and struggled to leave.

"Okay, then let the last heir to the royal family of the incomparably glorious Tuyuhun die at the hands of my King Niya,"

The Eighth King indifferently pulled out the saber at his waist, and he pushed aside the layers of guards in front of him who wanted to dissuade him. The idea of ​​his own king's one-on-one confrontation is unquestionable, and no one can stop him.

"Qiang," he drew his sword, and the King Tuyuhun in front of him was ten years older than himself, and had already entered old age.

"Come on, make a decision," Niya VIII walked up to ten steps away from King Tuyuhun, and he pressed the tip of his sword to the ground without any intention of preemptive attack.

King Tuyuhun could tell that Niya VIII wanted him to strike first out of respect for his opponent.

"Alright, anyone who can destroy our ancient Tuyuhun empire is considered a hero, and if I can fight you to death, I will die without complaint or regret,"

After King Tuyuhun finished speaking, he raised the tip of his knife and swooped over: "Ah,,,"

Niya VIII looked at the sharply enlarged knife tip in front of his pupils. He didn't even blink his eyes, and quickly dodged sideways. The majestic Niya VIII staggered the old king's hard stab. One voice: "Drink, let's go,"

The neck was chopped down by the steel knife in an instant, and a round head fell to the ground.

He bent down and gently picked up King Tuyuhun's head and put it on his chest with one hand. His iron armor was soaked with blood and he didn't care at all.

"After cleaning up the mess, bury the body of the old king in the Tuyuhun Emperor's Mausoleum according to the highest rank of the king,"

"Of order," the captain of the guard saluted and responded, and soon the soldiers dispersed to clean the battlefield.

Niya VIII finally beheaded King Tuyuhun XI who angered his old father VII to death. He won, but his heart was heavy, and he looked down at the dilapidated city with confused eyes, dreaming day and night for three years. My wish came true, but it turned out to be a burst of emptiness.

"Report, found that a small group of Tuyuhun royal guards protected a prince and broke through the capital, and now fled towards the desert on the western front,"

"What?" VIII Lingran raised his head, his long golden hair hung down to cover most of his face, and the eyes showing through the gaps in the hair instantly became ferocious and terrifying. He shouted at the overthrowing captain:

"Immediately send cavalry to chase down the deserters, catch up with the royal prince of Tuyuhun, and immediately kill him on the spot," the VIII was furious. He didn't expect that the king of Tuyuhun would save a hand, and at the same time, he led most of his sons to make a vow to live and die with the castle. In the end, the old king was ruthless to himself and his sons, and he used his life to attract the attention of Niya VIII, but only one royal spark was left to sneak out and escape.

If the only surviving prince joins the more than [-] troops on the western front, the western army with a spiritual leader will definitely counterattack immediately, and the battle plan of the Niya army's hard-working siege of the city will be in vain.

Half an hour after receiving the news that Prince Tuyuhun had escaped, if the soldiers tortured the surviving nobles and learned that the second prince was missing from the body next to the old king, she would have been kept in the dark.

After 30 days of hard fighting with the Bhikkhu enemy on the western front, the Tuyuhun Western Front Army finally regrouped after being defeated. They asked for help from the king of the Wusun Kingdom in the north. The tribe has a relationship by marriage. In view of the importance of this relationship, King Wusun immediately sent [-] reinforcements to assist the Western Front Army to help the capital of Tuyuhun.

Just then, the second prince Tuyuhun took the remaining ten or so guards and ran towards the west side of the river.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front is the king's cousin, because as a relative of the Tuyuhun royal family, the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front does not have enough prestige in the Senate even though he has a large number of troops in the army, so as long as the descendants of the Tuyuhun royal family do not die, the commander-in-chief cannot replace him The one who ascended the throne is also the father of the second prince and concubine. Even if the commander-in-chief of the western front is not loyal enough to the old king, among the many princes, he is only loyal enough to the second prince. Of course, the situation is urgent. Under the circumstances, the old king chose to give the second prince a chance to escape, instead of the first prince who had long been established as the crown prince, which was helpless.

The second prince endured the grief and continued to flee. In the vast desert, he changed his gorgeous robes and light soldiers into casual clothes, and more than a dozen people scattered and fled separately. This was also to avoid a single footprint from being wiped out by a net, and try to confuse the pursuers. .

The commander-in-chief of Da Yueshi who led the reinforcements was the uncle of Queen Tuyuhun, the biological mother of the second prince Tuyuhun. He first found his nephew running westward in the desert.

Facing the news that Tuyuhun was on the verge of subjugation, at the same time, his nephew, the second prince, told his sister in tears that Queen Tuyuhun had hanged herself in the city, and the commander of the Da Yue clan was deeply saddened.

An hour later, in the middle of the night, more than 5 troops from Tuyuhun's western front and more than [-] soldiers from the Dayue Clan finally converged more than ten miles away from the capital.

"The city is broken, but we are still lost." The VIII looked at the flickering torches in the western desert, which gathered into a long fire dragon. The enemy's reinforcements were about to arrive, but the Niya army Was reversed and lost.

"What should we do, Your Majesty?" All the soldiers knelt down at Niya VIII's feet.

"Let's go, withdraw the whole army and return to the country." Because of the greed for a while, he listened to the seduction of his courtiers. Even though King Niya's sophisticated tactics allowed one of the enemies to slip through the net and escape, the situation was reversed.

After Niya VIII ordered the entire capital of Tuyuhun to be burned, he took the remaining [-] soldiers and evacuated towards the border of the motherland overnight.

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