The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 234: Prelude to the Decisive Battle

The bugle sounded.A side of Niya influenced by the culture of the Arab world.Represents followers of Islam.At this moment, an extremely tragic tug-of-war of siege and defense was launched with Tuyuhun, the old enemy of followers of the local Catholicism.

From dawn to dusk.The front line of the Niya defenders retreated.Seventeen street fights were organized in five hours.In the end, they were outnumbered and lost two-thirds of their urban positions.The occupied Qianbu city was massacred indiscriminately by the Tuyuhun army.Catapults whistled countless boulders as big as millstones.It was as if a meteorite rained down on the common people's mud houses in the capital city of Niya.In addition, the densely packed locust-like crossbow machines are under the cover of most of the city.The creatures in the city of Niyadu were severely suppressed.

"Kill. Kill them all." Kerim came to the front line in person.Across the block he saw a young man gleaming in golden armor.At this moment, the enemy commander is leading the remnants of Niya to organize defenses again and again.For several times or even dozens of times the impact of Tuyuhun people.They all firmly occupy the last line of defense.The corpses in front of him were piled up like a mountain.Overwhelmed by piles of sandbags.

"Who is that person..." The sky was dark.Kerim's eyes were red.He drew his sword and roared.The point of the knife was pointed at the man at the end of the block.For more than an hour, the whole army was stunned, unable to move forward.He was about to go crazy.

"The enemy's Niya prince. Nelich." The adjutant cut off the back and spine of the Niya cavalrymen who were charging violently in the lane with a saber.In the sound of weapons clashing and soldiers shouting.He responded with a loud voice.

"No matter what the cost. Send a thousand shield soldiers to break through the lane quickly. Three hundred crossbowmen climb up to the roof of the earthen house and shoot him." Kerim was riding a military horse.He turned around and evacuated the city.He was going to gallop to the east gate to watch another battle.

"Puff." A burst of arrows rained down.Nellih could barely lift his head.Several times, I felt the violent impact of arrowheads on the helmet.As a result, several deep depressions appeared on the forehead of the well-made helmet.

"Organize death squads. Remove all armor. Perform hand-to-hand combat." Nilih shouted.The 200 elite reserve soldiers who had been recharging their energy for a long time were all replaced with light uniforms.After everyone drank a bowl of hot spirits.Qi Qi smashed the dish against the wall.Ling Ran's fearless aura of seeing death as home.It is extremely shocking.

"Quick. Quick. Get the weapon." Accompanied by the rushing sound.One by one, they lined up and rushed to the front line quickly after picking up weapons from the pile of knife handles piled up at the captain's feet.

Braving the dense back arrows shot from the darkness of the houses lined up on both sides of the street.Coupled with the frontal death squads who are not afraid of death, they rushed forward.The pressure on the Tuyuhun soldiers in the narrow alley increased greatly.We are losing ground.

On one side is the hot-spotted see-saw in the Houcheng District.A few hundred steps away is the palace that symbolizes the final core of the Niya Kingdom.On one side is the plan to massacre civilians in the former urban area occupied by 10,000+ enemy troops in Tuyuhun.

Dusk came to dark.The tempo of the war has temporarily slowed down.The two armies went through a daytime battle of attrition.Everyone is physically and mentally exhausted.The next rest is going on at night.The two sides recharged their batteries and waited for Tianming to fight again.

Braving the boulders whistling past from time to time outside the wall.And the deadly bloody scene on the deserted street.A woman risked her life to sneak to the dead body.The ruined square full of smoke.She lives in a mud house half a street from the square.The three children in the family.The youngest is only one and a half years old.The maximum is 11 years old.Because the former city fell as early as two days ago.She hadn't seen her husband in Niya's royal guard a few streets away, for five days.

There was no news of her husband.I dare not imagine the possible bad news.Women in rags and rags are all unkempt.The earthen house was crushed by falling rocks.Fortunately, no one in the family was injured.But it was frightened and lost half of his soul.The tile ash on the roof stained the woman's once black hair.By now it has dried up and lost its luster.

There is a well in the square.Ever since the city of Niya was in danger of water shortage.The drinking water of the people in the city has been strictly controlled by the government.Especially two days before the city was broken.Like tens of thousands of Niyadu residents, the women's family did not receive a single drop of water.Because the water source is in the center of the square, the area is occupied by ferocious enemies.

Several children in the woman's family are in urgent need of fresh water.She also gave up.To say that maternal love can make a weak woman burst into great power when her child is endangered.Now she holds a clay pot on her head to fight back her racing heart.Step by step, he crawled away from the broken body.His eyes were fixed on the direction of the well in the center of the square.

A few Tuyuhun soldiers moved beside the torch.Shadows are flickered by the erratic light of the fire.Accompanied by the whispers of soldiers.

Women prostrate themselves as dead bodies among a pile of corpses on the edge of a flower bed.She tricked several enemy squads from patrolling past soldiers from time to time.She was anxious and needed to wait.While waiting for the enemy to sleep soundly, they sneaked into the well and the sleeping Tuyuhun soldiers put their pillows on the spot to secretly draw water.

After a crazy massacre by the enemy in the occupied neighborhood during the day.It wasn't that peaceful at night either.Just the other side of the block from the east side of the square.In the depths of the night.A dozen noisy Tuyuhun soldiers kicked down the closed wooden doors of residents' houses one by one from the street to the end of the street.Swearing and rushing into the dark house.After hearing the screams of civilians resounding through the night sky again and again.After taking away a large number of shiny gold and silver coins.The robbers rushed to the next house tirelessly with greedy eyes shining.Step behind the threshold.The naked body of the woman and the man are left in the room.The dead body of a child.

Captain Tuyuhun watched a group of soldiers pull a middle-aged Niya man.The person fell on the dirty ground.The Tuyuhun people grabbed their clothes and dragged them on the ground, leaving a long trail of dust on the road.

"Who is he?" The captain glanced indifferently at the fatty Niya dressed as a businessman.He looked extremely embarrassed.

"Report. I was about to sneak into the former city just now. It is suspected that I am planning to inform the Niya enemy who is defending the rear city. One is a spy. But he refuses to admit it." A soldier took a steel knife and put it on the neck of the Niya man. replied.

"Kill it." Before the Niya people could say anything.The captain gave an order.Soldiers dragged the Niya people who were rolling on the ground.Like a dead dog, it dragged for more than ten meters and arrived at a dark corner.The Tuyuhun man raised his long knife.In an instant, more than a dozen blades chopped the Niya man with a white brain into a bloody corpse.

Outside the city, there were still tens of thousands of Tuyuhun enemy troops besieging the city gate.The desperate Niya people in the former city had no hope of fleeing outside the city.After more than 20 people were massacred.There are only more than [-] people left.By the cover of darkness in the night.The people of Niya in the former urban area rushed to the unoccupied rear urban area in groups.

Looking at the large number of crazy and desperate compatriots in the former city, they ran desperately towards their own city.Behind them were Tuyuhun soldiers who were chasing after them.Add windows on both sides of the laneway.A large number of enemy archers stationed on the roof.One by one, the people of Niya fell down along the way.However, there are still a small number of lucky ones who successfully crossed the death alley and ran to the back city.

"Take care of them. Hurry up..." The First Prince didn't sleep for almost three days and nights.His eyeballs were bloodshot with terror.Watching the compatriots on the other side of the street being frantically harvested by the enemy.One by one, they fell down in pieces crying and wailing.He roared.

The Niya army defending the Houcheng District was greatly stimulated.They heard the order of the eldest prince and ignored the mental and physical strength that was almost drained by the fierce war.Everyone rushed to meet the compatriots in front of the enemy's defense line in the former city.

The eldest prince was greatly stimulated.He himself blew the majestic horn.Commanding the soldiers to launch a charge again and again.

A soldier whose neck artery was cut in half was just carried off the front line by medical soldiers.Under dim lighting.Lost eyes.The medics frantically wrapped strips of cloth around his shocking wound.

The First Prince fell to his knees on the ground.Looking at the Niya soldiers spewing blood on the stretcher on the ground in front of them.He whimpered and sobbed.I can't cry.

"Can you still persist?" The eldest prince looked at the wounded who could not be recovered even with superb medical skills.With tears in his eyes, he whispered softly.

"Woo..." The soldier's throat was bleeding profusely.After the trachea was broken, blood spread to the mouth.The stiff, lifeless soldier tried to open his mouth.A mouthful of blood drowned his words.Tilted his head and died.

The grief on the eldest prince's distorted face could not be stopped.He could only hold back the roar that was about to burst out of his heart.Slowly covered the soldier's eyes which were not closed even after death with the palm of his hand.

Behind the eldest prince, he rushed back and forth to transport the wounded.Some soldiers died when the medics carried them halfway on stretchers.In the turbulence, it was shaken out of the stretcher.The soldier's palm just happened to lightly pat the back of the dazed First Prince's hand.The hands in the stretcher were already cold.

All the death squads during the day rushed to the front line.All down.At night, among the piles of corpses, he was resisted by brave medical soldiers who risked their lives.Among them, Bufan has a few daredevils who have not died.

in transit.The seriously injured death squad stretched out a blood-stained arm straight out of the stretcher.Five fingers clenched into a fist.

Niya soldiers resting against the wall on both sides of the street looked at the fist stretched out by the stretcher who was hastily evacuated from the alleyway.The unyielding spirit made their originally decadent fighting spirit suddenly ignite with vitality.

Soldiers resting in the rear area of ​​the street.The tense nerves made them sleepless.Who knows if the enemy at night will launch a surprise attack.

A young kitchen logistics soldier.Take a closer look at his immature and green face.Still a kid.He took out a xun from his dirty clothes pocket.A desolate note rang out in the night.

Wandering poets from other countries in the Western Regions stayed in Niya for many years.He has long regarded this place as his second hometown.This time the capital city of Niya was besieged.A foreign poet did not hesitate to join the army defending the city of Niya.

The young man next to him was playing Xun music.The wandering poet murmured a poem:

"Life. Death is no longer important. I have long been accustomed to wandering. Fighting is only to defeat the invaders. To protect the glory of the motherland..."

Another dawn is coming.The curtain of the decisive battle finally opened.

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