The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 235: Rebirth from the Ruins

The fierce battle started again.The first rays of dawn diffuse from the east.Golden rays of light spread throughout the city.Neighborhoods that had been reduced to ruins were devastated.But the breath that had just rested overnight suddenly became tense and tense.

The eldest prince stood on the highest open-air platform of the palace.The hairline on the forehead fluttered.Looking at the scene below through the hair with wooden eyes, he muttered to himself.

"Do you know the human tragedy of tens of thousands of carrion corpses in just a few days. These are all the people of our Niya..."

In the second half of the night, the last three lines of defense in the neighborhood were attacked by Tuyuhun enemy forces in turn.After the Niya side lost more than 7000 soldiers.In the end, the last [-] remaining soldiers were forced to guard the palace.

now.Dawn fell.The Tuyuhun army slightly eased the offensive.It is believed that the last stronghold of Niya will be destroyed with all its strength soon.

The eldest prince's heart was ashamed.He was a little confused about what emotion he was feeling.Father Emperor VIII passed away for three or four days.He has been unable to get out of the frontline battlefield, but finally retreated to the palace.He sent someone to break through the solid stone door of the bedroom, only to find the already cold corpse on the bed.Father passed away.His sad heart only hurt more.

"But where is Uncle Prince Niaz and the head of the shadow guard now?"

About these two important figures who witnessed the death of King VIII.The eldest prince couldn't understand how they evaporated in the secret room.

"Your Highness, there are no secret passages in the bedroom." Several subordinates were on the wall of the bedroom.The floor was groped carefully.However, no suspicious mechanism was found.

"It seems to be a very clever mechanism." The First Prince sighed.He felt that he was under the protection of the chief guard with outstanding martial arts.It is also a good thing that Uncle Wang escaped from the siege of Niya safely.This also left a trace of blood for the Niya royal family.

As for myself?Even if the eldest prince found the entrance to the secret passage in his father's bedroom.He will not leave the rest of the Niya people in the city alone.

"Either it is the last hope of fighting the enemy with the people of the city and waiting for the rescue of the Western Turks. Or it will be destroyed together with the Niya Kingdom."

The eldest prince endured the pain of losing his father.He was soon deployed in the palace.The first is to close the gates of the palace.side door.back door.Prepare to guard the palace to the death.

on the other hand.Once under the powerful impact of Tuyuhun, they could not hold on to the protection of the last fortress of the imperial palace.The eldest prince will then order to light firewood piled up in every corner of the palace.Combustion of oil.Rather Stick to your guns.Burned completely.

"Damn it. Neilih. Since your father died early, it must not make it easy for you." Kerim clenched his fists.He mobilized more than 3 elite soldiers to besiege the palace.Everyone sharpened their knives.With a murderous look.Prepare for the final battle.

"Come on." King Tuyuhun gave an order.Hundreds of catapults hurled huge boulders towards the cupola palace.In an instant, the watchtower building was smashed to pieces.The collapse revealed many holes.

Immediately after that, more than 100 soldiers pushed the ramming pile car towards the thick stone wall of the main gate.There was a deafening bang.

Thousands of archers fanning out around the periphery are standing in rows and pointing their bows at the main entrance.Once the stone gate was breached and fell down.Countless bows and arrows will be shot into the door opening.

"Boom" loud noise.The gate finally fell down.But the scene in front of Tuyuhun's enemies made them stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the raging fire was filled with thick smoke and emerged from the main entrance of the palace.

"It's too bad they are going to set themselves on fire." Kerim, who was sitting on the throne of people carrying sedan chairs, couldn't help but get angry when he saw the burning scene.

"Put out the fire with water." The Kerrys hurriedly roared and ordered.

"Your Majesty, there is no water source in the whole city. The river outside the city is some distance away from the palace. It is too far away to put out the fire." The subordinate reported.

"Then put it out with sand." Kerim was furious.He hated the Niya royal family, the blood-feuding enemy who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in his homeland and the entire royal family of Tuyuhun.

It has been a long time since Niya VIII has not shown his face in public.Even the Niya front has reached its most critical moment.According to staff analysis.It is very likely that Niya VIII, the executioner who massacred Tuyuhun, died in hiding in his bedroom for many days after being seriously injured.But Kerim vowed to capture the eldest prince alive.The cruelest death penalty was imposed on the crown prince of Niya to pay tribute to the lost compatriots of the motherland.

For the king's order.Soon the soldiers took the soil-riding utensils and dug soil on the spot to cover the fierce flames at the door.

Enemy soldiers outside the palace gate are trying to put out the fire and rescue the Niya people.Inside, thousands of Niya soldiers hiding in the depths of the palace are quietly waiting to be martyred.

The First Prince was huddling up with a dozen generals in a corner of the palace, quietly waiting for death.Niya's last surviving remnant soldiers were densely packed in the bedroom.But just now there was a violent catapult throwing boulders.There were many holes in the ceiling.The falling stones also killed many Niya soldiers.The nearly collapsed ceiling above looked crumbling.It is very dangerous.

"Kill." After putting out the fire at the door.Crimea rushed into the palace with a large number of soldiers.However, the large amount of fuel inside made them very embarrassed.The crowded hall was randomly set ablaze by the Niya people inside.

"Ahem. Ahem." The soldiers of Tuyuhun almost lost their way in the burning palace.Smoke billowed.Everyone was choked to tears.All of them ran out of the main gate of the palace in a panic.

Standing at the gate of the palace.The Tuyuhun people looked at the raging fire inside.Blackened the white palace.Flames and smoke billowed from the high roofs.

"It seems that they are all going to die." The Tuyuhun soldiers whispered.Witnessed the fall of the Niya Dynasty.

"Drive." He whipped his horsewhip hard.Niaz went mad with anxiety.He is riding on a steed leading an army of [-] Western Turks marching on the edge of the desert.The city of Niyadu on the plain not far away is close in sight.But the imperial palace in the center of the city is billowing a column of thick smoke that soars into the sky.

"Quick. Quick." The Western Turkic General shouted loudly at the elite Turkic cavalry.In the past ten days or so, the march from the Mongolian prairie to Niya in the south encountered many obstacles.Along the way, the Da Yuezhi's army was like hateful flies, desperately delaying the marching speed of the Turkic reinforcements.

However, the Turks dispatched [-] rear troops to resist the Da Yue Clan's enemy army.Ashil led the [-] elite advance troops to gallop to the capital of Niya at full speed.On the way, he happened to meet Niaz, Prince of Niya, who escaped from the siege of Niya.

In the process of rushing for half a day.Ashil, commander of the Western Turkic reinforcements, learned of the crisis in the capital of Niya.Discussed with the Turkic generals for a while.Commander Ashlu considered the worst consequences of Niya Crown Prince Nilih being captured by Tuyuhun.Holding the crown prince of a country.It is inevitable that the enemy will have a bargaining chip to contain them.

At the same time, it is also for the needs of stabilizing the hearts of Niya.They decided to support Prince Niyaz as King Niya IX.With strong support.In addition, there is an oral testimony from the shadow of the witness guard chief who personally ordered Prince Niaz to be named the successor by the former king of Niya VIII.that's all.Nyaz was forced to become the king of Niya, which was on the verge of extinction.

"Report. Your Majesty. A large number of Turkic cavalry reinforcements rushed to the edge of the northern desert. The situation is extremely urgent." A sentry quickly knelt down in front of Crimea and reported.

"What." Kerim's face suddenly changed.Originally, he was quietly watching the Niya Palace burn in a sea of ​​flames.Witnessing the demise of the enemy.But at this last moment, Turkic reinforcements came.

"Hmph. But the Turks came late." Crimea quickly restrained his serious expression.Now he commanded tens of thousands of soldiers to quickly set up outside the capital.

After more than ten days of fierce stalemate between the Tuyuhun army and the Niya army.Now the remaining half of the soldiers are exhausted.Crimea knew that a large number of Turkic troops came to help.It is impossible for their Tuyuhun tired army to resist for a long time.

Although I was not reconciled to not being able to witness the remains of Niya royal family members who died in the burning palace.However, in the past ten days or so, almost all of the capital of Niya was massacred.The Niya royal family was almost wiped out.Crimea can be regarded as revenge for his motherland.

"Withdraw the troops." Watching the menacing Turkic cavalry coming in the distance.Most of the troops were infantry, and the Tuyuhun army could not resist the cavalry on the high sand dunes on the low-lying plains.What's more, the combat effectiveness of the cavalry on the grassland is one of the best.Once swept across the entire Western Regions and even countries in West Asia.

soon.The Tuyuhun army left like flowing water towards its own border.Seeing that the enemy has withdrawn from Niyadu City.Knowing that chasing them forcibly will hurt both of them, and it will not do any good.Ashlu led the cavalry only to attack Niyadu City.First of all, it is important to put out the fire in the palace and save lives.

What Niaz is most nervous about is his daughter and the besieged people in the palace.After more than half an hour of extinguishing.Niaz and the others finally entered the ruined palace.

Looking at the smoky blackened and closed door of the bedroom.Niaz was very nervous.He was afraid once the door was pushed open.Inside was a scene of corpses.

After everyone pushed open the door.There were soldiers lying down inside.Statistics afterwards.Because of being fainted by the thick smoke in the hall.Killed 1000 Donia soldiers.However, more than 2000 people were rescued.Especially when the first prince and crown prince who fainted were carried out at that time. .Nellyh.

"Oh. It's a long story. It's really ups and downs. I didn't expect that the happy and peaceful Niya country would have experienced the tragic war it is today."

unconsciously.Morning tea party with King Niaz IX in the palace.The king talked eloquently about the history of Niya.Unexpectedly, the conversation went from daytime to nightfall.When immersed in tension.The tragic Niya has a long history.Guo Nuan suddenly looked up and noticed.It was getting dark.

Guo Nuan looked at King Niaz, who had already been in tears.He had a deep sympathy for the Niya royal family who had an extraordinary experience.

"En. Thank you, Mr. Guo, for patiently listening to the story of my Niya Kingdom." Watching Guo Nuan leave the palace.The two waved goodbye.

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