The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 64: The Fragrant Misunderstanding

In the Flower Hall of the back Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, through the carved grille and window lattice, there are coquettish voices coming from the elegant hall. From time to time, there is a babble, and then there are hurried women's panting and men's muffled moaning, What kind of situation the back room should be, is full of infinitely fragrant and charming reverie.

The yamen servants on duty in the strict yamen happened to pass by the closed windows, and they could clearly hear the soft whispers and cries from the back room. It was inevitable that people would not be mistaken for the relationship between men and women. In short, it was unbearable, and it lasted for about half an hour. It's not over yet.

"My lord! Luo Yuan worship..." At this moment, the carefree Luo Yuan stepped on the steps of the office of the Jingzhaoyin Yamen's signing room dedicated to Guo Nuan with a loud voice, and was about to knock on the door of the closed wing when he suddenly heard A female voice came from the back room:

"Ah, take it easy, it hurts, it hurts..."

"Above, that's right, below, slow down, oh, it's about to die..."

Luo Yuan froze on the steps, the hand that was about to knock on the door froze in mid-air, listening carefully outside the door through the paper grille, Luo Yuan's eyes widened immediately, and he murmured in disbelief :

"This woman's gasping breath is really fucking, why is her voice so familiar, isn't it Yan Butou! Scary!"

Luo Yuan couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he smacked his mouth again, continued to listen carefully, and then exclaimed in surprise: "There is still a man's voice! It's still very familiar!"

Immediately, Luo Yuan covered his mouth: "Scared, it's Brother Guo's voice! It sounds very strong, it's too fierce!"

Luo Yuan rolled his eyes, gave a wicked laugh, and then stood at the door with his head lowered. He was shamelessly imagining the passion in the room, and sighed to himself:

"Young man, it's inevitable that the firewood will be wiped out. Brother Guo and Yan Butou have been alone in the room for a long time, and they have an affair. It's normal, tsk tsk, but Brother Guo is really good. After subduing the family's Princess Shengping, he took office. In just one month, he immediately took care of Yan Butou, a beautiful woman who has always been as cold as ice, in the yamen, and he was tossing around in the signing room of the office during the day, Brother Luo really convinced Brother Guo."

With a "creak", the door shaft of the side room turned and made a harsh and unpleasant sound, and then the side door of the signing room quietly opened, and a head poked out:

"Brother Luo, why are you standing on the steps stupidly, keeping your head down and laughing all the time, talking to yourself, looking like a god, and laughing so cheaply?"

It was Guo Nuan who poked his head out. At the moment, he was neatly dressed and asked questions to Luo Yuan, who was still immersed in the eclectic imagination.

"Oh, it's all right, ahem, report back to your lord, this subordinate just wanted to hand in a report on the inspection record of Dongcheng District this month."

Luo Yuan immediately restrained his indecent smile, coughed twice in embarrassment, and became upright and solemn in the blink of an eye. Standing at the door with his head held high, he replied seriously, with a completely serious look.

"Fake it, Brother Luo, if you still pretend to me, you must be thinking about the evil idea of ​​playing tricks on me, Brother Guo."

Guo Nuan approached Luo Yuan's face with disbelief, winked at him, and looked at Luo Yuan carefully with a smile like a scanning machine. Twitching, I found that Luo Yuan was suppressing a smile.

"No, brother swear."

Luo Yuan's tense face turned red, and he wanted to laugh all the time, but when he was still quibbling, Guo Nuan, a shrewd old fox, could see clearly, and Luo Yuan's lying skills were still at the level of the kindergarten class, and he couldn't be fooled at all. Not Guo Nuan, whose EQ exceeds 250.

"Strange, what's so funny?...Well, brother Luo, if you want to report something, come in quickly, and it happens that Botou Yan is also inside."

Guo Nuan shook off her doubts, scratched the back of her head, but couldn't catch Luo Yuan's braid, so she quickly let him go and let him in.

"Oh, that, Yan Botou is ready so soon?" Luo Yuan just wanted to raise his legs and step in, but then he seemed to be thinking about something, he couldn't help hesitating, and asked tentatively.

Guo Nuan was even more confused, and blinked at Luo Yuan: "It's strange, Brother Luo, why are you talking like a god, are you sick?" After speaking, he put his hand on Luo Yuan's forehead to test his temperature: "The temperature is normal. , I don't have a fever."

Hehe smiled, Luo Yuan lowered his head and rubbed his palms, twisted his thick waist, and shy like a little girl for a while, Luo Yuan, a big man with a rough skin like cowhide, Guo Nuan discovered for the first time that he could be shy The ground is shining red.

"What, you're just playing charades with me, and you can't speak clearly."

In a hurry, Guo Nuan grabbed Luo Yuan's arm and dragged him into the signing room.

There is a large office table in the room. At this moment, Yan Ruoshui is wearing a pink pleated skirt with frills, holding a bronze mirror in one hand, and a rouge box in the other. She is sitting on a chair. Dressed in rouge and powder, she changed from the heroic and heroic attire of men in the past, and now she looks charming and charming.

"Well, Deputy Luo is here."

Yan Ruoshui looked up and saw Luo Yuan who was leading behind Guo Nuan, and then smiled lightly.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just came in to hand in an official document, hehe, I'm bothering you two." Luo Yuan smiled sarcastically, and scratched the back of his head: "I'll be leaving soon, uh...Yan Butou, you can continue .”

Guo Nuan curled her lips speechlessly at Luo Yuan's inappropriate words. As for Yan Ruoshui's rarely seen delicate face, a faint blush like a little girl's shyness appeared on her side cheeks, which immediately overturned Luo Yuan's memory. In the glorious image of the always cold and heroic boss Yan Butou, he opened his mouth wide open.

Yan Ruoshui put down the bronze mirror and vanity box, smiled sweetly and said softly, "Just now, Guo Nuan helped me with the beauty treatment, it's okay, it'll be fine soon, brother Luo has business to do."

"Beauty? What is it?" When Yan Ruoshui answered, Luo Yuan had question marks in his mind.

"It's a makeup method to help women look beautiful." Guo Nuan smiled, yawned, and replied lazily leaning against the wall.

"A twisted face that removes the hair of a woman." Guo Nuan immediately added.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Luo Yuan suddenly realized, and then he asked some questions curiously: "Then why did I hear that... Yiyi, humming and chirping voice in your room just now? "

"Where's the fuck, Brother Luo, you think too...complicated... It's's just that I cried out in pain when I twisted the noodles. Take it easy."

Yan Ruoshui's face was even more blushing at this moment, with her head lowered, she sat on a chair and stirred the hem of her clothes with her fingers, speaking intermittently in a mosquito-like low voice, and secretly glanced at Guo Nuan beside her from the corner of her eye.

"There is no servant girl in the mansion. If Ruoshui wants to beautify and get rid of the fine hair on his face, but he can't find a helper, he asks me for help. I'm a big man, and it's my first time doing this. I really can't do these delicate tasks."

Guo Nuan muttered, as if he didn't feel guilty at all after pinching the delicate beauty of Yan Damei.

"Oh, it's quite difficult. Every time I go home to make noodles for my daughter-in-law, Brother Luo, I don't need to mention that I feel a little uncomfortable. One hand has to pull the thread, and the two ends have to be tied to the thumb and index finger of the other hand. The middle line has to be gnashed with teeth and cannot be put. Damn it, and the line has to be made into a cross triangle. My God, I am very good at making guns, how can I do this delicate work in the boudoir.

I twisted my daughter-in-law's face hard with twine. Where is there any cold hair left on her delicate and tender face? , the eldest brother is suffering from backache and back pain, and is so tired that only half of his life is left. It is really hard work. Fortunately, she is now living with her children in her hometown of Hexi, which is more than 100 miles away from Chang'an. Otherwise, I would be exhausted every time I go back. . "

Luo Yuan laughed, it turned out to be a misunderstanding.


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