The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 65: The Open Carriage

After taking office in the Yamen for a month, Guo Nuan was busy cleaning up the official business of the gambling industry and never returned to the Princess Mansion. He worked overtime for three holidays in a row. There was nothing he could do. Jing Zhaoyin had just taken over the Yamen, and there was a lot of mess to deal with.

However, during this month, his mother, Mrs. Wang, personally went to the yamen to see her son. During this period, she also sent a dozen family letters to Guo Nuan. Warm sub-offices correspond to brothers and sisters across the country.

Among them, his three older brothers, Guo Yao, Guo Yi, and Guo Xi, revealed their sincerity between the lines, including the deep yearning for his younger brother, and the earnest teaching of his younger brother as an elder brother. I haven't seen them before, but after reading the sincere and touching letter from home, I cried so much that tears flowed down my face. These elder brothers are really kind to Guo Nuan.

To write congratulatory letters to their younger brothers to congratulate them on the high school champions, the journey is thousands of miles away, and the speed of posting letters in ancient post stations is a bit slow, and it takes a long time.

"Well, this is a letter from my third brother Guo Xi. He has been fighting with his father in Mobei all year round and has made many military exploits. He said in the letter that he will return to Chang'an to take up a post in two months. The court has drawn up a proposal to prepare My third brother was transferred back to the capital from the frontier and promoted to Yushi Zhongcheng, and it is estimated that he will be able to return to the capital in two months after handling the remaining official duties in the Shuofang Military Region."

Guo Nuan was holding a letter, feeling a little happy. He heard his mother, Wang, say that the third brother is a good-looking man, capable of writing and martial arts, quite upright, always upright, and has the most similar temper to the old man among the many brothers.

As for the third elder brother among his own people, Guo Nuan has always been looking forward to seeing him soon. The two elder brothers meet and talk at night by candlelight. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have appetizers like yellow flower side dishes, fried beef tenderloin and garlic sprouts, and then talk about the revolutionary friendship between brothers, state affairs, and military warfare.

"Master, what do we need to bring when we go back today?" Ah Fu was exhausted recently, and he was able to go back to the Princess Mansion to rest this day. He was so excited the night before that he didn't sleep well all night.

As soon as Guo Nuan took office as Jingzhaoyin, he promoted Ah Fu to be the number one leader in his shogunate—Bo, the head of Jingzhaofu. The burden of taxation management is really heavy, but Guo Nuan thinks highly of Ah Fu and believes that he can do a good job.

At the beginning, Ah Fu was very busy, and then Guo Nuan recruited five or six assistants for him, and the burden was relieved a little.

But Ah Fu really did a great job. After taking over the archives library, he sorted out all the 130 six tons of files in the five years of Suzong's era in just three days, and he is still in the hidden secret compartment of the archives library. In the house, I accidentally found the top-secret private diary of the previous two Jing Zhao Yin Wang Wan.

Although in the end, along with Wang Kai's suicide, the clues to find Empress Shen were interrupted again. Compared with the fact that the royal family members had been searching for Empress Shen in vain after the Anshi Rebellion, Ah Fu's discovery of Wang Wan's diary and the case of Empress Shen's disappearance had a significant impact. breakthrough progress.

"Take the local specialties warmly sent by the neighbors in Chang'an Avenue, merchants and gentlemen, such as smoked beef jerky, spicy roast chicken, dried river fish, etc., into the carriage, and take them back to the Princess Mansion for our Shengping wife and A large group of family servants and maids in the mansion try something new."

With a big wave of Guo Nuan's hand, she yelled at a few hard-working yamen servants to carry a large box of souvenirs into the trunk of the carriage.By the way, the masterpiece of installing a large cuboid wooden box on the back of the carriage was invented by Guo Nuan ten days ago.

Every time when using a carriage, Guo Nuan always felt that it was really troublesome to buy a large number of items and put them in the carriage. This is a simple brush painting design drawing, and some other devices are added.Several carpenters worked together for a few days to remodel Guo Nuan's special carriage, and a new carriage was born.

The driver's seat of the carriage was originally a hard wooden seat. Every time Guo Nuan drove the speeding carriage on the Qingshiban Street in Chang'an, his buttocks were shaken and hurt deeply. Seating bags replace wooden square stools.

There are two rearview mirrors made of copper mirrors installed on the left and right sides of the carriage. This is an ordinary invention of modern cars. I was shocked at once, and the sparkling eyes contained a feeling of admiration for Guo Nuan, just like the water of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River rushing for thousands of miles, so Guo Nuan was regarded as the reincarnation of Lu Ban.

Furthermore, Guo Nuan installed seat belts and manual brakes on his carriage.A few steel bars are twisted and bent into a spring to make a shock absorber, which is installed on the bearing of the carriage for shock absorption.

The sides of the original square carriage compartment were changed into rounded arcs.As for why it was changed to a curved shape, Guo Nuan explained to several carpenters:

"Masters, do you understand wind resistance? Oh, I don't understand. Anyway, this is the most fashionable sports car concept design with low wind resistance and streamlined shape, using European imported technology."

Following Guo Nuan's flickering, several master carpenters couldn't help being misled, and lamented that there were such good things at the West O'Flynn foreign devils thousands of miles away. The Silk Road business traveler who was still doing business in Chang'an immediately set off and went directly to Western Europe to learn technology.In fact, this was not invented by the ancient West O'Flynn, but Guo Nuan copied it according to the modern design.

Of course, Guo Nuan also created his own invention, "manual wooden mortise and tenon movable foldable hard-top convertible carriage roof device".

For the long design name that Guo Nuan muttered, several master carpenters with white beards were even more dumbfounded. They asked Guo Nuan several times before they could barely remember this novel name, but they really deserved to be A great master in carpentry crafts, in just two days, under the guidance of Guo Nuan, he really worked out this cross-age concept carriage.

Regarding the lighting of carriages at night, Guo Nuan originally planned to place a lamp cap on the horse's head, but this was a bit difficult. In the ancient Tang Dynasty, there was no lighting system similar to a torch, so he had to give up.

"It's perfect. Under the guidance of Mr. Guo, we can participate in the manufacture of such a superbly crafted celestial chariot. This is the pinnacle work of our old carpenter's career. It is worth dying now, too... move!"

When the brand-new carriage of this world masterpiece was completed, several master carpenters immediately cried with their heads in their arms, tearful and speechless with excitement.

After the production was completed, Guo Nuan couldn't wait to test drive it on Chang'an Zhuque Street for a while. The super cool and novel shape immediately attracted countless passers-by's amazing eyes.In just three days, Guo Nuan drove out a total of seven times. Every time he drove to the street, a large number of crazy followers swarmed behind the carriage, causing a commotion and screaming.Since then, this design has become popular throughout the Tang Dynasty, and major carpentry shops have copied it one after another, and it has been exported to foreign countries. People call it "Guo's super open carriage".

The behavior of Guo Nuan's test drive had serious consequences, causing the eight major traffic lines in Chang'an to be blocked for five hours. It was all caused by people watching Guo Nuan's carriage.This incident also shocked a group of high-level officials who lived in the Daming Palace. Even Daizong personally ordered Guo Nuan to deliver the design drawings immediately, and his father-in-law wanted to copy dozens of cars and give them to the princes and nobles.

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