The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 7: There are many right and wrong in the princess mansion

It was dawn, and Guo Nuan was woken up by the chirping of birds outside the window.Woke up early at five o'clock, and in modern time, Guo Nuan reckoned that the time to get up at this moment was no more than six o'clock.

I yawned, stretched my waist, and by the way, Guo Nuan performed Tai Chi for the daily compulsory morning exercises.

There was a knock on the door.

"Master, Ah Fu brought you a basin of hot water, let's wash up."

Immediately, someone outside pushed the unbolted door and broke in. Ah Fu, who had a white cloth scarf on his shoulder, came in with a copper basin of hot water.

Guo Nuan didn't expect that Ah Fu was earlier than himself. As his personal servant, in other words, his confidant, in Guo's mansion, this kind of miscellaneous work is usually taken care of by maids. At this moment, when people are useless, Ah Fu does it himself. This life made Guo Nuan feel a warm current in his heart, and was quite moved.

Guo Nuan smiled bitterly, sighed inwardly, looked at the empty courtyard, there was not even a maid in the courtyard, there were only two masters and servants, the life of the son-in-law was not easy.

Shengping Princess Mansion, a huge manor, is located in a quiet corner of the city. The manor has a vast area, almost occupying half the area of ​​the city.In the mansion, there are servants, officials of the princess mansion, diners, aides, plus the princess's personal bodyguards, all add up, at least a thousand people.

In this manor kingdom, if you want to say who is the most powerful person in the mansion, of course it refers to Princess Shengping. As for the second person who can go up, it is the princess's husband—the concubine?Guo Nuan looked at the deserted situation in front of him, the mansion was lined up, and the actual authority was not up to him at all, he was so angry that his lungs hurt.

On the first day Guo Nuan first entered the Princess Mansion, he deeply felt the strict atmosphere in the mansion. At this time, he was in an embarrassing situation. Now he has been in the mansion for three or four days, and he gradually understands the atmosphere here. atmosphere.

There is a bureaucratic system in the princess mansion, and the system is perfect, just like the yamen.There is a magistrate in charge of all trivial matters in the mansion, from the seventh rank, there is a deputy chief from the eighth rank, Fu Cheng, and then from the ninth rank, the recorder, who mainly manages the princess's fief income, refers to the Siyi officer.

Although these miscellaneous officials are officials as big as sesame seeds and mung beans, as the saying goes, no matter how small a mosquito is, it still has flesh, and a senior official will crush a person to death.Guo Nuan's son-in-law is not in the Guo mansion where he can call the wind and rain, but now in the princess mansion. Guo Nuan and A Fu are weak, and they dare not underestimate these petty officials. If they are offended, they will inevitably cause disputes.But Guo Nuan is not afraid of things, if those little officials pissed him off, he would go all out, and at worst go back to the Fenyang Prince's Mansion to be at ease.

Guo Nuan "married" to the princess. Although she had won a fifth-rank official position from the emperor's father-in-law, the title of captain consort was a vain title, and the title of honor was regarded as comfort. It was not comparable to these small officials with real power.

Apart from Guo Nuan, the cowardly son-in-law, Ah Fu said aggrievedly that he should be more polite to the petty officials listed above, but there are two other people in the Princess Mansion who must never be offended.

"Who is that person who can't be offended? Such a big air." Guo Nuan sneered, and he couldn't help asking Ah Fu curiously.

"One of them, I saw when you entered the mansion the day before yesterday, young master, that Eunuch Huang who deliberately kicked you." A Fu raised his eyebrows, and then said lightly. . .

"An old monster who is too old to estimate his age..." Guo Nuan muttered.

"Ahem, when Emperor Daizong got married in Shengping, he was specially transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take charge of the daily security of Princess Shengping."

After listening to Ah Fu introduce this great eunuch, Guo Nuan realized how big the background was, and couldn't help clicking her tongue after hearing about it.

Zheng Sanpin, when Guo Nuan heard Ah Fu mention the official rank of Eunuch Huang, his heart was bleeding all the time.

The prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty, such as Zhongshuling, were only of the third rank, but this eunuch was also of the same rank as the prime minister!

It's true that people are more angry than people. When Guo Nuan heard about the origin of Eunuch Huang, he immediately complained in his stomach.But Guo Nuan forgot for a while, his own father, Guo Ziyi, Shuofang Military Jiedushi, is a second-rank official, and this official is a top-notch official.

In fact, in the later period of the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, the power of the eunuchs became stronger and stronger. This trend became more and more obvious in the later period of the Tang Dynasty. It is no exaggeration to say that the power of the eunuchs can control the establishment and abolition of the emperor.

For example, Guo Nuan's father-in-law, Emperor Daizong, was assisted by the eunuch forces, and after eliminating the alien forces, he ascended the throne smoothly.

A large number of eunuch groups work in the Baisi government office. Although they don't have the stick and two balls under their crotch, they are in charge of the court power. Most of them are arrogant and domineering.

It is not surprising that a great eunuch has a third-rank official rank, but it is difficult for Guo Nuan, a historically illiterate who traveled from modern times, to appreciate this delicate situation.

As for the second person that Guo Nuan's son-in-law could not offend in the Princess Mansion, that person's status seemed special.

In terms of official titles, she doesn't have any official titles, and she doesn't hold a post in the government. She can't write, and doesn't know martial arts. She is just a 40-year-old aunt.

"Who is that?"

Guo Nuan couldn't guess who it was, and question marks kept popping up in her mind. At this time, after taking over the hot water basin, she had almost finished washing, and had wiped off the water droplets on her face with a towel. She turned her head and casually asked Ah Fu who was standing behind her. .

"Princess Nanny."

Ah Fu tugged at the corners of his mouth with deep meaning, slightly bent into a slight arc, grinned, and quickly took the copper basin that Guo Nuan had used, and walked out of the room while answering, ready to pour out the washing water outside .

"Tch, she's a bird. Isn't she just a baby." Guo Nuan couldn't help but snort.

Although the princess and the son-in-law are husband and wife, they need to follow the etiquette. Usually, they live and eat separately.These details, A Fu did not say, Guo Nuan is not very clear yet.

If the son-in-law wants to meet the princess, he needs to follow the set procedures of the emperor and his ministers, and also needs to pass the news through the servants. As for whether he can meet her, it depends on the mood of the princess that day.

Of course, if the son-in-law is lucky, one day the princess wants to visit her son-in-law and let him stay overnight in the princess's boudoir... Yes, that's right, it's a blessing.At this time, the role of the nanny is very critical.

The princess' nanny, when the princess grows up, even if the master is past the age of nurturing, she still has to take care of the princess after she gets married. This arrangement seems to mean that the emperor sent the nanny to the princess to monitor her private life.

Normally, every time the princess wants to call the son-in-law to spend the night in the boudoir, the nanny will definitely stop her. Like a door god, she will firmly guard the door of the princess's wing, and guard the son-in-law who wants to enter the door like a thief.Guo Nuan was a little depressed. The emperor married his daughter and didn't let her go to bed. Could it be that she went to a prostitute to vent her anger? It's really disgusting. "I'm your husband, you can do what you want, there's no place for a noble princess to have so many rules." Guo Nuan scolded.

A Fu also said that even if the son-in-law can spend the night in the princess room, at midnight, when it is still dark, the nanny will shout outside the door of the princess's boudoir to call the son-in-law back to his place, fearing that the son-in-law will stay in the boudoir for a while , enjoying more fish and water, and taking advantage of the princess.

In each princess mansion, the role that the nanny should play is almost always performing such official duties. We all have no choice but to accept it, after all, we all know it well, but it's just mutual tacit understanding.

When Guo Nuan was leaving the Guo Mansion, she instilled the unspoken rules of the Princess Mansion from Afuna. Since her personal servants solemnly mentioned that the young master might accidentally overstep the threshold and make mistakes, but Afu's earnest words were stunned. It was Guo Nuan who went in and out of his left ear and out of his right ear, and forgot all about it.

"Uh, young master...if you have nothing to do...don't go to the princess' boudoir, that is, the Cuiyan Pavilion in Dongyuan."

After a while, Ah Fuyi poured out the wash water outside the courtyard, and when he stepped into the wing with an empty copper basin in his hand, he immediately spoke, Lang Lang said.


Guo Nuan, who was adjusting her clothes with her head down, was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and cast a puzzled look at Ah Fu.

"Master, you forgot, ever since the night of your bridal chamber after paying homage to the princess, just as you stepped up the steps of the princess's boudoir, Eunuch Huang dragged you out of the courtyard like an eagle catching a chick, and then I and your master and servant The two were arranged to live in this courtyard for more than a year..."

Ah Fu was a little cautious, secretly looking at Guo Nuan who was bowing his head in the corner, and the volume of his tone became a little soft, for fear of hurting his master.

"On the night of the bridal chamber, the groom was thrown out of the door by his wife. He really... has no self-respect."

At this time, Guo Nuan was amused. This predecessor Guo Nuan was too incompetent, and Guo Nan laughed endlessly.However, because of the angle of the light, Ah Fu did not see these subtle actions.Otherwise, if you think that the young master can still laugh when you mention something dishonorable, you must be out of your mind.

"Haha, let's not talk about the past, let's get rid of the shame in the future, let's go, walk outside with the young master!"

Soon, Guo Nuan adjusted his mood, and Siri slowly smoothed out the slightly messy bangs on his forehead, and walked out of the wing with square steps.

Outside the house, the weather was clear, and the icy breath of midwinter gradually dissipated, in exchange for the sprouting vitality of early spring. Looking at the surrounding evergreen trees and forests, they were still green. Guo Nuan took a deep breath of fresh air, and then exhaled freely. After taking a breath of the turbid gas in his stomach, his mood seemed to improve a lot.

In the early morning of the day before yesterday, a group of handymen came to the normally quiet courtyard. The leader was a middle-aged aunt with heavy make-up. Without saying a word, the big iron hanging lock in front of the room door rattled. Called Guo Nuan master and servant who were in a coma, and asked for 300 taels for accommodation.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on my son's private house, why ask for 300 taels!"

The sleepy Guo Nuan opened his eyes and saw that the aunt was about to question her, but unexpectedly, the woman with a chubby body was even more arrogant. She waved to the handyman behind her, and everyone searched around the room After a while, he took away 300 taels of silver from Guo Nuan's device, which was wrapped in a floppy disk. Just as he was about to say it like a flood, a group of people evacuated the yard.

"Damn, stop, do you think I'm nothing! It's a shame to break into the house and steal money!" Guo Nuan let out a loud roar, frightening the robbers for the first time.

In the blink of an eye, Guo Nuan was extremely angry, and before he could react, these bandit-like robbing crowds were about to disappear in a grandiose manner. At that time, Ah Fu was wrapping his arms around Guo Nuan's body who was about to run away violently. I'm afraid that his young master will have a fight with the visitor.However, the strong Guo Nuan broke away from Ah Fu's obstruction at once, and his face was flushed and angry, he picked up his broom and chased after him.

However, after Guo Nuan beat up a few servants who didn't move fast, he tore off the clothes of another servant, exposing his snow-white back, and even kicked a servant's ass to eat shit.After a burst of crying and howling, the nanny led the people away in a panic. When she retreated hastily, all the silver in the bag was scattered on the ground, and she didn't bother to pick it up.The nanny was frightened and thought: This son-in-law went crazy after jumping off the building, so powerful.

Under Ah Fu's eyes of admiration and admiration for Little Xingxing, Guo Nuan finally calmed down after driving away the bandits.He found out afterwards that it turned out to be the princess nanny in the mansion.

"Ah Fu, go and pick up the scattered silver on the ground."

After Guo Nuan ordered lightly, he felt a little exhausted without the slightest kung fu, and even beat up so many servants, just one word: "cool"!Out of breath, he found a step and sat down.This battle was really heart-wrenching, but it finally broke out the momentum of the majestic son-in-law.

It stands to reason that Princess Shengping has always resisted this political marriage.Born in the imperial family, he can't help himself, even if he married Guo Nuan out of political marriage, Shengping always disliked him.

As for the nanny who was responsible for raising Shengping since she was a child, although she has no blood relationship with the princess, the princess was raised by her after all, and she always regarded the master as her own daughter in her heart. The bridegroom, the husband-in-law who was forced to match, a political couple who has no feelings at all, and the princess nanny is also very disapproving of Guo Nuan.

Since the person the princess hates, as the princess's close nanny, she has no reason not to follow her master's likes and dislikes, and naturally becomes hostile to Guo Nuan who suddenly moved into the mansion. In the past year, she has come to see Guo Nuan from time to time. The stubble is purely to embarrass them.

As for the incident of breaking into Guo Nuan's house yesterday to plunder the silver, it was because the nanny came to collect the rent as usual every month.

"Collecting rent?! What a joke!"

Guo Nuan jumped up and down after hearing this, isn't this the princess mansion, why does his grandma still charge rent?This makes people very speechless.He is the master of this mansion, and the matter of the rent was brought up, which really made him very angry.

Through understanding, the nanny has been doing this behavior for a year. Relying on the favor of the princess in the mansion, she is used to domineering. , I had no choice but to swallow my breath.Princess Shengping also turned a blind eye to this private matter, as a tacit acquiescence to the nanny's rude behavior.

It is impossible to go back to the Guo Mansion, otherwise the royal family of the Li family will inevitably become dissatisfied. How can a son-in-law run back to his own house every three to five days and not return to the son-in-law's mansion, it will make the outside world laugh.

In addition to the recent jokes about Guo Nuan's son-in-law looking for death from time to time, the discord between Shengping and her husband, the six sons of the Guo family, has long been spread in the circle of high-ranking officials and nobles in Chang'an.If the prince-in-law is forced to go home again, what will happen to the royal Li family's face? Doesn't it mean that the royal princess's family education is not strict, and her conduct is not virtuous or upright?Guo Nuan wanted to go back to Fenyang Mansion, but there was definitely no way for her in the near future.

The mute eats coptis and swallows it bitterly.Guo Nuan's son-in-law has no status, all because of his weak power, he is at the mercy of others, and even a nanny dares to ride on his head to do his best.

Guo Nuan is not the softie she was back then.During this period of time, from time to time, he thought about how to be majestic and famous.

But when it comes to money, Ah Fu put the account book in front of his young master. He is not in charge of the family at ordinary times, so he doesn’t know how expensive oil and salt are. The reality tells him that now that he has a family, the protection of the rich life security of the young master of Guo’s mansion is gone. Guo Ziyi's six sons and the son-in-law of Li Tang's royal family have an empty title. He is indeed an unemployed man with no income at all.

It is estimated that the hag nurse who lost her place next time will definitely not be reconciled, and will definitely come to collect huge rents. Think about the nurse with her hips on her hips, bringing a group of thugs like thugs behind her, she is not a bully this time You can figure out what will happen if you don't pay the slaves, with your toes. . .Ah Fu reckoned that the young master is a frail scholar, he can't beat him again and again, and he refuses to pay the money, it's really not good.

After being reminded by Ah Fu, Guo Nuan touched the sweat on his forehead. He also realized that something was not right. He woke up from his thoughts and decided not to think about these annoying things anymore. He called Ah Fu and prepared to go to the house. Go around the place outside.Previously, Fenyang Prince's Mansion was in the workshop of the imperial city, and he hadn't been to the Outer Guocheng, so it just so happened that he had the opportunity to go outing in the suburbs.

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