Zhu Di has crossed the river.

The situation suddenly reversed, and now King Yan has a boat but the court has no boat.

Sheng Yong's troops deployed along the river watched helplessly as the northern army crossed the river mightily.

In fact, with Shengyong's defenses along the river, it is still possible to fight. After all, for an army that rushed to land on the beach, another army that had built many fortifications on the shore earlier had the upper hand, and the most powerful cavalry of the Northern Army could not be defeated. It was not necessary, but the fighting spirit of the southern army was gone. No matter how loudly Sheng Yong shouted and encouraged the army, the soldiers did not have the courage to fight at all.

They held spears and bows, eager to try, just waiting, waiting for the moment when the northern army camped. At that moment, it was their chance to make a cry, break free from the shackles of the generals, and run away separately.

The building is about to fade away, and the training has already dispersed!

The northern army rushed to land on the beach, and they could neither ride horses nor wear heavy armor. The first team to rush ashore met the direct line troops arranged by Sheng Yong at the front. This was also his most loyal army. If he could fight Retreating an attack by the Northern Army may restore the morale of the three armies. However, good steel is used on the blade. The stormtrooper arranged by Zhu Di has only 800 people, but it is [-] arhats!

As soon as the ship docked, many monks in gray robes and two rows of scars on their heads jumped out of the ship.

This is when Zhu Di arrived in Henan, holding a letter written by Master Daoyan, he climbed the Shaolin Temple on Mount Song, and visited Master Daoyan’s friend Abbot Jie Kong. There were only 800 monks, but all of them were skilled in martial arts. At the critical moment, It can play the effect of King Yan's three thousand Yan cavalry charging into battle.

This is the first time Shaolin monks have appeared on the battlefield between the two armies since the thirteen stick monks rescued the king of Tang. They rushed into Sheng Yong's central army like kites, and King Yan's brigade followed closely behind. In just one stick of incense, Sheng Yong's unbreakable central army's defense line collapsed.

Immediately, it was as if the most important cornerstone on the tower was removed, the entire defense line collapsed, the southern army was routed, and those who had no time to escape raised their weapons and surrendered one after another. The soldiers fled.

"Your Highness, shall we go straight to Jinling?"

Qiu Fu, Zhu Neng and other generals escorted Zhu Di to land, and asked excitedly.

"No! Zhenjiang is the throat of the imperial capital. If you go straight to Jinling, you must prevent it from hiding behind. There are tens of thousands of elite soldiers there. We must first take Zhenjiang and then surround Jinling." When he set foot on the south bank of the Yangtze River again, Zhu Di's Confidence also increased sharply. He knew that the most dangerous time had passed. Now that he had crossed the river, the threat from the Ming armies of Meiyin in Huai'an and Fengyang in Zhongdu would no longer exist, and success was within easy reach. His tone was unusually calm , Be firm.

The defender of Zhenjiang is Tong Jun.Seeing Zhu Di's army approaching menacingly, Tong Jun was at a loss. Immediately afterwards, the Yan army stopped under the city, and a few letters were sent back into the city. According to the letter from Chen Xuan, the commander-in-chief, these generals either had a close personal relationship with Tong Jun, or they had also dealt with them. They tried their best to persuade him to surrender. Longtan, relieved of worries, turned to Jinling.

Hearing that the king of Yan had crossed the great river that could hold hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Zhu Yunpo was so terrified that he asked for advice from all civil and military forces, but no one offered advice. Zhu Yunfen had no choice but to send Cao Guogong Li Jinglong, Minister of the Ministry of War Ruchang and the governor Wang Zuo to Yan. The army camp negotiated peace again.Among these three people, apart from the governor Wang Zuo, the other two are the leaders of the peace negotiation faction. Zhu Yunyi really wanted to negotiate peace this time when the Yan army was approaching the city. The fourth uncle hurriedly withdrew his troops.

Zhu Di was dressed in military uniform and received them in the army before the camp tent was set up.Ji Jinglong looked calm and unfazed, he had already surrendered Zhu Di, and now that Zhu Di's success was imminent, he could only be happy in his heart, he would not panic, but although Ru Chang was his ally, he had not surrendered yet, and the governor Wang Zuo was the main battle Pai, sent as a deputy, was actually monitoring them, and he didn't dare to express anything in person.

It's just that when he saw Xia Xun standing beside Zhu Di, Li Jinglong took a deep look at him, his eyes full of gratitude, yes, he was very grateful to Xia Xun, if Xia Xun hadn't instigated rebellion, how could he be where he is today, Once King Yan wins the world, he will do it from the dragon. With such kindness, the grievances caused by a woman and Xia Xun in the past have long since been wiped away.

Zhu Di rode on the horse, looked at the three court envoys kneeling in front of him, and said with a sneer, "What's your business here, sir?"

Ru Chang took a look at Li Jinglong, saw that he was silent, so he bowed his head in panic and said: "The minister is waiting for the order of the emperor" to come to ask His Highness for peace. , to rule the world together, as long as His Highness agrees, the emperor can first issue an edict to the world, and then ask His Highness to retreat. "

Zhu Di looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. Before the laughter stopped, he stared at the tiger and said sternly: ... I, Zhu Di, had no faults before, but the emperor added crimes for no reason.The emperor tried to confer on me the Beiping feudal state, but the emperor was instigated by treacherous ministers. He not only wanted to seize my fief, but also made me a prisoner of his subordinates. Lord, this king has given His Majesty the list of traitors and sycophants. As long as His Majesty punishes all the sycophants on the list, Zhu Di will withdraw immediately. Get rid of evil spirits! "

"Your Highness..."

Ru Chang waited to say more, Zhu Di said with a flick of his sleeves: "Go! "

The three of them didn't dare to speak again, Wei Wei stood up, Li Jinglong stood up, and looked at Xia Xun with some unease, Xia Xun smiled at him quickly, nodded without paying attention, Li Jinglong's heart immediately settled down, and he was busy. Putting on a panicked look, he followed Ru Chang and Wang Zuo back.

Seeing the three of them walking away, Xia Xun steered his horse up to Zhu Di, and said, "Your Highness may have to enter the city. Has Your Highness ever thought about how to face the Emperor?" "

You know, King Yan launched an army to calm Nan, in the name of the Qing emperor, so what should he do after he arrives in Nanjing and kills those few..."traitors" who show the world?Isn't it a slap in the face to take the emperor's mouth instead? Zhu Di can fight the heavenly army in the name of Jing Nan. He is justified and confident, and he is not afraid of being criticized behind his back. But if he kicks his nephew off the throne, it really can't be justified .

This is the most difficult thing for Zhu Di right now. Now that the matter has come to this point, will he really return to Peking after getting rid of Fang Xiaoru and others?That's impossible, even an idiot wouldn't do that, if you beat a snake to death, there will be endless troubles, so wait for the emperor to recover, and then do Jingnan again?What's more, times have changed, and today, the throne is at your fingertips. In the past, he dared to think but didn't dare to do it. Now, as long as he wants to, he can replace it at any time. How can he not be tempted by the throne?

But what gave him a headache was precisely the lack of a name. Facing a confidant like Xia Xun, Zhu Di naturally didn't have to hide his ambition. Hearing this, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "What do you want Wenxuan to do?"

Xia Xun said: "I think, sneak back to Jinling before His Highness's army, and see what happens.

Zhu Di is a smart man, he knows the elegant meaning by hearing the strings, and it is inconvenient for him to say some things clearly, so he just nodded and said: "Okay, you can arrange it yourself, what cooperation is needed from the king, just explain it one by one."

Xia Xun smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, you can fight as you like here. You don't need to worry about it. As long as you enter Jinling City, you can mobilize the power of the flying dragon. This is not a confrontation between the two armies. They are enough."

Li Jinglong, Ru Chang, and Wang Zuo returned to the city of Nanjing. Saying so, Zhu Yunyi's face was pale. Once upon a time, Yan Wang Zhu Di retreated step by step, handed over his military power, handed over the three guards of Yanshan, and handed over his three sons as hostages. , Running to the streets of Beiping pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, just begging him to give up the pursuit, who would have thought that today, he would not be able to get half of the country if he wanted to destroy it instead9

Seeing that Zhu Yunfen's expression was gloomy, and all the civil and military officials remained silent, Fang Xiaoru had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: ... Your Majesty, to show your sincerity in seeking peace, if not... then please ask the kings to negotiate a peace for your majesty, and all the teachers of the kings will return On the way, the general situation may not be impossible, as long as it can be delayed for a while, the battle situation may change again...

Zhu Yunpo has no idea now, he is like a puppet, once he listened to Fang Xiaoru's suggestion, regardless of whether he is useful or not, he immediately followed through, and then issued an edict to order Zhu Wen, the king of Gu, Zhu Ying, the king of An, and other princes to go to the Yanjun camp to ask for peace. When they came, Zhu Di opened a camp tent to welcome them, invited them to enter the tent, set up a banquet, and entertained them warmly.

Zhu Sui, the King of Gu, had just explained his intentions, when Zhu Di laughed and said, "Dear brothers, please think about it carefully, are your Majesty's words the truth?"

Zhu Huide bit the bullet and said: ...The emperor's brother Mingjian, from my younger brother's opinion, His Majesty does have opinions and sincerity..."

Zhu Di smiled calmly, and said: "Zhu Di sent his troops to the south, only to capture the treacherous ministers in the court. Today, the traitors have not been captured. If he retreats here, how will Zhu Di explain to the world? The countless loyal soldiers in the robe confessed..."

Zhu Huide wanted to say more, but Zhu Di looked at him and said, "Nineteenth brother, we are brothers and sisters. Back then, the emperor was bewitched by treacherous ministers and forced your eleventh brother and his family to set themselves on fire. It is too horrible to see your fifth, seventh, tenth brothers The second elder brother is still locked up in prison. If it wasn't for me who couldn't bear it anymore and raised an army to calm down, would you and my brother still be able to drink here today? Maybe you and I would have been locked up inside the high wall of Fengyang, separated by a wall. See."

Hearing this, Zhu Xi kept silent, and Zhu Di glanced at his younger brothers again, and said: "Brothers, think about it carefully, since the emperor ascended the throne, has there been a sliver of affection for our close relatives? Today the emperor wants you to negotiate peace with me, how did he treat you yesterday? For four years, you have been in the capital, under his eyes, with your tails between your legs, and you are afraid of your majesty's murderous hands again.

Today, you want to rescue the emperor, once my army of dogs withdraws, and the army of King Qin goes to Beijing, who will rescue me?When Zhu Di is wiped out by the imperial court, at that time, the emperor's butcher's knife is on your head, who will rescue you?Those treacherous ministers you want to protect today?They only hate my family members of Zhu Ming's royal family, they can't die and refuse! ...

The kings were silent when they heard the words, Zhu Di raised his glass and said: "Brothers, think about what you said for brothers. Well, it is rare for you and my brother to meet again today. Today we only talk about brotherhood, not military affairs. The banquets in the army are simple and simple, let us make room for it, and we brothers will have a drink at the same banquet in Jinling City in the future!"! ~!

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