Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 402 Re-entering Jinling

Zhu Di was aggressive and came straight to Jinling. Zhu Yunwen thought about it, only that move was a tactic to slow down the army, and it could prove that King Yan was actually a usurper's "dividing the world" move, but facing Zhu Yunwen's move, Zhu Di also had only One stroke back: "I don't want the world, I want traitors! "

The Yihe faction returned in defeat, and the kings returned in failure again. This time they continued to return in failure, and the kings were moved by Zhu Di's brotherhood. Think about it carefully, they have been living in the capital with their tails between their legs for the past few years. If the emperor hadn't been busy cleaning up King Yan, it's hard to say that they wouldn't have been thrown into prison for an unwarranted crime, so this "persuasion" not only didn't impress Zhu Di, but made them quietly stand by Zhu Di's side.

Zhu Yunqi has been really sorry for these people in the past few years. "So many generals under the emperor surrendered without a fight. Are they all because they are afraid of death? It has only been 30 years since the founding of the country." Many generals in the army have been promoted after many battles. "How can there be a person who is afraid of death? The vassal kings who are still in various places have not seen a Laiqin king so far." Whether it was when King Yan was weak or now when he was full of arrogance, no vassal king stood up to respond to the emperor from the beginning to the end. , doesn't this explain the problem?

The emperor regards his ministers as siblings, and his ministers as his parents: the emperor regards his ministers as dogs and horses, and his ministers as his countrymen; They were all heartbroken by Zhu Yunqi." The only thing he valued was civil servants, but the role that civil servants can play at this time is really limited. After hearing the rewards from the kings, Zhu Yunqi couldn't bear the fear in his heart anymore, and wailed loudly in the golden palace. cry.

Seeing that the emperor lost his composure, all the officials were finally a little moved.Then some officials came out to offer suggestions to persuade the emperor to flee to Sichuan. His reason was that the dangerous terrain of the land of abundance and the abundance of grain and rice were enough to guide the king of Yan to fight again; Because at the beginning of the emperor's succession to the throne, he reduced the taxes in Xidong, which won the support of the powerful landlords there, and it is the hometown of most civil officials." The foundation is solid;

The officials from Sijiang had just finished speaking, and some officials from Huxiang advised the emperor to flee to the Jingchu area of ​​Huxiang. There is now King Ning there, and King Ning is also a prince who is good at fighting. After the redesignation of Jingzhou, "only three hundred guards were given to him" and "he kept his position" to plant flowers and grass there. Now that the situation is critical, it is better to retreat to Huxiang and "hand over the soldiers and horses to King Ning, and ask King Ning to go out." The vassal king is ruled by the vassal king.

Zhu Yunxuan is a person who has no idea, these people say that the public is right, the mother said that the woman is right, and there is some truth to each of them." Zhu Yunqi was at a loss, "I wanted to find my most trusted minister to ask for an idea", but looked around, There was only Fang Xiaoru in front of him, and Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng had sent people to call them back to Beijing long ago, but they hadn't arrived yet, a sense of resentment welled up spontaneously.

Zhu Yunwen burst into tears, "stared at Fang Xiaoru" and said in a voice of resentment: "What happened to you, are you going to abandon me now?"

What generation are you?Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai were the ones who initiated the cutting of feudal vassals. They are not in the capital now. The other vanguard is Fang Xiaoru. Hearing what the emperor said, Fang Xiaoru couldn't bear it any longer. He stood at the head of the civil servants and looked opposite." Seeing Li Jinglong standing there with a relaxed and "satisfied" expression, he couldn't help feeling angry.

Fang Xiaoru pointed at Li Jinglong, and said sharply: "The one who is bad and makes big things happen is also a thief.

If it wasn't for him, "How could my imperial court's hundreds of thousands of soldiers be lost in northern Xinjiang? How could the imperial court be in today's predicament? Your Majesty, you should kill this thief to thank the world!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward furiously, grabbed Li Jinglong and beat him.After all, Li Jinglong was born as a general. If he really wanted to do something, he could kick Fang Xiaoru to the ground with one kick." But he didn't dare. If he angered the emperor, he would really order him to be killed. King Yan can't save him now. Li Jinglong had to pretend Sun Tzu, hug your head to protect your vitals and ignore it. Some of the other civil servants thought of Li Jinglong's two major defeats, which led to the current situation of the court." They also stepped forward angrily, scratching and scratching.


Lian Zining was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and Fang Daru was too out of tune. At this time, is there any use for you to divide Li Jinglong alive?The emperor's crisis is that the Yan army is approaching the city. No one thinks about this matter, but they are bravely trying to shirk responsibility.

Lian Zining stopped the civil servants with a loud roar. Li Jinglong stood up slowly from the ground with his head in his arms, and brushed off his robe. The old man probably doesn't exercise too much at ordinary times." All of them were panting from exhaustion.

Lian Zining cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the city of Jinling is high and deep, and there is sufficient food. It will not be a problem to guard it for a year. King Yan's army is approaching the city, and the battle is just a quick word. When the troops from all walks of life in my court arrive" Jinling The siege must be resolved, so the current strategy should be to immediately dispatch troops and generals to gather all the soldiers and horses from all walks of life outside the city into the city. As long as Jinling City guards for a month, it will be enough! "

Saying this" Fang Xiaoru couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and quickly echoed: "That's right, Mr. Lian's words are reasonable." The emperor can bring all the soldiers and people from outside the city into the city, and burn all the surrounding houses and forests." Yan Bing There is no siege equipment." The defenders in my city are leaning against the strong city. Are you afraid that you will not be able to defend it? Iron locks can hold Jinan for three months, and the king of Yan is exhausted. The emperor himself sits here. The morale of the army is not Tie Xuan Comparable.

As long as we stay there for a month, the 40 troops of Fengyang, the central capital, the [-] troops of Huai'an Mei's son-in-law, and other hard-working troops will all arrive one after another. Even if the king of Yan is not defeated, he will have to flee back to Peiping!" , Zhu Yunwen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said repeatedly: "That's right, what the two lovers said is reasonable, and according to what the two lovers said, implement it immediately, implement it immediately!"


From Shence Gate, Jinchuan Gate, and Zhongzhuo Gate, pass through Longjiang Station, bypass Lion Mountain, and then reach Yifeng Gate in the west of the city. The thirteen city gates of Jinling are opened. Horses neighing, either soldiers or civilians, moved to Jinling City in an endless stream. The imperial capital of Jinling was shrouded in a tense atmosphere of black clouds overwhelming the city.

It was the scorching summer, and under the persecution of the officers and soldiers, countless people helped the old and the young, and moved to Nanjing City with a small burden and tears. Under the supervision of the officers and soldiers, they left Jinling City, demolished all the houses, pushed bricks and stones with carts, and carried beams and logs with ropes, and transported these things back to the city for the purpose of defending the city.

Jinling is the imperial capital, and the surrounding villages and towns are relatively affluent places, but they were demolished in a short time and turned into ruins. The common people were carrying and working under the scorching sun, and many people died of hunger, thirst and heatstroke. Besides, no one cared about burying it at this time, and the houses and forests that were too late to be demolished were all burned, and flames were burning everywhere. When the wind came together, ashes were everywhere, and the corpse of the peasant who died by the roadside due to overwork was stained. It was dark.

The common people saw their houses burnt down, and the merchants watched their shops being robbed and smashed to pieces, but they could only cry silently." Under the escort of the officers and soldiers, they didn't even dare to curse.

Of course, "there are also those who heard the news and knew the opportunity early" packed up the gold and silver treasures in advance and fled every day.Everyone knew that King Yan's goal was Jinling City. If he could escape, who would want to go to Jinling City to die with him?Iron locks guarding Jinan "countless people starved to death" they have heard.

Jiangning County, Shuangqiaomen.

Linqiao is a hotel called "Shuangqiao Fresh Restaurant..." specializing in seafood, especially puffer fish. The master chef of this restaurant is very authentic. Saying that the dolphin fish is not cleaned up” poisons the guests, so even though it is only a mid-range tavern, sometimes wealthy businessmen in the city will come here to try something new.

Because this store is at the outermost edge of Jinling.” The emperor ordered all the people to move into the city, and the surrounding buildings were demolished if they could be demolished, and if they could not be demolished, they were burned. After the news spread, many people here fled immediately. The shopkeeper also packed up the gold and silver, and led the whole family away.

The officers and soldiers have searched all the way to this point, and most of them have escaped.A small school walked into the "Shuangqiao Fresh Restaurant", and bumped into two young people who hurried out with their bags on their backs. The small school immediately drew a knife and said, "Who are you?"

Seeing the two young men, they hurriedly said: "Master Jun, please forgive me, we are the guys in this shop."

The primary school saw that the two were dressed in the clothes of Xiao Er." Then he withdrew the knife and asked, "You are in such a hurry, what are you doing here? ", a waiter in front immediately called out Zhuang Tianqu: "Master Jun, we are the waiters in this store, the shopkeeper has no conscience, he packed up and led the whole family away, and the wages were not settled.We two brothers are really unhappy, so...so..."


The little school stared at him, and the other man hurriedly laughed and said, "We just collected some household chores to pay for the wages."

The little principal looked at the burdens carried by the two of them, and tapped them with the back of the knife. It turned out to be something like a pot or a kitchen knife. Don't run around here and there, the emperor has a decree that all the people on the outskirts of Jinling move inward and stick to Jinling City. You two, come with us and go back to defend the city. "


The two juniors were terrified when they heard it, and kept begging "The little school couldn't help their pleading, and sternly said: "If you dare to disobey the imperial edict, you will be punished as gangsters, believe it or not, I will kill you with one knife."

The two juniors didn't dare to speak any more after hearing this, "muttering very reluctantly. The school looked around, but found nothing to search for, and searched around the periphery, but didn't catch a few strong men. If the house is demolished" Daliang had to carry it by himself, it would be fatal in such a hot day and on such a long journey.” He directed the two shop assistants with a knife and said, “Burn it, burn it, burn this restaurant immediately, Follow us back to town! "

Under the coercion of officers and soldiers, the two shopkeepers were forced to set fire to the restaurant, and followed them to Jinling City.Along the way, the officers and soldiers had already arrested some people who were about to flee, and on the way back, they stopped some people who were running late. Zhong successfully entered Jinling City.

As soon as they entered the city gate, the two subconsciously looked at each other, "There was a slight smile in their eyes." They were Xia Xun and Ji Gang!

The city was full of people, congested and chaotic, taking advantage of the chaos, the two quickly disappeared into the crowd...! ~!

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