Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 422 Assassination

All civil and military officials entered in order. When they passed the Jinshui Bridge, they saw the guards standing on both sides with knives, standing like javelins, and the two discipline officials who looked at each official with prudent eyes. Jing Qing couldn't hold back his heart. Jumping up quickly, he took a few breaths of fresh air quickly, but he always felt that the breath was not enough.

He bears the burden of humiliation, not hesitating to be ridiculed and ridiculed, and begs for surrender to Yongle, not to save his own life and future, but for today, to find a chance to assassinate the king.For the sake of the big plan, he didn't disclose his plan to anyone. He knew what kind of punishment he would receive for such a shocking act such as assassinating the emperor.

He also knew that the world already belonged to Emperor Yongle. Even if Emperor Yongle died, all civil and military officials would support his son. The world would not return to Jianwen's lineage because of Yongle's death. To die is to kill only one person.But this person is the emperor, worth it!Killing him is avenging the Japanese Lord who died by self-immolation, and his name will be immortalized like Jing Ke, Zhuan Zhu, Zhu Hai, and Yu Rang, and will be recorded in the annals of history forever!

When he got up in the middle of the night, the old wife still got up half an hour earlier than him as usual, prepared breakfast for him, prepared his clothes, waited for him to wash up, and then sent him to the front yard to watch him board the car and leave .

His little grandson is still sleeping soundly at this time..." Everything seemed to be the same as usual, just as peaceful and serene, but everything was completely different. When he pulled out the sharp blade and stabbed The moment to the emperor...

He knew that with this thorn, all relatives were doomed to a tragic end, but one must die, and death may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. For the sake of righteousness, why not die?

After crossing the bridge, Jing Qing sighed lightly.In a fit of anger, all these distracting thoughts were thrown out of the Jiuxiaoyun, looking at the Fengtian Hall, a mad flame surged in his eyes...

"Yongle Dengdian" began to listen to the government.

As usual, first deal with diplomatic matters and the audiences and speeches of officials going to Beijing and leaving Beijing, and then deal with government affairs. The household department always has the most things to do. Every move in every part of the world, there are always various new changes every day. .

After listening to the report from the Ministry of Household Affairs, Zhu Di said with concern: "Because of the war and the lack of relief for prefectures and counties that suffered from floods during the war, many refugees appeared in these places. We need to reduce the money and food in these places for half a year so that the people can settle down. Also, the Ministry of Household Affairs should cooperate with the Ministry of Industry to inspect the water conservancy facilities in various places, and report to them as soon as possible if they need to be repaired and rebuilt.

It is not suitable for construction in the severe winter season, and the rain will begin to be abundant in the spring of next year, so we must rush ahead and do this well.But the most urgent thing right now is to allocate food and relieve the victims. Does the Ministry of Households have any countermeasures for this? "

The official of the Ministry of Household said: "Report to the emperor" the world's grain and rice, Jiangsu and Zhejiang monopolize [-]%, Jiangsu and Zhejiang grain rice, Su Song accounts for more than half, and now these crops are at least twice a year, and natural disasters and human disasters are rarely restored in the Hongwu Dynasty. The daily system, the collection of grain and rice is more than enough to meet the use of the imperial court next year, so the Ministry of Households can use the money and grain from the warehouse to first relieve the poor and the people in the disaster-stricken areas...

Emperor Yongle was happy, and praised repeatedly: "Good, the Ministry of Households has done a good job. The country is based on the people, and food is the most important thing for the people. Letting the people hungry will cause chaos in the world. The Ministry of Households can arrange it properly. I hope the court What I think, to relieve the worries of the people, officials of all ministries should learn from the Ministry of Households...

He also called the officials of the Ministry of Industry and asked: "What is the current situation of the shipyards in various parts of the imperial court?"

The officials of the Ministry of Industry didn't know why the emperor suddenly asked about the ship. Fortunately, the emperor had just ascended the throne, and the officials of all departments assumed that the emperor would ask about the matter, and they were serious about the affairs of the government. Just report: "Report to the emperor" I have the Longjiang shipyard in Jinling, the Wuhumen shipyard in Fuzhou, Fujian, and the Dongguan shipyard in Xinhui, Guangdong..." Among them, the Longjiang shipyard is the largest shipyard, capable of manufacturing large sea-going ships, and has There are more than [-] craftsmen with the most superb craftsmanship in my Ming Dynasty

The Fuzhou shipyard mainly produces the Dafu ship, a cruise ship. Each ship can accommodate a hundred people. This kind of Dafu ship has a wide bottom, a high head and a tail, a triple rudder tower, two sails and masts, and a wooden parapet and snake bed on the side. .Both arrow stone firearms can be used, and naval battles are very powerful.The "Hengjiang Ship" and "Wucao Ship" manufactured by Dongguan Shipyard are also sea warships, called Guangzhou Ships. Although they are smaller than Fuchuan, they are more flexible and strong, and can cooperate with Fuchuan to fight together.

However, because I have always only patrolled the coastal waters, the navy does not need so many warships, and there are very few ocean-going ships, and they are mainly making water transport ships now..."

Zhu Di listened to the order and said: "The evils of Beiyuan have been fighting among themselves for these years, which has prevented them from going south. However, now that Beiyuan has split into two countries, Tatar and Oala, you must not do anything. They are divided into two countries. Two, it will weaken the power, on the contrary, a complete split, avoiding internal friction, and the power of Yuanren twisted into one rope will be stronger than before.

Northern nomads have been my great enemy in the Central Plains since ancient times. In the past, I was ordered by Huang Kao to guard Beiping to deal with these ambitious northern wolves. Now I am in Jinling, in order to deal with the barbarians and maintain the number of troops stationed in Beiping. Elevate Beiping to Beijing, and set Beiping as the city, so Beiping's demand for grain and rice will not decrease. Therefore, water transport ships must be guaranteed, and the canal must be constantly dredged to ensure smooth flow.The last time in Pei County, tens of thousands of tank ships were burned down at once. I am afraid that the water transport will be greatly affected. This shipyard must speed up the construction. If necessary, several more shipyards can be built...

The officials of the Ministry of Industry hurriedly jotted down the main points on the wat board, saying yes again and again, and Zhu Di said again! "Also, sea warships' ocean-going market should also be manufactured."

He smiled coldly and said, "It's hard for the Japanese to raise troops while I'm in Jingjing." The Daming navy kept coming to our coast to harass the people, and sooner or later they had to settle the account with them. "

The officials of the Ministry of Industry were memorizing in a hurry, while thinking to themselves: "Isn't the emperor going to use troops against Japan? The world has just stabilized, and if we continue to make an expedition..." Using troops across the sea, the cost of money and food is unimaginable. The country is rich, just because of the construction of a canal and the conquest of Korea, there was a lot of trouble, and the Sui Dynasty fell apart.The Yuan Dynasty ruled the Central Plains back then, and with the force of martial arts across the world, they crossed the sea to conquer Dongying, which also caused great damage to their vitality. Your Majesty, don't worry about it. "

He didn't know that Zhu Di was just planning to make a fuss. When Zhu Di took over the country, the annual output of all horses was only [-] horses, and there were only a few of them going to the guards in various places. In this case, if there is a strong army mainly composed of cavalry Wouldn't it be possible to stay in the city and be beaten passively in the fight against Ming Dynasty?What about those ordinary people who are facing the loess and their backs to the sky, working so hard to support you?Standing at the head of the city and watching them being burned, killed, raped and kidnapped?

After Zhu Di learned about the current situation of the horse administration, he planned to reform the horse administration, and then he would also reform the system of farm farming and the system of military household guards..." There are many things to toss about in his life.

But Zhu Di tossed all his life, and he did not know how many huge projects far surpassed the Han and Tang Dynasties. What was left to his descendants was not a mess. His son was only in power for one year, and his grandson was in power for only ten years, a total of 11 years, but he was called Ru Zhou. Chengkang, the great prosperity of Han Dynasty Wenjing: the rule of benevolence and propaganda!

If Zhu Di hadn't left Ziyu a solid family background, Zibie's two generations have a total of 11 years, can he create a prosperous age?Some people get richer the more they struggle, and some become poorer as they struggle.

Jing Qing listened quietly, looking for an opportunity. When the guards on duty were at their most energetic when they first came to court, it was not appropriate to do anything at that time.But the guards standing there motionless consume much more physical energy than the officials. The further they go to the back, the less energetic they will be, and the reaction will become dull. His chance has come, and he needs the best chance. , needs a one-hit opportunity.

In all honesty, from the court discussions these days, he felt that Yongle was more pragmatic than Jianwen, and he didn't pay attention to the illusory things that Fang Xiaoru boasted about. Maybe he governed the world better than Jianwen. No matter how well he does, it can't change the fact that he is a traitor, a minister who usurps the throne, and he disrupts the order of etiquette, and this should be the most important thing in a dynasty.

In the court hall, important matters were gradually being dealt with. It was almost noon and everyone was tired.

"it's time!"

Jing Qing pressed the sharp blade on his waist again, suddenly came out of the class holding the wat, bowed and said: "I have a play!"

Get up at four o'clock, busy till now, and it's all mental work, sitting on it and can't move casually, Rao Zhu Di has been living a military life, his physical strength is very good, and he is so tired, seeing all the civil and military people have nothing important to do According to the report, he was about to signal the servants to leave the court, go back to have something to eat, and then review the piles of memorials.

Jing Qing used to be a councilor in the Beiping Mansion, and his character and ability were extremely outstanding. Zhu Di valued him very much, and he was willing to obey, and Zhu Di was very happy.However, since Jing Qing returned to the court, he has not written a book or made a national policy suggestion in the past few days, which is a bit like Xu Shu's entry into Cao Ying.Zhu Di took it all into his heart, he knew that Jing Qing still had some lumps in his heart, and he only hoped that he could figure it out slowly. Now that Jing Qing was out of class to discuss politics, it was obvious that he was going to work for him, so Zhu Di was naturally happy.

Zhu Di immediately sat up straight, and said kindly: "Jing Qing has something to say, please."

Jing Qing walked forward step by step, holding the wat in both hands, without raising his head, he said loudly: "This book is a secret performance."


Not only Zhu Di, but also the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty immediately raised their spirits.

A secret memorial cannot be said publicly in the court. Such a memorial must be about an extremely important event. What secret important event does he have to announce?Everyone's attention was focused on him, and Zhu Di also looked solemn, and quickly raised his hand.

Mu En immediately walked down the imperial steps quickly, stretched out his hands, and waited to receive Jing Qing's playbook.

Holding the wat in both hands, Jing Qing walked slowly to the bottom of the imperial steps, holding the wat in his left hand and touching the playbook with his right hand.Suddenly, he raised his eyes, his eyes were sharp, and murderous intent rushed out!

Mu En was startled, the wat board in Jing Qing's hand had already been slammed, and with a "pop!", Mu En, who was caught off guard, blushed and was staggered, Jing Qing rushed up the imperial steps with his right hand in his arms. He pulled out a sharp dagger.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were clattering, and they were all shocked there for a while.

The four guards with knives drew out their knives, leaped forward, and rushed towards the front of the case.

Zhu Di, who has been a soldier all his life and has experienced many battles, seemed to be petrified by Jing Qing's actions. He had enough time to stand up and give way, or take something to prevaricate, but he saw Jing Qing rushing towards him with a sharp knife and gnashing his teeth, and he remained motionless. .

He was still sitting there upright, with shock, anger, and unspeakable pain and grief in his eyes. Seeing Jing Qing's eyes wide open, he turned the sharp dagger at him fiercely. stab!

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