Although Jing Qing is a literati, and Qi Ba" is over fifty years old, the speed of this angry stab was extremely fast, because of the swiftness of the pounce, his knee was still heavily knocked on the Longshu table, and his face was twisted in pain. Because of this, Sven's face looked a little hideous.

With Zhu Di's martial arts and quick reflexes, he could easily subdue Jing Qingzhi, but he didn't move at all.Jing Qing had stood in this court hall for more than ten years, and it was at this moment that he actually walked up to the imperial book table and leaned over to stab it. The table was so wide that Zhu Di didn't even evade into the dragon chair, and the knife was still half a foot away.

Jing Qing was in a hurry, he let out a loud roar, climbed onto the Longshu table, raised his saber and stabbed again.Before it was too late, two of the four guards with knives rushed in front of Zhu Di, and they could become human shields with just a push from the left and right, while the other two guards, with knives in their hands, were already slashing at him across the shoulders and hips. ! "I want to live!"

Zhu Di, who seemed to be in a daze, suddenly spoke, and the two guards reacted very quickly. As soon as the emperor gave the order, the knife in the hand of the guard on the left, which was swiftly slashed, slanted upwards, taking advantage of the momentum of the knife. , turning around in the air, kicking Jing Qing's shoulder hard with his left leg.

The guard on the right moved faster than him, and it was too late to withdraw the knife. In haste, he reversed the blade sharply, causing the back of the knife to strike Jing Qing's shoulder.

With a knife, the shoulder bone shattered, and just as Jing Qing let out a scream, he was kicked again in the socket of the shoulder, and was kicked so that he flew up from the imperial case and fell directly to the gold brick floor under the imperial steps.Even a Lianjiazi couldn't bear it, let alone Jing Qing, a literati, he was paralyzed from the fall and almost passed out, but the huge pain in his shoulder kept him awake.

Two guards immediately jumped in front of him and restrained him. The pumpkin warriors roared in and stood in front of the imperial steps one by one, controlling the entire husband hall.

Jing Qing was panting heavily, his eyes were still staring fiercely at Zhu Di, the faces of the ministers turned pale with shock, and after a moment of silence, no one knew who was blessed, and shouted first: "The ministers were negligent, and the holy car was startled, Ten thousand deaths!" All the civil and military men reacted, and suddenly fell to their knees, apologizing one after another. "enough!"

Zhu Di roared, and there was no sound at once, and the hall was completely silent, except for Jing Qing's heavy breathing, there seemed to be no sound. "Why?"

Zhu Di seemed to have just woken up, his voice trembled slightly, and he looked at Jing Qing incredulously.He walked down the imperial steps step by step, walked in front of Jing Qing, suppressed his gradually heavy breathing, and asked again: "Why?"

It is indeed impossible for Zhu Di to be stabbed by Jing Qing. His slightly slow movements are only due to the surprise and disbelief in his heart. It seems that he will not let the shining sharp knife in Jing Qing's hand stab his chest. He still can't believe it: his magnanimity , His letting go of the past, and his admiration for Jing Qing, all in exchange for such a result.

Now, he finally woke up.

"Revenge for the old master!"

Jing Qing was pinned down on the ground, gnashing his teeth and screaming, because of the pain and uneven breathing, the voice seemed a little weird: "It's a pity that Jing Qing failed to do something, it's really heartbreaking!"

Zhu Di's face suddenly swelled back to red, and then he turned pale as if he had been drained of blood, which was very frightening. His voice stabilized, but he didn't know if it was because the majestic palace made his voice hollow. Lifeless: "The salary of the emperor, the matter of loyalty to the emperor, you waved the flag for Jianwen and cut down the feudal clan. I don't blame you. Now, I am the emperor, and I value you very much. I expected you and my monarch and ministers to create a prosperous Ming Dynasty together. You Why... you want to assassinate me?"

Jing Qing hissed and laughed, he took a sip viciously, and spat a mouthful of blood onto Zhu Di's dragon robe: "An uncle seizing the nephew's place is like a father cheating a wife.

You betrayed the will of the Taizu, and you are really a traitor and traitor, and everyone will punish you if you get it!You still want me, Jing Qing, to serve you, dreaming!Dreaming of your Spring and Autumn Dream, I can't wait to eat your flesh and drink your blood, so as to get rid of this hatred! "

The veins on Zhu Di's forehead were tense, and everyone could hear that he was suppressing his anger, but he still asked unrelentingly: "Could it be that I should just die? Could it be that I can't govern the world well?"

Jing Qing was pressed to the ground, but still managed to raise his head, stared at Zhu Di provocatively, and said word by word: "Emperor Jianwen's eldest grandson, the emperor's way is orthodox, what are you!"

Zhu Di seemed to have been punched out of thin air, and Teng Teng Teng retreated three years old, a pair of robe sleeves hanging down....

With the arrival of all the officials, the news of the Jingqing Golden Palace's assassination quickly spread throughout the city, and the news naturally spread to the Jinyiwei Yamen as quickly as possible. Ji Gang rushed to the palace immediately after hearing the news.

Ji Gang was "sick". He only had one day to inspect the discipline, and then he caught a cold, so he had to take a rest. On the second day after he asked for leave, Chen Ying also disappeared, and another imperial envoy was replaced as a picket.

After all the officials went to court that day, Chen Ying said something to Ji Gang: "Chen is in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Mr. Ji is in charge of Jinyiwei. Our two yamen are different from other yamen. Other yamen are The one who governs the world for the emperor, and we are the ones who picket the officials for the emperor.

The world needs governance all the time, so all officials have to exist all the time, but we can't.We are a weapon in the hands of the emperor, we are lonely ministers, and the meaning of our existence is to defend the emperor.As for weapons, they will be withdrawn when they are needed, and when they are not needed, they have to be used with swords and guns.

If there are no officials who make mistakes, we have no meaning to exist. Only when some people make mistakes can we exist. The more officials who make mistakes, the greater our power will be.I hope that all the officials can fulfill their duties and never need us. When my procuratorate becomes the Qingshui yamen, and your Jinyi guards are empty, then the world will be peaceful and the world will be in order! "

Chen Ying smiled and looked at Ji Gang with a sincere tone, but there was something difficult to understand in that deep gaze.

But Ji Gang understood it, so he fell ill the next day.

On the third morning, Chen Ying saw that Ji Gang didn't come, so he went back too, and replaced an old and dim-eyed imperial envoy to be on duty.

Some things need to be tacit.

Unexpectedly, Fu Guogong's words became a prophecy, and someone really dared to assassinate the king. When Ji Gang rushed to the palace, his heart was beating very hard. He realized that his chance to shine had come!

When Ji Gang walked to Dongshun Gate, he bumped into Xia Xun who was hurrying and looking serious.

Seeing Xia Xun, Ji Gang took a step forward, fell to his knees, and said in a painful voice, "I am ashamed of entrusting you to the Duke of the country. I have made perfect arrangements, but unexpectedly..." "Get up!"

Xia Xun quickly helped him up, grabbed him and rushed into the palace, and said at the same time: "You are not born with piercing eyes, so you must be able to see through his hidden sharp blade. Just in case, fortunately, the emperor was not hurt, so don't mention this matter again."

As soon as he saw his face, Ji Gang knelt down to plead guilty, and Xia Xun couldn't say too much, embarrassing Ji Gang.There is no way for him to intervene in the defense of the palace. It is absolutely unfavorable. He has no doubts. It is also not good for him to mention this matter again and let people know that he is not a prophet.

After Ji Gang listened to Yang Xu's instructions, he did put a lot of effort into the security of the Golden Palace. The four warriors in front of the imperial steps were all the most skilled guards he had specially selected.Of course he couldn't let the emperor have an accident, but he really wanted to make things big.The weapon was found before going to the palace, the movement was too small, and it would be useful to assassinate him in front of all the officials.

Now that the adventure was really successful, seeing that Xia Xun didn't want to mention the matter again, it hit Ji Gang's heart, so Ji Gang stopped talking at the moment, and the two rushed to the Jinshen Hall with all their strength. "Where's the emperor?"

When I came to the gate of Jinshen Hall, I saw Mu En and other eunuchs, big and small, kneeling at the door, all of them looked ashen, Xia Xun stopped quickly, asked Mu En in a low voice, and Mu En pointed to the hall , said in a low voice: "The Emperor Longyan is furious, all officials are welcome to see, one is missing, he is angry in the hall, he has already smashed several things."

Without the permission of the emperor, the officials could not go anywhere except the Fengtian Hall. Xia Xun and Ji Gang had the sign of wearing the palace, so they could go freely.After hearing Mu En's words, Xia Xun's heart sank, he winked at Ji Gang, and they walked into the hall together.


Another fine Dingyao tea tray fell under his feet, and Xia Xun hurriedly threw a dagger at Ji Gang, "The emperor calm down!" "You are here!"

There was a half-smile on Zhu Di's face, and a strange light flickered in his eyes, saying that he was angry, but it didn't look like that, but it seemed that he was stimulated by the extreme husband, and his spirit was a little abnormal. Ji Gang's heart trembled for a while. "They deceived me, harmed me, and forced me, the prince and the king of a feudal clan, to take risks and be forced to endure hardships. For four years, I was born and died, and my life was hanging by a thread several times! Now that I have won the world, I can even complain directly to them. Coaxing them in a low voice, supporting them, being careful with those who talk small things..."

Zhu Di said heartbrokenly, staring at Xia Xun and Ji Gang, his eyes were full of water: "I confide in them and try my best to buy them well. I, Zhu Di... really want to be a good emperor and make a big fortune." Career, want to get their approval, why is it so difficult?"

Zhu Di was very depressed. In fact, Xia Xun was also very depressed. He came from modern times and couldn't understand at all. That shit's orthodoxy is really so important that it can be above everything else? "Hehehehe...hahahaha..."

The laughter went from low to high, from small to loud, from sad to crazy, and the laughter gushed out from Zhu Di's chest, like a series of rolling thunder rolling across the open field.

"Man, man, you can't enjoy your kindness and hatred. What's the joy in being an emperor? I am the emperor, the ninety-five supreme, do I need to blindly compromise with them? Wrong, they are very wrong! Thinking that I will let them go Nose on face?"

The laughter was still echoing over the palace, and Zhu Di's angry roar came to his face with a murderous look: "Good! Good! Good! If we can't get a world of peace, I will kill it! Don't tell me that Zhu Di's steel The knife is not fast, and killing one can not warn the hundred, so I will kill the hundred to warn the hundred!"

p Yesterday, a book friend told me that some people made comments, that I was black and yellow, and that Huang Zicheng's integrity was comparable to Wen Tianxiang. He replied, and I said it made sense, and I thought so too.

Some words in the history books are the spring and autumn style of writing. You read it twice carefully, and then ponder it carefully, and you can taste it.

How is it recorded in history books?The history books say: "Before the fall of Nanjing, Emperor Hui called Huang Zicheng back to Beijing, but Nanjing had already fallen before he arrived. Huang Zicheng conspired to continue to resist Zhu Di, and his whereabouts were reported, so he was arrested."

How angry!Unyielding and unyielding, but also to resist.Okay, let's analyze and analyze this sentence that puts gold on Huang Zicheng's face.

He was sent by the emperor to recruit soldiers. He had soldiers in his hands at the time, but what did he do?He "conspired to continue to resist Zhu Di." This sentence is so intriguing, what is conspiracy?How to explain this password? How to explain the phrase "the whereabouts were reported"?

I said he disbanded the soldiers and horses, put on makeup and fled, right?He went out to recruit soldiers. He heard that the emperor was dead. He neither committed suicide nor led the soldiers he recruited to rebel against Zhu Di. He "conspired" to continue to rebel against Zhu Di. He didn't rebel at this time. Shall we call the elders and children of the Jianfu Dynasty to go up the mountain to fight guerrillas?Who will listen to him then?

The so-called "whereabouts were reported and arrested." To put it bluntly, isn't it just running away with makeup, and you have to taste the words of the historian, don't you?

Besides, Huang Zicheng's energy efficiency compares with Zhang Cheng's?Not to mention that Wen Tianxiang is against a foreign race, and Wen Tianxiang has never done anything to recommend an idiot. The 60 army was defeated, and he even covered it up for him, so as to cause an even bigger failure!

Of course, this is a novel of mine, so it must be deduced, but there are some things, I am not insulting him, from the words that are obviously praising him, I can only draw such a conclusion.

In addition, some people said: Yueguan is in Mr. Heifang and Mr. Huang, but they are not mentioned on the list of traitors.

Now I will send you the list of traitors and sycophants directly: the first "traitor Huichen" counts 29 civil servants in Zuoban; Fang Xiaoru, Ph. Lian Zining, the doctor of imperial history, Huang Guan, the servant on the right, Hu Run, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Zou Jin, the minister of the temple, Wang Dun, the minister of the household department, Guo Ren and Lu Jiong, the ministers of the household department, Hou Tai, the minister of punishment, Bao Zhao, the minister of labor, Zheng Ci, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Huang Fu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Mao Taiheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Chen Jizhi in the middle of the matter, Dong Yu, Zeng Fengshao, Wang Du, Gao Xiang, Wei Mian, Xie Sheng, former censor Yin Changlong , The clan's mansion experienced Song Zheng, Zhuo Jing, the servant of the household department, Wang Shuying, the editor of the household department, and Ju Jing, the head of the household department.Rewards will be offered to anyone who catches and sends them away.Soon, Wang Dun, Minister of the Ministry of Households, Zheng Ci, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Huang Fu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Yin Changlong, the former imperial censor, were exonerated from the crime of begging; Officer, or return to his old post.

Xu Huihuizu, Tie Lei, Zhou Shixiu, Yao Shan, Gan Lin, Zheng Gongzhi, Ye Huizhong, Wang Zhi, Huang Xifan, Chen Yanhui, Liu Luo, Cheng Tong, Dai Deyi were added to the list of "traitor Huichen" released for the second time , Wang Liang, Lu Yuanzhi, Mao Dafang, Hu Zizhao, Han Yong, Ye Xixian, Cai Yun, Lu Zhen, Niu Jingxian, Zhou Xuan, etc., a total of more than fifty people.

In addition, Dong Lun, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, once persuaded Zhu Yunqi to get along with the vassals, so he was not included in the list of "traitorous ministers".

Brother, I have put a lot of effort into it. Many details are not written by hand. If you have any doubts, you can check the historical materials.

With such a serious attitude towards my creation, then, should I support more monthly tickets and recommendation tickets? ! ~!


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