Xia Xun's return trip was very different from the time he came here. The guards of honor were quiet and the flags and drums were silent. He didn't make any fuss and didn't know that the magistrate would return to the mansion. Sometimes he had to take a detour for a simple reason, in order to let the two precious daughters have a good time.

The two sweethearts who have never left the island feel fresh everywhere they look. Naturally, they want to see the scenery along the way.Besides, Xia Xun was originally a relatively loose person, and he himself found it troublesome to welcome and send the official score of the country.

But no matter how slow you walk, there will always be a time when you reach the capital, and you can no longer hide your whereabouts when you get near the capital. Xia Xun stopped when he was still a hundred and eighty miles away from the capital, making people set up the guard of honor again, and at the same time make people go back first. Beijing to report.Hearing that Xia Xun was back, the officials who could afford it would naturally welcome him.

Xia Xun took this opportunity and brought everyone to the house lent by the king's son-in-law.Everyone knows that this house is borrowed from the king's son-in-law, so they are not afraid of someone spreading rumors and suing him.

The house of Wang Consort's house is actually quite elegant, but after Xia Xun borrowed it, he used only a small room, and he never visited other places.No matter how nice or big the house is, there is only one person in the deserted place. What is there to do? This time is different. The family and relatives all came back and settled down separately. Only then did Xia Xun have a chance to have a glimpse of this elegant courtyard. the whole picture.

This house is not the main house of the king's son-in-law, so there is no more serious and formal front yard, but a complete Jiangnan garden scenery. Once you enter the yard, there are small pavilions, ponds, rockery and vines. The buildings are also interesting.

The whole courtyard is still divided into two parts, the front and the back, and each part is divided into smaller spaces according to the functions of different buildings, using bamboo, curved corridors, and pool water, which is both private and The next door is very natural, without a feeling of clear barriers between courtyards.

The whole family is obviously very satisfied with the new house, and Xia Xun can't comment on the specific housing arrangement, because it is also the first time for him to walk through the whole house, so we have to wait until we settle down.Put down your luggage in a hurry, wash up and change your clothes, and have to entertain guests.

This big family has just moved in, there are not so many cooks in the house, the food and drinks are temporarily called from the restaurant, and there are several tables in the front yard and the back yard.

Most of these officials came with their wives, and today they welcomed Duke Fu and his family, and they brought their wives. The officials who came with their wives seemed to have a closer relationship with each other.However, it is not accurate to say that they are officials, because when Xia Xun entered the city, the court meeting was in the middle of the meeting, and the officials could not get out, so most of the people who came to greet them were not serving officials, but princes and relatives.

For example, Wang Ning brought Princess Huaiqing, Mei Yin brought Princess Ningguo, and Li Jinglong brought his wife Wang.Li Jinglong's favorite is undoubtedly his concubine Yizhuo. This guy probably has a little affection for Xie Yufei, who he wants but can't get, but when he saw Xie Xie just now, he had a serious face, but he couldn't see it. Showing his old lustful face.

But on this occasion, he definitely couldn't bring a concubine, that would be a great disrespect to Xia Xun's family, so either he didn't bring his family, or his wife must come forward to bring his family.Duke Ding Xu Jingchang also came, not only brought his wife, but also his little aunt Xu Ming'er.

Xu Ming'er also brought gifts, but unlike other officials' family members, they all gave women's jewelry, silk, rouge and gouache, and she herself was a young girl who hadn't left the court, and even she rarely These things can be used on occasions, and these things are most suitable as gifts from Xu Jingchang's wife. What she brings are toys, toys for children.

Indeed, as she said, small animals and children like to be close to her. Before she presented these gifts that children like the most, Si Xun and Si Yang clearly showed a different attitude towards her than they did to other people. attitude.Those noble ladies were full of jewels, and when they saw Xia Xun's two precious daughters, they were all smiling, and they would inevitably praise them, pinch their cheeks and so on. The two little girls resisted this kind of admiration and intimacy, but when they saw Xia Xun Xu Minger, they naturally like to get close, and when Xu Minger's gift is presented, they become even more affectionate.

"Sister, sister, sister Ming'er..."

"Aunt Ming Ming..."

Si Yang called her elder sister, but Si Xun called her aunt. The two little girls became Xu Ming'er's followers and kept pestering her.

After seeing Ming'er's amazing affinity, Xia Xun came to a conclusion: "Tsk tsk, it's really not bragging. In modern times, Princess Ming'er must be a very competent auntie in a nursery or a nurse in a pet hospital!" The feast lasted until late, and after the adults and their families were sent out of the mansion, the hustle and bustle in the courtyard suddenly became quiet.Xie Xie, Zixi, and Su Ying took the whole family to look at the entire courtyard again and allocate their residences, but Xia Xun didn't go back to the back house, but went directly to the study.

The back of the study room is furnished in a quiet and elegant manner, with an antique flavor, with a bookshelf facing the wall and calligraphy and paintings of famous people on the other.At the end is a table of the Eight Immortals with rolled ears. In addition to the four treasures of the study, the jade ruler, and the porcelain tube for holding rice paper, there is also an incense burner on the table. .

There was a person waiting quietly in the study room. There was no light in the room, and the person was sitting in the dark with his hands flat on his knees, quietly, motionless. Once Xia Xun came in, he got up abruptly, Called: "My lord!"

Xia Xun nodded, walked over and lit the lamp, and the soft light immediately filled the room.Xia Xun sat down on the desk and looked at the man standing opposite.This man was wearing an ordinary gown with a round collar and narrow sleeves on the right lap, and a purple scarf on his head. He was tall and tall, in his early twenties, and looked handsome.

He is Zuo Dan, a person from Qianlong, and people from Qianlong also have an open identity in Jinling, which is necessary as a cover.However, there are many kinds of public identities, and Zuo Dan's public identities also belong to the underground world, because he runs a casino.There is always an underground world in any city, just like light and darkness always complement each other.

"Got it?" Xia Xun asked quietly.

"Yes! The one who advised Duan Mi's family and asked them to come to ask for the Duke is Zhang Antai, Secretary of the General Administration, You Tongzheng."

"Zhang Antai? I don't know this person."

Zuo Dan was very well prepared. He also brought a portrait of this person, but after unfolding it, Xia Xun still had no impression.But he knew about the yamen of the General Secretary.

The Department of General Affairs is the institution that receives and inspects internal and external memorials and subjects' appeal documents.In charge of accepting the emperor's order, understanding the situation, surveying and coordinating the official documents of customs and defense, and reporting to the subjects of the Quartet to seal and return suggestions, petitions, military situations, disasters and other matters, its function is to open the way for the world to speak.

The Department of General Administration shall set up a General Administration Envoy, who is in charge of accepting internal and external chapters and official seals and rebuttals. Officials of the third rank: one person for each of the left and right generals, and the fourth rank, who accepts internal and external chapters and seals of subjects.If the Cabinet Master is the emperor's assistant, then the General Secretary is the emperor's secretary.

Xia Xun thought for a while and said, "Tell me about the details of this person."

Zuo Dan responded calmly, and replied: "Zhang Antai, 46 years old this year, was a Jinshi in the 18th year of Hongwu. The official was promoted to You Tongzheng. After careful investigation by his subordinates, he and Duan Yushi were in the same year and had a relatively close relationship.

Xia Xun pondered. Judging from this person's political experience, he has always been a Beijing official and has no friendship with him. Maybe Ming'er is too sensitive to him?This person just found out where he lived by accident, so he pointed the family members of the deceased to seek help from him?

After all, at that time Chen Ying and Ji Gang were very evil in arresting people. At the time when everyone was in danger, if they could find a competent person to control the situation, then not only would they help their friends, but their own situation would also be safer. It wasn't for a more dangerous purpose, and Xia Xun didn't want to be relentless about it.

Xia Xun asked: "That's all? How did he know that the king's son-in-law lent me the house? Although it's not a secret, I didn't say that the king's son-in-law lent me the house because of the relationship between us." Friendship, there is no reason to go out and show off."

Zuo Dan said: "This matter can't be verified by a lowly official. Maybe only he knows it. Even the king's son-in-law may not remember to mention it to anyone accidentally. Don't do it... When the Duke was not in Beijing, Mu En once Chief Todai told us one thing... ".


Zuo Dan said: "Mu En is now appointed by the emperor to be in charge of the inner study, and he is in charge of the memorials reported by the General Secretary to the palace. There is an unwritten rule between the General Secretary and the inner study. The memorial is placed on the top, whether it is entering the palace or leaving the palace, both parties can understand it at a glance. Because the Secretary of the General Administration asks for the inner study, and the inner study also asks the Secretary of the General Administration, so they usually give convenience to the other party. .

When the emperor reads the memorial, the sooner he sees it, the easier it is to attract attention.As for the memorials approved by the emperor, if they need to be processed, they will never be marked with serial numbers of [-], [-], [-], [-], so it is possible for the General Secretary to do it first and which one to do later, and sometimes it may take a few days before paying. Time, enough to prepare some people. "

Xia Xun smiled and hummed lightly.He can understand this matter. In fact, this is the reason why some people deliberately curry favor with the secretary of the leader. Some things that can be done or not, can be done first or later, they can make the leader notice or not. Notice that if you don't answer them correctly, then go and lament that the King of Hades is nice to see, and the little devil is hard to deal with.

Zuo Dan said: "A few days ago, many censors in the Metropolitan Procuratorate impeached Jing Nan's heroes for oppressing colleagues, extorting bribes, and there were many similar memorials. Duke... You were also impeached by the officials for borrowing the prince's son-in-law's house. It is said to be accepting bribes. And when the memorial to impeach the Duke was brought from the Secretary of General Administration, it was placed on top!"






[...Chapter 441 Spider silk worm trail...] ​​ah! !

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