"Oh?" Xia Xun raised his brows, and said calmly: "..."

"Yes! Originally, Mu En didn't know much about these rules, just because he had just taken over the inner study, and the eunuchs in the inner study were explaining these rules to him, so he picked up the top letter and looked at it accidentally. Noticing that it was the impeachment of the Duke of the State, he conveniently put this memorial behind the other memorials. Later, he asked Dai Touer to send a letter to the Duke of the State to return the yard as soon as possible, or to buy it with money, lest the emperor Pursue."

Xia Xun snorted, but didn't ask who was the envoy who impeached him.This imperial envoy must have been used as a gun. Even if this matter is really bribery, at most it will make the emperor feel unhappy, but it is impossible to bring him down. If someone wants to deal with him, he will never show up so early. expose yourself.

As for the imperial envoy who was used as a spear envoy, there is no need to pursue it.People's officials are in this business, and they don't blame even if they hear rumors, even if they are not true, they often impeach this and report that, princes and princes, no need to worry about whoever catches them.Even the [-]-year-old Wei Zhongxian, when the power was in the hands of the government and the public, how many senior officials of the first and second ranks worshiped him as a godfather, and there were still envoys who told him a book from time to time, and Wei Zhongxian was not relentless.

Because the Metropolitan Inspector exists for the purpose of biting people, if you don’t allow others to sue, that is taking away their jobs, and the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate will be against you, unless you never let others catch you.Besides, reporting the impeachment memorials like snow flakes may not hurt you, and maybe the grace will be stronger.As an emperor, you don't necessarily like an official who doesn't even have an opinion on you, or doesn't dare to have an opinion on you.Seeing him pondering, Zuo Dan paused for a moment, and then said: "At that time" it was Zhang Tongzheng who sent the memorial to the inner study. "

Tuo Xun's eyes narrowed slowly.

Zhang Tongzheng and Duan Yushi are good friends. It is human nature to advise his family and find a way to intercede. Maybe he just happened to know where he lives now. For this matter alone, Xia Xun can't help it. It will be pursued, and it should not be pursued.However, when these two things come together, it is intriguing.

"Is it just a coincidence?"

Xia Xun thought for a while, and then slowly ordered: "Keep an eye on this Zhang Tongzheng for me. Don't let go of any business or private matters! How to deal with it" Wait for my order! "

"As ordered!"


In the early morning of the next day, according to the procedure, the matter of His Majesty's speech and audience should be dealt with first.

In fact, this step is mostly just a decoration. Unless there are foreign envoys or first- and second-rank court officials on a pilgrimage, the emperor will not receive them.The same is true for the officials of Majesty's speech. If the emperor really needs to make some instructions, he has already met them in private. Except for such important events as sending troops on order, generally speaking, the emperor does not see him.

But today is different. Although Xu Hu is only a fourth-rank military general, he was recruited.

Now that Zhu Di Yuji ascended the throne, the countries don’t know that apart from a few princes in Beijing, even the princes from other places have not had time to send envoys to Beijing for a pilgrimage. Said to be quite promotional.

What's more, the strength of this group of pirates is not small. Counting their relatives and friends, as well as the people who live on various islands "just sheltering under their wings, it is estimated that there are nearly 10 people, which is already equivalent to a small country of Fanbang The population has increased, so just like the little-known "Mountain Back Country" came to pilgrimage, Emperor Yongle also attached great importance to it.

Emperor Yongle issued an order to summon them immediately, and the three pirate leaders including Xu Hu, who had already changed into court clothes, entered the Golden Mirror Palace. Although they were not afraid of anything, if the imperial navy really went to fight, they would not be afraid to fight with one of them. Although he was fighting, but when he really arrived at the Golden Mirror Hall, he still felt a sense of awe.

The majestic palace, the upright court guards, and the grand party hall will form a kind of psychological pressure on people, not to mention that they are now courtiers.

When Zhu Di heard about them, he didn't blindly proclaim the emperor's grace and majesty. Of course, when someone came to surrender after ascending to the throne, this must be vigorously publicized, but this is a matter of the Ministry of Rites. Zhu Di himself didn't care too much. After a few words of praise for his loyalty, Zhu Di changed the subject and asked Xu Hu about the situation in the East China Sea.

Speaking of which, Daming really didn't know much about overseas countries, otherwise when Zhu Yuanzhang sent envoys to [Japan], he wouldn't mistake the prince for the king.But Xu Hu is very familiar with the East China Sea, the South China Sea and even the overseas countries connected with them.Originally, Xu Hu felt a little uneasy when he saw the emperor, but now when he asked him what he knew best, his attitude calmed down and he began to talk freely.

Xia Xun noticed that Zhu Di listened very carefully, and what he asked was not just about the situation of the East China Sea, the Southern Pirates, and Japanese pirates. On the contrary, what he cared most about was the situation of overseas countries, and the situation of dominating the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Several of the most powerful armed forces.

Zhu Yuanzhang is a very hard-working emperor, but he is too low, which makes him not far enough to see the world.Giving up the sea, even those islands along the coast, and moving the residents inland was not because he was afraid of anything. Zhu Yuanzhang was never afraid of anyone or anything, but in his opinion, the places he gave up were not even worthless. And Zhu Di's awareness of sea power is obviously stronger than his father.

Although his motivation may not be pure sea power consciousness, but as an emperor who has just ascended the throne, the country has not yet been fully brought under the rule, and he can look overseas. This is already a remarkable mind. With the courage of this emperor, it may not be impossible to open up the era of the great ocean.

Zhu Di asked in detail. Today's morning court took up nearly one-third of the time just to meet Xu Hu and others who had been recruited. When I stood still, I felt sweat profuse and my back was soaked.

"F*ck, it's really not easy to be an official. I've only been in the court once, and I'm tired like this. It's really hard for these officials to go to the court every day. How can I get through it?"

Xu Hu secretly wiped his sweat, and looked at those calm officials with admiration...


After morning breakup, Xu Hu and the other three followed them out of the main hall, but did not leave right away. They wanted to ask Xia Xun what they should do next.They are very smart and capable pirates, but they don't know anything about official affairs, and they are very at a loss.Seeing Xia Xun walking out, the three of Xu Hu hurried up.

Unexpectedly, before the three of them could stand still, a group of hula gathered from behind and squeezed them to the side in no time. Don't look at their martial arts, standing on the bow of the boat is like taking root on the ground, no matter how old you are Even the wind and waves could not shake him in the slightest, if he was squeezed at this time, he would immediately lose the battle.

Squeezing people and fighting are two different things. Brothers who don’t squeeze the bus easily must have a deep understanding. Those gentle ladies, when they see the bus stop, they will chop the waves, shoulders and buttocks, and you will be squeezed.The people crowding the crowd at this moment are not girls, but civil servants, and judging by their beards, they are not too young.

The few officials who squeezed in were Minister of the Ministry of War Ru Chang, Minister of the Ministry of Households Wang Dun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry Zheng Ci, Minister of the Ministry of Officials Zhang Shen, Minister of the Ministry of Industry Huang Fu, Yushi Yin Changlong, and Minister of the Ministry of Officials Mao Taiheng. , four out of six.These dear friends didn't have time to pick up Xia Xun yesterday, and they had to come over to have a word with Duke Fu after parting the court today, so they crowded beside Xia Xun by coincidence. h1ah1a The sedan chairs were carried by everyone. These were either ministers or servants. They were all first and second rank officials of the imperial court.

A few people were talking and laughing, when suddenly an official came out of the hall shyly, Xia Xun saw it at a glance, and immediately called out: "Zhang Tongzheng!"

The official was walking out, when he heard someone calling him, he turned his head and changed color.

Xia Xun smiled, and the change in Zhang Antai's expression had already caught his eyes. To determine whether Zhang Antai was hostile, this was the most direct test.As for scaring the snake, does he need to worry about it?

Zhang Antai's expression changed rapidly, he managed to calm down, and hurried forward to meet him: "Your official has met Duke Fu, and I don't know what instruction the Duke has!"

Xia Xun said with a smile: "The Fuguo Duke's mansion bestowed by the emperor has not been built yet. My country's duke has been harassing the king's son-in-law for a long time, and the king's son-in-law borrowed a house for me. I have always been grateful and plan to choose a day to live in the palace." In Juxian Tower, a banquet was held to thank the consort.I heard that Zhang Tongzheng and the prince's son-in-law have a long history of friendship, so please invite them to the banquet together.

After hearing this, Ru Chang and the others looked at Zhang Antai with some envy. It would be a great honor to be invited by Mengguo openly.But... Zhang Antai's face was a little pale, he forced a smile, and replied: "The official and the king's son-in-law only met a few times, so there is no friendship, the Duke must have heard it wrong."

After hearing this, Xia Xun smiled even more happily: "Is that so? Hehe, that's my country's lord taking the liberty."

Zhang Antai hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Don't dare, dare not."

At this time, someone called out: "Duke Fu, the emperor has summoned you!"

Xia Xun turned her head to look, and saw Mu En flashing out at some point, standing still beside her.

Xia Xun cupped his hands to Ru Chang and the others and said, "My lords, the emperor has summoned you, but there is no delay. Let's talk another day, please!"

"Please, please!"

Everyone hurriedly bowed their hands, Xia Xun nodded to Xu Hu and the others, turned around and left with Mu En. From the beginning to the end, Zhang Antai was never seen, as if he had been treated as air.Zhang Antai looked at Xia Xun's back in surprise, until Xia Xun disappeared in the corner of the hall, then he gritted his teeth and walked out in a panic...






[...Chapter 442 Knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger...] ah! !

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