Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 470 Yes, Master!

"Girl, didn't the empress say she wanted to choose a good husband for my aunt? Speaking of which, my aunt has also reached the age of marriage, so it's time to think about life-long affairs. With the empress in her early years, I can definitely find a good man for my aunt Jun, this is the kindness of the empress, why should my aunt go to the "returning garden"? According to my nephew returning to his daughter-in-law, my aunt is still staying in the capital. If the empress really finds a suitable candidate, my aunt can also quietly have a look."

Mrs. Ding Guogong chased after Ming'er's ass, constantly persuading her.

Although she is older than Ming'er, her husband is Xu Ming'er's serious nephew. This is the real elder of her own family, and he can't be inferior in etiquette.But because she was older than Ming'er, the two had always loved sisters, so even though they were talking about their own parents' marriage, they didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Who wants my sister to meddle in her own business? Whether I marry or not is my own business!"

Ming'er turned back with a straight face, and said to the one who was packing her bags: "Qiaoyun, be quick, I'll wait for you in the car."

Turning her head, Ming'er said to Mrs. Dingguo again: "Don't worry about this matter, I'll go to Guiyuan to relax. The shortest period is half a year, and the longest period is a year. When I come back, it counts!"

"Auntie, Auntie!"

Xu Minger stomped on her little boots and walked out like a proud peacock.

Mrs. Dingguo was puzzled, and said to herself: "What's the matter? Could it be that my aunt and the empress have something to worry about?"

"Beauty dances like a lotus flower, and the world has eyes and should not have seen it. The high hall is full of red 氍毹, and there is no dance in the world. This song was introduced to the Han Dynasty, and all the guests were surprised and sighed. Pus, light and verdant golden hazel flowers. Turning skirts and sleeves like flying snow, turning left and right to create a whirlwind. Pipa and flute and wooden circles, Huang Huiyun on the top of Huamen Mountain. Suddenly there is a sound of stuffing and plugging, white grass and sand are cold and sarcastic. Turning one's body into the broken is like a god, seeing the past and seeing the future and returning to the new. Only then did you know that all the songs are incomparable, picking the lotus and falling plums is the only way to show the ear, the world learns to dance only dance, how can the posture be like this..."

Unexpectedly, Chen Ying, who has always been rigid and serious, is also a person who cherishes flowers. Seeing the two blond beauties dancing lightly, he probably drank a few more glasses and was so excited that he clapped his hands to the beat of the music, singing loudly Recite poems.

After a dance, Chen Ying's poem was almost finished, everyone applauded, Xia Xun gave him a surprised look, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Chen Yushi, who has always been serious and upright, is also such an elegant person, haha, people are beautiful , Poetry is good poetry, poetry is like a beauty, and beauty is like poetry, it is the two that are suitable for each other, the two beauties should respect Chen Yushi for a cup."

Other officials chimed in and echoed repeatedly.

Those two beauties in Kucha obviously knew Chinese. They danced Bing Bingying, and they were walking forward to pay homage to Zhu Gaoxu. Hearing Wang Ning's words, they looked back at their master with a pair of beauties. Zhu Gaoxu led the way with a smile. Immediately, the beauty held the pot one by one, raised the glass with the other, moved her lotus steps lightly, twisted her back slowly, and walked towards Chen Ying's table gracefully.

Chen Ying was flattered, and quickly got up to thank Zhu Gaoxu, took the glass from the beauty's catkins, asked another beauty to fill up the wine, raised the glass and drank it clean, the glass was bigger, and the wine went down a little bit. After choking for a while, Chen Ying's old face couldn't help but turn red, the two beauties pursed their lips into a smile, bowed to him again, and then slowly retreated.

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly laughed and said: "The beauty is born well, Chen Ying sings well, and An Xuan commented well, so we should toast!"

When the two girls heard the words, they looked at Zhu Gaoxu with big eyes that could talk, and asked slightly, obviously they didn't quite understand who Wenxuan the master was talking about.

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said: "Why, don't you know who Wenxuan is? Haha, the room is full of nobles, you two choose by yourself, whoever is suave and most appealing to girls is Wenxuan.

When the two girls heard the words, their wonderful eyes flashed, and everyone smiled and said nothing. With their self-conscious age and appearance, they could be considered suave and suave, and could make a beautiful woman fall in love. They even straightened their waists quietly, and stopped eating. Hold the cup and act in a gentle and elegant manner.

Speaking of which, among the people here, there are three handsome men, one is Xia Xun, and the other two are Wang Ning and Hu Guan.These two are both beautiful men selected from beauty pageants, and they are the sons-in-law of the royal family.

Wang Ning was the first to be excluded, because he was a little older, in his 30s, when a man's mature charm was most attractive to girls.The only two left are Hu Guan and Xia Xun. These two people are indistinguishable. The two beauties in Kucha looked around, and it was a little hard to be sure.Hu Guan also took the opportunity to open his mouth, his eyes lingering on the plump breasts of the two blond beauties.Xia Xun, on the other hand, smiled slightly and held her chopsticks against her.Cai, seems to be very indifferent to this game.

The two beauties looked around, and suddenly they answered a few words in their native dialect that no one could understand, and then walked slowly towards Xia Xun.

Although they couldn't tell the difference between the two men's looks, they remembered that the official who was eating was the first to boo them up and make them toast, so there was a great possibility that this man was "Wenxuan". Very clever, while walking towards Xia Xun with long backs, his ears and eyes were listening and watching the reactions of others at the same time.

Seeing everyone clapping their hands and laughing, the two girls knew that their guess was correct, so they smiled at Xia Xun, knelt down in front of his table, one held a glass, the other poured wine, and then raised their big charming eyes slightly. , presented the wine up.If it was said that the two beauties from the Western Regions were just smiling professionally at Chen Ying, but when they saw Xia Xun's squid, they really had a hint of admiration, and the sweet smile became even stronger.

As soon as the two beauties approached, a scent of lavender came to the nostrils.Xia Xun couldn't help but look closely, the two orchids had veiled faces and couldn't see the whole picture, but their eyebrows and eyes were very charming.The black and bright eyebrows were formed by drawing the eyebrows with Ottoman's juice from a young age, so they are black and bright, thick and thick, and a pair of blue eyes like the sea are particularly attractive.

At this time, that slender hand was holding the cup in front of him.The white and jade-like palms and the nails painted with Heinaiguli are like a blooming flower. A glass of wine in the palm becomes a drop of crystal clear dew on the braid, which is even more delicious.The so-called good looks can be eaten, but if everyone in the mouth is coaxing, Xia Xun also laughs, takes the cup, and drinks it heartily.

Zhu Gaoxu said with a smile: "Wenxuan is eating wine today, this is the most refreshing drink, haha, it seems that if you want Wenxuan to drink more, you need a beautiful woman to accompany the wine!"

Qiu Fu was very displeased: "Grandma, what a bear, Bingcai toasted me, saying that he is a light drinker, so he only drank half a glass, okay!"As soon as the beauty made a toast, he drank it all?

Qiu Fu picked up the wine glass and rushed over, threw the wine glass on Xia Xun's table for a meal, with an unshaven beard and a big face like Zhang Fei leaned forward, and said in a rough voice: "Come on! Lao Qiu will drink three glasses with you!" Ying Yidan xxxxxxxxxxxx bath x Nuanhu Xia Xun is drunk.

Filling wine is our fine tradition.If a group of warriors were drinking, it would be even more difficult not to get drunk.

Xia Xun asked someone to get off the boat, and the only one who was not drunk was Zhu Gaoxu. Firstly, he was really good at drinking, and secondly, because... no one dared to drink his alcohol.

Zhu Gaoxu sent the guests downstairs with a smile, Xia Xun cupped his hands to Zhu Gaoxu and said, "Second Highness, I... I will take my leave now."

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said: "Wen Xuan is drunk, how can he ride a horse with this appearance, I have a car and sedan chair here, come here, and send Fu Guogong back to the mansion in a sedan chair."


Xia Xun's family had already greeted him, Zhu Gaoxu's people waved, and a very luxurious carriage drove up under the willow tree by the river, and Xia Xun's family members were supported by two small caps in green clothes.As soon as the car curtain was lifted, the fresh scent of lavender came again. Xia Xun took a closer look, and saw two kneeling faces tied to each other in the luxurious carriage decorated like brocade tents. The blue girl who loves love.

As soon as they saw him coming in, the two girls kowtowed their heads, touched their foreheads to the ground, and called out in an echoing voice: "Master!" They spoke Chinese with a slightly foreign accent, not so standard, but the voice was pleasant very.

"Ah! Wrong, wrong..."

Xia Xun turned around in a daze, and Zhu Gaoxu's servant who helped him up had already smiled lightly and said, "Master Fu, that's right, these two beauties are the maidservants given to the Duke by the Second Highness, and will be the Duke's from now on." I'm here, please come in, my lord!" The two couldn't help but push Xia Xun in.

"Second Highness! How can you make such a generous gift, please take it back..."

Xia Xun felt that his tongue was a little hard, but the sentence was quite complete, and he could hear it clearly.

Zhu Gaoxu heard him yell something inarticulately, he laughed and said: "That day in Beiping, and then in Jinling, and Wenxuan twice, Xiao Wang will never forget the life-saving grace. Unfortunately, he was young at that time, so he couldn't repay him. , I got a pair of beauties today, and gave them to the Duke of the state. The flowers are blooming and the beards are broken. Don’t wait for the flowers to be empty. Wenxuan, it’s very useful! Hahahaha..." The coachman shouted: "Drive!"

The carriage drove forward quickly, and as soon as the car started, Xia Xun couldn't help but fell backwards, only to feel sitting in a soft place, calm down, and saw a beautiful girl from Kucha kneeling down, her limbs slumped , taking her slender and graceful body as a brocade pier.The other one was supporting his body from the side, no wonder he didn't fall to the ground, it turned out that he was sitting on the beauty's slender waist.

Xia Xun had never been such a slave owner who didn't treat people as human beings. He jumped up in shock, and with an ouch, he hit his head on the carport, which startled the two beauties.In the Western Regions, they were brought up as women who would be dedicated to the nobles when they grew up. They are used to the inhuman torture. If they hurt their master, then it's fine.

The two quickly helped Xia Xun to sit on the seat, kowtowed repeatedly, and pleaded timidly with the foreign accent: "The servant is not good enough, please forgive me, master!"

"It's okay, it's my own carelessness, you don't have to apologize."

"Yes, Master!"

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief, and knelt down there respectfully.

The upper body still didn't dare to straighten, and still rested on the ground with both hands, like a pair of cats. The rounded part of the slender waist was raised high and swayed slightly with the bumps of the carriage.

The carriage was also covered with soft Boss carpets, otherwise, their knees would suffer if the carriage was rumbling.If so, Xia Xun has never seen this before, let alone two beauties who are loved by everyone, even two ordinary servants with mediocre faces, he can't accept this kind of treatment, so he said: "Okay, don't kneel There, sit down beside me...!"

"Yes, Master!"

The two girls happily agreed, and sat next to Xia Xun on the left and right. Two pairs of soft jade arms, like octopuses, consciously entangled Xia Xun's arms. in his arms.

The two Qiuci beauties with blue eyes and blond hair, icy skin and snowy skin, are extremely chic. Sitting so close is enough to kill them. What's more, these two women have already changed their dance clothes, and the clothes they are wearing now are even more irritating. The gorgeous silk unique to the Uighur people was made into a floor-length skirt and a cardigan with narrow gauze sleeves, and the tight-fitting "Myrobalan" bundled up their pair of different races. The Haohui ru, which looks particularly plump and full, is deeply sunken in the ruihui ditch, and the clothes are ripped out, which is thrilling to watch.

Xia Xun couldn't take it anymore for these two women to cling tightly to his body, holding his arms from left to right, and pressing his arms tightly against the amazingly rebounding rumble ball. He ordered: "I drink too much alcohol, it's very hot, open the curtain!"

"Yes, Master!"

They are obedient, as far as this sentence is spoken, they are probably used to obeying.When the curtain was lifted, passers-by could see them, and the two girls just hugged his arms and sat down neatly, not daring to make any more intimate gestures.

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back a little, Wei Hui closed his eyes, and the alarm was already ringing in his heart.Based on Zhu Gaoxu's performance at today's banquet, Xia Xun originally admired him very much, but his act of presenting the twin sisters completely overturned Xia Xun's impression of him.

In this era, it is a common practice in the social arena for the rich and powerful to give each other concubines, maidservants, kabuki and dancers as gifts. Xia Xun has been in the official court for a while, and has heard of this custom.The matter itself is nothing, but, the dignified prince, do you need to curry favor with others?

Zhu Gaoxu was young and young, and Mu Ai was a young man. Even if he didn't like beauty very much, he didn't have any reason to abandon such a pair of charming beauties, so it might not be the same for him to give gifts and make friends with him. What he said publicly at the banquet was so crowning and crowning.

Courtesy to people, there must be something to ask for!

Especially Zhu Gaoxu's performance in front of and behind the stage made Xia Xun more and more frightened when he thought about it. He was shocked by Zhu Gaoxu's forbearance, forbearance, and hypocrisy!

A pure martial artist is not scary, nor is a person like the eldest prince who wants to win over his officials but lacks vigor, this kind of person is really scary, a person like him, if you are not used by him, you are his enemy, Difficult!

The two beauties in Kucha glanced at each other, and hugged Xia Xun's arms more happily. They found that this master seemed to be easy to talk, and meeting a good-tempered master would not be a big deal to them for their background and fate. Poor girl, no doubt a very lucky thing.

But for Xia Xun, it was bad luck, the little princess's carriage was coming from the opposite side! .Eight thousand, do you want more, brothers?If you want to vote quickly, I will eat something to move around, and then I will continue to write, so hard work, please support it! @.

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