Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 471 Disaster!

"With Zhu Gaoxu's courage, it may be easier to become a capable emperor than his elder brother..."

Xia Xun thought to himself, unless he was ambitious and planned to turn his boss into a puppet he could control from the beginning, who wouldn't want his big boss to be a courageous person?However, change your mind for this?

Xia Xun couldn't help but hesitate again. He sighed softly, opened his eyes, and saw a four-horse carriage coming towards him.The horse is a fine horse, the car is a luxurious chariot, and there are guards on the left and right of the car. Xia Xun couldn't help but take a second look, and then he saw a face that he wanted to see but was afraid to see, and it was definitely not suitable to see at this time: "Ming'er!"

Ming'er was looking at him, looking at him in surprise, her eyes opened wider and wider...


Two clusters of dangerous flames ignited in those bright eyes, and the delicate and lovely eyebrows were slowly raised, like two flying knives.

Xia Xun's drunkenness woke him up. He stared at Ming'er with his mouth gaping, and suddenly noticed a small hand on his left thigh. He didn't even look at it, so he quickly flung it away. Twist, quickly reached out and pushed, the pushing hand was limp, and then a shy exclamation came from next to my ear.

"It's over!"

With a scream in Xia Xun's heart, Ming'er's eyes in the opposite car suddenly widened again, with a look of disbelief.

The two cars passed by each other, Xia Xun was very annoyed: "I'm so immortal, why is she seeing me at this moment?"

"Strange, she's not my wife, why am I guilty?"

Xia Xun kept comforting herself, but it was difficult to calm down the regret and panic.

In front of Ming'er, he really couldn't be a warrior who would risk everything for love.It's not because he is afraid of bearing the consequences of love. A warrior is either a warrior who is not afraid of death, or he may be a desperate man.Although the appearance of a warrior is the same as that of a desperate man, what he insists on in his bones is different.Xia Xun didn't dare to accept it, and even lacked courage, not because he didn't love, but because of awe. Ming'er's noble status made him a little inferior when he already had a family.

So, after he misunderstood Ming'er and hurt Ming'er's heart severely, he didn't catch up to explain and defend, but shrank like a turtle.Since there will be no results, why drag someone else with a good girl?Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, it is better to end it, time will heal everything, and she will find her happiness and future sooner or later.

However, he didn't want to be looked down upon by Ming'er.As a result, he just broke someone's heart yesterday, but today he is walking around the market with hugs and hugs, what will Ming'er think of him?Is he refusing to marry a good man who misses the past and loves his family?Ming'er will only think that he is a duplicity, dirty and shameless bastard!Other women can't control him as Duke Fu, but a wife of a princess with a background as tough as a queen can control him, so...he doesn't accept her because he doesn't want to give up this unrestrained and carefree life !

"Oh God……"

Xia Xun couldn't help but let out a cry of grief, but in exchange for a warm hug from the two beauties in Kucha.

The two beauties hugged his arms tightly, looking at him with big sea blue eyes with joy, and said happily: "My master, are you also a believer in Allah?"

Xia Xunyu cried without tears, it's over, this time it's really over.Isn't this exactly the result I hope to get?Why... do you feel so uncomfortable?

"Master, master..."

The two girls noticed that Xia Xun's face was a bit ugly, and they couldn't help panicking.

Xia Xun glanced at them, and asked slowly, "You...what are your names?"

"The servant's name is Sirin."

"The servant's name is Rena."

"Oh! Sirin, Gena..."

"Master, please order!"

Xia Xun said weakly: "You guys...don't hug me, please, can you just sit back?"


Ming'er clenched a pair of small fists, her lungs were about to explode!

"That shameless bastard! A liar, a liar, a big liar, he thought he had repented, and he said it so nicely! So high-sounding! As a result... As a result, he..."

The more Ming'er thought about it, the more angry she became, and she suddenly shouted: "Go back! Go to the palace!"

"Ah? Princess, are we not going to 'Returning Garden'?" Qiaoyun, the servant girl who was lying on the other side of the car window, humming and watching the scenery, turned her head and asked in surprise.

Ming'er's eyes burst into flames, and she said angrily: "I'm not going! I'll go to my sister and ask her to choose me a son-in-law!"

The carriage made a sharp turn and sped towards the palace...

The carriage stopped in front of the mansion.

Xia Xun got out of the car, his footsteps were a little shallow, but he was much more awake.

He strode towards the mansion, and the two Qiuci elders followed behind him step by step.

"Master is back!"

The second fool went forward to greet him enthusiastically, and then looked in surprise at the two strange women behind the master, why is their hair yellow?Are the eyes blue?This is too scary!

"Who are they?"

Zi Qi, who came out after hearing the news, saw two hot beauties of different races standing behind Xia Xun, and immediately asked, the sour smell was like opening a vinegar factory.

Xia Xun said awkwardly: "This is... the dancer that the second prince gave me. They... what are your names?"

"The servant's name is Sirin, master!"

"Master, the servant's name is Rena."

At this time, Xie Xie, who was accompanied by Xiaodi for a walk, also came out of the garden. Hearing this conversation, he turned his wonderful eyes and said to Xiaodi with a smile: "Xiaodi, take the lady on the west side of Mrs. Ying." Clean up the courtyard, arrange for the two girls to stay, ask the kitchen to prepare hot water, and wait for the two girls to take a bath and change clothes. Remember, from now on, these two girls will be members of our family, and should not be treated by servants."

"Yes, ma'am."

Xiaodi was very curious about these two girls with such weird looks, and couldn't help but want to ask something. After hearing the thank you order, he quickly agreed, and happily led the two Kucha girls to go.As for jealousy... It seems that Xiaodi didn't develop this part of emotional cells at all when he was developing, so he didn't realize it.

Seeing that Xie Xie made such a generous arrangement, showing the demeanor of a big fu, Zi Qi didn't want to show her husband's face anymore, but she still quietly slandered a few words: "As long as you are generous, I dare you to be pregnant, so of course I feel at ease... "

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, walked over to support Xie Xie, and asked softly, "How do you feel today?"

Xie Xie covered his mouth with a smile and said, "It's still early, I'm no different from usual now, but smelling greasy is a little uncomfortable, it's nothing serious." After finishing speaking, he asked back: "Why, a little embarrassed?"

Xia Xun nodded, and his face became serious: "The second prince... is harder to deal with than the first prince."

With that said, the two walked to Zi Qi's side, Xia Xun grabbed Zi Qi's slender waist, and Zi Qi made a gesture of struggle, and then followed him meekly forward.

Xia Xun accompanied them slowly towards the garden, and said: "The second prince's gift, it's not acceptable, it's not acceptable, it's aggressive."

Ziqi listened to it, and immediately realized that what her husband brought back was not just two women, so she stopped being petty, and asked with concern: "Then...what is Mr. Xianggong going to do? The First Prince's side, or the Second Prince's side?"

Xia Xun smiled bitterly and said, "I want to stand in the middle."

Ziqi said: "I don't understand the affairs of the officialdom, but... I know that when Jianghu gangs compete for territory, the person who wants to be in the middle is usually the first to be eaten, unless... the one in the middle People are insignificant, and it is not worth fighting for both sides. Otherwise, no one will let you join at this critical moment, and you will be able to make people who are one-sided in the situation sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Xie Yanran said with a smile: "The officialdom is the same, it's just that it's bigger than the Jianghu gangs."

She frowned slightly, thought for a while, and asked: "Then Xianggong thinks, who has a better chance of winning, the first prince or the second prince?"

Xia Xun smiled, and said solemnly: "Yufei, I understand what you mean. However, the first prince and the second prince are playing a game, and the final winner is of course one of them, but those who rely on them, It's just a pawn in their game, even if they hit the right player, they may not be able to persist until the moment of victory, and they will be successful!"

"I understand!"

The face of thank you also became heavy: "The prince's game is an opportunity, an opportunity to make a fortune, and at the same time an opportunity that will never be redeemed. Mr. Xiang is already an extremely human minister, so there is really no need to get involved and take risks. If you want to stay out of the matter, you can only Don't be a pawn!"

Xia Xun asked back: "Then, who can not be a pawn at their mercy?"

Ziqi blurted out: "I know that there is a kind of person who is so powerful that as long as you don't want to join, no one is willing to provoke you! Such a person, they would rather have you sit on the sidelines!"

Xia Xun shook his head, and said slowly: "If it's just two princes playing games, I can barely stay out of it. The problem is, on a larger chess board, even two princes are chess pieces. Can it be strong enough to stay out of it?"

Xie Xie's face changed, and he lost his voice and said: "The prince is also a chess piece, so who is the one who plays chess? The emperor? Who else? Who can play with the emperor!"

Xia Xun slowly raised his head and looked up to the sky, which was very meaningful.

The sky is gray, it seems to be snowing.

Thank you for understanding, she took a deep breath, and said slowly: "In this case, there is only one way to stay out of it."

Zi Qi hurriedly asked: "What way?"

Xie Xie said: "When you watch Ju Zhongxi, you can't be out of the game. Those who are out of the game can naturally stay out of it."

Ziqi said anxiously: "Oh, don't play charades, okay? The husband is in Jinling City, how can he be an outsider! Could it be that he is not allowed to become a monk?"

Xia Xun's eyes flashed, and he suddenly said: "You are right. There are too few opportunities to wait. I can take the initiative to find opportunities. From tomorrow, I will pay more attention to major events between the government and the opposition."

Thank you and reminded: "If you can't find an opportunity if you actively look for it, then you might as well create some opportunities yourself!"

Xia Xun smiled knowingly, nodded and said, "I understand!"

Zi Qi paused and said, "Oh, don't you two play charades, okay? What's your idea?"

Xia Xun stared at her, sighed deeply and said, "Zi Qi, you really worry about me."

Zi Qi asked blankly: "What are you worried about?"

Xia Xun said: "When you have a child, what if you are as stupid as you are?"

Madam Qi roared angrily in the garden: "Yang Xu, if you want to die, let your horse come here!"

p: Exhausted and exhausted, dragging the sick body forcibly, and the third one will be delivered, and it will be ten thousand again.Today NO.30, everyone, please vote down the monthly pass. You can only vote twice a day, and you can continue to vote after 24 hours. If you don’t vote now, if you are late tomorrow, this month’s monthly pass will be wasted! @.

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