A fleet with the flag of the Daming Navy appeared outside Shuangyu Island.

Since Shuangyu Island was attached to the imperial court and reincorporated into the rule of the king, although naval ships have also visited, it is the first time that such a large military battleship team has appeared. At the same time, he signaled to the naval warship of the Ming army to stop the ship.

The current people in charge on the island are two veteran generals, He De and Liao En. They were junior high school students in the army when Su Ying's father was a general. They went to sea with him to become pirates. Put Shuangyu Island in their charge.Upon hearing the news, the two old men hurriedly sent a small boat out to sea to inquire about the situation. The navy of the Ming army replied that it was officers and soldiers of the Taicang guard who had been out to sea to suppress bandits for a long time and asked to go to the island to rest and replenish food and drinking water.

Shuangyuwei is already the territory of Ming Dynasty, how can the Ming fleet be prohibited from sailing in?Besides, the three guards with sea ships are looking for Japanese pirates at sea like headless chickens all day long. They know this. Although the relationship between Shuangyu Guard and other guards is not good, Xu Hu has been working hard to improve each other. If you refuse at this time, you may not be able to refuse, but it will make the relationship between Xu Dadangjia and other guards in Xidong even worse.Therefore, after discussing with Liao En, He De and Liao En ordered to bring Taicangwei's naval fleet into the port.

However, as soon as Taicang Guard settled in the port terminal, he immediately turned his face.He De and Liao En, who rushed to the pier to greet them, broke their heads and did not expect that their teams would suddenly confront each other. There were not many soldiers left behind on Shuangyu Island, and the confrontation might not be with such a powerful Taicangwei opponent. What's more, he has already been tricked into his heart.

It took only half an hour for the officers and soldiers of the Taicang Guard to occupy all the key points of the island. Of course, "such a fast speed has a lot to do with He De and Liao En's order to give up resistance. The defenders on the island were originally pirates, although I have been attached to them for a while, but my wild nature has not been tamed, and I don’t have the consciousness of being an obedient citizen at all.” When they saw them use force, they immediately resisted.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, He De and Liao En ordered everyone to give up resistance immediately and surrendered.They accepted Xu Hu's entrustment to preserve Shuangyu Island, not to die with Shuangyu Island.Right now, the Taicang Guards officers and soldiers with a superior force have entered Shuangyu, and the only effect of resistance is to prolong the time of their occupation, which has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Moreover, the officers and soldiers of the Taicang Guard now have an excuse to wash Shuangyu Island with blood. There are so many old, weak, and children on the island. I didn’t hide from the sharp eyes of the two old men. After giving up resistance, the officers and soldiers are officers and soldiers after all, and such inhuman atrocities cannot be done. There are tens of thousands of people on the island.” There are also nearly [-] officers and soldiers in Taicang Guard People, with so many eyes watching, no one can stop so many mouths. Among the officers and soldiers, there are very few lunatics who dare to bear such a crime.

Commander Ji Wenhe of Taicang Guard was disappointed when he saw that the people on the island did not resist.He is not the leader of a team of hundreds of people, and this is not a mountain village with only a few dozen families. At this time, few people dare to do this, not to mention that there are so many people here. Among the generals under Ji Wenhe, there may not be those who stare at his position, hoping for his downfall. Without excuses, Ji Wenhe dare not do it Get out of the things that are waiting for the survivors.Ji Wenhe announced to the people on the island the reason for taking over Shuangyu: Xu Hu si had been arrested and questioned for his involvement with the Japanese pirates, and he was ordered to take over Shuangyu to search for illegal dirt!The people on the island were stunned. They couldn't figure out what happened.

At the back of Shuangyu Island, a small boat was lowered into the water.The sea area in front of Third Sister Su's residence is full of reefs, which is not suitable for ships to navigate, but some small boats can still pass through.

"Hurry up, go to Yangjiao Mountain immediately, and tell Third Sister what happened here!"

It was a veteran soldier that Su Ying's father brought to the island that was calling. When he realized that the situation was not good, he immediately took advantage of his familiarity with caves to sneak to the back mountain while the officers and soldiers had not controlled the whole island. A young man who was drying his nets hurriedly told him what had happened in Qianshan and told him to leave immediately.

The young man also knew that the situation was urgent, so he hurriedly fled with his double oars.

The exit of Haidao has been blocked by the Taicang navy, he can't leave right now, he has to hide under the grottoes at the end of the mountain, wait until it gets dark and then escape in the dark.

Ji Wenhe stood at the pier and sent people all over the island to search for property, full of ambition.

Ever since the old Hou Ye ordered him to come down, he began to deliberately create troubles, intending to oppose Shuangyu Guard.He arbitrarily withheld the warships and firearms allocated by the imperial court to Shuangyu Guards, and gave all the broken ships and rusted fire to Shuangyu Island, deliberately provoking hostility and contempt for Shuangyu from coastal guards. Unfortunately, the series of methods against Shuangyu have been effective. No big deal, unexpectedly Qiu Fu helped him a lot this time, it really was intentional to plant flowers that would not grow, and unintentionally planted willows to make shade.

Suddenly, someone came to report: "My lord, a merchant ship appeared on the sea and was about to sail into Shuangyu, do you want to stop it?"

"Merchant ship?"

Ji Wenhe's heart moved, he waved his hand and said, "Don't disturb them, let them in!"

As soon as the merchant ship came in, it was controlled by Ji Wenhe's people. The ship came from Luzon, and the owner was a Chinese living in Luzon, from Fuzhou, named Lu Mingzhi.When he saw his merchant ship being controlled, Lu Mingzhi was startled and angry. Hearing that Ji Wenhe was the leader of the garrison on the island, he rushed up aggressively and shouted: "What's the matter with your officers and soldiers of Ming Dynasty? Why did you detain me, Lu Mingzhi?" Mingzhi's merchant ship? Let me tell you, I have contacts with Yang Xu, the auxiliary state of your Ming Kingdom, and you dare to detain my ship.

When Ji Wenhe heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately asked: "What? Do you have contacts with Fu Guogong?"

Lu Mingzhi thought he was afraid, so he said proudly: "Yes, I have a very close relationship with you people who assist the Duke, if you are sensible, let my boat go quickly, otherwise, I will make you go around without food!"

Ji Wenhe smiled, and said happily: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't recognize the family. Haha, I was told by the Duke of Fuguo to give convenience to Captain Lu who came from Luzon." "Because there was trouble on the island, I was so busy that I forgot to ask you for your identity.Come on, let the boat go "Don't move the cargo on the boat!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Wenhe said kindly to Lu Mingzhi again: "Captain Lu, sit here and have a cup of tea, and let me apologize to you."


It's still the dark room where you can't see the whole picture.

The man was still sitting there, just coughing lightly from time to time. There was a bowl in front of him, and there was still half a bowl of decoction in the bowl, and there was a faint smell of medicine in the room.

He coughed a few times, and said: "Shameless rot! The army is defeated and blamed." If you lose your robe, you will not be able to atone for your crime.Didn't the Shuangyu group of bandits always disagree with the Japanese pirates, what reason did they use to falsely accuse them of colluding with the Japanese pirates? "

"The gangsters in Shuangyu couldn't change their nature, and they were angry about the unfair treatment, so they colluded with the Japanese pirates in order to retaliate!"

The man chuckled twice and said: "Well, this reason is reasonable. In the military, seniority is judged by seniority, and the style of ranking first and then distant. The emperor is a person who has led soldiers. Of course he knows that sometimes" when faced with all kinds of unfair treatment "Even Yi Mou, a veteran who joined the army since he was a child", would be so angry that he would scold his mother.It is common to make uproarious changes in salary for the sake of military salary, but it is still the officers and soldiers recruited from the common people, and the pirates recruited are arrogant and unruly, this kind of reaction is not outrageous.Hehe "Shuangyuwei's bad luck, Yang Xu will also have something to do with it."

The humanity on the opposite side said: "But" Luo Yu and the others didn't kill Xu Hu, so are they so confident in controlling this matter? "

The Chinese laughed and said, "It's not that they don't want to kill, but they can't. If all the culprits are dead, they point to a pile of corpses and tell the emperor that everything is in their hands. Do you think the emperor is so easy to fool?" ?”

"That pose..."

"When did you see the emperor ask the case in person?"


"Xu Hu is a general in the army. The case has to be tried by the judge of the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies. It involves treason and banditry. Maybe it can be judged by Jin Yiwei again. These two yamen are in their hands. They have calculated very well. Fine. Besides, is what Xu Hu said important? The important thing is the evidence, I think they will definitely concoct enough evidence!"

"Yes, the little one understands.

Unexpectedly, before we had time to bring down Yang Xu, they actually helped us a lot. "

The person on the opposite side coughed a few more times, picked up the bowl and took two sips of the medicine, and said slowly: "Actually, I'm a little bit about to change my mind now. Instead of getting rid of a single Yang Xu, it's better to get rid of a group of Peiping family members." Military officer! However, the battle for succession is at a critical juncture, if Zhu Gaoxu's power is greatly weakened, then no one will be able to fight Zhu Gaochi, it's not right, it's not right..."

He sighed softly, and said: "Let's put this matter aside. The evidence is in hand, and when it is always useful, I will show it when the time is right. Hehe, the traps in the world are set for others in the first place. Later, he often fell into himself, the hole Qiu Fu dug, let's save it for him first! Tell Ji Wenhe to keep the evidence of people like Luo Yu for future use!"

"Yes, then let's..."

"Right now, let's bring down Yang Xu first. Let's help Zhu Gaoxu. When he gains the upper hand, he will deal with Zhu Gaochi's faction. The emperor favors Zhu Gaoxu more, and Zhu Gaochi will definitely suffer. Wait for Zhu Gaochi to eat It’s a big loss, and we are at a disadvantage. Let’s give him the evidence that the Shuangyu group of thieves have been accepted for others, and Zhu Gaochi will definitely not let him go, and fight back against Zhu Gaoxu. Do you understand?”

"Little" people understand, hehe, call them dog eat dog! "

"Well, but... these crimes alone may make Yang Xu fall out of favor, but they may not be able to bring him down. We have to give him more firewood, and help Zhu Gaoxu to catch Yang Xu with other crimes. That Feng Neng is absolutely sure. Let's now..."

Just as he said this, someone outside reported in a low voice: "Master, Master Hou has sent someone here, there is something urgent!"

"Call him in!"

A person walked in hastily outside, leaned over and whispered to him, and he laughed loudly: "There is such a thing? Haha, Yang Xu, Yang Xu, you are doomed!"

ps Do you guys still remember the story in "Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince" that Yang Ling was imprisoned due to the water leakage case in the underground palace?

Wang Jinglong seyou Yutangchun, Han Youniang rescued her husband in the court, Wang Yangming concealed the sky, Yang Shi read the sea..., there are ups and downs to rise, and lows to rise, different emperors, different factions, destined to be different Different stories, different solutions, different excitement!

It's early morning and we're number one!There is still some time before dawn...

Pao Ze, who has not yet fallen asleep, please stick to your position and cast your precious monthly ticket.

My comrades in Jinyi and I will come when the sun rises! @.

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