Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 482 The Bird of Prey Will Strike

The atmosphere of the new year is strong. For the common people, the whole first month is a year. Even if they are officials, until the fifteenth day of the first month, even if they are working in the government office, they basically leave at a click, because there is nothing to do.All the things that should have been dealt with years ago have been dealt with, and during the Chinese New Year, there is no urgent matter in the local government that has to be reported during the Chinese New Year, so the yamen is very free.

Of course, this does not mean that the emperor is also very leisurely. The world is so big, and any major event happens anywhere, and he has to be busy for a while, so Zhu Di and his cabinet are the busiest during the Chinese New Year.

The envoys of feudal lords from all over the world have already left Beijing one after another. The envoys from North Korea and Annan have also arrived to participate in the New Year celebration in the imperial capital of Ming Dynasty. The envoys from Japan, the South China Sea, and some countries in the Western Regions are still on their way. They have written before, but it is estimated It will take some time to arrive.

During the New Year period, the morning court was changed to a five-day court, and they were all small court meetings. Even so, once promoted to the palace, the officials would not have many things to play, and they would deal with what they could handle. For a while, it's Chinese New Year, the emperor has to rest, even if it's not what the officials keep saying to relieve the father's worries, it's human nature.

However, in the early morning court, someone played a book in court.

Early in the morning, I was going through the motions according to the usual practice, but unexpectedly after asking all the officials if there was an official performance, Qi State Duke Qiu Fu suddenly said in a deep voice, "I have an official performance!"

Qiu Fu steadily stood up from the head of the military officer squad, took three steps forward, bowed to Jidi Baohu and said, "Your Majesty, I have an urgent report on the military situation in eastern Zhejiang!"


Zhu Di raised his eyebrows and said, "Qiu Qingzuo!"

At this time of year, the power of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies is above the Ministry of War." In addition, the head of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies is the Duke of the State, and his position is too high, which puts him at the head of the Ministry of War. Ru Chang wittily resigned from the Ministry of War After taking office, "the Ministry of War has only the left and right Shiro in charge, and their positions are lower, and they are even more at the mercy of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, and major military affairs are handled by the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion".

Qiu Fu took out a well notebook from his sleeve, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, a great victory in eastern Zhejiang!"

"Xidong Great Victory?"

Hearing this, Zhu Di's face overflowed with joy. The useless fight in Xidong has become his heart disease, but the east of Zhejiang is very close to the capital, and he can't do it without seeing it.Zhu Di can't wait to go out in person to fight the arrogant arrogance of the Japanese pirates, but to go...just to suppress the bandits, it is too absurd for the emperor to conscript himself. Jingshi, I can only think about this matter.

At this time, Zhu Di was overjoyed when he heard about the great victory in Xidong, and even blamed Qiu Fu for being too calm. He should report this to himself as soon as possible "to make himself happy." Zhu Di said joyfully, "Qiu Qing" Report the details quickly!"

Qiu Fu bowed and said, "Your Majesty," the commander of the Xidong navy sent the battle report: The Japanese pirates frequently harassed our sea area, and they were very arrogant. "Sturdy ships and strong guns" caused them a lot of trouble, and the Japanese pirates used "tricks" to sneak attack on my Guanhaiwei, intending to burn my battleship to the ground! "

Zhu Di sneered: "The Japanese are so courageous! After suppressing and suppressing them, they dared to counterattack my navy's stronghold! What's the result?"

Qiu Fudao: "The battle report said that fortunately our navy officers and soldiers were well-trained and took precautions. When they realized that the situation was wrong, they immediately counterattacked. The Japanese were defeated and fled in a panic. I watched the sea guard officers and soldiers fought bravely and captured more than ten enemy ships. Captured more than [-] pirates, and now they are taking advantage of the victory to pursue, expand the results of the battle, and encircle and suppress the remaining pirates who fled!"

Zhu Di laughed loudly when he heard such a record: "Okay! Good! This battle was well fought! Finally, I played the prestige of my Daming, haha..."

Chen Ying jumped out without losing the opportunity, and congratulated the emperor loudly: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, my great Ming Shixiong will be fierce and powerful, sweeping away the universe, and the universe will be peaceful!"

All civil and military officials bowed to congratulate Zhu Di, who laughed freely.

Qiu Fu held the wat in his arms, motionless as a mountain, and waited for Zhu Di's laughter to stop. Before Zhu Di could appreciate it, he issued an edict to reward the three armies, and took another step forward, bending even lower: "Your Majesty! The Japanese invaded the camp late at night. I watched the Haiwei officers and soldiers sweep the battlefield until dawn, only then did I realize that there are quite a few officers and soldiers of my Daming navy among the Japanese!"

Zhu Di's smile froze, and all the civil and military officials immediately turned their heads in silence. They all stared at Qiu Fu, and Zhu Di said in a deep voice, "Qiu Qing, what do you mean by this?"

Qiu Fudao: "After being interrogated by Luo Yu, the commander of the East Zhejiang Navy, it turned out that the Shuangyu pirates who surrendered to the court last year were angry at the court's unfair distribution in terms of military pay, ordnance, warships, etc., thinking that our East Zhejiang Navy favored Guanhai and Taicang. The guards disregarded his origins, and the Shuangyu guards commanded Xu Hu, Ren Juying, Wang Yuxia and others held a grudge and deliberately retaliated.

Therefore...they colluded with the Japanese pirates and used their identities as officers and soldiers to inform the Japanese pirates and cover their travels.The Japanese pirates detected the emptiness inside Xiangshan County in advance, took the opportunity to attack Xiangshan, and slaughtered Xiangshan County, and they were also responsible for it.This time, they simply wanted to raise the anti-flag again and become pirates again. Before leaving, they wanted to make a big ticket, so they colluded with Japanese pirates and attacked Guan Haiwei at night! "

Zhu Di was furious, and jumped up against the case and said, "Is this really true?"

Qiu Fudao: "That's what was said in the Luoyu Battle Report, and it was also said in the Battle Report that they were at the Guanhaiwei Water Village. They captured more than a dozen warships, including Japanese pirate ships and Shuangyu Guard warships. The captured bandits were also Japanese Mixed with Shuangyu Guard. After Luo Yu learned the truth, he immediately ordered the navy fleet to go straight to Shuangyu Island and seized a lot of dirt from Shuangyu. Many of them are property looted from the people's homes along the coast!"

Zhu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dark murderous look, and said in a deep voice, "Where are the bandit leader Xu Hu and others now?"

Qiu Fu said: "The leader of the Japanese pirates is extremely cunning, always answering questions, pretending to be obedient, but he took advantage of our navy officers and soldiers' lax guards to try to escape, and was shot and killed by our navy officers and soldiers. Then, Commander Luo ordered the captured bandit leader Xu Hu, Wang Yuxia was under strict supervision, waiting for the emperor to inquire. As for the other bandit leader, Ren Juying, he had already escaped from the encirclement and led the remnants to the sea. "

Zhu Di coldly ordered: "Shut Xu Hu and Wang Yuxia to the capital for a review by the Governor's Office of the Five Armies to verify the authenticity. Once the evidence is convincing and the banditry is true, the official punishment will be issued, and the police will follow suit!"

"I obey the order!" Qiu Fulue hesitated, and said: "Luo Yu is chasing and suppressing the remnants of bandits in the East China Sea, and he dare not leave. He still has a letter of pleading guilty, and I want the old minister to present it for him."

"Please what crime!"

"Your Majesty, the ships of Guanhaiwei and Taicangwei are dilapidated and their firearms are damaged. The imperial court has not allocated funds to repair ships or replace firearms for many years. The imperial court built a new Shuangyu Guard and allocated the warship firearms. The new boats and firearms were assigned to them, and the things they replaced were handed over to the Shuangyu Guards. There is a reason why the Shuangyu Guards colluded with the Japanese pirates and "rebelled against the court."Luo Yu couldn't bear the face of the old ministry. As the chief general, he handled things unfairly, so he was terrified. He only waited for the East China Sea. "He went back to Beijing to plead guilty to the emperor himself!"

Zhu Di was very angry and laughed back: "Because of injustice", you want to rebel?Then what's the use of court law!After Luo Yu decides the injustice, we will discuss it first, "Send Xu Hu and other culprits and all the witnesses and evidence to the capital for interrogation!"

"Minister, obey your duty!"


In Xia Xun's study room, bearded Li Tianhen knelt on the ground and wailed loudly, "Such a big man, he is desperate at sea." He had never shed tears in the rain of swords and arrows, but now he was crying so hard.

"Master Guo, Lord Guo, those good brothers died unjustly! They died miserably! Li Tianhen saw them standing there with his own eyes, pierced by random arrows, smashed into a sieve by a fire mirror, and the sea water It’s dyed red! We are not afraid of death, we are not afraid of death for ourselves, and we are not afraid of fighting Japanese pirates for the court, but let our own people catch knives on their backs, and die unjustly! Grandpa, the head of the family was also shot, Now that we don't know whether we will live or die, I beg the Lord of the Kingdom to uphold justice for us!"

Li Tianhen was in tatters at this time, like a huazi, the clothes didn't fit well, some places were not frayed, but because the clothes were too small, the threads were stretched, unkempt, with tears and snot, he looked very pitiful.

If Xia Xun had received the news first and told Zhu Di in advance, maybe she would not have been so passive.

However, Li Tianhen was on foot and had to evade officers and soldiers everywhere, so he hurried quickly, his feet were covered with blood blisters, which was still a step behind Luo Yu's battle report.And it's useless when he arrives, because Xia Xun's people also sent back the news just before he stepped into the Duke Fu's mansion.

Xia Xun's people had been collecting evidence along the coast that the navy was ineffective in combat and that it was taken advantage of by Japanese pirates. However, there was no one in Guanhaiwei. After inquiring about the news on the sidelines, they found some broken soldiers of the Shuangyu Guard, and after getting the real news, they sent them back to the capital.

"You get up first, I understand, I will deal with this matter!"

Xia Xun helped Li Tianhen up with a pleasant face: "You stay at my house first, go take a bath, and eat something."

Li Tianhen refused to stand up, but said: "Master! You have to uphold justice for the brothers who died!"

"Are your words more powerful than theirs in front of the emperor? If I bring your witness to the emperor, it will only make the emperor suspicious, but once they startle the snake, they will be able to prepare more watertight! This matter is entangled." Go on, I don't know how long it will be clear. The iron case is like a mountain, and only iron evidence can turn defeat into victory. Don't worry, I will handle this matter!"

Li Tianhen's face was full of tears, and he was taken down by the Yang family.

Behind the bookshelf, a person walked out slowly, it was Zuo Dan who came to report the news, Xia Xun's peaceful and calm expression just now disappeared, his eyes seemed to be burning with two balls of fire, staring at Zuo Dan said: "You know I Why not reveal it?"

"The humble official understands! It's better to come prepared if you start rashly! Don't worry, Duke Xu, Mr. Xu Jiang has already started to collect evidence!"

Xia Xun nodded: "You won't die if you beat a snake, but you will hurt someone later! If you want to beat him, what's the point of hurting him! Blood debts must be paid with blood!"

Birds of prey will strike, and fly lowly and fold their wings; beasts of prey will fight, and bow down with their ears closed.So show it with softness and welcome it with strength, show it with weakness and take advantage of it with strength, Xia Xun has already deployed a counterattack, and we will also fight, double the third day, let the monthly ticket fly for a while! @.

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