Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 483 Intensified

Xu Hu and Wang Yuxia were captured alive. At least they didn't die.

What Xia Xun was worried about right now was Qianlong base and his smuggling network.

These two places are his foundation, one provides him with activity funds, and the other trains Qianlong members for him, although Mrs. Xizhu is old and spicy, plus all the secrecy and precautions he has painstakingly worked on over the past few years, there is no danger. It's a trick to be caught, but once these two places, especially his smuggling network, are destroyed, it will be a fatal blow.

Especially his smuggling network, there is no organization, not even a mafia gang, if you don't give any benefits to the members, they can serve you wholeheartedly and loyally.Xia Xun's secret agents also had to support their families and eat. If Xia Xun lost this source of income, it would have no effect on his status today, but the secret agents he created would surely collapse.

Fortunately, Mrs. Xizhu and Su Ying sent news the next day that they were safe and sound, and Yangjiao Mountain did not attract the attention of the court officers and soldiers.There are countless large and small islands near Shuangyu Island, and officers and soldiers can't pretend to be robbers to loot everywhere, so they don't have much motivation to search those insignificant trails in this cold day.Even so, Mrs. Xizhu and Su Ying made evacuation arrangements for Yangjiao Mountain, and all members sneaked underground.

And Xia Xun's smuggling network only suffered a small loss. Xia Xun's smuggling network was established on the basis of Shuangyu Island, but being controlled by others is not a long-term solution after all, so Xia Xun has already started to establish a second route.

After Shuangyu Island was controlled by Taicangwei, Mrs. Xizhu and Su Ying immediately got in touch with the merchant ships related to them and gave up the Shuangyu route.The only one who has not been contacted is the Lu family from Luzon. Their merchant ship has already come out. It is not known whether it has fallen into the control of Taicang Guard or is still in the vast sea. Su Ying sent people to pay attention to the Lu family's habit of going. At the same time, they have started to inquire about the news in Shuangyu Island.

At this time, there was already an imperial envoy in the court who impeached Yang Xu, the Duke of Fuguo.The pirates on Shuangyu Island were advocated by Yang Xu. Now Shuangyu Island has rebelled against the imperial court and colluded with Japanese pirates to cause such great harm to the coastal people. Yang Xu cannot absolve himself of the blame.

Seeing the truth in adversity, Xie Jin did not forget Xia Xun's life-saving grace and the favor of recommending him to write "Yu Ji Zhao" for Emperor Yongle, so as to ascend to the sky in one step. He took the lead in launching a counterattack, believing that the Shuangyu Guard's rebellion was caused by unfair treatment Responsibility is also the responsibility of the Zhedong Navy, and has nothing to do with Fu Guogong.

Immediately after Zheng Ci, a group of ministers and servants jumped out to fight with the Metropolitan Procuratorate, exonerated Xia Xun, and advocated severe sanctions against the Zhedong Navy. Even if Luo Yu will atone for his sin, the guilt should not be blamed on Fu Guogong.

Under the instruction of Qiu Fu, the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies and the guards of the Eastern Zhejiang Navy, they also filed letters to defend themselves, counting how the Shuangyu Guards have treated their superiors viciously and viciously since they returned to the imperial court. Except, sooner or later.It was a great pleasure to fight with each other in two strokes.

At this time, Huang Zhen was the one who suffered the most. Huang Yushi managed to rejuvenate his career, but as soon as his reputation was established, his big backer was about to collapse. Even if he wanted to change his family and seek refuge with others, it was impossible at this time that's it.When Huang Yushi came home, he drank yellow soup for a whole night, gave up his heart, and wrote a book with red eyes the next morning.

The imperial envoys of Wu Youdao's faction were still on the sidelines, but when they saw that the scholar Jin and several ministers were trying to protect Yang Xu, at this time Huang Zhen, who had always been looked down upon by others, also became a fighter for a while, Wu Youdao and others Immediately, his courage doubled, and he felt that the matter was okay, so he immediately shook his pen and joined the melee.

For a time, the crisis in eastern Zhejiang stirred up the participation of various forces.

The eldest prince Zhu Gaochi and the second prince Zhu Gaoxu stayed out of the matter and seemed to be completely unconcerned about it, but the civil official group and military general group that belonged to them respectively went into battle shirtless and fought fiercely.And inside the Metropolitan Procuratorate, led by Chen Ying and Wu Youdao, they also used Xia Xun as their weapon and began to pinch each other to fight for the control of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The funniest thing is Yuan Tai, who has been in slumber for a long time. Yuan Tai was impeached by Xie Jin for accepting bribes in the Hongwu Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang dismissed him. He was promoted; when Zhu Di came to the throne, he handed over the supervisory yamen, the eyes and ears of the court, and the mouthpiece of the court to his confidant Chen Ying.

Now that Yuan Tai's old enemy, Xie Jin, is already a scholar of the first assistant university of the dynasty, it is impossible for Yuan Tai to have a bright future, but Yuan Tai, who has been stunned for a long time, also jumped out after seeing the civil servants and military officers pinching hard. .Since Xie Jin protected Yang Xu, he naturally wanted to criticize Yang Xu, so he sided with Chen Ying.However, Chen Ying didn't like to see this old boss. If he really came back, how should he be arranged?

Therefore, Lao Yuan had to fight alone.

No matter what, if he has a place on this stage again, he will have a sense of presence, and the most frightening thing is that he will be forgotten by everyone, then he will really have no future.

On the surface, it was for the sake of Shuangyu Guards and the responsibility for the battle in Eastern Zhejiang, but the actual target was Yang Xu. Some wanted to protect him, win him over, and some wanted to kill him, so that he would be completely lost in the court. The right to speak.From a longer-term perspective, the ultimate goal of this game is the ownership of the throne, a game between the two Highnesses.

At this critical juncture, only two people remained silent.

One person is the core of the storm vortex: Yang Xu.

Another person is the emperor who has the power to determine the outcome of this game: Zhu Di.

It's not that no one has seen the strangeness, at least the scheming former Minister of the Ministry of War and now the loyal Bo Ruxuan has seen a little way, so Lao Ru is very smart to be blind and deaf, and in most of the court. When he was trapped in a gang fight, Mr. Ru didn't interfere at all, he stayed at home honestly every day, and he was more well-behaved than his little grandson.

At this time, under the operation of the four-person team in the dark room, an important piece of evidence that could determine the outcome of this melee was sent to the second prince Zhu Gaoxu.Commander Ji Wenhe of the Taicang Guards sent the confession of the Luzon businessman Lu Mingzhi to Luo Yu, the commander of the Eastern Zhejiang Navy. certificate.


In the Jinshen Palace, Zhu Zhanji was standing on Zhu Di's lap, playing with the paperweight and jade lion on the imperial case with a small handle. I don't know what he was playing with. The things on the imperial case were messed up by him, and he was still reading He chanted speeches, as if he was playing a war game, and things like stoves, paperweights, and jade lions were regarded by him as the commanders-in-chief of various armies.

Zhu Di supported his little grandson and watched him play with a smile. His wife was not worried, his son was not worried, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs was not worried. Now he saw this cute little grandson, so he could show a little smile on his face up.

"Your Majesty, Duke Qi is asking to see you, there is something important to report!"

"Oh? Call him in!"

Zhu Di carried his grandson back into his arms, and handed him a snack: "Zhan Ji, eat some snacks, be good, Grandpa Huang has something to do."


Zhu Zhanji smiled happily, took the snack from his grandfather, and ate it happily.Children always like to eat all kinds of snacks. The problem is that their parents do not allow him to eat too many snacks, so this delicacy is a great temptation even for the delicate and expensive emperor and grandson.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the old minister has just received important news!"

Zhu Zhanji held the snacks in both hands, and looked curiously at the old man with a gray beard in front of him with eyes as black as lacquer.

Qiu Fu took out a memorial from his bosom, handed it to Mu En, and said to Zhu Di: "I have just received important military information from Luo Yu, the navy division in eastern Zhejiang. This matter has a lot to do with it. I can't make the decision, so I have to hurry and send it to you." Come report to the emperor!"

As soon as Zhu Di received the imperial decree, Zhu Zhanji stretched out his little hand to grab it. Zhu Di hurriedly pressed his grandson's little hand and asked, "What's the matter, let's hear it."

Qiu Fu said angrily: "Your Majesty, when Taicang Guard commanded Ji Wenhe to take over Shuangyu Island, a foreign merchant ship came. This merchant ship was from Luzon. I have a close relationship with Duke Fu Yang Xu, and forced Taicang Wei to let him go immediately. Ji Dusi felt that something was wrong, so he was detained for careful questioning, and I knew... I knew..."

Zhu Di frowned, and said displeasedly: "You know what, tell me!"

"Yes, I know that Yang Xu colluded with foreign merchant ships to smuggle for profit! The merchant ship sold goods through the Shuangyu Guard instead of the Shi Ship Department. Not only did he have a close relationship with Yang Xu, but he also had an unusual relationship with the Shuangyu Guard pirates. Taicang Guard After careful inspection of Xu Hu's residence, he also found an account book, which contained evidence of Yang Xu's traffic and bribery.

Your majesty, I really can't believe it, Yang Xu is highly regarded by the emperor, and he is the Duke of the state, but he actually has a private relationship with foreign businessmen and smuggled for profit!Even though he didn't know about the Shuangyu pirates secretly colluding with the Japanese pirates, he accepted bribes from the Shuangyu pirates, and he would reciprocate and open the door for them. "

Zhu Zhanji became impatient, and slid down from Zhu Di's body as soon as he straightened his waist: "Grandpa Huang, I'm going to play with my mother and Grandma Huang."

"Okay, go!"

Zhu Di put his grandson down, patted his baby, and asked someone to take his grandson to the harem, then his face sank, and he ordered: "Men!"

"The servant is here!"

"Go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Jin Yiwei to deliver the decree, asking Chen Ying and Ji Gang to go with you to Fuguo Duke's Mansion to question Yang Xu. If Yang Xu has no words to refute, he will be imprisoned to wait for participation!"

Mu En was startled, and hurriedly bowed and said: "The servant girl accepts the order!"

Zhu Zhanji bounced back to Kunning Palace, and saw his mother concubine Zhang, empress Xu Niangniang, and princess Xu Minger chatting.Zhu Zhanji immediately ran over, grabbed Xu Ming'er's skirt, and said with a smile on his face: "Auntie, take me to the Empress Garden to hide and seek!"

"Okay, okay, let's go hide and seek."

Xu Ming'er agreed with a smile, and took Zhu Zhanji's little hand. Empress Xu smiled at her daughter-in-law: "My sister has always been liked by children!"

Xu Ming'er took Zhu Zhanji's little hand and walked to the imperial garden. Seeing no one around, she asked in a low voice, "Zhanji, what interesting things did you hear at Grandpa Huang's place today? Tell your aunt and grandma quickly."

Zhu Zhanji stretched out a small hand: "Old rules, give sugar first!"

Xu Ming'er flipped over her jade palm, and a piece of purple agate-like chewing gum appeared in her palm. Zhu Zhanji snatched it and stuffed it into his mouth, then said vaguely: "Just now, I was playing with Grandpa Huang. An old man with a gray beard ran up and said..."

p: It looks like Yang Xu has no power to fight back, right?Don't worry, don't worry, how can you just wait for your own little woman to solve the problem, he is a very black-bellied spy chief, hehe!

I bought a treadmill from Taobao, and it took a whole afternoon to install it, but it only ran for five seconds, and it must be shut down. It prompted e-03. I couldn’t figure it out. Checked all wiring connectors, no problem.

In the end, I was asked to disassemble the cover of the main unit to check it. I disassembled it and saw that the motor connector was tightly bound, but the wire was too short. When unloading, the connector fell off when it was slightly bumped. Plug it in and you’re done. .I was so tired, my waist was sore and my back hurt, I gritted my teeth and insisted on finishing the code, eh!Now it's [-] in the middle of the night, I'm going to have a meal, and then continue to code, brothers and sisters, monthly pass!monthly pass!

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