
Ulan Tuya was wearing dirty clothes, and when she walked to the door, she stopped suddenly, as if she was timid to be exposed to the sun. After a while, she walked out slowly. Hao sighed.

This Duke of Ming Dynasty treats her like a man, she can feel that she is very confident in her beauty.If she can become Xia Shi's pillow, she has full control and can kill him in his sleep.Moreover, she believes that Xia Shi has become obsessed with her beauty.

The great enmity can finally be obtained, and the heavy heart seems to be much lighter.Based on what she has seen and heard, she knows that Xia Shi is not a devil with fierce faces and fangs, and her reason tells her that Xia Shi's governor of Liaodong may be more beneficial to their Tatars. It is more beneficial for those who fight again to stay here.

But all of this can't overwhelm the vengeance she has smoldering in her heart. It is her own blood feud, which far outweighs her reason and her views on Xia Qi.Bloody hatred must be paid with blood, if Xia Shi is not killed, her heart will never be at peace.

"Hurry up! The vengeance is finally about to be avenged! Dad, your spirit in heaven can sleep peacefully! Ah, I'm sorry, I betrayed you, I have to use my body to entertain another man..."

Tears swirled in her eyes, and suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, Ulantuya quickly wiped her tears with her sleeves, and looking around, she saw Rilata walking by with a fruit plate on the other side of the corridor.

Wulantuya was a little surprised, Xia Qi was not in the house, who was she entertaining?

Wulantuya followed quietly, and when she went to the living room, she saw two officials sitting upright, talking softly.One was wearing a military uniform, and it was Zhang Jun, the governor, and the other was a civil servant, in his forties, with a clean face, and when talking with Zhang Jun, his expression was very modest.Wulantuya glanced over and felt that there seemed to be something wrong with him, but she couldn't tell.

Zilata was presenting a fruit plate, while Sanapova was pouring tea, and Ulantuya followed in her heart, pretending to help Zilata with something, and listening to them.She is proficient in Chinese, and after listening to the conversation between the two, she realized that the civil servant was not an official of the Ming court, but a civil servant of North Korea.Only then did she understand why she looked at the civil servant a little strangely just now, because the official's crown and robe were the same as those of Ming Dynasty officials, except that there was no patch.

The clothes and cultural relics of North Korea are almost a replica of the Ming Dynasty, and they call themselves "Little China." Xu Juzheng, a Korean literati, once wrote a poem: "If the Ming emperor asks about the three Koreas, the clothes and cultural relics of the country are the same."It's just that North Korea is a vassal state, and its king is only equivalent to the county king of the Ming Dynasty, so the king can't wear a yellow robe, and senior officials of the fourth rank can't wear red robes like Ming Dynasty officials. grade. d.

In the language and learned the Ming Dynasty, communication is not a problem.He is still a child now, and he succeeded to become the king of Joseon more than ten years later. Later, he was called King Sejong, and later developed a phonetic script that fits the Korean language. It was called Hangeul at that time, which is now Hangeul.

But at that time, Korean scholar-bureaucrats and Confucian scholars were ashamed to use it, thinking that it was a vulgar language, not as beautiful and beautiful as Chinese, and only the inferior people were stupid and had to learn to use it.This is quite similar to the fact that the European courts and nobles in the Middle Ages took pride in speaking and writing Latin.Therefore, in the Ming Dynasty, when dealing with North Korean officials, there was no need for an interpreter at all, and their officials could speak fluent Chinese.

"Hehe, Li Pan, what you said, I'm just a warrior, so I don't know much about it, I'd better wait for the minister to come back!"

Zhang Jun listened to the North Korean envoy explain the situation, so he practiced Tai Chi with a smile.The official system of North Korea also imitated the Ming Dynasty, but because it belonged to the country, it could not be the same as the official system of the state, so their "six departments" were not called "six departments." They were called "six cao." "Shang" is called "judgment".This Li Cao judge surnamed Li is equivalent to the Minister of Rites in the Ming Dynasty.

Ulan Tuya dawdled in the living room for a while, and vaguely heard that too many Jurchen tribes that were originally attached to North Korea had defected to the Ming Dynasty recently, and it was enough for them to change their families, and some tribes followed the example of bandits before leaving With one vote, many North Korean men and women were kidnapped. If it was just abduction, it would be fine. There are even Jurchen tribes who persuaded some Korean villages to follow them voluntarily to Liaodong.

It was really intolerable now, so North Korea bit the bullet and sent a minister to negotiate with this rogue governor who was not enough for a gentleman.

Ulan Tuya heard nothing important about what she said, so she quietly withdrew.

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

When Xia Shi arrived at Changshi Mansion, Tang Jie had already left.

Although Tang Jie was really angry, he didn't dare to fight in Changshi Mansion.Although he didn't take this bullshit at all, Changshi's mansion is now in the yamen, but beating a dog depends on the owner. The backer of Changshi's mansion is Fu Guogong Yang Xu, this is not someone he can afford to offend.

Besides, his son is still in the hands of others, so he can't bear it.

So Tang Jie said a few harsh words and left.He left Changshi's Mansion, hesitated for a while in the street, and told him to go directly to see Xia Qi, which was rude, the two had never met before, and they needed an introducer.He is Qiu Fu's subordinate, and Qiu Fu and Xia Shi are enemies again... After thinking about it, Tang Jie went home and confessed, and hurried to Shenyang Zhongwei.

From Kaiyuan to Shenyang, you can walk faster, and you can go back and forth on the same day.This is a serious case of human life. Even if the culprit is just a commoner, according to the rules, he has to go through three trials and five trials. Finally, he has to report to the Nanjing Ministry of Punishment and be executed by the emperor's imperial pen. It is definitely in time.

He still has a few good friends in Liaodong, and some of them are only a few friends. Those who have drank wine at the same table are not easy to entrust. Zhan, maybe this matter has to be entrusted to him, and then contact a few heavyweights in Liaodong, and plead with Xia Qi together. No matter how arrogant he is to assist the Duke, he must rely on these local officials to govern Liaodong. Give?

After listening to Wan Shiyu's detailed account of the incident, Xia Shi glanced at him and asked, "How do you plan to handle this case?"

Wanshiyu said categorically: "According to the law and acting impartially!"

Xia Qi said: "According to the law, what crime should this Wanwuzhu be?"

Wan Shiyu said: "Kicking someone to death with a horse is not a great sin. But beating the sufferer to death with one punch is a crime of certain death!"

Xia Shi acted decisively, raised her eyebrows, and said: "Okay! The facts of this case are clear, the culprit was arrested on the spot, and there is no need for a trial. This case involves two ethnic groups, and it is especially prone to disputes. If you are slow, things will change. Get ready, immediately call the relevant people and wait for the court to decide the case immediately!"

Wan Shiyu was stunned, and said: "Ministry, there is no need to be so anxious? Even if the case is sentenced, the prisoner protested, and it still needs to be reviewed and then reported to the Ministry of Punishment. It's already afternoon, I really think it's a bit rushed."

Xia Chun shook his head and said: "No need! This official is ordered to supervise Liaodong. He has the banner of the king's order. If he is sentenced to death, please ask the banner of the king's order to execute him immediately! The governor will listen to the trial and sit in town for you. If Tang Jie still comes to make trouble, I'll be the governor to deal with it!"

Seeing that Wan Shiyu was still a little confused, Xia Qi sighed softly, and said, "My lord Wan, do you think that the governor's swift and resolute actions are a little unreasonable?"

Wan Shiyu was silent, Xia Tao smiled bitterly, and said deeply: "You are wrong, I did this because of human feelings."

Xia Shi leaned back in her chair, looked at him and said, "Do you think that if I go smoothly in Liaodong, I can fly arrogantly? Wrong, in fact, I pay attention to balancing the relationships and interests of all aspects all the time. Everyone There are emotions, selfishness, and closeness. The most difficult thing to deal with is not how many victories you win, how many rewards you ask for good friends, but to balance the relationship between all aspects.

The current situation in Liaodong seems to be prosperous, but with this prosperity, many problems that did not exist in the past have become prominent.I want to mobilize all forces and devote myself to the development of Liaodong. This incident must not stir up confrontation among the tribes, otherwise those tribes who watched indifferently will suddenly find out that we have always only used them and never used them. They treat it as one of their own, and the hearts of those who have just taken in and are not stable will disperse.

Tang Jie's son is still in your hands, if he leaves this time, will he stop here?I think otherwise, I'm afraid that when he goes there, he will beg everywhere, and all beg me.The crime of Tang Wuzhu deserves to be killed, but so many high-ranking officials have asked for my head, should I give this face?If you give it, you will lose the hearts of the people in Liaodong.If I don't give it, it will inevitably make the officials feel that I am unreasonable. They are doing things below, and it is easy to vent this dissatisfaction on what they do! "

Xia Shi was silent for a moment, then continued: "Human feelings, human feelings, human feelings. From husband and wife, there are parents and children, and then there is a family, tribe, group, society, country,"... and then there is also love, Love for parents, love for children, love for no siblings, love for neighbors, love for hometown, love for robes, love for colleagues, love for subordinates... ".

It is a customary rule of conduct, which may not always conform to the law, but runs through people from beginning to end. Favor is a kind of interest, and this net is everywhere.If I want to run Liaodong, is it possible to solve everything if I hold the power, call the wind and call the rain, and dominate the situation?It would be that simple, the emperor has supreme power, if something goes wrong, if the emperor is asked to sit in charge for a period of time, won't there be no problems?

I want to run Liaodong, what should I run?When it comes to the root, what we manage is the interests of all aspects and the favor of all aspects.Tang Wuzhu must be cut. With this bloody example, the arrogance and arrogance of various princes and generals will be suppressed to avoid bigger problems in the future!If he was dealt with quickly, his father would have no time to collude with him, and he would have been beheaded before the others asked me for it. So it's not that the governor didn't give them face, what do you think? "

Wan Shiyu said solemnly: "Your official understands, so I will summon the plaintiff and the defendant to have a public trial of this case!"

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Advertisement, No. Su' porridge, name: Long Yu, a classic fairy tale novel, brief introduction: life and death are fate, short-term fixation, not a thing in heaven, can be profit or loss.The beginning of chaos, the reason is heart, how much wind and rain, how many ages.From nothing to being, from life to death, yin and yang reincarnation, is life for nothing!Please collect and appreciate!

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