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In the twilight, the border town was about to close. Dozens of fast horses came galloping from the southeast... Bathed in a ray of sunset, it was as if the battle robe was coated with a layer of golden light.

They were dressed in the uniforms of the generals of the Ming army, so the veterans who were about to close the city gate waited for a while, and when the group of people rushed to the city gate, checked their waist cards, they pushed open the half-closed city gate. Ten horses galloped in.By this time, the market had already dispersed, and there were not many pedestrians on the street. A group of people let their horses gallop, and the horseshoes knocked on the gravel road, like dense rain knocking on the window, and there was a crackling sound.

Tang Jie invited Wei Chunbing and several generals, as well as an acquainted capital who rushed from Liaoyang to Shenyang to escort the mountain goods. When he returned to Kaiyuan City, there were few people on the street in front of him. He remembered that his precious son was going to spend the night in prison. Tang Jie was so distressed that he didn't even bother to go home. He talked to several generals and went straight to the governor's mansion.

All the yamen under the shogunate surrounded the governor's mansion. When these people passed the Changshi mansion, they suddenly saw a group of people coming out of it. One of the women was supported by two people, her legs were almost limp. Landing on the ground, the wailing was unbearable.

Tang Jie took a closer look and found that the woman who was crying so hard was his wife Ke Yun, he couldn't help being surprised, he quickly reined in the horse, the horse was rushing forward, when he strangled it, the person stood up, before it could wait for the hooves When it landed, Tang Jie got off his horse, walked towards his wife quickly, and called out, "Keyun, why are you here?"

When Mrs. Tang saw him, her hoarse and weak voice, which was already crying, suddenly amplified, and she wailed, "Sir, Mr.! Our child died so badly! Wuzhu...he was beheaded!"

When Tang Jie heard it, his face turned pale like five thunderbolts, and he said in disbelief, "How is it possible? How is it possible? Even if it is a criminal punishment, how can it be executed?"

Tang Hao, his elder brother next to him, said tearfully: "The governor invited out the Wang Ming flag, so..."

Tang Jie took two steps back, almost fainting, but fortunately he was supported by Wei Chunbing and others who rushed over immediately.

Tang Jie's eyes fell on a bed board carried by his family with dazed eyes. There seemed to be a person lying under a piece of white cloth cut on it. The white cloth at the head was already stained with blood.

Tang Jie tremblingly said: "This...this is like..."

Tang Hao blocked him, and said sadly: "That's Zhu'er's body..." Second brother, you... don't look at it, the corpse is divided into two parts, it's really..."

Tang Jie's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. He didn't expect his son to be separated from him in just one day after returning to his hometown to visit relatives.

For a moment, Tang Jie burst into tears, and hissed to the sky: "Wanshiyu! Yang Xu! Hello! Hello!"

Wei Chunbing and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to make a sound.

Wei Chunbing was originally Shen Yong's confidant. After Shen Yong played the stage, he won Xia Xun's trust after the battle of Yinmahe. Now, he also has military achievements. He has also gained a lot of benefits from mutual trading. His personal His future and interests were tied to Xia Xun. To be honest, he didn't want to make things difficult for Xia Xun.It's just that love is hard to come by, and an old friend begs to come...

Besides, I just went to beg for favors from the Ministry Master, how could I not help in this matter, so I bit the bullet and came here.Who would have thought to rush here, but unexpectedly encountered such a situation, Tang Jie's young master had already been executed, Wei Chunbing was inexplicably relieved, seeing his old friend tearful, felt a little sad.With the same heart, the other generals also said the same thing, and they all spoke to comfort Tang Jie, but they couldn't stop crying.

Tang Jie was full of hatred and became malicious.

There were many soldiers patrolling outside the Changshi mansion, apparently to guard against his desperate efforts. Tang Jie gritted his teeth and looked at the Changshi mansion bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, the hatred in his heart became more and more gentle...

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Wulantuya lightly leveled her eyebrow pencil and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her eyebrows were curved, her vermilion lips and white teeth, and the dim light gave her flawless white complexion a layer of warm jade-like luster, adding a bit of charm.

Wulantuya turned her head to herself in the mirror, and subconsciously pinched the ends of her braids in her hands, her beautiful face showing a sad expression.

She used to think that she was omnipotent, until she had nothing, then she realized that her only weapon was herself.She wished that Xia Xun would be hacked into pieces. Before that, she had to pretend to be obsessed with admiration, and present herself to him in a handsome dress for his enjoyment. "it's time!"

Wulantuya pursed her lips, stood up resolutely, and walked out of her room lightly.

According to her observations over the past few days, the governor of Ming Dynasty went to bed very late every day, and sometimes he went to bed too late to bring supper in from the kitchen, so she inquired from the people in the kitchen that the governor had to deal with a lot of official documents every night .At this time, he should not be asleep yet.Sure enough, when Wulantuya quietly walked outside Xia Xun's bedroom, she saw a light shining from the window.

In this courtyard, apart from Xia Xun's master bedroom, there are three tile-roofed houses in a row, which are the left and right wing rooms. Since she came, Rilata and Sanapova have been facing enemies, and they regard her as an invitation to adults. Her strong enemy, who shared the same hatred, rejected her very much.So the two girls lived in the opposite wing, and she was the only one living here.

At night, the government office also closed its doors, and there were soldiers patrolling along the walls of the yamen outside and the yamen, but the two guards standing guard at the gate of the inner courtyard withdrew instead, and lived in the two courtyards on the left and right, so they would not come easily.

On the opposite side, the lights in the rooms of the two Rose women had been turned off. Wulantuya glanced at them contemptuously, and gently pushed open Xia Xun's door.

As soon as you enter the door is the main room, with calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall directly opposite, a long table of pear wood, an official hat chair on each side, and a table and two chairs on the left and right.The entrance to the hatchback study and the bedroom is behind the wall with calligraphy and paintings. It is a wooden wall with carved patterns next door. There is another set of tables and chairs placed against the wall at the back, and the back door is after going out.

On the left and right sides, there is the left study and the right bedroom. The study and the bedroom are both large and small sets of architectural patterns. The study uses the big one, and the small set only has a couch for lunch breaks. During the day, Ulan When Tuya seduced Xia Xun, she was in the small suite in the study.The size of the bedroom on the other side is actually not small, because according to the architectural layout, this place is the place where the owner of the house sleeps. Generally, the nobles who can afford this kind of big mansion always have maids to wait on them. In the outer room, call at any time.

However, since Xia Xun changed the official residence here, because there is no hostess, in order to avoid suspicion, he has never used personal maids at all. Now the three women he keeps by his side to serve all live in the left and right wing rooms.

Wulantuya turned into the bedroom on the right, and was taken aback as soon as she stepped in.

On the kang in the bedroom that was originally vacant, two people suddenly appeared. The candlestick fixed on the wall was burning with candles. It felt dark under the lamp, which just covered their faces, but it was not dark, and they could still be distinguished clearly. , They are Sanapova and Zilata, shoulder to shoulder, talking in a whisper, when they saw her come in, they immediately widened their beautiful eyes.

Unlike Ulan Tuya, their clothes have changed into Han women's clothes since they entered the Governor's Mansion. At this time, both of them were wearing a double-breasted gauze pajamas and a thin quilt, shoulder to shoulder, with their chests in front of each other. They are pink and lake green "Myrobalan", one embroidered with lotus emerging from the water, and one embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in water wrapping around their unusually plump breasts.

Under the light, the nipple groove is deep, and the clothes are about to come out, outlining a thrilling hot curve: the two girls are both young and unmarried young girls. Although their bodies are extremely mature because of their race, their faces are still the same. Pure and lovely, with a pair of blue eyes like the clear sky after rain, bright and clear, such a pair of graceful and beautiful mortal beauties lying there is really enough to make people dream about.

Wulantuya was stunned for a while, not knowing how to deal with the situation. After a while, she couldn't help asking: "Why are you here?"

Sanapova blinked her big blue eyes and said in blunt Chinese: "My lord is asleep!"

Rilata said defiantly: "My lord, order to serve! We!" Speaking of us, she deliberately puffed out her hot breasts. Compared with Ulantuya, her breasts are obviously better.

Ulantuya clenched her teeth, feeling ashamed and arrogant!

x light x light x time light x time xxxxx Huang x Hong xx time x time xx time

In the inner room, Xia Xun listened quietly until Ulan Tuya walked away with angry footsteps, then smiled at Zuo Dan and said, "Send someone to the Yeliguna River Basin controlled by the Tatars, Holding her portrait, I went around to inquire about the Huaguna tribe who had been slaughtered and this Aba... What Muqi's situation is simply delusional, and there is no need to do so.

When they came to Liaodong, they could not count on foreign aid. If there was a problem, the person with the problem must be herself and the people she brought with her.Her tribe has been divided into more than 20 fortresses by me. I cast nets everywhere, and monitoring and investigation is unrealistic. The governor is very busy in Liaodong, and I don't have the time to waste all my manpower on her. "When Xia Xun returned to the mansion, the North Korean envoy did not return due to the governor. Seeing that it was getting late, he had already left and returned to his residence. Zhang Jun waited at the mansion for Xia Xun to come back, and told him the North Korean envoy's intentions. Xun didn't take it to heart. If you want to talk, it's just a verbal battle. What you say is one thing, and what you do is another thing in secret.

So Xia Xun just confessed a few words and asked Zhang Jun to deal with the other party, and it was over after dealing with the annoying fly.

Tang Wuzhu's case was handled quickly and swiftly. The unlucky Jurchen wife died and her son died, but there was only one culprit. She had a quarrel with her relatives and clansmen in the Changshi Mansion, and she also knew that the man's father was the Ming army. The high-ranking officials in the court originally expected that the case would be settled sooner or later, at most they would be sentenced to exile, and they would be released as soon as they turned around and out of their sight, which was unavoidable.

I don’t want Governor Yang’s ‘justice in animal husbandry law to be equal...’” I really didn’t just talk about it, so I saw the prisoner being tortured with my own eyes, and he was released without the protection of officials, and he didn’t drag a death row prisoner to pay for it. The resentment and anger in his mouth subsided, and when the matter was over, he thanked Xia Xun, and the old and young of the clan left excitedly, and they had to publicize the matter when they turned around.

Virtue without prestige will inevitably lead to indulgence, prestige without virtue will lead to dissent, Xia Xun's act of combining grace and power, once spread, will definitely serve as a warning.

When Xia Xun asked Wan Shiyu to inquire about the case, he went to Taitang Wuzhu's family on purpose, but in the end only Mrs. Tang and her uncle came, but Tang Jie was not at home. It seemed that he was inviting acquaintances, so he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced for the decisiveness of the execution. .When the case was concluded, he was worried that Tang Jie would lose his mind when he saw his son dead when he came back, so he would rush into Changshi's mansion to make trouble, so he specially arranged for soldiers to garrison him.

After these matters were dealt with, he returned to the mansion, summoned Zuo Dan, and began to make arrangements.In all honesty, Xiao Ying is a very special girl, with beautiful appearance and refined temperament, she is different from his sweet wife and concubine, even if she came with some purpose, now that she has raised her vigilance, Xia Xun is confident Will not take advantage of her.It might be easier to find out her reason for coming if she just plays tricks.

But today's Xia Xun is no longer the youthful youth of the past. He has reached the age of thirty, has a family, a business, a wife and children, and he will not be so willful in his behavior.If he wanted a close-fitting girl, it wouldn't be a big problem, but if the other party's identity was unknown and her purpose was unpredictable, he wouldn't be so hungry, so he made this arrangement tonight.

Xia Xun said: "If you send two people to stare at her, if she can't make a plan, she must have another plan. As long as she takes action, she must have contact with people and keep an eye on her. Sooner or later, she will find out her real purpose."

Zuo Dan replied: "Yes!" Then he blinked at Xia Xun, and said with a smile: "Actually, Xiao Ying is very bright, and the minister has no family members by her side. Since she took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, why doesn't the minister follow the plan... ..." Hehe, it would be nice to have a beauty to warm the bed! "

I have been with Xia Xun for a long time, knowing Xia Xun's easy-going temperament, this Zuo Dan dared to joke with him, Xia Xun gave him a look, and said with a smile: "Instigate this governor to violate the king's law, eh? Do things seriously! The emperor immediately Now that I have arrived in Beijing, I have to prepare to go to Beijing to pay my respects, nothing can go wrong here!"

Zuo Dan quickly suppressed his smile, solemnly agreed, and left.When he walked into the outer room, there were two enchanting beauties in sleeping clothes on the kang next to him, but Zuo Dan didn't look sideways. He could be kept by Xia Xun's side all the time, and knowing the rules was his greatest characteristic.

Sanapova and Rilata were very happy being served outside the bedroom by Xia Xun. Ross women don't value chastity very much, and Xia Xun is their only reliance. If Xia Xun wants to call them in to serve, they are They would gladly obey, but Xia Xun didn't signal, and they didn't dare to make obvious teases.

In ancient Russia before the era of Peter the Great, the common ideal of female beauty in all social classes was youth, health, beautiful features and a plump body.The so-called "two hundred beauties" are typical, and they are called "Miss Russia" and are very popular among men.These two girls are very beautiful in the aesthetic point of view of the Han people, but in the country of Ross, although they are not ugly, they can only be regarded as pretty faces, and their figures are really lackluster.So they never thought of seducing Xia Xun actively, because they were a little inferior...

Wulantuya returned to her bedroom in shame and anger. She never expected that Xia Xun would use such means to reject her "devotion". When she looked back, she was suddenly startled: "Could it be that he realized that there was something wrong with him?" I ordered Jinhuangmen to sort out the internal products..."

After thinking about it repeatedly, she didn't reveal any flaws, and she denied the idea: "No! He shouldn't notice anything. He was obviously moved by today's teasing..." Could it be that he has a fierce wife in his family, Feeling guilty?I heard that his wife is the sister of the Empress of Ming Dynasty. I think this woman is not only arrogant but also jealous, so it should be so. "

Thinking of this, she felt relieved, but now, how can she avenge her blood hatred?Wulantuya couldn't help feeling worried, and after thinking for a while, she suddenly thought of the North Korean envoy she saw today, and her heart suddenly moved: "Even if there is no chance to do something for a while, it is still reasonable to cause him some trouble!".Oh, the next chapter will be 600 chapters, so excited!Dear students, stretch out your hardworking little hands and vote for recommendations. Mobile phone users, please do not vote.In addition, students who still have monthly tickets, please support us a lot.

Advertisement, book title: Long Yu, a classic fairy tale novel, brief introduction: life and death have their own destiny, and the short-term is fixed.

The beginning of chaos, the reason is heart, how much wind and rain, how much spring and autumn.From nothing to being, from life to death, yin and yang reincarnation, is life for nothing!Please collect and appreciate!

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