The next day, Wulantuya looked at Xia Xun with a resentful look on her face, walking around beside him, Xia Xun just pretended not to see him.

Wulan Tuya saw that this was not the way to go, and was about to strike up a conversation. Rilata stepped forward with a pair of amazing long legs, and came in with a plate of freshly washed peaches. Chinese said: "My lord, eat peaches, they will be shipped from Shandong!"

According to the aesthetic standards of the Ross people at this time, Rilata's figure was as thin as a wood-bone stick, but compared to Ulan Tuya, she felt that she was tingling, so when she came in front of Xia Xun, she subconsciously tingled. The Shuangfeng, who were already too conspicuous, pushed Wulantuya aside with an elbow when he handed the fruit plate forward.

Wulantuya bit her lips and said softly, "My lord, I want to visit my clansmen. One of them is my distant uncle. I miss my relatives a little bit."

,"Oh that's fine!"

Xia Xun smiled, put down a copy of the book she was flipping through, and said to her with a smile, "It's fine to go out for a walk, and ask Lao Ping to accompany you."

Wulantuya said in a low voice, "Thank you for your concern, sir, no need, Yi Buying can do it by herself..."

Xia Xun interrupted and said, "Kaiyuan City is full of dragons and snakes, ask him to accompany you, or the governor will be worried, huh?"


Ulan Tuya bowed her head in peace, turned around and walked out.

Riata pulled her waist up, like a proud peacock, her big blue eyes triumphantly glanced at Ulan Tuya's back, then went around Xia Xun's back and beat his shoulders for him.

Wulan Tuya walked out with her head down. As soon as she left the room, she clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging deep into her palms. If she only had a deep hatred for Xia Xun at the beginning, now she I am ashamed and angry.After she let go of the pride and shyness of her daughter's family and took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, now she feels like being abandoned by others.

When Ulan Tuya returned to the bedroom, changed her clothes and came out again, a big, furry orangutan-like face approached: "Miss Bu Ying, I'm going out, the Duke told me to follow you! "

This man is Lao Tong, a completely Sinicized Menggu who has settled in Liaodong for many years, but he still tries his best to flaunt his status as a Menggu, because Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and his father and son, in order to divide and win over the soldiers and civilians of the Yuan Dynasty, gave the shoe officials military pay, They are several times higher than the Han officers of the same level, and because most of them are uneducated, they are not needed to run the army and administer the government. They are all paid and do nothing. They are only used when they need to send troops. It's been a thousand days to truly raise soldiers.

This is why Xia Xun insists on treating people equally. You can't discriminate against and suppress ethnic minorities, but you shouldn't treat them like that. The more you pamper him, the more he will remember that he is different from you. This is not conducive to integration.At the same time, it is inevitable that the Han military officers will be a little bit reluctant about this kind of sloppy treatment, which is not conducive to unity.But there are so many problems in the world, Xia Xun can't do everything.

Furthermore, there are only a small number of shoe officials in the military attached high school, so this issue is not the main contradiction.

Now out of the political need to win over the Mongolian tribe, since the imperial court has implemented this policy, it is not appropriate to cancel the trade. Xia Xun doesn't care about this issue.

Wulan Tuya said "hmm", and Lao Ping smiled and said, "Okay, I have prepared two good horses, let's go for a walk, where are we going?"

Ulan Tuya went straight out without saying a word with a sullen face. The old man smiled and followed with his buttocks bouncing.

The old man has long hands and long legs, and his back is slightly stout. His body is not burly, but he is very flexible. Looking at his posture, he really looks like a big horse monkey.

He was originally an officer and soldier of the Liaodong Guard. In the last battle against the shoe target, Xia Xun personally led the troops to the battlefield. Seeing his bravery in battle, especially his excellent equestrian skills, he kept him by his side and appointed him as the commander of the guard and also as an equestrian instructor. , who specially trained Xia Xun's pro-military guards.


Wulan Tuya got on the horse, and just ran to Qingyangbao. The old man talked non-stop along the way, and Wulan Tuya didn't talk to her.She didn't talk to her, and the old man didn't care, he just kept chatting with her, and he was beaming with joy.When they arrived at Qingyangbao, they found her, the residence of "distant uncle" Amur.Those who have been back to this place will naturally find it.

But at that time there was only a simple house, and now the house is not only reinforced,

There is also a small courtyard outside.When Wulantuya arrived at one side, she dismounted from her horse, put the reins of the horse on the saddle, and said to the old man, "Please wait for a while, I will go to see my uncle."

, "Oh, good!"

The old man nodded hurriedly, and his eyes were fixed on her buttocks again. The old bachelor in his 40s, when he looked at her body, his eyes were so hot: "Tsk tsk tsk, this butt is round and upturned, strong. It's as round as a grinding plate for grinding sesame oil, I love it!"

Lao Tong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned over and got off the horse, found an old locust tree, lay down on the root of the tree protruding obliquely, tilted Erlang's side, tilted the pillow, and gently picked up the little golden lotus.The body moved, the buttocks jerked, and I felt dizzy and sore for a while.Calling brother to play slowly, waiting for the girl to pass the test together.For a while, for half a time, the ghosts flew into the sky one by one"

In the [Room], Ulan Tuya said to Amur: "That's right, the North Korean envoy is in Kaiyuan City, if he can be intercepted and killed when he returns, Yang Xu will be blamed for this matter!"

Amu'er hesitated and said: "Don't beg (the respectful title for the daughter of the chief of the tribe), even if North Korea's envoys are killed, North Korea will not have the courage to go to war with Daming. In order to appease North Korea, the Ming court may demote Yang Xu, but A charge of injustice within the jurisdiction cannot kill him!"

Ulan Tuya's beautiful eyes turned cold, and she said fiercely: "I didn't expect to use Daming's sword to kill him because of this matter, but if there is an antagonism with North Korea, Liaodong's heart will be unstable, and he will be powerless to invade our family again. It's always good to give him some trouble!"

She paused, and said again: "Can you get the poison?"

Amur was stunned, and complained: "Don't beg, where are we going to find poison? Alas! We made a mistake. We didn't expect that after we got here, they would be scattered and arranged in various places, and they would ask people to teach us farming. Our bows and arrows The swords were taken away, the horses were also taken away, and they were exchanged for a farm ox at a discounted price. Don’t say that there is nowhere to find poison, don’t beg us to intercept and kill the North Korean envoy, it is also very difficult.”

Zaimu'er said: "To intercept and kill the North Korean envoy, there must be fewer people. We not only want to kill people, but more importantly, we can't let one of our own people stay there to reveal their identity. Without horses, how can we catch up with the North Korean envoy? It doesn't matter if there are fewer people, but if there are more people to be dispatched, he will divide our people into various fortresses, and one of them doesn't even know the way, so where can we contact them?

What's more, if Zi Zi was really contacted, so many people left together, how could the people in this fort not see it?We have no knives and no arrows after we go up, so should we use hoes to fight against others? "

Wulan Tuya couldn't help being stunned when she heard this. In order to avoid people seeing their flaws when they arrived in Liaodong, they naturally couldn't carry poison with them. There are still horse bandits in Liaodong, so buying them for their own use is also a way, but Money is needed to buy horse bandits. Their reason was that they were out grazing at the time. Who would carry some precious jewels with them when grazing?

As a result, until now, he really managed to sneak into Xia Xun's side, and he was helpless if he wanted to kill him.After being stunned for a while, Wulantuya cursed fiercely: "This Yang Xu is as cunning as a fox who has turned into a spirit!"

Amu'er looked at her helplessly, and Wulantuya let out a sigh of relief, and asked, "Is there no weapon left on you?"

Amu'er took out a small knife from his pocket, and said in a shy voice, "The only thing left is this knife for eating meat.

This is a small knife made by Amu'er, the handle is made of poplar wood, the edge is sharpened even though it is sharp, the blade is only a few inches long, and the blade is as thin as a willow leaf, if you don't hit a vital point, you can't imagine killing someone.

Wulantuya sighed, talking was better than nothing, she took the knife and said to Amuer: "Turn around!"

Amu'er didn't understand, so she turned around as she said, and Wulantuya also turned her back, opened her skirt, hid the knife against the inside of her thigh, rearranged her clothes, then turned around and said: "It seems that there is no There is no other way, you can find a way to go to Hada City, find the eyes and ears sent by the Taishi there, ask him for a stun poison, if time is right, ask him to raise a sum of money, and find a way to contact the local Ma bandit."

Arutai has eyes and ears in Hada City, and in the name of doing business, he has been hanging around here for several years. Only Ulan Tuya knows about this line. Right now, she has no other way, and she can't move around at will. I had no choice but to tell Amul the secret.Amuer quickly agreed, "Keep in mind the information Wulantuya told him!

"The emperor has already toured the north, and now he has passed the Yellow River. He is rushing to Quzhuo to pay homage to Master Kong Sheng. Afterwards, he will pass through Gunzhou and Qingzhou to see the two vassal kings. Then he will go to Jinan to live for a few days, and then he will go to Beijing! "

Xia Xun said to Zhang Jun and Wan Shiyu: "The emperor asked me to estimate the itinerary, and I am going to Beijing. It is better to settle down these few days. After I leave, the two of you will take care of things here. You don't need to ask for instructions if it is not a big deal. You can do it yourself." Make a decision. The civil affairs are dominated by Wan Shiyu, and the military affairs are mainly dominated by Zhang Jun!"

The two got up quickly, and Xia Xun said again: "Zhang Xitong is running a government school, and Yi Shiha is contacting the Haixi Jurchen and Savage Jurchen tribes, and they can't get away. The governor took Huang Zhen and Shao Yunfeng to see him Your Majesty, in addition, the Majesty also appointed a few people to go together, one is Ding Yu, the son of the Taishi Alutai who is the swordsman target, and Meng Ge Tie Mu'er, Ahachu and other tribes The leader of the army, Master Wan, you should inform them and tell them to get ready."

"Yes, the officer knows!"

Xia Xun clapped the secret letter in his hand and smiled happily. Although Emperor Yongle delegated power to him and even allowed him to establish a shogunate, some aspects related to the court system were beyond his control. He planned to go back to see the emperor this time. For some problems that are eager to be solved, ask the emperor for instructions, and ask for an imperial decree.Let Liaodong get on the track as soon as possible, and he can rest assured that he will leave this fool and go back to Jinling to enjoy the happiness! @.

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