Secret art, white lotus, golden Buddha... These ordinary things that seem to be juggling are made by a doll, who also claims to be a magic art, and what other titles are there. Could it be, Li Renhu hurriedly turned his thoughts in his mind, and walked out slowly after the crowd of condolences ended.

A few days later, the Peng family officially held the funeral. Chen Yunan and others all came, pretending to be guests and mixing in the crowd, and followed all the way to the cemetery. The whole funeral process was held according to the folk customs of Shandong. There are too many requirements, even if there are some special requirements, and the composition of the people participating in the funeral is complicated and mixed, the Peng family will not make such a big taboo and make any overly conspicuous performance.

Chen Yunan didn't lose confidence because of this, he mobilized all the people in his hand, followed the girl's party all the way, followed them to Potai, and picked a group of guests who left Peng's house that looked suspicious. The most suspicious one crept down quietly.He stayed in Qingzhou alone, while continuing to understand the situation of the Peng family, he wrote a secret letter to Ji Gang through the official post.

At this time, the official station has just been rolled out across the country for a few years, and the rise of Jinyiwei has not been long. The station has not yet become the peripheral eyes and ears of Jinyiwei, but for the transmission of Zifang files, the official station must go all out. Chen Yunan directly found Yicheng, after revealing his identity, a secret letter was quickly delivered to the capital with the highest standard delivery procedures.

When Ji Gang received Chen Yunan's report, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted: I found a treasure!

He intends to get rid of Xia Xun's shadow and establish himself as the supreme position in the court and among the princelings, but no matter which aspect, Xia Xun is a mountain that he cannot avoid, and he is very clear that his behavior recently Xia Xun gradually became dissatisfied with his handling of affairs.So he wanted to get Xia Xun some clues, not because he wanted to bring Xia Xun down, but because he wanted to use Xia Xun's resistance as his own help.

But he never thought that it would be possible to catch such a big deal. Ji Gang was overjoyed and wished he could go to Shandong to investigate the matter himself, but if he wanted to leave Beijing now, there would be too much commotion. In desperation, Ji Gang had no choice but to Immediately deploy sufficient personnel to rush to Shandong to increase the strength of the investigation department there.Half of the eight king vajras under his command were directly transferred to Shandong, and Yin Shenghui from Qianhu, who was most favored by him recently, also went to Shandong.There were hundreds of people in all, and these spies used various identities as a cover to attack the Shandong Mansion aggressively.

Liu Yujue cared more about Xia Xun's orders than the imperial decree. Since he got Xia Xun's orders, he went back and made arrangements overnight. Chen Dong and Ye Ping'an were sent out by him.Liu Yujue's South Town also has secret agents, but not as many as North Town. Due to the department's functions, South Town's establishment will not give so many secret agents, and the imperial court will not allocate so much money.

However, although there are not many secret agents, it is still possible to keep an eye on the movements of a few people. Liu Yujue sent out all his limited power to focus on Ji Gang and his Eight Great King Kongs. He has few people, so he can only focus on important people. And even if there are tens of thousands of troops in Beizhen, the news will always be reported to these brains in the end. As long as you keep an eye on them, you won't be afraid that you won't find any problems.

However, the news that half of the Eight Great King Kongs rushed to Shandong Mansion with a large number of people was quickly sent to Liu Yujue by Ye An. Liu Yujue was baffled by the news, and immediately ordered Chen Dong to chase after Shandong. The troops from Shandong were actually targeting Mrs. Qi’s natal family in Fuguo’s mansion, and immediately sent someone to bring the news back. Liu Yujue was shocked when he heard the news. Chen Dong was ordered to keep an eye on it, and Ye An was asked to keep an eye on it. Ji Gang, he sent another confidant to report to Xia Xun in eastern Zhejiang immediately.


Xia Xun has already arrived in Huzhou. All the way, the disaster relief in various places is not bad. Some officials are struggling in the front line, which is very hard.Many officials still have a sense of responsibility to serve as an official and benefit one party. What's more, effective disaster relief has gained both fame and political achievements.

Xia Xun's positioning of himself is also very accurate. For these officials who are trying their best to rescue the disaster, Xia Xun does not point fingers or go overboard.Xia Xun was only responsible for solving the problems they couldn't solve for them.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, for the people who have no food in their houses due to flooding, each adult will be given a bucket of rice, six liters from six to 14 years old, and children under five years old will not be counted.If the number of people in each family exceeds ten, one stone of rice will be given temporarily.As for those who were not seriously affected by the disaster and whose family wealth was destroyed, but who were temporarily short of food due to the flood, they would borrow rice. An adult borrowed one bucket of rice, a family of two to five members borrowed two buckets of rice, and a family of six to eight members borrowed rice. Three dou, and those with more than nine people borrowed rice for four dou.

Due to the intertwined relationship between local officials and various local forces in these areas, once this power is handed over to them, the local government will put pressure on them, and the local officials will not offend them. , it must be a headache, so Xia Xun completely controlled the government's food relief in the hands of the household officials brought by him, and approved the distribution one by one.

In addition, the crackdown on Jian merchants who made money by hoarding and driving up prices, and the arrest and punishment of crimes caused by floods and chaos, and the government was temporarily unable to control the overall situation and took advantage of the opportunity to cheat, rob, and steal crimes were also carried out at the same time.Xia Xun didn't care because he had a local background, a powerful mission, and the local government shouldn't put on a bad face.

And there is no need for Xia Xun to urge you in this regard. That Yu Shiji Yuyu envoy has a bit of a cool-faced and stern-faced Xiao Zujie posture. As long as he catches him, he will punish him to death.It seems that since Chen Ying presided over the Metropolitan Procuratorate, under his leadership, most of the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have formed such a style of handling cases, but now Xia Xun needs such a cruel official, so he is very supportive.

Physicians and doctors also actively distributed [medicine] wherever they went to treat various epidemic diseases such as dysentery, colds, festering hands and feet, and pink eye disease caused by floods. Xia Xun personally called on local gentry to donate money and materials to carry out local Help yourself, and at the same time urge Suyang Mansion to dredge the river to remove the accumulated water.He was so busy with these things that he could not stop rushing to the next place, but he didn't know that Ji Gang stretched out his black hands behind his back.

When Liu Yujue sent someone to report to him in eastern Zhejiang, Xia Xun had already arrived in Huzhou. This was the last stop he was personally responsible for disaster relief.The disaster situation in other areas is not serious. Local self-help and some relief food allocated by the imperial court are enough, and there is no need to go there in person.

According to the news from the Huzhou newspaper, the disaster situation is not as severe as in Suyang, Songzhou and other places. In the south of Taihu Lake, compared with other areas, the disaster was relatively serious. Besides, it is convenient to walk around from the capital and return to the capital from here, so Xia Xun made this place the last stop.

Xia Xun turned to Huzhou.Food relief has been sent out first for emergency relief, and he spent a long time in other places for disaster relief and dredging the river. When he arrived in Huzhou, the flood had subsided a lot, and most of the area was out of the land.

Outside the city of Huzhou, they started driving away the victims three days in advance, and recruited idlers to dig a big pit, confiscated the dead bodies and burned them, and then buried the big pit. When Xia Xun arrived and the next day, Chang Zhifu set up a large pit outside the city. After setting up the tent, he asked those refugees who he deliberately chose to stay to live in, and cooked porridge in front of the shanty for the relief food sent by the court. Does not fall.

He also invited a doctor to build a medical shed, and those who gave up doctors and asked for medicines showed diligence and love for the people.Chang Zhifu also personally went to inspect the shantytowns, and asked the servants to urge them to order those unkempt people to tidy up, clean their clothes, comb their hair, and wash their faces, otherwise they would not be given porridge. .As a result, the shantytowns of the victims were naturally completely renewed in a day, and everyone's clothes were neat and clean. It seemed that the local self-help had achieved remarkable results.

It's just that in order to restore the spirit of these victims as soon as possible, the porridge donated on the first day was opened to eat. Some of the refugees ate grass and gnawed bark after too long a hard time. , As a result, two "worthless" refugees died, and Chang Zhifu hurriedly asked someone to bury them overnight.

When Xia Xun arrived in Huzhou, what he saw was such a prosperous scene.

Chang Yinglin, the prefect of Huzhou, led the gentry and officials in the city to welcome Xia Xun to the city for ten miles, and saw the victims living in neat and uniform tents, neatly dressed, although most of them were not in a good mood , but looking at the spirit, I saw people coming from the court. Under the organization of the government servants, the refugees lined up on both sides of the road to welcome them, very enthusiastic.

There was steaming steam in the porridge pot, and the smell of rice wafted from far away. Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji and others couldn't help nodding frequently when they saw it.

Your Excellency, the disaster situation in this mansion is much lighter than that in Suyang area. After the flood, the lower officials immediately organized Huzhou gentry to organize self-rescue.

According to the imperial court system, firstly the government stockpiled grain to relieve the disaster, and the gentry in Huzhou also donated a lot of grain,

Clothes, when the relief food from the court arrives, the common people will have no worries about food and clothing.I can say with certainty that at least the people who fled to our Huzhou capital after the floods have been properly resettled, and no one has starved to death so far! "

Chu Meng, a big grain gentry in Huzhou, said with emotion: "Floods are merciless, but there is great love in front of a catastrophe! We are rooted in a hot land, and we should share the worries of the court, do our part, and benefit the people of one side!"

Among the welcoming crowd with strong faces and laughter, there were many men and women who were forced by the government to welcome them. The voices of Chang Zhifu and Chu Liangshen were so loud that everyone could hear them clearly. People are not ashamed, and a few eyes that are hidden behind others, which are not very noticeable, immediately look at them with hatred! @.

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