"Duke, my lords, a residence has been prepared in the magistrate's yamen. The duke and all the lords have come to work hard, please take a bath and change clothes, and take a rest. After that, the officials and people of Huzhou have prepared a banquet. This is a special thanks to the duke and the people. Your lords are so dedicated to the suffering of the common people, please the Duke and all your lords must attend the banquet."

After Chang Yinglin welcomed Xia Xun and others into the magistrate's yamen, he said courteously.

Huzhou is the last stop for disaster relief, and the local self-rescue measures are so effective. Xia Xun felt relieved and relaxed at the same time. When it comes to fatigue, he is really tired. After this journey, he is not traveling in the mountains. Those who came from the water also rolled up their trouser legs and trekked on the front line of emergency rescue and disaster relief.But when it came to the banquet, Xia Xun felt something was wrong, he was stunned and said: "Master Chang, this is not appropriate, we came to Huzhou to help the people, and now..."

Chang Yinglin smiled and said: "My lord, the kindness is hard to turn away! On the ground in Huzhou, the disaster relief is in order, and now the victims have been properly resettled. The people who are temporarily living outside the city will wait until the flood subsides. The local government will help them rebuild their houses and replant some crops. The Huzhou gentry helped the victims by themselves, and it was barely consummated. If they received the relief from the Duke, it would be no problem. Here is the Duke’s visit. The last stop of the disaster relief is to celebrate the success of the Duke’s disaster relief. This is not only to thank the Duke for my people in Huzhou, but also for the elders of the disaster-stricken provinces in Zhejiang. Thank you, the Duke and all the adults. Why is the Duke so cold in Huzhou? Where is the heart of the father?"

"This way please, Duke!"

Chang Zhifu led Xia Xun to his residence, waited for an opportunity to distance himself from others, then lowered his voice, and said quickly: "Ji Gang, the commander of Jinyiwei, is the sister-in-law of the lower official. The Duke’s name is just for nothing. It’s rare to see each other today, and the Duke must accept the wishes of the next official!”

After finishing speaking, he made a haha, and then raised his voice and said: "It's getting late today, the Duke and your lords are tired, so it's not appropriate to ask about official business anymore. In the early morning tomorrow, the next official will report the situation in Huzhou to the Duke and your lords. The Duke intends to go to the countryside to take a look around, so the next official can accompany the Duke!"

Although Chang Yinglin wanted to curry favor with Xia Xun, he didn't want Xia Xun to stay in Huzhou for too long. He was worried that some unscrupulous people who were not afraid of death would come to the Duke and sue him.Today's welcome scene, he spent a lot of thought and prepared in advance for a long time.

If Xia Xun is worried and wants to go to the countryside to see, he has also made preparations in advance, drawing up several places. Xia Xun has never been to Huzhou, which village or town does he know the name?It's not like he has to let himself arrange it, but if Xia Xun can be delayed in Huzhou City for a little longer, he probably won't go to the place to check it out. He has reached the last stop, and the disaster relief here is in order. Are you in a hurry to return to Beijing?

As for the gentry in Huzhou City, he is not worried. Although many gentry are dissatisfied with his behavior of abandoning the victims, they are dissatisfied. Of course, just in case, he still made two-handed preparations. The first hand was to exclude those officials and gentry who were particularly difficult to deal with him, and not let them come to welcome them at all, and also did not let them contact Fuguo Gong and other officials. His line of court officials.

The second hand was to instruct Chu Meng and other gentry who were collaborating with him to spread the word a few days ago, saying that his sister-in-law is Lord Ji of Jinyiwei, and Duke Fu is Lord Ji's old boss. He has a very close relationship with Fu Guogong, so close that he almost said that he has already beheaded Fu Guogong Yang Xu.

How do the gentry and common people in Huzhou know where to go?It's no wonder that they didn't feel afraid after listening to these words. With this incident, even some officials and gentry who originally planned to sue him for crimes had to shrink back and squat obediently.

Xia Xun stopped talking after hearing this, obviously acquiescing to Chang Zhifu's proposition. Chang Zhifu happily sent several court officials to the West Wing. The maids and servants serving in the courtyard are all ready, and they stand there in an orderly manner.

These Beijing officials are used to being waited on in Beijing, but this trip to eastern Zhejiang for disaster relief was very hard, let alone any enjoyment. Now that they are in Huzhou, they are very happy to see the hospitality of the prefect.

All the officials bathed and changed their clothes, and changed into light soft robes. They were accompanied by the officials of Huzhou Prefecture to drink a cup of tea, eat some snacks, and chatting. He came in with a smile on his face, bowed to Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji, Yu Shiji and others, bowed and said, "My lords, the banquet has been prepared, and all the officials and gentry of Huzhou are waiting for you!"

Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji and the others glanced at each other, then put down their teacups and stood up one after another.

Chang Zhifu led Xia Xun and others to a hall for banquets. It is estimated that this is the largest living room in Huzhou Zhifu Yamen. There are more than 20 tables in it, and there is a huge space in the middle. The venue prepared by the dancers and singers looked around, and there were many musicians sitting under the hatchback, tuning strings and playing zithers, and there were indeed singing and dancing to add to the fun.

The banquets were placed on both sides, and there were three empty tables directly in front, and the other tables were already full of people. When Xia Xun and other officials from Beijing arrived, those officials and gentry immediately stood up and bowed their hands to the several adults.Xia Xun, Xia Yuanji and the others also clasped their hands, led by the Chang Zhifu to the chief, and sat down at the table, and then the guests at the other seats sat down one after another.

Xia Xun looked at the halls and pavilions. There are carved beams and painted buildings, gorgeous caisson wells, several tables and chairs, and the paint is bright and clean. It is really luxurious and luxurious, which is a rare place in this place.Chang Zhifu got up first to give a speech, and said hard work to Xia Xun and his party. The officials on the left and right immediately joined in and said a few words in a chaotic manner.Xia Xun got up, pressed both hands, stopped the compliments from everyone, and said some words of encouragement and appeasement to the officials and gentry of Huzhou. just started.

Chang Zhifu and other local officials are very good at talking, and the words they speak make people feel like a spring breeze, and the flattery makes people faint. liven up.

In the center of the living room, there is a red carpet on the floor, and there are twelve beautiful maikos with long sleeves and ribbons in front and back. They look like fairies in the moon, dancing gracefully in the dance room, with red skirts fluttering and graceful dancing.In the hatchback, the teeth are tapped lightly, the sheng pipes are played low, the silk and bamboo strings are played, and the elegant sounds are played in unison, which is fascinating to watch.

Chang Yinglin twirled his beard and took a sneak peek at Xia Xun. Seeing that he was sitting upright, he seemed to be fascinated by the singing and dancing, so he coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Master, Huzhou is the last place for the Duke's disaster relief." Fortunately, Huzhou was not seriously affected by the disaster, and the people can still live in peace. Don't bother the Duke and your lords too much. The following official said that the Duke and your lords don't have to rush back to Beijing, so they can stay in Huzhou for a few more days. day."

"Huh? Ah!"

Xia Xun came back to his senses, smiled and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the government and Taiwan. The emperor is very concerned about the floods in the east of Zhejiang. My country can't stay here for a long time. This time, the disaster relief in various places, judging from the current situation, it is true that Huzhou is the most effective , These circumstances, Ben Guogong will report to the emperor. Tomorrow, Ben Guogong will listen to your Huzhou government to talk about the disaster relief situation, and then choose two places to see, and it will be almost the same.

Although your Huzhou Prefecture was not severely affected by the disaster, and you were able to save yourself in time, there is nothing to do right now.Dredging the river, draining the stagnant water, resettling the victims to return home, repairing and building houses, plowing the fields, and replanting autumn grain are all extremely important things. All the adults can return to Beijing with peace of mind and report to the emperor!Therefore, I won't bother you here any more. "

Chang Yinglin was secretly happy when he heard it, and he agreed, and then tried again: "In this case, why not invite the Duke to Wucheng and Gui'an to have a look tomorrow?"

"Wu Cheng, Gui An..."

Xia Xun pondered, he suddenly thought of Nan Xun, Xiaoye'er Village, all the past, all of which suddenly appeared before his eyes.Ten years, as if this life and past lives seemed so far away, an inexplicable impulse suddenly surged in his heart, he wanted to visit Xiaoye'er Village.It has been ten years now, and his appearance and temperament have undergone great changes. Besides, people are similar. Even if the people of Xiaoyeer Village saw him, who would dare to recognize him as Xia Xun ten years ago? ?

Seeing him pondering, Chang Zhifu thought that he was not familiar with the geography of this area, so he said, "These two places are just south of Huzhou, not far away, and they belong to the larger counties under the jurisdiction of Huzhou. Look at the disasters and disasters in these two places. For disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction, we can basically understand the situation in the whole of Huzhou, and..."

Xia Xun was still undecided, so he said, "Hehe, let's talk about these things tomorrow. Come, have a drink."

Chang Yinglin hurriedly said: "Yes, Duke, please drink!"

He picked up his cup and drank it down. He watched Xia Xun take a sip and slipped his eyes towards the table. Suddenly, he saw those dancers in red dresses retreating gracefully, but a woman in white was slowly walking up in the middle. Stepping back, the crowd of red embraced a little white, although the woman in white was not like the dancers in red dresses, her graceful figure was even more beautiful, like standing out from a group of chickens, her eyes lit up, and she said happily: "Mr. Lord, please look, this one is my daughter Xisi, the Huakui of Huzhou, with the most beautiful singing voice."


Xia Xun glanced around, the red dress dancer had already retreated, and on the red carpet, there was only a girl in a simple and elegant white robe standing, with no makeup, no colorful silk, and a tall figure. Where it is elegant and unremarkable, the arrangement of brocade clothes and night walk sketches is like a touch of fresh green in spring.

Chang Yinglin said with a smile on his face: "Miss Xisi, wait for the Qingge, come here, come forward, this one is the Duke of Fuguo, who has worked tirelessly to help the people on behalf of the emperor. I, the people of Huzhou, would like to respect the Duke of the country with a glass of wine!"

The Xisi girl heard this, and fixed her eyes on Xia Xun. Those eyes were as clear as water, and her whole body was as elegant as a new snow on the top of Kunlun Mountain, radiant and clear to the extreme.This is a happy woman, but without a trace of prostitution, elegant and quiet, beautiful and compelling.

She took a fixed look at Xia Xun, then walked towards Xia Xun. When she walked to the table, Chang Yinglin had already handed over a glass of wine with a smile. Miss Xisi took the glass in her hand, and slowly stood up straight, her bright eyes Staring at Xia Xun, he suddenly said: "You are drinking the blood of the common people, and eating the flesh of the common people. The countless innocent souls who threw themselves into the river are crying in your wine cups. Lord, this wine, you drink it fragrantly." ?"

With a flick of her wrist, the glass of wine splashed onto Xia Xun's face!

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