Wucheng County, Nanxun Town.

There has always been a folk saying that "a city in Huzhou is less than half a town in Nanxun". The elegant and beautiful scenery of Nanxun is like an elegant and beautiful lady, which is always memorable.

Nanxun right now has also been ravaged by heavy rain and floods, but a lady is a lady after all, although she has been ravaged and her face is bleak, her seductive charm has not diminished a bit.

Accompanied by Wucheng County Magistrate Fu Sheng, Xia Xun first arrived at Nanxun, and then the villages below the town.

Before Xia Xun came, Master Fu Shengfu, the county magistrate of Wucheng, knew that the magistrate had been killed, so he was trembling when he saw Xia Xun, fearing that something might go wrong.Naturally, he didn't dare to have that ostentatious ostentation again. When County Magistrate Fu was about to leave the house, he deliberately changed into a half-new, crumpled official uniform, and deliberately put it on the official uniform by the side of his own pond. The hem rubbed some mud.

Wucheng County is a rich and prosperous place. In order to be a stable official here, magistrate Fu did not hesitate to curry favor with Chang Yinglin. It is also common to give money to women, but those who flatter and curry favor with superior officials are not necessarily corrupt officials. However, magistrate Fu still cherishes the locality very much.He studied hard for ten years, became a Jinshi in high school, and it is normal for him to be the seventh rank of Wucheng County. He also wants to make some political achievements.

However, in an extremely complicated place like the officialdom, how can everything be done from the heart?Hai Rui is spotless, with a clean hand, leaving only his own name, and he has achieved nothing for the country and the people.It's true that Qi Jiguang bribed and gave beautiful women, flattered and flattered him, but he has made a great career with great vigor and vitality, and is a real national hero.

Human nature is very complicated. Only in the eyes of those who think very simple, will they think that black is black, white is white, good officials must have no disadvantages, and stupid officials must have no disadvantages.Living in a complex environment, sometimes in order to do things and protect ourselves, we have to do something against our will.

Fu Sheng is such a person. Faced with a black-hearted superior, if he wants to keep his official position, he has to do something to cater to his wishes. But for the local people, he still does his best within his ability He has fulfilled his duty as an official.But he did not hesitate to use some scheming methods.

Xia Xun did not make things difficult for him. Seeing that Wucheng County had taken in many disaster victims, magistrate Fu also called on the local gentry to come forward and set up many porridge sheds to help the people. His performance is still very acceptable.Accompanied by County Magistrate Fu, Xia Xun only stopped in Nanxun for a short time, and then began to inspect the villages and towns below.

Some villages and towns were seriously affected by the disaster. In some villages and towns, the floodwaters have receded. The silt is being cleaned up, carrion corpses are being cremated, and some simple tools are used to disinfect and prevent epidemics. These are the experiences that the people have explored for thousands of years.

The ancients were not ignorant of post-disaster epidemic prevention. In many cases, post-disaster epidemics were not because they did not understand the knowledge, but because they did not have the corresponding conditions.Thousands of miles away, he couldn't find a stick of dry firewood, and he didn't even have an iron pot. When his hands were empty and thirsty, and his throat was smoking, even if he knew that drinking boiled water was better than cold water, what was the use?There are rotting corpses of humans and animals everywhere, and when those who survived stumble when they walk, even if they know that the corpses should be cremated or buried deep to prevent the plague, who can go deep into the disaster area to do so?

Fortunately, the eastern Zhejiang area is a wealthy place in the whole country. Despite the catastrophe, the family is still there. The disaster relief work is much better than that of the poor and backward areas. Xia Xun feels relieved when he sees it.

Xia Xun found Xiaoye'er Village. To be precise, he found the place where Xiaoye'er Village used to be.

Standing on the small boat, staring blankly at what was originally a small village, Xia Xun's expression was blank.

It has been a long time since the rainstorm season, and the place is still half submerged under the water surface. It is conceivable how serious the disaster has been here.

This is a slum area, resettled by the old people in Zhangshicheng, a group of untouchables who were not even allowed to do farming, and could only do some chores to make a living. Their houses are shabby, but now the water has receded by more than half, but Xia Xun looked around, but he didn't see a roof. All the houses had collapsed. He could recognize it because Xiaoye'er Village hadn't changed much in the past ten years, especially the village layout. From some ruined walls slightly protruding from the water, and from a few pagoda trees that he occasionally recalled in his dreams, he can still vaguely remember the appearance of the whole village.

When he came to this world, the first place he saw when he opened his eyes was this place, which was equivalent to his birthplace.

He was lying by the river at that time, and Uncle Hu, who caught frogs and fished for a living, took him in. This village is populated by extremely poor people, but these people who are struggling at the bottom of the society, although their houses are crude and their clothes are shabby, even Girls from some families can only go to the city to be the most humble sisters in Liuyingyao. Their bodies are filthy, but their hearts are clean.

They live at the bottom of society, in the darkest corners, as long as they can get a glimmer of light, it is their greatest joy.And it's such a group of people who are indifferent to the world, and now none of them can be seen. Seeing such a big water situation here, Xia Xun really dare not extravagantly hope that a few of them will still be alive.

With a gloomy face, he looked at the water flowing slowly under his feet, and said in a deep voice: "The torrential rains this year are indeed rare in decades. It is not the responsibility of your local government to cause disasters due to accumulated rain. But what about the floods here? Could it be so serious? Is this just a natural disaster?"

County magistrate Fu hurriedly replied: "My lord, this village is next to a river, and the water is too big. When the water comes down, the people living along the river will be the first to suffer..."

Xia Xun turned his head and glanced at him, his eyes were not very cold, but magistrate Fu shivered involuntarily, his knees softened, he knelt down on the boat, and said with a mournful face: "If you return to your father-in-law, your servant It's really...it's really impossible!"

Xia Xun said coldly: {Baidu Jinyi Night Walk} "Tell me, why didn't you do anything?"

County Magistrate Fu ignored Chang Yinglin, gritted his teeth, and recruited them all: "My lord, you don't know that the Hegong money allocated by the imperial court has not been allocated a single penny to the magistrate. To tell you the truth, my lord, even though the officials are unscrupulous and don't take the former criminals who live in Xiaoye'er Village seriously, but in the whole Wucheng County, do the officials dare not take it seriously?

Let’s just say that in Nanxun Town, there are many high-ranking officials living here. If you take any one out, the officials who are as big as sesame seeds and mung beans are no match. Are you willing to spare the officer?In desperation, Xiaguan also proposed to the Huzhou government to allocate more or less money.

There are so many high-ranking officials in Wucheng County. Even if the small county receives a penny, they will never dare to be greedy. It is bound to be used for water conservancy maintenance.But... behind Mr. Chang is..., not to mention the officials who have already retired, even the officials who are in court, people don't pay attention to them, they are so indifferent!

Seeing that the river course has been in disrepair for a long time, not to mention accidents when there is a big disaster, even if it is not used to irrigate the farmland, the lower officials have no choice but to call the rich gentry and merchants in the county, and they are brave enough to ask everyone to donate some money , was able to hire migrant workers to repair water conservancy. "

County magistrate Fu swallowed his saliva and said, "How can the entire river section be repaired for that cup of water? If it is spread out and mended everywhere, it will be useless at all. This flood will destroy the entire river in Wucheng County. The child will be gone, and the people of the whole county will suffer. Besides, the donors live in the city, and the officials don’t build the embankment first, is it okay? So here..."

Xia Xun said coldly: "So here... there are only some dispensable people living here, so we have to let them fend for themselves!"

County magistrate Fu was so shocked that his face turned blue, he kowtowed repeatedly: "I'm a criminal! I'm a criminal!"

His head hit the deck of the cabin with a bang, and his forehead was bruised for a moment.

Xia Xun said slowly: "Get up, you have at least done your part in office, and the Duke will not blame you for things you are unable to do!"

Fu Sheng was overjoyed, and continued to kowtow: "Thank you for the kindness of the country! Thank you for the kindness of the country!"

Xia Xun waved his hand, and his face sank immediately: "But there is something that you are capable of doing! In the past, Chang Yinglin covered the sky with one hand, and you could only look up at him, but now Chang Yinglin is in prison , Yu Yushi is looking for evidence of his crime, why do you still know about it and not report it?"

County magistrate Fu hurriedly said: "I understand, I understand! The details, I will write clearly after returning, and report to the royal envoy to know!"

Xia Xun pondered for a while and said again: "In Wucheng County, many high-ranking officials live in seclusion, and Chang Yinglin dares to be so bold, so you can imagine how cruel the exploitation of other places is. The counties in Huzhou Here, Wucheng is considered the first county, so you must have some reputation among the county officials..."

Fu Sheng knew the elegant meaning when he heard the stringed sound, and immediately said: "Yes, I will definitely contact my colleagues in various counties and write a letter together to report Chang Yinglin's crimes and give justice to the common people!"

Xia Xun nodded, looked back silently, and once again looked at the vast ocean where Xiaoye'er Village was located. Ten years ago, it seemed like a dream.

The homes of the grain gentry were ransacked, and the grain seized on the spot became stolen goods, and there was absolutely no reason to return it. Yu Shiji was a bit ruthless in "breaking the door and ordering Yin", so he directly filled all the grain back into the treasury and made The official rations were provided, and the gap of 60 dans of rations was plugged.Xia Yuanji was not too polite, he temporarily took the post of magistrate of Huzhou, and immediately opened a warehouse to sell grain to the citizens at a fair price, and approved the disaster-stricken people in all counties to allocate grain to them, either as relief or loans, to make up for the lack of grain relief from the court.

Under the mobilization of Xia Yuanji, the conscientious gentry in Huzhou City saw that the overall situation was settled, and came forward to report the crimes against Chang Yinglin and his followers. Corrupt officials who were colluding were arrested one after another.Immediately afterwards, the county magistrates headed by Wu Cheng wrote letters to report the crimes committed by the Huzhou government.

Yu Shiji's addiction to catching people has come up, and he will be arrested if he is told, and he will arrest a family. His appearance is a bit like Chen Ying, Xiao Zujie, and Ji Gang's soul possessed. It doesn't matter if it's even close, it can arrest half of the people in Huzhou City.

When Yu Shiji was busy arresting people and ransacking their homes, and Xia Yuanji was busy promoting the relationship between the government and the people, Xia Xun began to think about the future life of the victims. The disaster relief can be done now, but the disaster relief cannot last until next year's autumn harvest. The scourge of stinky fish has been too severe, and there are countless refugees.Some people in Susong and other prefectures were also severely affected by the disaster. What should these people do?

Xia Xun thought hard for a while, and suddenly remembered the Dabaoen Temple in the capital that required more than [-] people to serve and build, and his heart suddenly brightened...

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