On the second day after Xia Xun rushed back to Huzhou City from Nanxun Town, a guard dressed in casual clothes approached the magistrate's yamen slightly.The gate guard first found Lao Ping, and when he saw Fu Guogong's close guard, the Jin Yiwei explained his true identity to him. After Lao Ping checked his Jin Yiwei's waist card, he immediately took him to see Xia Xun.

"Master Guo, this is the secret letter that Lord Zhenfu wants the villain to hand over to Duke!"

The Jin Yiwei took out a secret letter from the mid-layer of the shoe upper, and handed it to Xia Xun. Xia Xun had checked that the sealant was sealed correctly, and when he opened the letter, he couldn't help being surprised.Naturally, Liu Yujue's letter does not specify Dao's surname. It is very clear, and there is no inscription or signature, and the content is very subtle. People who don't know the inside story may not be able to guess what they are talking about after seeing this letter, but Xia Xun How could he not understand what he personally told Liu Yujue?

Xia Xun's expression changed slightly, and he immediately lit the candle and burned the secret letter face to face. He didn't let go until the letter was burnt to the last piece, and watched the piece of paper fall to the ground and burn to ashes .

"Go back and tell Mr. Liu that he has done a good job, so be more careful and keep an eye on him!"

"As ordered!"

Xia Xun nodded, and Lao Teng led the Jinyiwei of Nanzhen Fusi away, Xia Xun's brows were immediately furrowed tightly.

He had already received the letter from his family, and knew that Ziqi had taken the child back to Shandong for the funeral, but he did not expect that this would attract Ji Gang's attention.Halfway through the Eight Great Vajras, they brought no less than a hundred men. In such a big battle, something must have been discovered.

If Ji Gang was after Xie Xie, Yi Xiaodi, or even Su Ying who was a pirate, Xia Xun would not panic at all, but the secret identity of the Peng family is the emperor's reverse scale!Although under his deliberate guidance, the Peng family has gradually neglected educational affairs in the past few years and focused on doing business to make a fortune, but once this identity is exposed, it will still be a catastrophe.

The White Lotus Sect has gone deep into the people, and there are too many ordinary believers. The imperial court has never exterminated the ordinary people. It's enough to go home after the altar, but those big and small bosses, core figures... will never let go.

Who would believe that if the power of the Peng family was from Bailian Zhong, he would be an ordinary congregation?

If you know the [true] identity of Mrs. Peng again...

Xia Xun stood up abruptly, wishing she could fly to Shandong immediately.

"Don't panic, don't panic, the more important things happen, the more you can't panic!"

Xia Xun rubbed her hands and closed her eyes gently.

Ever since he pretended to be Yang Xu and became a scholar in Qingzhou, he has experienced many adventures, but in recent years, he has rarely encountered such a crisis where life and death are hanging by a thread. Life and death crisis.

After closing his eyes and meditating for a while, Xia Xun's breathing gradually calmed down. He leaned back on the chair, his eyes slightly closed, and said nothing.After sitting like this for more than an hour, I gradually cleared my mind.

"Cough come!"

Xia Xun said hello, and Lao Tie walked in immediately.

At this hour, several groups of people have come to Xia Xun, but the old man went to the door to report several times, but Xia Xun turned a deaf ear to it, and the old man was worried, so he quietly opened the door to check, and saw that his master was there in good order. Sitting on the chair, his chest undulated slightly, as if he was taking a nap, and the old man didn't dare to disturb him, so he went out again, and coaxed everyone away by finding any reason.

Since then, he has been guarding the door, waiting for Xia Xun to summon him. When Xia Xun called, he immediately walked in and bowed to obey.

Xia Xun said: "Ask Gao Chu to come see me!"

The old spray was stunned, and said in a stuttering manner: "Grandpa, I don't know who Gao Chu is?" Xia Xun said: "The one who drives the car for me."

Lao Thong patted the back of his head, and suddenly realized: "Oh, Xiao Gao, the coachman, what are you looking for, Mr. Guo..., yes yes yes, Lao Thong will go right away!"

The old man left in a hurry, and after a while, Gao Chu stood in front of Xia Xun.

Gao Chu has a thin and strong body, fair skin, always smiling, like a big girl with a very gentle temper.From groom to driver, this profession has been very good since ancient times. Of course, this refers to drivers who serve dignitaries.A qualified driver must have good eyesight, be diligent in doing things, and keep his mouth shut.

Basically, he is like the horse pulling the cart. No matter where he goes, people will pay attention to the people in the cart, and no one will notice him.Although he was in charge of driving Xia Xun's car, even Xia Xun's cronies and guards only called him Xiao Gao, and no one remembered his name.But such an unremarkable person is usually one of the car owner's confidantes.

At this moment, Xiaogao, the groom, stood in front of Xia Xun, calm and calm. Many officials might feel a little embarrassed when they were around Xia Xun, but he might not seem determined.

There were only the two of them in the room, and Xiao Gao asked calmly: "Master, is there something important?" Xia Xun nodded heavily: "Yes, you go to Shandong right away, go to Pengjiazhuang, Qingzhou, find Mrs. Qi, and write this letter from me personally." Give him the letter. Then..."

Xia Xun whispered to him, no matter what he heard, Yi Xiaogao didn't show any surprise or panic on his face, he just listened so seriously, and didn't nod until Xia Xun finished giving instructions, He took the letter and hid it next to him, cupped his fists at Xia Xun, turned around and walked out.

Xia Xun stood silent for a long time, and murmured: "Lao Ji, are you going to get my black material? You are forcing me to turn my face!"

"Holy Majesty, the people of the four counties are suffering from floods. There are no old and old grains, no new seedlings, the old and the young are screaming, hungry and hungry. Although there is food relief from the court and local self-help, the victims can be temporarily settled, but relief cannot If it continues until the Ming and Autumn period, the tragedy of selling children and men and women will be unstoppable in my eternal life.

The minister thought that it is better to teach him to fish than to teach him to fish. Today, the Dabaoen Temple in Kyoto needs more than [-] laborers, and people from all over the country need to go to Beijing to serve in turn. If the people affected by the disaster in eastern Zhejiang can go to Kyoto to build the Dabaoen Temple For one thing, with work in lieu of relief, the victims of the disaster can be settled, avoid troubles, and the people in all directions will avoid the pain of running around..." After several days of investigation, a series of crimes of Chang Yinglin surfaced one after another, Xia Xun will Throughout the disaster relief process, the disaster situation, relief situation, military and civilian performance in various places, especially a series of problems in Huzhou are all written in the memorial. s arrangement.

With Xia Xun dictating and Xia Yuanji writing a memorial, it took an afternoon to write it. Xia Yuanji checked it several times to confirm that there were no typos or taints. Immediately send the capital.

After the matter was settled, Xia Xun left the prefect's yamen to live outside the city. Because the water was slowly receding, the people who had fled outside the city of Huzhou heard the news, worried about the pots and jars at home, and were anxious to return to their hometown.After the government distributed a certain amount of food relief according to the population, the victims of the disaster have returned to their hometowns one after another in the past few days.

The top leadership team of Huzhou Prefecture was almost taken over by Yu Shiji. Fortunately, the officials at the grassroots level are still there. Most of them have no major problems. The harm is not serious. In Yu Shiji's view, if there is a problem, it should be copied. However, if the local officials in Huzhou are wiped out, who will take care of the disaster relief at the critical moment of disaster relief?

This is not a child's play house, you can't do it, I can just grab a little friend and let him do it, court officials, how can you give it to me.By the time you wait for the imperial court to re-appoint officials, wait for them to get familiar with the place, understand their subordinates, and prepare to open government offices, those victims will have starved to death, or gathered in the mountains and forests to rob their homes.

Therefore, under the unanimous control of Xia Xun and Xia Yuanji, Yu Shiji's blow to Fan Tong did not expand further.

The gentry and common people in Huzhou have been fully mobilized. Once the long-standing anger erupts, the common people who used to act like sheep have turned into angry lions. The call for repaying the people of Huzhou and the victims of the disaster is getting louder and louder. At first, the people affected by the disaster petitioned, and then the people in the city petitioned. Now the gentry have also publicly elected respected figures as representatives, and handed over the letter of Wanmin to Yu Qingtian.

Yu Shiji was still calm at first, and he sent all the petitions to Xia Xun, but Xia Xun was more calm than him, and always ran out of Huzhou City to check on the ground in various villages and see See if there are any officials who are lying and whether they are vague about the disaster relief matters. As for the crimes and petitions submitted by Yu Shiji, Xia Xun is equally heartbroken, expresses his indignation, and expresses his understanding, but he can't hear a single word from him. The word "kill".

Yu Shiji was in a hurry. At first Xia Xun supported Huacha Chang Yinglin. He thought that Fu Guogong was ruthless, had no distractions, and didn't give Ji Gang face at all. Looking at it now, I dare to say that Fu Guogong is more slippery than loach He and Xia Yuanji both heard about Chang Yinglin's case in court. If Duke Fu didn't investigate it, once it got to the emperor's ears, it would be detrimental to him. He couldn't possibly not investigate.

But he investigated, but hid behind the scenes, and used himself to investigate and deal with this big corrupt official. Now that the truth of the case is revealed, he has written to the court to explain the process, and there is no decision to kill him in Liaodong. It can also be understood that he is giving Ji Gang face, leaving room for Ji Gang to make a move, once Ji Gang can really convince the emperor...

Yu Shiji couldn't sit still, so...

When Xia Xun was about to rush to Dongcheng, countless people surrounded several old people who were highly respected in Huzhou City to welcome Xia Xun.

"My lord, Chang Yinglin has done a lot of evil, the sky is angry and the people are wronged, not killing is not enough to lead the people to be angry!"

"My lord, kill the corrupt officials!" "The wronged man who died, watch from the sky!"

Seeing their posture of raising their arms and shouting, Xia Xun frowned slightly: "How did you come back?" At this moment, the crowd divided, and Yu Shiji walked over with a solemn expression, and immediately there was excitement in the crowd. Shout: "Yu Qingtian is here! Master Qingtian is here!" Yu Shiji walked in front of Xia Xun, with his feet spread out, he stood steadily, arched his hands, and said in a clear voice: " Duke Guo, the elders in Huzhou were very angry. The officials tried to dissuade them again and again, but they still couldn’t appease them. Because the officials couldn’t make up their minds, the elders came to petition the Duke. The Lord, the officials also thought that Chang Yinglin and his colleagues All the gangsters are guilty of heinous crimes, and not killing them will not be enough to anger the common people, I am willing to speak out on behalf of the people and plead for the people!"

He licked his robe, knelt down, and said solemnly: "Please ask the Duke to sacrifice the flag of the king's order, and kill the common thieves to return justice to the world!"

When the Huzhou petitioners saw them, they immediately knelt down, and a crowd of people crowded the long street, shouting in unison: "Please ask the Duke to sacrifice the king's order flag, and kill the common thieves to return the world justice!" @.

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