Why did Harry suddenly see through his identity, why Harry was obviously moved by his proposal but did not accept it, why did Harry catch such an important person as him, but his expression always inadvertently showed a kind of bewilderment , anxiety and fear.

Although Xia Xun hadn't read Timur's letter, but with his meticulous thinking and powerful reasoning ability, he understood a general idea at this moment: the guest who broke into the living room must be the Gaisuyeddin faction The person who came, this person must be an envoy who accompanied Gaisuyeddin to visit Daming, so he recognized himself.

And Harry's strange behavior, as well as what he said about handing over military power, indicate that the struggle for power within the Timurid Empire has reached a fever pitch, and Harry is the loser of this internal struggle and is about to become a political victim !

After thinking through all this, Xia Xun's confidence greatly increased. He slowly straightened his waist, looked at Harry Sultan haughtily with a condescending look, and sneered disdainfully: "Harry, I thought you were an extremely wise man." I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

Harry was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly heard such a dismissive comment, he couldn't help turning around, and looked at Xia Xun who was acting in a daze. This person was obviously his prisoner, but with his appearance, he thought it was where?Is he in the Duke's mansion of Daming?

Hasulidan said in surprise: "What did you say? I'm stupid?!"

Harry let out a "chi" laugh, and said mockingly: "Yes, I am stupid, I have been teased by you for so long, and I almost send you away in person, it is indeed stupid enough.

However, my luck was obviously better than yours, and you still fell into my hands in the end!Your Excellency, you are now my prisoner! "

Xia Xun smiled gracefully: "I am your prisoner, but I am still alive. As long as I want, I can live forever, but what about you? Your Highness Harry Sultan, don't you think that my capture is a big problem for you?" Unlucky?"

"Unfortunate? Absurd! Are you crazy, Your Excellency the Duke!"

Xia Xun said leisurely: "I'm not crazy, you are the one who is crazy! The whole Tarbugul knows that I am your distinguished guest, your guest, and your good friend. Argus knows, Suo Ya'er Ha also knows, everyone knows. Is it your fault that I was caught? Unfortunately, the person who recognized me was not yours, but your enemy's subordinates!"

Xia Xun didn't know the identity of the centurion at this time, but he had already guessed that the reason why he was exposed was because that person found something wrong.From the man's forced entry into the living room and Harry's attitude towards that man, Xia Xun could naturally analyze that this man came from a political camp that was hostile to Harry.

Xia Xun stared at Harry, and said in a deep voice: "So, when I appeared in front of Timur, the credit for catching me will not belong to you. On the contrary, this matter will be made a fuss by the people. You even said that you were in collusion with me, and you were carrying out some kind of conspiracy, just because I was found out, you had to sacrifice me to protect yourself, etc. "

Harry, who was already in a state of apprehension, anxiety, and panic, was stung by these words. He growled angrily like a cat whose tail had been stepped on: "Duke, wake up! I was just captured. Bing Quan, what do you think my incompetent uncle and that stupid prince can do to me? What a joke! Sultan Lou Harry will follow in Iskandar's footsteps, it's extremely absurd!"

In fact, Xia Xun has been looking for something to talk about all the time, the purpose is just to keep Harry.Because if Harry Sultan leaves here, he may never have a chance to talk to him again, and then the news of his arrest here will spread everywhere, and then there is really no room for redemption.

So he deliberately alarmist, just looking for topics to keep Harry, his brain has been nervously thinking about how to find a breakthrough in the conversation.Now seeing Harry's fierce reaction, Xia Xun intuitively felt that Harry's current situation might be more dangerous than he had guessed.

Xia Xun became more determined in his heart, and the expression on his face became more calm. He emphasized his tone, and said, "Your Highness Harry, don't deceive yourself. Sending me to Timur is sending yourself to hell. There is no objection!"

Harry laughed loudly: "I am the grandson of Timur Khan, do you think anyone who wants to deal with me can deal with me? Now that you are caught, it is a great achievement. Maybe Khan will make me happy when he is happy." Take back the military power! Your words are the jokes I have heard all my life, would the Great Khan believe these nonsense?"

Xia Xun said indifferently: "Timer Khan may not believe it, but there must be someone who "believes" and there will be more than one person who "believes". They not only "believe" themselves, but also try hard to make Timur Khan believe. They will Keep talking to Timur Khan, and even find a lot of "evidence, come, until Timur believes their words.Possibly, at the right time, I will also accept the conditions put forward by some people and act as their witness! "

Harry was very angry, and his face twisted a little: "Your Excellency, are you threatening me? I can take your body to see Timur Khan and keep you silent forever!"

Xia Xun smiled and said: That's really great, people who want you dead... then they will have more reason to believe it.In fact, you are in collusion with me, because my dead body will become more powerful evidence than what I said with my own mouth! "

Harry argued angrily: "If I had colluded with you, would I have made you appear on my banquet list in such a high-profile way?"

"What's so strange about that, because it never occurred to you that anyone would know me in this place!"

"If I really colluded with you, then when someone recognized you, why didn't I kill the person who recognized you.!"

"I don't need to worry about this issue. Your political opponents will always think of a reasonable explanation! For example, a very important person came forward and admitted that he was there at the time, and many people were there. You can't use silence to explain it. Cover up that fact!"

Xia Xun stared closely at Harry's eyes, and said sinisterly: "As far as I know, Suo Yaerha will be the direct descendant of the prince! After His Royal Highness Iskandar was killed by slander, he replaced Iskandar Your Highness, become the governor here. Do you think that if the Crown Prince instructs him to do so, will he testify?"

As if struck by lightning, Harry couldn't help but take two steps back.

Xia Xun smiled and said: "There is such a group of people. When you have not made a mistake, they will try their best to find your fault and kill you. When you have an opportunity, they will let it go? When this matter It may be a credit to you, and when it is possible for you to regain power in the military, do you think they will not try their best to pull your back?

Your Royal Highness, to put it bluntly, you may be a genius in military affairs, but in politics, you are as naive as a newborn baby! "

Harry's complexion was even paler. Timur admired him more, but compared to the stability of the great empire created by Timur, it was clear at a glance which was more important.One grandson is really nothing, he has many grandchildren.The Timur Empire also followed the system of setting up a prince, and the crown prince naturally held a higher position in Khan's heart than him.

And his fourth uncle, that shameless guy will also make trouble.His grandfather had countless grandsons, but only had four sons, and only two of these four sons were left alive. One was his frail and sick father, who was never liked by his grandfather, and the other was this right-hand man. Marshal of the road army.

This uncle's position in his grandfather's heart is also far more important than him, and he is also much loved.This can be seen from the fact that he arrived at the assembly point on time and provoked the fury of his grandfather because he did not launch an attack, but his uncle who arrived late was not punished in any way.

If the crown prince and the fourth uncle had a tacit understanding and decided to join forces to kill him first, then Xia Xun stared at his expression and said sincerely: "Harry, your enemy is not me, at least, your most dangerous enemy is not me! We Why don't you sit down and talk, maybe we can really cooperate and make a big deal!"

Harry shook his head slowly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Impossible! Gesuyeddin will come to take over my military power soon, and it will be too late for anything.,,

Xia Xun said: "It's all about human effort. Two people can think of more solutions than one person!"

Harry Sultan said: "Every method you mentioned is impossible to implement! When I lose my military power, I will only be a nominal emperor's grandson, and I will become an incompetent dwarf. Except for my servants and servants, I can no longer command anyone!"


Harry shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood right now, please rest, Your Excellency, I'll come see you again tomorrow!"

Harry walked out with his Tongze and guards, the door closed with a bang, and there was the sound of it being locked outside.


It was late at night, and Harry was sitting at the table, drinking wine with a heavy heart, one glass after another, as if he had to get himself drunk and completely numb his nerves before he could fall asleep.

Omi wore a soft nightgown, stepped on the soft carpet with bare feet, walked lightly to turn on the dimmed oil lamp, and then returned to Harry, sitting on another chair Sitting down, looking at him worriedly.

Harry Sultan raised his neck and drank another glass of wine, then looked at Omi with red eyes, and said shyly: "Omi, can you imagine? Captured an important person in Ming Dynasty, but brought me Greater danger and unpredictable fate."

Omi comforted him and said, "Harry, he's just alarmist, don't take it to heart."

Harry Sultan shook his head: "No, Omi, you should never underestimate the degree of shamelessness of a politician. They can say something from nothing, and turn black into white! They will do everything possible to attack their political opponents! I mistakenly called Da Ming The duke is a friend, and the people who saw through him are Gesuyeddin's subordinates. They will definitely make a big fuss about this matter.

"Omi, Yang Xu is right, I am too naive!"! .

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