
Omi blinked her big black and white eyes, and said expectantly: "But, wise Timur Khan, would you believe such a stupid lie?"

Harry said slowly: "I have never seen a monarch who is more capable of fighting than our Khan, but a great monarch will be blinded if he is surrounded by villains. Don't forget, I How his cousin Iskandar died.

In the past two years, Khan has had too much dissatisfaction with me, that's why he believed the villain's slander, thinking that I stood still, timid and fearful of the enemy, and even wanted to deprive me of my military power.At this time, if my ulterior motives come out again..., Omi, you must know that before Han Jier was imprisoned, he didn't even have these faults..."


Omi had no idea either, so she could only take his hand, kiss her affectionately on her lips, then put his hand on her cheek, and whispered: "Harry, don't be so melancholy, you won't If something happens, nothing will happen, I have heard a revelation from God, and God said plainly that you will be king in Samarkand, so... you will be all right!"

Harry said dejectedly: "Impossible, unless the Khan withdraws his order, otherwise, when I return to Samarkand, it will be the beginning of my nightmare..."


Xia Xun hadn't slept yet. He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on, with iron chains on his hands and feet.The chain was not very thick, but it was made of the best steel, and it was very strong. He tried tinkering with it for a long time, and even scratched his ankle, but the iron chain didn't lose its shape at all.

He thought about it carefully for a long time. At this point, the Ganliang army may have confirmed his death. Maybe even the emperor knew it. Such a long time is enough for the Ganliang army to make adjustments to the response and deployment. He was captured alive. It is still of political significance, and it will not have much impact on Daming's military, which makes him feel a little comforted.

And his personal fate... Judging from Timur's past performance, he did not have the habit of slaughtering important captives, but liked to raise them as trophies. For example, he was in India, because [-] prisoners slowed He stopped the pace of his march, and thus ordered the killing of all the [-] captives.

However, among these people, all the entertainers and literati who had special skills saved their lives and were sent back to Samarkand. He did not kill any of the captured Indian princes, but forced them to abandon Hinduism and follow him. Faith, and ordered the cook to feed these princes only beef and mutton.

Another example is that after he defeated the Ottoman Emperor "Lightning" Bayezid, according to folk rumors, he imprisoned Bayezid in a wooden cage, pulled Bayezid in front of him as a footstool, and forced Bayezid's queen dances naked in front of his courtiers...

But the accurate information that Xia Xun got was: Timur respected his enemy very much and had always taken good care of him.

He even distributed the territory of the Ottoman Empire conquered by him to the four sons of Bayezid, using a method similar to the "Tweet Order", which weakened the resistance and gained submission. A reckless man who knows how to use force is not a dirty scoundrel, he is a hero with great political wisdom.

However, losing freedom, even being separated from his family members and never seeing each other, is the greatest torture for Xia Xun. He would rather die than die in a foreign land, and always miss his relatives far away in the east.

But at this moment, what else could he do?

At this moment, Xia Xun suddenly heard some slight, strange sounds, and he subconsciously looked towards the place where the sounds came from, but his eyes widened in shock!

The building where Xia Xun lives is a huge dome-style building, magnificent and magnificent. The round dome is surrounded by multi-page arched openings, like skylights. The gaps in the holes are not big, and the voice Xia Xun heard came from there came.

When he just looked up, he saw a huge hand there, as if a monster opened its big hand to lift up the dome. Xia Xun had watched too many monster dramas a few days ago, and at first glance, he was startled. It was only then that I realized that it was just a shadow, a shadow that only became bigger due to the effect of the light.

When Xia Xun wanted to see where the hand came from, the shadow suddenly disappeared.

After a while, Xia Xun saw the shadow reappear. Only then did he realize that an arm, a very slender arm, was inserted into a gap between the multi-page arches. Feel the width of the hole, then bend up and buckle the arch.

Then, Xia Xun saw a small head getting in through the gaps of the multi-page arches.At first it was just a black top of the head, and it gradually grew bigger. It can be seen that it is the back of the head. The multi-leaf arch of the dome is very narrow. Under normal circumstances, a child's head can't get in if the skin is scratched. I really don't know if this person is. How did you get in.

Xia Xun couldn't help thinking of a thaumaturgy in the Jianghu: "Bone Shrinking Technique!"

But does the bone shrinkage function also shrink the head?

Xia Xun was really puzzled by this.

It will be much easier to get in when the person's head is completely in, Xia Xun held his breath, watching the person "slide" in through the gap little by little, grabbed the vault with both hands, and turned around At this time, the man raised his hands high, his feet stepped on the bottom of the arch hole, and bent his body against the dome.

Once Xia Xun saw the appearance of this person, he was shocked again. This person was actually Tang Sai'er!

His people should all be locked up, I really don't know how this little guy escaped.

Tang Saier's small chest heaved and heaved, she looked down panting, and saw Xia Xun looking up at her, Tang Saier had a surprised smile on her face, she didn't dare to speak, but just made a gesture to Xia Xun. One mouth shape, try it out.

The buildings here are tall and big, and the materials are all stones and stone pillars. The surrounding area of ​​the dome is bare, and there is nothing to draw on. The distance is more than four feet high. Xia Xun really helped Tang Saier cold sweat.

He hurriedly jumped out of the bed, walked to the bottom of the dome with his anklets in hand, and made a holding posture to prevent Tang Sai'er from falling off.Tang Sai'er moved her body cautiously, clasping the small stone gap, like a most skilled rock climber, and finally hung in the air, with only a pair of immature arms, clasping the narrow rock gap and moving four times quickly Five times, and then swayed, and flew away suddenly.

Xia Xun saw the thrill, and rushed over with a heart full of heart, [baidu Jinyi Night Walk Post]

Tang Saier took advantage of this swing to fall forward and downward. After falling more than a foot, he approached a round stone pillar. Like a monkey, Tang Saier slammed his hands and feet forward With a hug on the stone pillar, it slid down.

When Tang Sai'er barely landed on the ground, Xia Xun caught her, and said in surprise and joy: "Sai'er, why did you run out, where are the others?"

Tang Sai'er turned around and hugged him, sobbing, "Godfather, I finally found you."

Xia Xun stroked her head and said, "Good boy, don't cry, tell me quickly, how are you doing now?"

Tang Sai'er wiped away tears and said: "We were locked in the slave room in the backyard, and there were people watching outside. Sister Xilin and the others were all wearing shackles, but the smallest link of the shackles was thicker than my wrists and ankles. , It will slip off when I put it on, and they see me as a child, so they don't lock me again.

We are all fine, but we are very worried about your godfather's safety, only that dumb is so useless, crying all the time, it's annoying.Later, I saw that the house was not too high, and there was an air hole in it, so I asked Uncle Chen Dong and Uncle Ye An to build Luohan, put me on it, and come out to find you! "

Xia Xun breathed out, pulled Tang Sai'er to the side of the bed, sat down, and asked, "During the day, what happened to you and how did you get arrested?"

Tang Sai'er told the story again, and Xia Xun finally understood that Hari Sultan did not deceive himself, but took a different approach. He started from his entourage, and took advantage of the fact that both parties did not know each other's situation to deceive himself. true identity.

Seeing Xia Xun thinking deeply, Tang Sai'er couldn't help asking, "Godfather, what should we do? Will they behead us?"

Xia Xun shook her head: "Decapitation may not be the case, but...it is very likely that we will never return to our hometown, and if we want to live in a foreign land, you will never see your mother again."


When Tang Sai'er heard this, he couldn't help being dizzy: "Godfather, what should we do, can't we escape?"

Xia Xun smiled wryly and said, "Since you can get out, you may not be able to escape. As for us..."

He shook his head silently, looked at Tang Sai'er again, and said sadly: "But you little girl, the caravan has already left, how can you survive after you escape?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Xun suddenly said pleasantly: "Ah! By the way, Sai Hazhi is still outside. We haven't left, so he will definitely not leave. Sai'er, you should escape quickly, find Sai Hazhi, and call him Take you back to the Central Plains! I believe that only you, a child, will escape, and they will not look for you vigorously!"

Tang Sai'er said firmly: "No! If the godfather doesn't leave, Sai'er won't leave either!"

Xia Xun said: "Sai'er is obedient. If you stay here, it won't help anything. If you can leave one by one, I will tell you where Sai Hazhi is hiding. You..."

Tang Sai'er covered her ears and said, "If you don't listen, don't listen, if your godfather doesn't leave, Sai'er won't leave!"

Xia Xun smiled bitterly: "It's not that godfather won't leave, but he can't! Right now, unless Harry changes his mind, even if we can escape from this hotel, we won't be able to..."

When he said this, he stopped abruptly, as if he had thought of something.He stared fixedly at the light on the table, his eyes gradually glowed with strange light, after thinking for a moment, Xia Xun's expression suddenly changed, and he asked Tang Sai'er eagerly: "Sai'er, the ones I bought for you last time stuff, is there anything else?"

p: Recommendation: ISBN 2305770 Title: "The Personal Butler of a Beauty"

He is a hereditary butler expelled from a wealthy family, and he is a gourmet owner worth hundreds of millions;

He is a street wanderer with nothing to do, he is a personal butler taken in by beautiful women;

Bearing a blood feud, he walked around in a low-key manner, step by step;

Let's see how he starts his gorgeous counterattacks again and again in the picturesque world!

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