Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 837 Casting a Net

The visitor was dressed in dark blue nocturnal clothes, with a hero's knot on his head. This attire itself does not distinguish between men and women, but that pretty face is so beautiful and refined, bright and glamorous, as pretty as a spring peach, like a chrysanthemum in nine autumns, Xia Xun Why can't you recognize that Peng Ziqi has arrived?

"Zi Qi!"

Xia Xun sat up overjoyed, and withdrew her finger that was like a sword under her throat.Although he was still naked, of course he didn't care about it. The two of them even gave birth to a daughter, so they can be regarded as an old married couple. What's there to be embarrassed about? Xia Xun sat up and said in surprise, "Zi Qi, You are here!"

Seeing her thin chin, Xia Xun said distressedly, "Are you okay?"

"it is good……"

Ziqi only said one word, tears blurred her eyes, she choked up and said, "It's not good at all!"

Two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks, and Peng Ziqi sobbed, "Without you, the Yang family's sky will collapse..."

"Zi Qi..." Xia Xun called out emotionally, and her eyes couldn't help but shed a layer of tears.

He stretched out his hand to hug Ziqi, and when he sat up on his knees, Peng Ziqi could see his body clearly.When Peng Ziqi didn't see Yang Xu, he just wanted to take a look at him and couldn't care about anything else. Now that he really saw him, he had lost his chest for more than half a year, and when he saw that the quilt was pulled up tightly, only a pair of eyes were left in his eyes. Su Ying and Xie Xie outside felt a little embarrassed.

She spat lightly, twisted her waist and broke free from Xia Xun's big hand, and said in a low voice, "Look at you, you look so ugly, you are asleep, we will talk tomorrow, I... I will..."

Peng Ziqi turned around to leave, but how could Xia Xun let her go? With a big hand, he picked her up in the air, crossed Xie Xie's body, and put her on the bed. Peng Ziqi was embarrassed and blushed and said, "What are you doing, let go quickly!" I."

Xia Xun said: "You are all sisters of your own family, what's there to be ashamed of?"

Peng Ziqi refused, and shyly said: "I don't want to be with you... It's ridiculous to be with you, let me go!"

"Don't let me go! I have only been missing for half a year, and there are still some rules in the family. Why can't my words as the head of the family not work?"

"Go to your head of the family!"

Embarrassed, Peng Ziqi raised his knee and pressed it against Xia Xun's lower abdomen feigning anger. This time, Xia Xun didn't use much force, but Xia Xun groaned, and immediately covered his lower abdomen, his "painful" face turned pale.

Peng Ziqi was really taken aback when he saw it, he quickly sat up, and said at a loss: "Sir, you...how are you, I didn't mean to, did you hurt you..."

The pretending Xia Xun laughed, opened his arms, and threw her down on the couch.

Peng Ziqi was angry and impatient, and reached out to beat his chest: "You villain, you are lying!"

Su Ying and Xie Xie glanced at each other, and immediately made up their minds: If you want to see her tomorrow without being shy, you have to drag her into the water!

The two, one on the left and the other on the right, grabbed Peng Ziqi's wrist at the same time, and pushed her onto the couch!

Xia Xun is like an evil young man who robs civilian girls. He laughed, stretched out his hand, and tore off his short jacket, revealing a smooth, round waist in front of his eyes. The muscles are firm and powerful, the skin is white and smooth, it is really unattractive...

Xia Xun rushed forward, hugged her tightly, and whispered in her ear, "Zi Qi, I have missed you too for the past six months!"

With just this one sentence, Ziqi's struggle stopped, and she fell silent for a moment, then suddenly kissed Xia Xun with tears, as long as he came back, and he came back alive, she would be satisfied...

After a long time~~~ After a long time, a man's voice narrowly said amidst a burst of groans: "With this Optimus Pillar here, will the sky of our family not be able to collapse?"

A charming female voice replied in a breathless voice: "Bad guy! Bad guy! I'll bite you to death!"

The man's voice asked with a smile: "Do you use the upper side to bite or the lower side to bite?"

As he spoke, he shook violently, in exchange for a soft cry of "ah".

Wei Wei swayed slightly, and when the light shone through, a man and a woman in the tent seemed to be sitting, but even though they were sitting, their bodies were tightly glued to each other. It's an old tree with roots...


Fuguo Gong Yang Xu and Xining Hou Songsheng left Suzhou, put on a ceremonial ceremony, and went straight to Gansu Town.The tense atmosphere in Suzhou immediately eased a lot. The business travelers who came in and out obviously felt that the interrogation was more relaxed than the previous few days, but this is relatively speaking. Serious interrogation still brings a lot of inconvenience to the travelers.Wan Songling, Gongsun Dafeng, and Ye Qianqian did not move, they were still hiding in the dark cave, enduring the deathly silence, and waiting patiently.

Three days later, all the rich and powerful officials in Suzhou prepared carefully prepared gifts in the name of honoring the mother of the country and presenting Cheng Yi to Her Royal Highness the princess who returned to Beijing to fulfill her filial piety. Wan Songling, Gongsun Dafeng, and Ye Qianqian finally started to act.

They carefully disguised their appearance in advance, and Ye Qianqian sneaked out of the hidden cave at night, found a few loyal and reliable disciples and grandchildren, and asked them to prepare several sets of carts and cages. The central government bought some leather goods and local products, tied red silk as gifts, and waited until the day when the gift-giving team officially set off, they quietly left the temple in the middle of the night, changed their luggage, and made preparations.

In front of Suzhou Weimen, the limousines prepared by the gentry from all walks of life have been assembled one after another, and the family members who gave the gifts are all dressed up, because they are going to meet the princess, in order to curry favor with the princess, to be received by the princess, and to report their names In ancient times, the big gentry and officials who gave gifts mostly sent female envoys in addition to male stewards.In a big family, the family has a big business, and the outside managers are generally men, but there are many servants in the house, and there are also managers and foremen. These are some women who can speak well and do things well.

"Alright, let's set off now. I will send Li Baihu to lead a team to escort you to Gansu Town."

The adults from every family came to see him off. It was not until the last moment that the commander of the Suzhou Guard ordered Yun Ting to be late. He came out of the mansion, gave a few simple instructions to his family's steward and others, and then gave the order .The motorcade immediately set off on the road, while Ling Yunting swung his sleeves and went back to the Yamen to handle official business.

When the gentry and officials saw that Lord Ling had left, they also dispersed, but many of them were familiar with each other. Since they met here early in the morning, they had to exchange a few words, and some of them just happened to If there is nothing to do, they will call friends and friends, or make an appointment to have a banquet at home, or arrange a place to go for a tour. This way, the time for them to disperse will be slower.

At this moment, someone hurried out of an alley with two ceremonial cars tied with red silk, and the people in the cars shouted loudly: "Wait, please wait!"

The man driving the carriage rushed to the front of the mansion panting, reined in the horse, bowed to several officials who were about to leave in a friendly manner, and said: "Masters, there is something wrong with the wheel of my ceremonial car, and it has just been repaired. It's late, may I ask, sir, has the limousine team left?"

At this time, the long line of limousine cars had already set off, and the last few cars in the line of limousine cars were only a few hundred steps away from the gate of the Yamen. When they shouted "Wait a minute", they also heard it. Everyone can't help but look back.

When these people bowed and bowed to the officials, they naturally didn't have to shout loudly. The people in the limousine line couldn't hear them. They saw an official answering a few words with the hurriedly approaching carriage, and then turned to them. Pointing away, the two cars came in a hurry, and one of the stewards couldn't help laughing: "I don't know whose family's limousine this is, it's only here at such an hour."

The steward of the other family snorted disdainfully: "Such a person can't even eat shit like hot shit, and I'm afraid he's not a big family, and there are no rules."

Another steward from someone else's family who was friendly with him laughed and said: "It's hard to say, Lao Chen, don't talk nonsense, look at it, it might be the limousine of that official's family, don't know what to say Damn, make unnecessary trouble!"

While the few people were talking, the limousine had already caught up, wiped off the sweat on the handlebars, and smiled wryly at them: "I got up early and planned to go on the road, but something went wrong with the wheel, and I almost missed it. Let everyone laugh."

One of the managers laughed and said, "It's nothing, it's rare for us people to travel far away. We made a mistake in our busy schedule. Which family are you from?"

The handlebar smiled and said: "Isn't that right, I hurriedly repaired the car, hurriedly and slowly, and finally caught up. Our steward took a few people with us, because the master made some confessions, and we were still behind. Oh, why are you still here?" Didn't catch up!" He turned his head to look around, and naturally ignored the second half of the steward's question.

Upstairs in the east gate, Xie Xie was dressed in men's clothing, like a handsome young man, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and asked in a deep voice: "The convoy has already set off?"

Chen Dongdao, whom Xia Xun temporarily put in front of her to listen to, said: "Yes, they have already left the Suzhou Wei Yamen and are rushing towards the East City Gate. There are dozens of carts and hundreds of people from many wealthy gentry and rich families. For officials and eunuchs, if someone bribes the manager of a family with a lot of money in the name of facilitating business, evading taxes, or carrying prohibited goods, it is indeed the best way to hide it. However, if someone is greedy Cheap promised to help them, we will definitely help conceal it when we investigate."

Thank you: "I'm not worried about this, as long as they mix in the team, I will definitely find out!"

Su Ying, also dressed in men's clothing, walked into the tower and said, "I'm afraid, they won't take advantage of this opportunity."

Thank you and said: "If you want to escape from Suzhou City, there is of course more than one way, and this opportunity is not the only one that can be used, but there is no more clever and safer way than taking advantage of this opportunity. If it were me, I would never I will let this opportunity go! How could that liar who once pretended to be an adult from a thousand households and came up with a plan to steal the beam and cross the sea, not take advantage of it?"

Just as he was talking, Ye An hurried over to report: "Ma'am, there is news from the front that there are two late-arriving limousines that have just joined the team."


Xie Xie Teng stood up suddenly, with a gleam in Huixia's eyes: "What's going on?"

Ye An hurriedly told the situation he had learned from the official who was asked the way, thanked him for rolling his eyes, and then said with a smile that was not a smile: "This person is really used to doing business without money. , I thought he would try to sneak in by buying the manager, hehe, it seems that the people we are looking for are probably the two cars that arrived late!"

Chen Dong cheered up: "Madam, then shall I control them?"

"No need!"

Xie Yufei thought for a moment, then said slowly: "They are just the most suspicious, I'm not sure yet. Besides, if it's really them..., this person has a thousand skills and a meticulous mind, it's hard to guarantee that he won't send some soldiers and crabs out first They will follow in secret until they are close to the city gate and will not join in until they are sure it is safe. Inform our people not to monitor them any more, so as not to be seen through, we just wait for them to rush to the city gate before closing the net!"

"Obey!" .

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