Ye Qianqian stood on the top floor of the teahouse and watched the convoy slowly approaching, and reported to Wan Songling: "Master, the convoy is coming soon, there is no problem!"

"There is no movement in the direction of the city gate. My apprentice has looked carefully. The number of officers and soldiers guarding the gate has not increased as usual. Well, the speed of checking the passing merchants is also similar to yesterday." Gongsun Dafeng, who was carefully observing the movement at the gate of the city, also expressed Wan Songling reported: "Master, let's go down and prepare to join the convoy!"

The teahouse has two floors, and there is a small attic on the top. The three masters and apprentices are now huddled in this small attic. The teahouse is facing the street, so they can see the left and right scenes.

Sitting there, Wan Songling didn't seem to hear what the two apprentices said, his expression was full of struggles.

He was thinking about the girl named Bilan, the female slave that Tuoba Mingde gave him.

He didn't know there was such a thing as a woman serving as a soldier. Although he now knew that Tuoba Mingde was a spy, he didn't doubt Bilan's identity.

In order to win him over, Tuoba Mingde gave Bilan to him. Of course, Tuoba Mingde didn't have any good intentions, but it wasn't just to win him over.He hoped to win Shao Qianhu over by means of sex and wealth, and when he wanted to steal Tuotuobuhua out, Shao Qianhu would open the door for him. If Shao Qianhu accidentally discovered Tuotuobuhua After discovering his real purpose, the pillow he gave to Shao Wangxin can play a role. She will hold Shao Qianhu hostage and directly rob him.

Wan Songling struggled for a long time, but finally made an exception.But he is not the real Shao Qianhu, and of course it is impossible to bring Bilan with him, so he placed Bilan in the city on the pretext that women are not allowed in the barracks. The backup plan went bankrupt.

As he grew older, Wan Songling also began to settle down. He originally planned to take Bi Lan away after finishing this vote. This girl is young and handsome, and it would be nice to ask her to be his wife.However, the development of the situation was beyond his expectation. The Suzhou government's investigation suddenly became several times more difficult, so this time he escaped, he didn't want to bring another burden. However, Wan Songling already had some love for Bilan If he loses his feelings and doesn't take her away, how can he arrange her?

Some of his most trusted apprentices died, and those who survived were brought with him this time. If she was left here, who would take care of her?Not to mention whether others are willing to take care of him, even if they are willing...he is not at ease.Such a handsome and charming woman, if you entrust someone to take care of her casually, it's hard to guarantee that she won't get a big green hat for her to wear.

However, it is really difficult to bring a woman along. Although there are many female envoys in the convoy, she does not speak Chinese fluently, so it is too much effort to pretend to be a female envoy.

With her or without her?

Wan Songling was vacillating in his heart, and it was difficult to make a decision in the end.

Seeing that the convoy was about to approach the teahouse, Ye Qianqian withdrew from the window and excitedly said to Wan Songling: "Master, the convoy is here, let's go!"

Wan Songling slapped his leg, stood up gritted his teeth, and said, "Wait for me, I'll go and bring Bilan with me."

Gongsun Dafeng said with embarrassment: "Ah? Master, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to bring her now..."

Wan Songling glared at him and said, "What's inappropriate? From now on, she will be your mistress, can you leave her here as a woman?"

Ye Qianqian hesitated and said, "But she is..."

Wan Songling said: "It doesn't matter who she is, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, she has become my woman, who else can follow if she doesn't follow me? Tuoba Mingde can give her to me, It means that she is just a female slave at Tuoba Mingde, even if she is not a female slave, she is still a lowly servant girl. Now that Tuoba Mingde is dead, she has become my woman long ago. She won't come with me? Wait!"

As soon as Wan Songling turned around, he went down the stairs. Ye Qianqian and Gongsun Dafeng looked at each other and followed helplessly.

"Ah, my lord!"

When Bilan saw Wan Songling, he immediately greeted him with a gentle and beautiful smile.

These days, she has been hidden in the small courtyard behind the teahouse. For the first few days, Wan Songling would come over every night to spend the night with her. Later, she said that she was going to take Tuoba Mingde to the Angor Tribe to trade, From then on, she didn't come here anymore, only the guy in the teahouse brought her some food and tea every day, and Bilan was bored in this small courtyard all day long, very boring.

Later, I don't know what happened. The people from the government, the head of Jia and the head of the village, and the servants of the country took turns to search everywhere. They also found this teahouse several times. They found that a woman was renting here. It was never difficult for her.

Curious, Bilan asked people, but no one said anything to her. The manager of the teahouse just told her to stay in the small courtyard safely and not to go anywhere.Bilan, who was born so well, turned deaf and dumb, sitting in a small courtyard, totally unaware of what was going on outside.Therefore, when he saw Wan Songling today, Bilan was very happy, and hurried forward to meet him, saying in awkward Chinese: "My lord, you haven't been here for several days, what happened?"

Wan Songling said in a hurry: "Bilan, hurry up, change into the clothes you're going out, pack some things, let's go!"

Bilan asked in surprise, "My lord, where are you going?"

Wan Songling paused and said: "Hi! Don't be an adult, to tell you the truth, I am not a town of thousands of households, and my surname is not Shao!"

Bilan changed color and said, "What? This... this...then who are you?"

Wan Songling said urgently: "I don't have time to go into details. Let me tell you, Tuoba Mingde is dead, and all his subordinates have been arrested by the government. He is not a businessman at all, right?"

Bilan said in surprise, ""

Wan Songling said: "Me? Hey! The world is mysterious and yellow, the laws and regulations are nine chapters, all kinds of things, and the benefits are in the center. I am a master of Fengzimen on the rivers and lakes! Don't understand? I am a person who makes a living by deception, understand? Then Zhenyiqian The identity of the householder was faked by me, I just wanted to cheat some money, who would have thought... Bilan, Tuoba Mingde's identity was exposed, he is dead, and all his people have been arrested, if the government knows you It is also the person he brought, and there is no good fruit for you. You are already mine, come with me, leave this Suzhou city, I will marry you as my wife, and we will live in peace in the future, I will not be ashamed to treat you yours."

Bilan was stunned, and muttered to himself: "Liar? Fake? Master Tuoba... is dead? Are they all arrested?"

Wan Songling said: "That's right! Hurry up, go back to the house and change your clothes, simply pack up your luggage, if you want to survive, you have to follow me, you know? In a while, you..., hey, go into the house and change clothes, You change your clothes, let me tell you..."

Wan Songling couldn't wait to push Bilan into the house, but he didn't see the angry and fierce light flashing in Bilan's eyes when he turned around.

"Bilan, change your clothes quickly. After a while, I will take you into a convoy, and we can leave Suzhou in a big way. When you are in the convoy, don't talk nonsense. No matter what others ask you, just point your throat. Pretending to be suffering from a sore throat, I will deal with everything... ah!"

Wan Songling hadn't finished speaking when Bilan, who was walking to the edge of the kang and pretending to change clothes, suddenly took out a sharp knife from under the kang mat, and stabbed at him with his backhand. Halfway through, the tip of the knife cut through the clothes, from the right chest to the left rib, a long cut was made, and blood flowed out.

Wan Songling dodged hastily, fell down and sat on the ground, and said in a broken voice, "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I'll kill you!"

Bilan gritted his teeth, and his face was distorted. The originally pretty and charming face was now full of murderous aura, extremely terrifying: "Bastard! Liar, you turned out to be a liar. I will kill you bastard!"

Wan Songling fell down on the ground, sitting on the edge of the kang hole, when he saw Bilan pounced towards him with a knife, like a female leopard, in shock, he reached out and grabbed a large handful of kang ash and flung them towards his face.


Bilan subconsciously evaded, the sharp knife missed its aim and pierced Wan Songling's shoulder. Caught off guard, her eyes were also dazzled by Kang ash, she blinked and burst into tears, unable to see for a while, Wan Songling Taking advantage of this opportunity, he rolled and crawled away. [baidu Jinyi night travel stickers]

At this time, seeing that the convoy was approaching, and not far ahead was the city gate, if they did not show up in time, they would have no chance to sneak into the convoy. Gongsun Dafeng and Ye Qianqian couldn't wait to barge in. Once they entered the house, the two of them were taken aback. The master and the prospective teacher's wife actually fought like life and death enemies, what's wrong?

"Master, this...what's going on?"

Bilan barely opened his eyes, saw where Wan Songling was, and rushed towards him viciously. At this time, Bilan was covered in ashes, his eyes seemed to be closed, and two streams of tears rushed down his face. Gray mark, like a soul-hunting ghost.Gongsun Dafeng was terrified, because he didn't know what happened, he didn't dare to hurt her, he just pushed her hard, pushed her down on the kang, and hurriedly helped Wan Songling up.

Wan Songling was in a panic, and roared with extreme anger: "Kill her! Kill this stinky bitch!"

Bilan roared like a crazy cat, and jumped down from the kang. Gongsun Dafeng and Ye Qianqian, taking advantage of her inconvenient eyesight, rushed up and grabbed her arm, and asked Wan Songling blankly, "Master, what's the matter?" what happened?"

With a grumpy expression, Bilan cursed viciously: "You despicable and shameless beast, I will kill you, I will kill you..."

Wan Songling pulled out the short knife stuck in her shoulder, and stabbed viciously into her heart, Bi Lanyou's eyes widened, er, er, how long before she died.

Gongsun Dafeng and Ye Qianqian let go of their hands in a daze, and Bilan leaned softly on the edge of the kang.

Wan Songling pressed the wound on her shoulder, spat hard on her head, and cursed: "Damn it! It's a hundred days of kindness for a couple of one night, this foreign girl wants to murder her husband, it's like a snake and a scorpion!" It’s poisonous! This is the first time I’ve thought about starting a family, but I’ve met such a lunatic! Grandma, it’s better to marry a wife from our Han family!”

"Ouch! Broken!"

Ye Qianqian patted his thigh and said anxiously: "The convoy has already passed the front door of the teahouse. This... the master is covered in blood and has a wound on his shoulder. It's too late, what should we do?"

On the city tower, Xie Yufei fiddled with the tea leaves with a tea cover, and looked down the city coldly.The limousine car in front had already entered the city gate, and the tail of the limousine car line was only in front of the eyes. It was impossible for anyone to make a temporary line. Xie Yufei knocked the tea cover heavily, and said in a deep voice, "Take someone!"

p: A new month has begun, and I sincerely ask you for a guaranteed monthly pass (to be continued.

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