Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 839 Fate

Wan Songling and his party were in a hurry like a bereaved dog, fleeing in a panic.

On that day, because Wan Songling was temporarily moved by pity and tenderness, he wanted to take Bilan away with him, but he was stabbed by Bilan who knew the truth. When they drove out, the convoy had already reached the gate of the city.

His apprentices in the convoy were also amazed: "Didn't the master say that he would pretend to be a steward and catch up halfway? We have already reached the gate of the city, why don't you show up?" Although they were anxious, they did not dare to express themselves at this juncture. I had no choice but to follow the example of others and wait there patiently.

This limousine team is basically composed of the cars of officials and eunuchs. The privileges of officials are more serious in ancient times than in modern times. If they are not arresting important criminals, this convoy does not need to wait at the gate of the city. It's been a smooth journey.

Although people are being arrested now, the only one who really knows Xie Yufei's plan is Commander Ling and Li Baihu who is traveling with the army. Other officials and gentry, including the guards at the top of the city, don't know about it. Who will investigate this convoy carefully? What about personnel and cages?The officers and soldiers who defended the city responded falsely, just looked at them casually and waved them away.At this moment, Li Baihu saw the signal from the top of the city, and immediately ordered his troops to trap the convoy!

Wan Songling poked his head in the alley and saw that the convoy had already left the city for most of the time. Wan Songling had a little luck in his heart: Although running now would inevitably attract attention, but with a little disguise and his current identity, It was expected that he could hide it, he was about to urge his horse to go, when suddenly he saw the officers and soldiers who were supposed to guard the convoy unsheathed their swords and unsheathed their arrows, surrounding the entire convoy, he couldn't help being stunned.

Wan Songling's encounter was a success and a mistake, and a failure was a mistake.Because he didn't know the real identity of Tuoba Mingde, he was also deceived by Tuoba Mingde when he was defrauding Tuoba Mingde. Song Ying arrived at the critical moment, but the money was not cheated, and he ended up as a wanted fugitive .This time, because something went wrong temporarily, he didn't catch up with the convoy in time, and instead saved himself.

Although there were a hundred or ten people in the convoy and there were mixed people, how could Xie Yufei hide their whereabouts under Xie Yufei's sharp eyes? The lips were wrong, and I searched the carriage again, and it turned out that some of the belongings in the box were the ones that Tuoba Mingde had given to Wan Songling in order to win over Shao Qianhu.

These people were immediately taken away, interrogated about the whereabouts of Tuotuo Buhua's seal, since the target has been obtained, other people in the convoy can naturally be released from the city, and they will still be escorted to Gansu Town by Li Baihu.The interrogation these days has caused great inconvenience to the urban and rural residents and merchants. Now that the criminal has been caught, Yun Ting is greatly relieved, and immediately ordered the lifting of the city ban.

Seeing such a situation, Wan Songling, who was overjoyed, immediately mixed with the crowd and left the city, leading his two apprentices to escape.

After Xie Yufei's interrogation was over, it was found that only a few small characters had been arrested, and the real culprit had not yet shown up, so it was too late to make amends.A few days later, when Xia Xun got the news, she could only sigh and told Xie Yufei and Su Ying to come quickly to join them.

The world is unpredictable, who can take the lead.Xia Xun had no choice but to instruct Hou Songcheng of Xining to continue to make unannounced visits to track down the whereabouts of Tuotuo Buhua's seal. Naturally, it is strictly confidential to the outside world. He only said that Tuo Tuo Buhua's death and seal were lost. Not a word.

At this time, Zhu Di had already received news that Xia Xun had returned alive, and Zhu Di was very happy.On the way to Mobei, he suddenly heard the news of Xia Xun's disappearance, and felt very sad. For this reason, he specially ordered the prince of the supervisor country to make preparations for Fu Guogong's funeral. Hosted and solemnly paid homage. Now that he has returned in triumph, Xia Xun has come back alive. It is really ecstatic. Zhu Di immediately sent an order to ask Xia Xun to meet each other in Kaifeng, Henan, and return to Jinling together.

Xia Xun didn't dare to be negligent when he got the decree, and he couldn't wait to thank them. He only left a message for them, and then passed Gansu, passed through Shaanxi, and entered Henan Mansion.

Along the way, in order to stay ahead of Emperor Yongle and spend more time with his family, Xia Xun did not notify the officials along the way of his itinerary, lest the officials along the way continue to receive banquets. After passing Hulao Pass and entering Xingyang City, he was relieved to know that the emperor had already arrived in Wen'an, and that there was already time for a meeting on the itinerary.

Hurrying all the way, even though there were chariots and horses to travel, he was still tired after all. Now that he was ahead of the emperor, Xia Xun was not in a hurry when he saw that the sky was over half. For the banquet, stay in the post house, take a bath and change clothes, and eat something simple.

Tang Sai'er had a strong desire to play, and she was just rushing along the way. She was very bored, so she pestered her godfather to take her out to play. Xia Xun couldn't bear her torment, so she changed into casual clothes and wore a long sword with tassels , Dressed up as a scholar of Youjian, led Ziqi and Saier out of the posthouse, and went to the city to relax.

This time, several fates collided together by coincidence...

The first act:

The alleys are lined with low, dilapidated houses and courtyard houses, and the occasional passers-by are also in rags.A Confucian scholar in a green cloth robe tucked his skirt into his belt, and ran wildly in the alley, breathing heavily like a cow panting, followed by a few rogue-like people chasing after him.

The scholar had never gone deep into this slum in his life.At this time, he was in a panic, trying to run away as if he was desperate, until he ran to the end of the alley, and suddenly found that there was no way ahead, it turned out to be a dead end.The scholar was terrified, stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of broken brick, leaning his back against the high wall, like a trapped animal, howled viciously: "Don't come here! Don't come here!"


A few gangsters rushed forward and surrounded him, one of them shot a fierce light with triangular eyes, and said fiercely: "My surname is Wang, I thought you were going to learn from a tortoise, and you would stay in the academy for the rest of your life, damn it!" , How long can you hide? Kill people to pay for their lives, debts to pay back money, when do you plan to pay off the gambling debt you owe?"

The Wang surname Shu grew up with handsome features and a good-looking talent, but at the moment his lips are blue and his face is pale with shock, which is unavoidably ugly.He murmured: "A few... a few big brothers, can you accommodate for a while, money is really tight recently..."

The triangular eyes spat on his face, and cursed: "When did you fucking lose money? How long has this been dragging on? If everyone follows you, let's go drink the northwest wind? Brother ordered, your bet Debt, we don't want it!"


The scholar surnamed Wang looked surprised, threw the brick in a hurry, and bowed to thank: "Thank you, brothers, thank you..."

"Thank you in a moment!" Triangular eyes smiled sinisterly: "We can wipe out the gambling debt, but..., the gambling debt is paid with flesh! Do you understand?"


The scholar surnamed Wang was shocked, quickly covered it, and said palely: "This...how can this be, no matter how you say Wang is also a scholar, this...this is too inappropriate!"

The triangular eyes scolded: "Fart! What a fucking scholar, even more disgusting than I thought, who wants you to sell it?"

The scholar surnamed Wang was relieved, but he said in surprise: "Then you..."

The corner of the mouth with triangular eyes tilted, and he gave a soft "hmm", and several rascals immediately rushed up, punched and kicked, and the scholar surnamed Wang was beaten bloody, and fell to the ground, and then the rascals stepped on him. The pain in the joints of his hands and feet made him scream.

The triangular-eyed man walked forward with his sleeves rolled up, and said sinisterly: "My surname is Wang, this is a lesson for you! I want you to remember it in the future, don't bet so much if you don't have that much skill! "

As he spoke, he raised his foot, yelled suddenly, and stomped hard on the scholar surnamed Wang. He stomped his foot so hard that there was only a "poof", and the scholar said "ow". With one sound, there was an extremely shrill scream, and the four limbs suddenly broke free from the four squishy feet, and the whole body shrank into a shrimp, sucked in a burst of cold air, and suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out.

Triangle-eyed grinned and said, "Let's go!"

Several rogues spit on the face of the stunned scholar surnamed Wang, and walked away.

The people in the slums are still busy with what they should be doing, turning a blind eye to this scene, as if the one lying there is just a stray wolf dog, and no one cares at all...

Act Two:

A few beggars on the street, in ragged clothes, squatted in the corner of the alley, with a broken bowl in front of them, lazily enjoying the last ray of sunshine.

Soon, they had to go back to their shelters such as ruined temples and alleys, and they would come out to beg for food when the sun rose tomorrow.

Yu Jian looked like a pure beggar at the moment, wearing tattered clothes, disheveled hair, dirty locks of hair, and stains on his face.Since he was an outsider and was squeezed out by local beggars, he squatted in the most unnoticed place, and naturally begged for much less food than others.

Yu Jian managed to escape here. Originally, he wanted to escape back and arrange for his family to transfer, but judging from the time, if anyone wanted to deal with his family, he would have dealt with it long ago, and rushing now is just throwing himself into a trap.Moreover, as long as Tuoba Mingde is not caught alive, he is not recruited, and no one catches him, it will be very difficult to deal with his family.

With no proof, Mr. Ji has to protect his family even if he is just showing it to his subordinates, and the court is the maker of the rules, so it cannot convict his family without proof, so he All I think about now is how to escape, how to escape, and what to do in the future.

He planned to flee to Liaodong.I heard that the situation there has changed a lot compared to the previous years. Liaodong needs a lot of manpower, and people who commit crimes or live in poverty often go outside the customs to make a living. There are more opportunities and it is easier to survive there.But from here to Liaodong, it is really difficult to travel only by begging.

Yu Jian sat on the ground, thinking blankly, the other beggars left without calling him, and he didn't notice it. When his stomach growled with hunger, he realized that he was the only one left on the street. Squatting there, Yu Jian picked up the broken bowl sullenly, and moved feebly, trying to find a place to sleep.Just after taking a few steps, he was stopped by a strong man with unusually big bones who looked energetic and sturdy.

The man looked him up and down, and asked: "Look at the end of the day, you can't get enough to eat. I'll give you a job to earn a little money, how about it?"

Yu Jian was stunned for a moment, then stammered, "I...uh..."

The big man smiled and said: "Don't worry, I just ask you to say a few words, it's very simple!"

"Uh...uh... good!"

"follow me!"

As soon as the big man turned around, he went first...

Act Three:

The Lijia Bank Store at the entrance of the Ximenqiaozi Hutong in Xingyang was about to close. An old man with white hair and beard staggered in, holding some scattered silver and asking to exchange it for precious banknotes.

It is troublesome for this old man to trade things. After the guy weighed the silver, he would whine endlessly, repeating that his silver was of good quality, and asked to exchange more precious money than the market price. If you pay back the money on the spot, the guy will naturally fight for it.

The two people were arguing with each other, when suddenly another man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, a man dressed as a businessman, came into the shop, took out an ingot of one tael of silver from his bag, and wanted to exchange it for treasure banknotes. , the man was about to leave, when he turned around and saw the old man suddenly, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh, this... is this old man Song?"

The old man turned around in a daze, and replied, "It's me, you are..."

The merchant said happily, "I'm going to the old man's house. I'm Chang Qian, who went to Kaifeng with your son to do business. Old man, your son is doing business in Kaifeng, and he won't be able to come back for a while. He knows what to eat at home." You are almost exhausted, so I specially asked me to bring you back some money and a letter from home, since we met here, I will give it to the old man."

As the merchant said, he opened the bag, took out a sealed cloth bag and handed it to the old man, and asked the old man to open it in front of him. Sure enough, there was a big silver coin and a letter. After the old man took the things, the merchant bid farewell to him and left. up.

The old man said to the clerk: "The old man is so dizzy that he can't see clearly, please help me read the letter from home."

The guy had been entangled with him for a long time, impatient, but he didn't want to offend the guests, so he reluctantly took the letter and read it again. The contents of the letter were all trivial family matters, and finally said that the old man's son was doing business in Kaifeng, and he couldn't return for a while. At home, he asked Chang Qian to bring back a dozen or so pieces of silver to his father to subsidize the family.

The old man was overjoyed and said: "Although my silver is scattered and broken, its quality is the best. I asked you to exchange a few more coins for me, but you would not give it to me. That's all, since my son has brought back the big silver, I will exchange it for the money." A large ingot of silver, the fineness of this large ingot is not as good as my scattered silver, so I used it first!"

The man impatiently threw back the scattered silver that had already been weighed, and took the big ingot of silver. After only one weighing, he found that the ingot of silver was actually worth 11 taels.

The old man said outside the counter: "The current market price is one tael of silver for one thousand and fifty cash. The old man has already inquired clearly that these twelve taels of silver should be exchanged for ten thousand and fifty cash. You have to pay in full."

That guy's heart jumped up suddenly, twelve big silver?This is clearly 11, two or three dollars. If it wasn't that the old man's son made a mistake in his busy schedule, he made a mistake in weighing the amount, or it was because he returned home with a small amount of money, and he never remembered it so carefully in the letter.If I exchanged it at ten taels of silver, the extra one tael or three money... Hehe, I don't know when his son will come back, and I will come to argue at that time. There is no evidence, why are you afraid of him?

Thinking about it this way, the clerk became greedy, quickly took the silver, and weighed it carefully. It was indeed 11 taels and three coins. Treasure notes.The banknotes were counted and handed over to the old man. The old man staggered away, and Yu Jian, a beggar hired by someone for money, just walked in to beg for food.

Yu Jian was begging for food with his face salivating, but the clerk didn't care about him, he just chased him away, Yu Jian said with a smile: "I've seen that man elsewhere just now, but he is a liar, he only uses fake money to deceive people, you don't want to give it to him." I eat, don't be fooled and lose your job, even you won't be able to eat tomorrow."

The guy was shocked when he heard this, and hurried back behind the counter to inspect it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more inappropriate it became. He saw that the shopkeeper was sitting in the back room to settle the accounts. The silver was cut open, and the guy almost didn't cry when he cut it. It turned out that the big silver ingot was only wrapped with a layer of silver on the outside, and the inside was actually lead.

The clerk hurried out of the counter and asked Yu Jian, "Where did you meet that liar, can you still find him?"

Yu Jian smiled and stretched out a hand to him. The clerk had no choice but to put his hand into his bosom, took out a few pennies and put it in Yu Jian's hand.

Yu Jian rolled his eyes and said, "Where are you sending the beggar? Uh... I am a beggar, but today you have something to ask me, so you want to send me for a few pennies? Less than two pennies, Don't do it!"

The clerk was very anxious, thinking about the loss of more than ten bills, he really couldn't make up for it. If he only had two bills, it would cost him a few months of work, and he could still barely pay it back, so he went to the counter to get two more bills and handed them to Yu. Jian, Yu Jian was overjoyed, and said in his heart: "With this money, plus what that person gave me just now, if you save money, you can go outside the pass!"

The guy said anxiously: "The money is given to you, you have to accompany me to find the liar, or else, you will get it back!"

Yu Jian nodded quickly and said: "So, so, when I was begging for food, I happened to see them cheating in another bank, and then stayed in an inn. I will take you there!"

The clerk immediately locked the counter, closed the door, and closed the door.Because he was a well-known clerk in the store, the shopkeeper didn't care at all, and let him do everything. The clerk finished his work in a hurry, said something to the back room, and dragged Yu Jian away in a hurry.

The fourth act:

In the inn, Wan Songling, who had just dressed up as an old man, and Gongsun Dafeng, who went to hire beggars, were sitting at the same table, eating a few dishes, a pot of dirty wine, and a plate of steamed buns.

Wan Songling said in a low voice: "What happened in Suzhou has not been spread, and Song Sheng's power is only in Xiliang, and they can't arrest us all over the world. Basically, we are safe. Life is hard right now. Wait a little longer, wait for a while, and wait until the wind has subsided completely, the master will take you around to see the world of flowers and flowers in the Central Plains, and wash your hands in the gold basin if you get a big ticket. Sigh, you two, don’t learn from the master. When the time comes, start a family and start a business, and get back to business.”

Gongsun Dafeng said: "Master, you are a teacher for a day and a father for life. Qianqian and I will naturally follow the arrangement of the master. But, since we want to settle down for a while now, why bother to ask that beggar to find the victim? Didn't you just make things worse?"

Wan Songling said: "You, your heart is not as good as Qianqian. I have taught you for so many years, you..., alas! To be honest, you are really not suitable for this job. Think about it, we want to This small place in Xingyang has been a cat for a while, but at the beginning all the money was in the limousine, and the little money on my body was about to be spent again, so I have to earn some expenses?

But the money was cheated, and the guy couldn't find us, so how could he not report to the police?Once we report to the official, we are not familiar with the place here, how can we stand firm, then we have to escape and find another place to settle down.Today I asked the guy to look for us, but he couldn't get the money back if he looked for us.When his shopkeeper finds out, he knows that the lawsuit cannot be won, and he is afraid that his shop's reputation will be ruined, and he will not be able to do business in the future. What should we worry about? "

Gongsun Dafeng only thought about it, but he still couldn't figure out the reason.

At this time, the scholar surnamed Wang who had been beaten up by the hooligans in the alley came walking step by step with his legs spread apart, as if he was standing on horseback. They all looked sideways at him, and many people in the shop also looked curiously when they saw it. Wan Songling and Gongsun Dafeng saw that everyone was strange, so they couldn't help but shut up and looked at that person curiously.

A clerk in the store asked strangely: "Hey, isn't that the instructor Wang of Xingyang College? What's wrong with him?"

Next to this inn is a medical clinic. The scholar surnamed Wang staggered to the entrance of the medical clinic, raised his hand and knocked on the door, and shouted tremblingly with a sheep's voice: "Open the door! Open the door! Gao Langzhong, open the door, help..."

After a while, the door of the medical hall opened, and the little apprentices in the medical hall saw this man, and couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "Oh, Instructor Wang! You... what's the matter with you?" Then he hurriedly helped him in.

Seeing this situation, Wan Songling didn't take it seriously, and continued to eat with Gongsun Dafeng while making plans for the future.

In the medical hall, Instructor Wang was lying on his back on a rattan chair, with his legs resting on two high stools. White beard, brow furrowed.

This Gao Langzhong is very old, tall, with white hair and a childlike face, with a round face full of red light. He is a very famous trauma doctor in Xingyang City. He is very famous for treating bruises. A distant cousin of the imperial physician.

Instructor Wang looked dying, and asked with trembling voice: "Gao Langzhong, my injury... how is it?"

Gao Langzhong sighed lightly and said, "Cut..."


"Ah! It's useless, cut it off, the two balls... are broken..."


"Tsk tsk tsk, this attack is too cruel! Mr. Wang, you...you really shouldn't take this gamble! Now that you look..., hey! If you don't cut it off, the wound will rot, and you will be in danger of your life of."

The little apprentice handed over the medicine box, and Gao Langzhong reached out and took out a bright knife that was curved like a sickle, and said proudly: "Mr. When I was studying medicine, I had dealings with several well-known knife makers in Beijing, and I guarantee that the cuts will be clean and will not hurt my life!"

Instructor Wang burst into tears, and begged reluctantly: "Gao Langzhong, I... I have no... hope? Must... have to cut it?"

"It must be cut!"

Instructor Wang covered his face and wept, and Gao Langzhong sighed: "Mr. Wang, this is not the time to be sad. If this injury is not healed, it will be life-threatening! If you agree, I will do it immediately. After a long time, I am afraid that the old man will be helpless. It's just... this is not an ordinary injury, if you agree, you have to sign and make a pledge to avoid trouble."

Instructor Wang shook his body and nodded in great grief. Gao Langzhong took a pen and paper, wrote down the process, and handed it to Instructor Wang. Instructor Wang took the pen and paper, wept for a long time, then signed a monogram on it, and wrote own name:

"Wang Zhen!"

Gao Langzhong heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately ordered his little apprentice: "Tianyan, immediately prepare tongs, pig gall, charcoal basin, wheat straw, and Mabosan..."

Act [-]:

Xia Xun, Zi Qi, and Tang Sai'er took a few guards around Xingyang City for a while, visited a few street scenes, and it was getting late.

Xia Xun said: "Let's go. Seeing that the city gate is about to be closed, and there will be fewer pedestrians on the street, let's go back to the posthouse for dinner. After dinner, take a good rest. We have to go on the road tomorrow."

Tang Sai'er held his hand and said, "Godfather, let's eat something outside. The food in the posthouse is not fancy, not tasty at all."

Xia Xun said with a smile: "If we talk about flavor, it's naturally among the people. It's impossible to serve that snack at an official banquet. Well, let's eat outside today."

Xia Xun waved to a guard dressed in casual clothes, and said, "Go to the posthouse and tell Xilin and the others not to wait for us, we will go back after eating outside.

The guard took the order to go, Xia Xun pointed forward with the folding fan in his hand, and said, "Come on, this street is brightly lit and very lively, let's find a small shop to eat."

At this moment, Yu Jian led the silver shop clerk and walked towards him from the other side of the long street. Before meeting Xia Xun and the others, he turned into an inn.

"It's you, where are you going! You old liar!"

The man saw Wan Songling at a glance, rushed forward excitedly, grabbed Wan Songling, and shouted: "Liar, return my money!"

"What's going on? What's going on? Why did you beat the customers in my shop?"

The boss and the waiter hurried up to greet him, and all the guests who were sitting around looked here one after another. The silver shop clerk said angrily: "This old liar cheated me of [-] cash with ten taels of silver packs of lead. Money, damn it, pay me back!"

Wan Songling stood up slowly, and said with an angry face: "What nonsense are you talking about! The old man went to your store to exchange the treasure, but the old man exchanged it with the ten taels of silver brought by his son. Is the silver real or fake? You didn't test it on the spot? Now you come to seek the old man's bad luck!"


The store clerk was dumb eating Coptis chinensis, and he couldn't tell what he was suffering from. He had checked the scattered silver that the old man had brought out earlier, so he was less wary. At that time, he was greedy and just wanted to take advantage of others. It's not just ten taels, there's no need to verify the authenticity, what can I say now.

Wan Songling said: "Everyone, everybody, do you think the old man is a cheater with lead and silver?"

The silver shop clerk said: "Why doesn't it look like this? Look! Look! This is the silver you used to deceive people!" He said and threw the big silver ingot that had been cut open on the table with a "dang".

Wan Songling only looked at it for a while, then laughed and said, "You fellow, are you trying to blackmail someone? This is not my silver at all. My son brought a big silver to the old man, and it was exchanged to you at that time. You How do you use counterfeit silver to blackmail people? Store, you come to judge this reason!"

There were a lot of people gathered nearby to watch. At this moment, Xia Xun walked slowly with Peng Ziqi and Tang Sai'er. Seeing the noise in the store, he couldn't help but stop and watch.

In the store, the two sides were at a stalemate. After being reminded by others, the owner of the inn went to get a small scale, and weighed the two pieces of lead and silver, which was enough to be 11 taels, which was not what the old man said in the letter. Twelve.

Wan Songling understood, and said in a loud voice: "How? How? I said that the shop assistant is cheating people! My son will only give the old man a small ingot of big silver, which is exactly ten taels. Look, look, look, Here are the children's letters, and here are the money orders from the silver shop, they are clearly written in ten taels, you bastard, are you blackmailing people with counterfeit money?"


The silver shop clerk burst into tears, but didn't say a word, and the onlookers immediately laughed and cursed.

Tang Sai'er held Xia Xun in one arm and Peng Ziqi in the other, and said, "Godfather, what's so interesting about arguing, let's go eat quickly."

"Wait a minute!"

Xia Xun stared at the back of the beggar, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.There were so many people in the store, and Yu Jian was a spectator standing on the outermost edge. He didn't attract much attention at first, but he was dressed as a beggar, which was quite unusual in this store, so Xia Xun took a second look.Xia Xun didn't pay much attention to the youngest of Jinyiwei's Eight Great King Kongs at first, and he wasn't very familiar with him, but ever since he met him in the desert in Bieshabali, he remembered his appearance and figure very well. Clear.

Seeing Xia Xun's expression changed, Peng Ziqi couldn't help but ask, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Shaking her head, Xia Xun said to Peng Ziqi, "You look after Sai'er!" After saying that, she let go of Tang Sai'er's little hand and walked forward step by step.

Yu Jian could have left a long time ago, but the scene in front of him was clearly a perfect deception, which made him unable to hold back his curiosity. He wanted to see the result. He was watching it interestingly, when suddenly someone shouted from behind: "Yu Jian Strong!"

Yu Jian turned his head subconsciously. He knew something bad before he could see who was behind him just by turning his head. Xia Xun sneered, and clasped his hands into claws towards his shoulder.Yu Jian didn't even think about it, stretched out his hand and dragged a spectator, stuffed it into Xia Xun's arms, jumped over a table, and as soon as he landed, he rolled over, and jumped to the window with two strides, and jumped into a fish. , jumped to the window.

A series of movements, the rabbit ups and downs, the escape kung fu is really invincible.Xia Xun's movements were also fast, and just as Yu Jian stood up, Xia Xun had already jumped to his side, reached out and grabbed his tattered trouser legs, only heard a "chick", the tattered trousers were made of rotten pants. The hemp rope was tied, and it was not strong. Yu Jian's trousers were torn off by this grab, and Yu Jian smashed through the window with his bare hairy legs and escaped.

Because of the fighting in this room, the quarrel in the store stopped, and everyone looked here.Peng Ziqi still doesn't know who this beggar is, but since his father-in-law wants to catch him, of course he has to help, Peng Ziqi immediately shouted to a plainclothes guard: "Protect Sai'er!" Then he dodged out and flew towards Yu Jian like a dust. .

Xia Xun crept out of the sword, unsheathed his long sword, and pointed forward!

At this moment, the door of Gao's Medical Center next door opened, and two young apprentices carried Wang Zhen, who had just undergone a castration operation, out with a door panel. Yu Jian broke through the window and bumped into them. The two young apprentices He fell to the ground with an ouch, and threw Wang Zhen out. When he touched the wound, Wang Zhen screamed in pain, like a whining little piglet.

Yu Jian rolled over, grabbed Wang Zhen's throat, stepped in front of him, and shouted: "Stop!"

Xia Xun didn't want to hurt the innocent, the long sword froze immediately, and at this time Peng Ziqi also rushed to her side. She appeared today in the guise of a gentleman, without a weapon, her hands were empty, but her heels seemed to be standing and hanging, as if she would pounce at any time of.

Only then did Yu Jian see Xia Xun's appearance clearly, his eyes narrowed, and he lost his voice and said, "It's you!"

Xia Xun said slowly: "The Skynet is extensive, sparse but not leaky!"

Looking around, several of Xia Xun's casual guards slowly dispersed, surrounded by Yu Jian faintly.

Yu Jian stood up slowly, still holding Instructor Wang's throat tightly, and asked desperately, "You...how did you find me?"

Xia Xun raised his head, glanced at the sky, and said slowly, "Maybe, it's the unjust souls of those soldiers who died in the [-]-mile vast sea, guiding me in the dark!"

After hearing this, Yu Jian's cheeks twitched violently.He suddenly remembered the crimes he had committed!Once, he only thought that what he did was to kill Xia Xun, and he ignored all those soldiers who died in vain.But he forgot, Xia Xun didn't forget. When he thought of this felony, he thought of all kinds of torture and the punishment his family would receive if he was convicted.

Everyone has something that he transcends life and protects with all his heart. Yu Jian, who is cowardly and greedy for life, suddenly develops the will to die!

"Okay! Okay!" Yu Jian burst out laughing: "Mr. Fu, you have great fortune and destiny. I, Yu Jian, am overestimated. I shouldn't be against you!"

Wan Paopao went to Xingyang after a lot of hard work, but he didn't expect to meet Xia Xun here again. When he first heard the word "Fu Guogong", Wan Songling almost lost his anger on the spot. Gongsun Dafeng winked, ready to continue running.

"Fu Guogong?"

Wang Zhen originally thought it was a vendetta murdered by people in the underworld, but when he heard this name, he immediately held back the pain and screamed like a pig: "Master, help me! I am just a teacher of Xingyang College. I am innocent. I am wronged!"

Two updates are [-], top four updates, friends, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass! (to be continued

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