The highest-grade restaurant in Jinling City is the [-]th floor built by Emperor Hongwu. These [-] restaurants are all resplendent with high foundations and double eaves. Most of the restaurants have inscriptions written by famous calligraphers or celebrities. Plaques, poems.Among the sixteenth floors, the Guest Building and the Chongyi Building are the favorite places for foreign envoys living in the Huitong Hall.

At this moment, three people slowly entered the guest building.They are the three Korean envoys stationed in Jinling. The crown and clothes are completely imitated by Daming. Except for the lack of patch, everything else is exactly the same. In addition, their appearance is also average, and they can speak fluent Chinese. If not for the waiter of this restaurant Those who recognize them may not be able to recognize them as foreigners.

They are regular visitors here, and when they arrive here, Xiaoer naturally welcomes them into the private room they are used to. There are the best singers, dancers, and prostitutes who drink wine, but none of the three of them asked women to accompany them. Shi, just a few light dishes and a jug of fine wine, and sent Xiao Er out, chatting while listening to the singing of Si Le from the next room.

The envoy Li Weiqing said: "A few days ago, I heard that the emperor went on an expedition to Annan, and the Annan people were killed without a fight. There is no one who is invincible. Why did the British Duke just return to the court and rebelled again. Now the emperor must raise troops again. You How do you think this battle will go?"

Deputy envoy Han Yi said: "Annan is just another defeat. With the strength of Ming's force, how can Annan be invincible if he attacks this small country?"

Deputy envoy Li Yongliang twitched his beard and said, "There is no objection to the defeat of Annan. However, in the wild land of Annan, the barbarians occupy the right time, favorable location, and harmonious people. The emperor can defeat them, but cannot make them submit. In my opinion, the Annan people Defeated today, surrendered tomorrow, and rebelled the next day. Over and over again, the emperor’s foot is deep, and the Ming army will be exhausted. In the past, the Sui Dynasty was rich and powerful, but it was not weaker than today. The purpose is to invade and occupy. Even if it ended up like that, let alone Shangyu Naannan is the inner county?"

Li Weiqing and Han Yi laughed gleefully after hearing this.

North Korea is the most respectful to Ming among all the countries. This is because they are the closest to Ming, and Ming is too powerful to be tamed.On the one hand, they admire the civilization of the Central Plains.They imitate everywhere, and are proud of learning Chinese characters and wearing Chinese clothes, but the inferiority complex in their bones, coupled with the fact that the Central Plains Dynasty has always treated them like slaves, made them deeply hostile to Ming Dynasty.

For example, Zhu Di followed the rules of the Yuan Dynasty and asked North Korea for virgins and eunuchs to serve as court ladies and concubines.Although the will only said a few people.But the people who work below naturally dare not just follow the literal meaning.When the Ming envoys arrived in North Korea, they ordered the king of North Korea to ban marriages in the whole country, mobilized the people, and dispatched various inspectors, large and small order guard officials, and township officials to select in two shifts a day.Finally, they were sent to the capital and selected by Ming envoys. The parents of the chosen ones cried like a funeral.

Another example is that Zhu Di ordered North Korea to pay tribute to the young eunuch two years ago.The decree did not say how much, the king of North Korea asked the envoy, and the envoy said, "Three or four hundred!" to complete the task.At the same time, some of the envoys who went to North Korea to proclaim the decree were noble and self-disciplined, but they also took the opportunity to domineering.Those who ask for all kinds of benefits, even a little bit unsatisfactory, flog North Korean officials, really treat them like slaves, these naturally arouse extreme dissatisfaction among many people in North Korea.

This Li Yongliang is an old diplomat.At the time of Taizu, he was the envoy to Daming.When I went to court for the first time.Li Yongliang was trembling, seeing Zhu Yuanzhang who looked like a crouching tiger, he was so horrified that his face turned pale and he trembled.Old Zhu was furious, thinking that his kneeling posture was not correct, and his buttocks were crooked, so he was dragged down and spanked, and he was raised on his stomach in the posthouse for more than two months, almost dying.

Therefore, at this time, seeing Da Ming being entangled with a headache by the small Annan country that lives in a corner, it is extraordinarily gloating.Of course, if there was a Ming person in front of them at this time, they would never dare to reveal such remarks and demeanor, they would definitely be filled with righteous indignation, and behave more loyal and patriotic than Ming people.

The three laughed for a while, Li Weiqing frowned and said: "However, when the Taizu was there, he listed Annan as a country that would not be conquered, and warned the grandson of Jianwen at that time not to 'rely on the rich and strong, but to make military exploits', and to 'not rule the barbarians'. However, today’s emperor is very happy, and he does the opposite. The small kingdoms of the barbarians have a slight disobedience, and they will march their troops. It is really worrying. Today I will sit and watch Annan’s jokes. If our country is slightly rude in the future, the emperor will ask the teacher to punish him, what can I do?"

Han Yi and Li Yongliang both looked sad when they heard this, and they felt a bit sad.

After pondering for a while, Han Yicai said: "I think that this matter should also be reported to the king. To His Majesty, our country should treat it with sincerity, be respectful and irresistible, bow our heads and lower our eyebrows, in order to preserve it. However, we should strengthen the fortress , store food and pay, train soldiers and horses, just in case of accidents!"

Li Yongliang repeatedly said: "It is extremely, it is extremely!"

Li Weiqing stroked his beard and thought for a moment, nodded heavily, and said: "Well, what you two adults said is reasonable. When I go back today, I will write a book and report it back to the king!"


When the three North Korean envoys were discussing anxiously because of Da Ming's power over Annan like a lion fighting a rabbit, the next room was singing and dancing endlessly.

In the large private room next door, there are several adults enjoying the singing and dancing, talking and laughing.

These are the chief assistant of the cabinet, Xie Jin, his son and daughter's relatives, Hu Guang, a cabinet scholar, Huang Zhen, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Zhang Xitong, a member of the Ministry of rites, and one who is said to have to open an umbrella when it rains, otherwise it will rain. Slightly in the head Xue Luxue Dudu.These were all invited by Xia Xun.

Huang Zhen was an official in the capital. After staying in Liaodong for a long time, he went a step further after returning to the capital. He succeeded Wu Youdao, who had become an official due to illness, and became the Imperial Envoy of the Right Capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

And Zhang Xitong's speculation was successful. I think that when Xia Xun pretended to be an envoy from the Shanhou Kingdom and settled in the Huitong Hall of Honghe Temple, this Master Zhang was still a minister of the Secretary Department of Honghe Temple, an official of the ninth rank. The fake sesame mung bean official has been squatting in Liaodong for three years now, and when he returns to Beijing, he will be a member of the Ministry of Rites.

Not long after they returned to Beijing, Xia Xun's affairs in Liaodong can be said to have started with Xia Xun's assistance. Now that they have come back, Xia Xun set up this reception banquet to celebrate their promotion, and secondly, it is also a kind of comfort to the old subordinates. As for Xie Jin and others, they are accompanying guests, they are all friends who get along well, drink and get together together.

Of course, Xia Xun wanted to use this as a cover, and to discuss a way to prevent the King of Han from taking command. Fighting depends on warriors. This kind of intrigue is still handled by the officials. This time they came back from Liaodong. , but this is inconvenient to say clearly.

Although Xia Xun was here to treat guests, his status was high, so it was not appropriate for him to arrive first and wait for the guests, so these guests arrived first. Tea told them to drink first.

Before Xia Xun arrived, Xie Jin had the highest status among all the people present, and as soon as the officials next to him fawned, Xie Jin became crazy.Since the friendship with Xia Xun was extraordinary, seeing that Xia Xun hadn't arrived, he became the master aggressively, and first asked people to sing and dance to entertain and relieve boredom.

The one who came up first was a thirteen-year-old girl with a three-pointed smile, her face was like a little lotus just out of the water, her figure was small and exquisite, and she was as pink and cute as an incense fan pendant.A face that is both happy and angry, with bright eyes and white teeth, is beautiful enough to eat.The little girl was wearing a well-fitting emerald dress, holding an ivory board in her hand, and first sang a little song to the adults, which won a lot of applause.

Xie Jin, who has always been addicted to alcohol, opened his mouth wide and made himself a little drunk. After the little girl finished singing, he said with a smile, "The voice is soft, and the witty words are voiceless. It's really wonderful. Little lady, what's your name?" ?”

The little girl smiled sweetly at him, and said in a low voice: "In the words of the old man, the little girl is called Pearl."

"Oh... oh... Pearl?"

Xie Jin picked up an ivory chopsticks, took a look at the wine cup, and said in a low voice: "A pearl is round and round, and the rare treasure is your first. If you encounter diamonds in the future, they are worthless." money."

This sentence is teasing and contemptuous. Originally, how could a chief minister like him take such an entertaining prankster seriously? The people next to him burst out laughing, Hu Guangxiao Said: "We Xie Dashi's poem is worth a thousand gold, why don't we thank you?"

The little girl is young, and most of the guests who come here are gentle, even if there are such frivolous ones, they just take advantage of their bodies. Tears are rolling in their eyes, but they dare not burst out. After listening to Hu Guang's words, they have to reluctantly Qu Difu saluted, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Elder Master!"

Pearl retreated with shame and humiliation, and returned to the singing and dancing class with tears in her eyes. A tall, slender girl in a peacock dress, who was about to perform singing and dancing, couldn't help laughing and asking : "Hey, who made our pearl unhappy?"

Pearl's tears fell down one by one like pearls, and she told the girl about the matter sobbingly. The girl raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and said angrily: "I can't imagine that the dignified scholar Xie is so frivolous." Rude, if I get the chance, I will definitely humiliate him!" After saying that, he hugged the little girl again, and said softly: "Pearl, please don't cry, what kind of embarrassment is it for me to wait for you? Scenes are unavoidable, others bully us, don't let us bully ourselves!"

Pearl wiped away her tears, and nodded obediently.

At this moment, Xia Xun and Xu Jingchang arrived together, climbing up the stairs.

p: It's the third shift again, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket! ! .

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